#de chipping the clones



Out of all the bad takes I’ve seen, the “clones having chips made no sense and shouldn’t have been added to the story,” is among the worst

Basically, the argument I hear for this one is that the clones should’ve just executed the Jedi because they were following orders.

Why would the show make such a big deal of showing the clones getting to be more independent and learning to not mindlessly follow orders, and then decide to…do the opposite of that? What, they just revert?

The Jedi were their best friends, leaders they looked up to and respected. Why would the Clone Wars show us their relationship, only for the clones to just shoot them down because “sorry, orders”??

Without the chips, the clones would just seem like remorseless assholes who gunned down their best friends for their bosses.

And it’s not like they even knew who Sidious was. Them just accepting the order from some guy they’ve never seen before, on a channel that could very well be hacked makes no sense. It makes way more sense for the clones to have a chip that gets activated when they hear it, it explains the way they didn’t hesitate, and it explains the robotic response.

If some creepy guy gave me a call and said “hey shoot your best friends in the back, ok?” I think I would at least stop and think about it.

“The time has come, execute order 66”

First off, who is this wrinkly old guy and why has he said “the time has come” with an order? This is priority gar codes only. You are not known clone or jedi, or gar officer. I do not know what you are ordering, but you have no authority.

Also now that I think about it… Looks like a sith. Seppies have new sith that infiltrated our comm lines to try and command us something.

^my thought process if I got this weird message

Having chips makes more sense than the clones not doing the above, or learning the SITH LORD wants them to kill their jedi. Or that said sith lord orchestrated the war thus being responsible for jedi and clone deaths.
