#deabak dreams


Anon asked:  Hey lovely and amazing admin bonbori! Can you maybe write something angsty for mafia MonstaX? Something like their s/o trying to save them and getting severely hurt. Thank you ~!

Here you go sweetie!


He made sure that you were protected at all costs, so whenever this incident happened, he was beyond confused. That still didn’t stop him from loosing his guard that he always kept up, especially when it came to what happened next. Both of you had been in the back seat of the car, being driven by his driver back to yours, talking about weekend plans since he would have no work then, but before you could answer, the sound of screeching tires, followed by crushing metal sounded through the street as the two of you had gotten hit by another car, but not just any car. It was a man that had always been on his tail, trying to get intel on him. He first check on you to make sure you were okay, and soon after he was checking on the man in the other car, seeing if he was dead, and if he wasn’t, he was going to make sure of it, as he pulled his g*n from his coat before facing it towards the already bloodied man, and pulling the trigger.

“How dare you..try to hurt me if you will , but you bring (y/n) into this, and you’re asking for a death wish…”



He was the kind of man who wasn’t too keen on anyone touching what was his, and that included you. Especially you. He was in a scuffle with someone from the other ‘team’ for them being on his block, when they tried to grab you right in front of him, but he wasn’t having it. In a swift motion, he grabbed the mans hand before he could yank you towards him, and twisted his arm with putting you behind him. He clicked his tongue over the sound of the anguish groan that came from the man as he gripped his arm much harder while he pushed it into him. His face held a blank expression as he kept bending his arm, further and further until there was a loud snap, and the sound of screaming was replaced with the silence of shock. Kihyun finally let him go, as he fell to the ground in pain; he watched as he squirmed about, and this brought him satisfaction. He wasn’t going to let his act go unpunished.

“Sorry to “break” it to you, but if you try to come near my woman/man again, then I’ll be breaking more than just your other arm.”



You never did see that cold, and violent side of him, until you were flung into the chaos between his gang and the gang that he had been at war with for years. Your sweetheart of a man, was soon turned into a cold-blooded killer as he came across a man who had been trying to get into your apartment. He was angry, being as he asked you to move in with him long before, but of course he would never force you, but this is the thing he worried about the most. Now here he was, sitting in your living room, with you in his lap, as he coldly starred at the intruder, who was sprawled out on the floor while one of his men, kept him down on the floor, using their foot, which pressed into his neck. He asked Hoseok what he wanted to do next, to which he just continued to stare for a moment longer, before motioning a finger, then kissing your cheek lovingly.

“Get him out of my sight and go take care of him outside. I don’t want blood spilling anywhere on my baby’s carpet, alright ?”



He was not one to mess with, and everyone knew it, but that still wouldn’t stop his rivals to try and stick it to him where they knew it would hurt him the most, and that was, you. It was usually easy for him to stay calm but he just couldn’t when you called him, crying that some man had been following you home from work/school, and he was now on the same subway as you. In a snappy fashion, there Hyungwon was, waiting outside the subway station for you, but as soon as you stepped off the almost empty section of the subway, he didn’t go straight for you, instead he briskly walked past you and towards the man who had been following you. He knew him right away as one of the men from the other gang. His violent side overtook him as he slammed him against the wall, using his hand that was against his neck to pin him down. Now that he had him where he wanted him, he was going to have a little “talk” with him.

“You don’t know who you just f*cked with. Don’t forget, I know exactly where your family lives..”



The two of you were video chatting eachother, when you started to cut out here and there. He knew it was probably the connection, but he still felt uneasy. It wasn’t until he saw the man that was lingering nearby that his heart stopped for a moment. He could feel his knees buckle but he stayed strong as he talked calmly to you, not wanting to scare you. You were the most precious and important thing to him and he couldn’t bear to loose you. He worried that this man would take you away. His men knew exactly what was going on as he motioned to them, quietly letting them know where you were and to get him there quickly. Once he did get to your location, he ran out the car before it could even come to a complete stop, run over to where you were and tackle the mysterious man to the floor. It turned out he was trying to pursue you for your number, but that alone was enough to earn a few punches from him. You were his, and he wasn’t about to let some man try to get ahold of you.

“(y/n) is mine! Do you know who I am? I better not see ya’ on these streets again! Or you’re dead! You hear?!”



Of course, he was already short tempered, but when it came to you being in trouble, he just lost it. It was your three years anniversary, when he decided to take you out to one of your favorite restaurants. All he wanted was for you to enjoy yourself and have a night that the two of you could take time away from work and other business and things out side your relationship that didn’t matter; this night was about the two of you. However, it didn’t go as planned because the moment that you two finished ordering, a man who was a rival gang member, came up to the both of you wearing a wicked smile, and hold a dangerous agenda. Jooheon ignored him as he ran his mouth, but the minute that he spoke to you and looked your way, that’s when he had enough. He jumped out his seat, as he grabbed a knife and threatened him with it for even dare looking your way.

“Let’s get one thing straight…YOU DON’T LOOK AT HER/HIM. I’ll f*cking kill you if it’s the last thing I do!”



He hardly shows his emotions; even when it came to you, he hid them well. It’s not that he wanted to, but he had with this kind of business so he always had a poker face, when it came with the cards the he dealt with. Though, when it came to you getting caught up in all this mess, he couldn’t help, but get upset because of you getting hurt due to him. He blamed himself and in the back of his mind, he would regret bringing you into this life that he detested. His mind would be racing as he lunged towards the man that had you underneath him, a fistful of your hair tangled within his fingers. It was a difficult situation as he didn’t want to pull the man from you, while he held your hair. Instead he shot his fist into his face, sending him failing backwards and letting go of you in the process. As soon as he was on the floor, it was as if nothing mattered but the blood he spilled from him as he whacked away at him using his fists. He wouldn’t stop until he made sure that this man was to not touch you ever, ever again.

“You’ll be okay…He will never lay a hand on you, or anyone else.”


-Admin Bonbori
