#kpop angst


Wonwoo AU! Angst

It was a negative hunch you were feeling while being at work. Your daughter was falling sick yesterday but the hospital needed you due to the shortage of manpower.

How ironic. Being a doctor and having a child that is not your patient.

Since she was a newborn, she rarely visited the clinics. Her health was always the best and you were glad that your child is healthy. It was a dream that every parent wishes for their children.

Growing up, your daughter barely had any complaints. She was always strong for someone her age and sometimes you think if you would ever have equal courage if you were in her shoes.

You and Wonwoo separated when she was only three. It was definitely a difficult decision to make but inevitably, that was the only best option for the both of you.

Your husband was a singer and is still active in the industry. Marrying an idol wasn’t easy at all. Irregular schedule and lack of intimate moments, therefore, drifted the couple away.

After the divorce, your former husband had met his daughter a few times but it had been 5 months since he last took the little one out.

When the weekend arrived, your daughter always cried for her daddy and whenever he picked up the call, all he did was give false promises.

She has always missed his daddy but Wonwoo was having a world tour with his band at the moment and usually, it will take them months to finish the performances. It was the only time she wanted something for herself.

Thinking about it just ignited a fury within you.

“Does he even think of his own child?!” you slammed the white desk in anger. Your front hair was suspended before your eyes as your fingers ran through your head messily.

You had a moment of silence. Your head lying immobile on the desk and you felt heat creeping up your eyes.

Then, there was a noise outside your tiny room indicating another doctor is coming inside. A minute later, the doorknob was twisted.

He came in alone after the nurse who walked along with him went off. He casually patted the edge of the swivel chair of yours and spoke.

“I’m beat!” he whined. He slumped on his chair and asked. “You’ve had dinner yet-” he was caught speechless when he turned his head to you. The red around your almond-shaped eyes had him concerned. He took a while to recover and eventually parted his lips again. He asked, “Y/N, are you alright?”

You jolted and woke up from the reverie.

“Yeah, sure,” you replied in a low, cracked voice. You laughed afterwards.

The male doctor wasn’t convinced with the answer as he observed your expression.

He didn’t dare to probe further and realized that there was an incoming call on your phone. “Y/N, your phone,” he pointed at the vibrating cellphone next to you.


“Calm down, okay?” he halted you and gently held your left shoulder. “Go take a breather, I’ll cover for you,” he continued. A grateful, lop-sided smile formed on your lips. You mouthed a ‘thanks’ and walked out.

“Hey mom, how’s Yuna?” you tried your best to sound well to your mother. The background noise was familiar. There were many people there and surely they weren’t at home.

“Mom? Are you there?”

A series of rapid, shaky breathing was heard. Unconsciously, it hastened your heartbeat and you can feel the weakness in your knees.

“Yuna- Yuna had a seizure. The ambulance has taken her to the hospital-”

Without listening more, you whispered. As if your soul left you, your voice sounded lifeless. “Which hospital?”

You were in the right mind to drive by yourself. You flagged a cab and gave him the location.

On the way, your finger scrambled to dial the number you had memorized by heart. The name appeared before you tapped on it.

It was late in the night but he might be in a country with the opposite hour. He could be performing, he could be sleeping, he could be doing anything he loves…

You inhaled deeply as you waited for the tune to stop and a human voice replaces it.

It didn’t take long and his voice resonated over the speaker. You weren’t crying when your daughter was crying in pain last night and instead, you cuddled her and comforted her. “Mummy is here, don’t cry. I’m here for you,”

You didn’t shed a single tear when the worried voice of your mother blared. However, his 'I was about to call you’ broke all of your resolutions and you bawled right there and then.

“Yuna.. she’s brought to the hospital. I’m sorry, I’m sorry.. Yuna,”

He finally spoke after you completed your sentence. “I’m on the way to your house,”

“No, I’m not home. Just, just go to the hospital nearby my mother’s,”

You could tell that he had stepped on the brake as the tires screeched on the road. You jumped forward in panic but was at ease when Wonwoo told you he was making a turn.

“You’re not driving, are you?” he asked softly.

You sniffed two times and answered. “No. I don’t think I can drive in this situation,”

“Okay, that’s a relief,” he sighed. At least you could still make a rational decision. “Y/N,” he called your name once.

Wonwoo seemed rather emotionally composed than you are and it relaxed you.

You hummed to his call and let him speak. Wonwoo breathed in and out before he managed the words for you.

“Wait for me in the lobby and we’ll go to your mother together. Can you do that?” he knew you. You were extremely distracted both mentally and emotionally and thus he wanted you to be as collected as you can before seeing your family.

You closed your eyes and followed after his actions earlier. “I can. I’ll hang up now, drive safely,”


Wonwoo put down his phone after the call and focused on driving.

He was on the interval when he had a bad feeling. Yesterday, he received a call from your house’s landline and luckily he was resting in the hotel room after the concert.

It was his daughter calling. While keeping a steady voice, she said over the phone so sweetly and ever so brightly.

“Daddy, I miss you. Daddy, do you miss Yuna too?”

Wonwoo sat up on the bed and looked to the window sorrowfully. Of course, he missed her dearly. Nothing can beat the feeling but he had another responsibility outside the house.

He smiled and responded to her. “Of course, sweetheart. Daddy misses you so so so so much,” Wonwoo paused. He gulped the big lump in his throat and resumed. “Yuna, daddy loves you a lot but daddy is busy these days so when daddy comes home, we’ll go out to play together with mummy. How’s that sound?”

“OK!” the little girl cheered and coughed after making a huge action. “Yuna-”

“Daddy, mummy is coming to the living room. Yuna cannot talk anymore. Byebye, daddy!”


Tut.. tut.. tut…

“Don’t get sick, sweetheart,” was what he wanted to deliver but it was cut off and he didn’t get to tell his daughter that.

That night, he didn’t sleep soundly as he kept thinking of her. Even though it was common for kids to cough and all, this one time couldn’t get off his mind.

Plus, she didn’t ask him when he’s coming home like usual.

There was something plaguing him and he immediately booked a ticket home. He has two days off before going to another country so he should be fine travelling home for a day.

As long as she’s healthy, he’ll be reassured.

“Y/N,” Wonwoo jogged to your side the soon he saw you sitting on a bench in the lobby.

You stood up and looked at the face you hadn’t caught sight of for a long period of time. “Have you eaten?” Wonwoo asked that the first thing. You nodded and he knew that you’re not as calm as you appear to be.

Nonetheless, it was better than you agitating.

“Let’s go,” you opened your mouth and said the word you’d been anticipating to say.

Wonwoo agreed and you two headed to the emergency department. Before marrying Wonwoo and moving to the capital, you had worked in the hospital for a year and it was natural for you to recognize the direction.

When you had found your mother, you quickly asked which doctor was in-charge of your daughter. “Dr. Kim Mingyu. He is still inside,”

Learning that, you were ready to join him behind the curtain but Wonwoo pulled your wrist and made you face him.

“The doctor is taking care of her,” he calmly said.

Somehow, that cause you to feel angry at him and therefore, you burst.

“What if someone taking care of her? I’m a doctor and I’m her mother, the one who gave birth to her. So it’s fair for me to analyse her condition too!”

Wonwoo turned slightly to see your mother at the side and was unsure how to keep you down. “Mom, go take a rest in the waiting area. We’ll be there later,”

Your mother was understanding. She didn’t want to intervene in the conversation and excused herself.

When he returned to the original position, he was met with a fierce look of yours.

Unsatisfied, you pushed him and had his grasp loosened.

“You can make my mom leave but not me. Just go and accompany her while I watch over my daughter,”

Wonwoo wasn’t done. He pulled you again, harder this time and said.

“Can you trust in someone else for once? He’s a doctor and he will not harm our child,”

Trust. You haven’t heard the word ever since you’re married to him. He used to tell you to believe in his love for you and you did. But that was it.

You let a low, short chuckle. “I understand if you lack empathy but don’t try to plant that in me. I’ve done the trusting before and just what good resulted from that?” you heaved a sigh and suppressed the raging emotions.

“Just go. Even if you stopped me from going in, I’ll find a way to escape,”

Frustrated, Wonwoo rubbed his temple. He glared at you and opened his mouth. He couldn’t guarantee what you are capable of doing. He has seen you in many situations but this time, it is unlikely for him to persuade you.

“Can you still think straight if you see your daughter in a pitiful condition?”

“Even if I can’t think straight in front of her right now, at least I care about her! What about you? Do you even care about Yuna? Do you know that she’s been sick? Do you know just how much pain she’s bearing? Have you ever regarded yourself as her parent?!” you shouted at the end. Your eyes were fixated on his.

Your shouting attracted some people in the hallway and Wonwoo bowed as an apology which dispersed the tension for others.

“Let’s talk outside,” Wonwoo shifted first. Only three steps he took and you sneered behind without moving.

“You care what they perceive. Is your image that important?” you snapped but weakly. You adjusted your bag on your shoulder and said. “Just go back to your band. I can handle this much,”

Wonwoo just stood there silently. She had pulled the trigger but getting mad over you never crossed his mind.

He always told himself that he was to blame for everything. In the beginning, he insisted on having a baby to keep you less lonely at home and you gave in to that.

When the child was born, he has little time at home and the whole year, you raised the child alone. You had to stop working and move out of the town to be closer to his dorm.

You started to work again when the child was two years old. However, you had to pump the milk everywhere since you were still lactating. Working was the only thing that kept you alive during those days but you were getting busier. You rose earlier and set later than the sun.

But where was he? Perhaps, you were right.

Had he ever acted as a parent to the child and a husband to you? He forgot when the last time he saw you smile at him fondly. If the memories count, then it must be from the old days.

He was a coward. He could not give you a genuine home, family love and solicitude. He was all smoke and mirrors, he admitted that.

Now, everything between him and you had long ended.

“I’m sorry,” Wonwoo was first to say after an extended silence. He didn’t dare to look at you in the eyes because all the guilt he was carrying would not resolve with a single sorry.

“I was the one getting mad so I should apologize. I was on edge so please forgive me,” you said monotonously.

'Forgive me’ I don’t know if I’m qualified to get that from you. I’m uncertain if I deserve to say 'I forgive you’

You left right after that. The trail of your clicking heels faded from Wonwoo’s ears.


If you like this story, you might as well check out the others here!

Wonwoo! Will you stay

Jeon Wonwoo! A short series pt one|two|three|four

Lub-dub lub-dub lub-dub! It was so close AHHH! That was a bold move! I can’t believe he didn’t throw me off!!

You’re over the moon for the rest of the day. You have been under the weather for some days, and your parents are worried about it. Seeing you like this, they feel at ease.

You begin to anticipate tomorrow. Will your relationship with Wonwoo turn for the better? This is what makes school exciting!

However, Wonwoo feigns ignorance whenever you try to have a conversation with him. It goes on for another two days, and he still has nothing to say to you.

Not to mention, Somi and Umji also avoid talking about him during the break. They never answer your questions regarding Wonwoo, and it put you into a dispiriting mood again.

In the aftermath, you lose concentration during the computer class. In fact, your head is full of him. Your two best friends give you hints about Wonwoo’s matter, but they’re just superficial.

My mind is a mess.

After the class, you block Wonwoo’s seatmate’s path and begin questioning- more like interrogating.

“Tell me, is there any problem Wonwoo is having these days?”

Kihyun averts from your scrutiny. He refuses to talk.

“Come on, tell me,” you persuade him into confessing. As a seatmate, he must know a tiny bit about Wonwoo. “I won’t tell him that it’s you who said to me. Sounds good?”

“He’s not stupid,”

That’s very true. Hmm…

“I will bear the responsibility. Just spill it,” you convince him. This time, you’re sure you’ll get to the matter.

Kihyun sighs.

“A few third-year students have been picking up fights with him. I think Wonwoo was triggered by something they said. By the way, I remind you of a thing,”

“You shouldn’t be near to him. You know that he’s a scholarship boy, right? There’s an unspoken rule here in Sejong High…”

That’s your wake-up call. No wonder Wonwoo calls you ‘stuck-up rich kid’, and now you realize that you might’ve looked down on him, unintentionally.

He was right. I’m a stuck-up rich kid with no shame.

Although Kihyun tells you all that, you’re still on the surface. What has possibly put him off at that time? You want to know more.

As you walk to the cafeteria, Somi and Umji are busy talking about the former’s boyfriend.

“My boyfriend’s birthday is coming but I don’t know what to give him,” Somi sounds helpless as she snakes her arms around yours and Umji’s.

You don’t put your focus on her, so you don’t reply.

Umji thinks for a while before sharing her idea. “Your boyfriend is rich enough to buy everything so what if you bake him something? That’d be rather special- at least for me,”

They never stop afterwards. It amuses you that the two has yet to have their topics exhausted. They keep going on!

After getting the snack, the three of you is about to return to class but is stopped by the crowd. They run toward the field.

“The new kid is fighting with a senior!”

“Damn, he’s got gut!”

Somi and Umji simultaneously peek at your expression. “Wonwoo? Hey Y/N! Oh my god, don’t tell me-”

“Wait for us, Y/N!”

Half of the first-year students watch the fray. Some are cheering for the guy senior, and you panic.

Your imagination runs wild. As much as you hate seeing a fight erupts, you hope Wonwoo isn’t the one receiving the senior’s blow!

Your small frame slips easily through the throng, and the situation shocks you.

Umji manages to catch you while Somi’s being pulled away by her boyfriend. “We better go now!” she gives you a quick pull but you’re not moving an inch. She frantically observes the situation and heaves a sigh at the sight of the security.

“WHAT ALL OF YOU DOING HERE?” The security runs faster to the crowd and breaks off the fight. Wonwoo huffs and puffs; showing his dissatisfaction toward the guy he had punched.

The senior has a gang; they help him up. Wonwoo is the one left unattended since he’s alone. You watch him from the side and is on the horns of a dilemma.

You know it’s no good if you go help Wonwoo now with all the attention directed to him.

Out of the blue, one of the seniors speaks up. “Apologize to Juwon and we’ll act nothing happened just now,” It’s obvious he’s intended to embarrass Wonwoo in front of many students.

He smirks when his words hit the target. Mutterings are loud in the air as the audiences express their opinions.

“Wonwoo, don’t apologize!” you yell. Your voice was loud enough for the circle to pay heed to you. You cower as a response and Umji slaps your arm.

The senior snickers and voices out again.“Boy, you better give in to him. His father is a person you couldn’t afford to offend,”

Juwon slouches against his friend and finally says something at his friends. “If he doesn’t want to admit defeat, we can take this matter to the teachers. Let’s see if this parasite can win against me,” he sneers.

The involved parties are eventually called to the office. You insist to accompany Wonwoo and he has nothing to say about it.

“I’m on your side, Wonwoo! Don’t be scared of them. If anything happens, I’ll protect you!” your fingers clench and you look up to Wonwoo who’s quiet since the row had ended. Little did you know, he takes a quick glance right after you turn your head.

'Just what this meek creature can do…’


The time in the office feels tedious. Wonwoo hates the rich kids that are only good at blabbering and settle everything with their parent’s standings.

“I won’t call my parents just for this trivial matter but I have one condition,”

The teachers think the senior makes a great deal with Wonwoo, and since they don’t want to be visited by the superior parents they push him to seize the offer.

You and Wonwoo leave the place as soon as they agreed with the deal. Wonwoo remains silent.

“They’re so childish! That’s more like punishment,” you huff with your arms crossed. You can’t believe the senior wants Wonwoo to be the ball boy for the basketball club.

“Why do you like to intervene?”

“Huh?” you stutter. This is the first time you get to hear his voice today.

“To be honest, I don’t know,’ you shrug. Your body and mind seem to be unallied when it comes to him. Even the latter warns you to not get entangled with other’s business, the former just ignores and go with it.

"By the way, don’t you think the senior is more stuck-up than me?” You ask excitedly as you lean to him and wait for his response. You want to change the impression he has about you.

Wonwoo takes in the view in front of him as he faces your question. Surprisingly, he feels less irritated by it.

He slows down his walking pace as he takes notice of yours. Wonwoo holds his hands at his back and fakes a thought.

After enjoying the hopefulness in your eyes, he gives the answer. “It seems like it,” he says.

Due to the revelation from Wonwoo himself, you cover your mouth in excitement. Wonwoo watches as you turn tomato from his word and walks ahead.

In a hurry, you ask. “So you’ll naturally sign up with the basketball club?” He raises his shoulder slightly and then nods.

Your heart soars louder and unintentionally, it echoes across the hallway. “Got it! I’m coming too!”

Since then, your life has revolved around Wonwoo. Occasionally, he would ask for personal spaces, and even though his changes are almost negligible, you don’t mind.

Being around him the whole day is fun. You get to know his habits, his favourite food and drink, or basically all about him. Not, you do seem like an ordinary girl chasing after a guy.

Wonwoo, on the other hand, feels like he has a friend. He ghosts you daily, but your presence fills a spot next to him.

The two of you get accepted into the basketball club. Every Tuesday, Wonwoo will stay at school for two hours to be the ball boy. Not that everyone tries to be silent about it, but there’s this girl who keeps waiting for the guy.

She’s pretty, and her hair compliments her exquisite, doll-like features.

She never pays attention to other guys as if her eyes are glued to the ball boy. The green-eyed seniors want to embarrass Wonwoo even more because of that.

“Hey ball boy, the bottles are empty. Refill them!” the senior who took Wonwo’s punches shouts. You quickly get up and help Wonwoo. “Let me help!”

Wonwoo lets you take 2 bottles as he carries the other 6. “Go home after we go back,”

“Why? I want to stay with you,”

Wonwoo has no idea whether you intended to flirt with him or casually announced that, but surely, he is flustered.

He regains composure and gives a response.

“What a dimwit,” the seniors are gawking at you, and you overlook that?

He wishes he could deliver that very sentence, but he may sound jealous. Well, I’m not.

“I’m here to protect you, didn’t I say that before? So, stop pushing me away cuz I won’t leave you.”

You don’t realize that your attendance by Wonwoo’s side just creates another problem for him. His workload increases by tenfold due to the green-eyed seniors.

Once the game is over, Wonwoo fulfils his duty and cleans the court. In the meantime, you listen to songs on the bench.

Wonwoo has done a lot of work and this is one nothing to him. He finishes just when everyone exits the place. He thinks that you might have returned home. You aren’t there when he checks out the place you’ve been sitting at.

Only when he walks out the hall that he accidentally eavesdrops on the conversation between you and the seniors.

He could guess the topic and he looks at the corner. If he steps just a bit forward, they will see him. And he does that.

Shoving his hands into his pockets, he then presents himself.

“Just say no if you don’t want to be his girlfriend. Don’t waste your time,”

Enlightened, you turn the senior down and run to Wonwoo. You complain at how bad his proposal was and Wonwoo chuckles.

“What do you do at the weekend?” as you wait for your chauffeur, you build a conversation with him.

Wonwoo isn’t a person to be so friendly with someone. He thinks for a while as he contemplates to answer the question.

“Study in the library,”

Wonwoo is a smart student, and his answer doesn’t come off as a surprise to you. “I’ve never been to a library before. I meant in this area but which one do you frequent?”

There are only two libraries in the area, and Wonwoo has only been to the small one since it’s closer.

“Ooh, OK then.” swiftly, you take a note of it. Just right after that, you see your family car drifts into the parking lot. “Oh! My car’s here. I have to go now.” you wave at him in a distance and shout. “Don’t stay too long under the sunlight! Bye-bye!” then you disappear into the car.

When you arrive at the library on Saturday, you quickly scan the area for him. Lucky you the place is just up to your energy to find him.

You stride from one isle to another. It’s probably the physics section when you find a familiar back.

“Hey,” you whisper from the back. Wonwoo is so immersed in his reading and you bet he wouldn’t have noticed you if you hadn’t appeared before him after that call.

With a cheeky smile, you say. “Let’s go out,”

He examines the surroundings and realizes that you come alone. “What are you doing here?” his volume is practically below scolding to avoid making a fuss in the quiet place.

“You ask too much! Come on,” You jog to his side and help him pack his stuff.

“I only ask once, and I did not agree to you,”

Not bringing too many necessities, you wind up less than a minute. “Shh… Just come with me, will you?”


If you like this story, you might as well check out the others here!

Wonwoo! Will you stay

Jeon Wonwoo! A short series pt one|two|three|four
After the rejection, Wonwoo finds your persistence cumbersome. Surprisingly, the quarrel results in you getting new friends.

Our current parents are not the ones who really had you. In actuality, you were adopted to a loving couple that has had no child for 7 years. Your biological parents were too poor to raise another child, and they chose to put you into adoption when you were only 5 months.

When the couples saw you in the centre, they immediately fell in love with you and agreed to take you as their child. You had your name registered under your father’s last name and basically became the daughter of their family.

It was illegal at that time, but your parents were desperate to have a child.

It didn’t shock you the first time you were disclosed to this information. You don’t look like your mother or father, and the brats at school keep suggesting that you’re adopted. Your parents then decided to tell you despite your young age.

“You are our daughter. No matter what others say, we love you with our full hearts. Don’t forget that, darling,” was what your mother told you 12 years ago.

You know they are the best family you could ever have, and they always do. Occasionally, you would thank them. Your mother was never fond of you thanking them, and your dad doesn’t have the heart to scold you for the same reason.

He hates it too, but you want them to know that you’re very grateful to them.

Your father turns to look at you and stroke your head tenderly. “Where can I find the best daughter like this in this world?”

“You can’t anymore. The world only has one best daughter, and that’s me~.”

“You’re super right!” he pinches your nose playfully and has you giggle. “Let’s go home. Mommy said she has something for you,”

The next day, you walk to your seat and sit quietly. You feel quite tired from the lacking of sleep. Your friend from America called you last night, and it continued until 3 in the morning. You were too guilty to tell her that you have school in the morning and have to sleep.

In the end, you only got 3 hours of sleep before getting ready for school.

You rest your head on the table and shut your eyes. The students are not making any noises, and you quickly fall asleep.

Wonwoo comes in when you already wake up. He is pretty late as compared to others.

You greet him with a good morning and directly ask. “Your house isn’t that far. Why are you late?”

Wonwoo pulls his chair and sits. He’s quiet on usual, so you don’t know if he’s normal or moody.

“Wonwoo, what do you think they have for lunch?”

“Wonwoo, can you teach me Physics? I’m most terrible at it..”

“Wonwoo, what club are you planning to join? Let me join you, OK?”

“Wonwoo, what did you say?” you ask again. You have lost count of how many times to call his name. Wonwoo… Wonwoo… It just rolls off the tongue.

Wonwoo raises his head and faces you. He opens his thin lips and repeats his words.

“You’re. So. Freaking. Annoying,” he utters word by word as if tearing your heart pieces by pieces. It sends you into speechless mode.

Though he tries to speak through his teeth, some students can still hear him. The girls in front of you are flabbergasted by the vulgar word Wonwoo used.

Never have they ever assumed Wonwoo could be crude to a girl. They study your face, but you’re smiling.

“I thought I made it clear yesterday that I’m not at all interested in you. I find you annoying since the first time we meet. You’re just a stuck-up rich kid that has no shame,” Wonwoo canes his chin with his palm and continues.

“Just look at you. Which part of you is charming? I’ll tell you this. Maybe you can get the white boys to line up within a snap of a finger, but I’m not like them. I hate all the girls most when they’re rich and think they’re superior to others. I don’t have to clarify with you which category you’re in, right?”

When you and the girls think he’s done, you all are wrong.

“I think I should be more clear with you-”

“Enough.” the girl with shorter hair stands up and kicks his table. “You could’ve just rejected her nicely, but you prefer being an asshole, don’t you?” she says. Her eyes are burning with rage as he stares at Wonwoo, and they only calm after her seatmate pulls her arm.

“Yeah, Somi’s right. I’ll talk to the teacher about this, Y/N. We’ll have you swap seats with some boy,” you read her nametag- Umji, and you’re about to say something when Wonwoo interferes.

What he has to say is just him admitting that he agrees with Umji. “Tell everything to the classroom teacher. I can’t be bothered sitting next to someone’s so annoying,”

“Stop it now, will you?” Somi flares again, and Wonwoo resumes his previous business.

Umji and Somi really keep their word and tell the homeroom teacher the morning incident. The arrangement changes, and you sit with a girl in the second row.

Since then, it’s quite difficult to peek at Wonwoo without being noticed.

Every day after school ends, Wonwoo flees before you catch up to him. You want to apologize to him, but the whole week has passed. In the meantime, you make friends with Somi and Umji. The depressing, lonely days become less severe with them.

During the recess, the three of you go to the field and settle on a metal bench. Somi’s boyfriend is a basketball player, so she always watches over him at the basketball court.

“Why are your face so red, Y/N?” Umji cups your cheeks and jiggles them. “Are you sick?”

You shake your head from side to side and breathes out loudly. You’ve been holding to ask them about Wonwoo, and now’s the time!

“I want to ask something, but don’t get mad. How’s Wonwoo’s doing?” you literally rap.

“Slow down, Y/N! I don’t get you-” Umji holds your shoulder and soothes your nervous heart, but Somi is quick-witted. She reiterates to Umji and then glances at you.

“What’s so nice about that a-hole? You still think about him?”

Umji doesn’t deny that, but she’s curious about Wonwoo. “I don’t know. Is it me, or Wonwoo appears to be quieter after you change seat,”

“It’s good, though. I hate it when he opens his filthy mouth. I can’t forget what he said to Y/N!” you keep silent when Somi makes a comment.

“Maybe he cares about me after all?” you say, unabashed.

Somi frowns and leans forward. “Have you lost your mind, Y/N?”

You shake your head rapidly. “To be honest, I don’t feel angry at him for saying that to me. I was wrong in the first place, so he has all the right to snap at me,” you sip the grape juice.

Somi and Umji are in disbelief, and it entertains you.

“I don’t know if this is true love or you’re too naive,”

Umji chooses, “True love, it is,” which sounds extremely unpleasant to Somi. She turns away and fakes a gag. “Blergh! Don’t you dare encourage her, Umji,”

“Let’s go to class,” Somi says after regaining her composure. You’ve been straining the urge to pee since the break started; therefore, you excuse yourself to the toilet, and the two go back to the class without you. On the way, you accidentally bump into your seatmate, Ahin, in the toilet.

She’s with her friends, talking about someone.

As you enter a cubicle, you hear a familiar name being mentioned by a girl.

“Wonwoo…” following after is barely audible, “…bullied,”


Wonwoo packs his things up and is ready to leave. He hangs the strap on his shoulder, crossing his torso and kicks the chair. The others who are aware of his precedented action make way for him.

You see him and quickly follow after. Close.. very close, and you grab by his bag.

“You’re so fast!” you pant.

“Let go,”

“No! Are you getting in or not?” Not responding to you, you pull him by force into the elevator. Good thing; there’s no one else besides you two.

You don’t waste a second as you make a quick X-ray on him.

“No bruise, no cuts? Are you really being bullied?” you are still gripping his hands while asking him.

Not liking the skin contact, Wonwoo twists your limbs, dominates your wrists and rebukes. “I’ll not repeat it. Get your hands off me!”

“I won’t do so until you tell me,” You undo the action and hold his again. “Are you being bullied, or you’re the bully?”

The elevator opens, and Wonwoo escapes. You’re too weak to hold against him, but he was just being kind as to not hurt you.

Since you can’t do that again, you just chase after him a bit before jumping on his back. You adjust his bag and cling tightly to his neck.

“What are you doing? People are watching-”

“You don’t like the attention, right? You might as well answer me!’

Wonwoo stops in his track. It’s dangerous to move since you’re not stable.

He exhales.

"The latter. Satisfied?”

“You’re the bully?” you stretch your head to look at him. You did not expect that answer from him and squeal nonetheless.

“Thank god! I thought you’re being bullied ‘cuz if that’s the case, I don’t know what I’d do,”

What was that?.. Wonwoo wonders how could someone be happy when they’re just met with a bully.

“Aren’t you a fool?” he struggles to stand straight as you shift your weight to the side. “Get down now,”

“Oh,” You climb down and instantly admire him again. “You’re so cool!” with your clapping hands, you quick to remind him. “Don’t let anyone bully you, alright?”

“My dad’s here. Bye, Wonwoo!”

Wonwoo can’t read you. He looks up to the sky and ponders. “Why would I listen to just anyone…”


Sorry for the short chapter. The next ones are much longer, at least to me lol (¯▿¯)

If you like this story, you might as well check out the others here!

Anon Asked:  Heeey beautiful peeps,if it’s not to much trouble how would vampire!Bts react to a banshee s/o? Btw your writing is amazing

Aww thank you angel!~ This is so cool! Here you go !


This boy would be as cocky as can be. He would always brag to his family and friends, that the two of you would have the cutest children if that was in the cards for the both you; claiming that becuae of his suave and swift genes, being paired with your beautiful and graceful ones, you were bound to make beautiful and strong babies. His friend where a little worried. Although he seemed happy, they warned of how it might not be a success relationship, and that your mind was known to be “moody” or so they thought. The words and warning of others didn’t sway him though; He knew exactly how to handle anyone, and knew that if it came down to it, he would be able to do so, with a raise of his eyebrow, and a flash of that smoldering smile of his. If anyone needed the warning, it was you, because he was a ball of s*x appeal and charm.

“To hell with them! You are the love of my life, and I pretty much like it that way.”



At first he was timid. He wasn’t really sure how he should’ve approached you, being as he knew you weren’t a vampire such as himself, but he also didn’t know just exactly what you were. After telling him, he grew wide- eyed, but continued conversing with you, then one thing led to the next. Now, here he was, paired with a creature who wasn’t seen with vampires too often, but he wasn’t complaining. The two of you would earn some odd looks and whispers, but after soemtime he would just pull you into a warm hug in front of everyone,as he grazed your neck playfully with his teeth, but never breaking skin. You two had so much in common, and had so much fun together, that not one comment or word changed the way he felt. He just saw you as someone that he loved, and knew that he would love for a very long time; maybe even forever.

“I really do love you (y/n). I don’t care what anyone else says, or thinks.”



He was never really one to get out, let alone date. Sure, he had friends and family that he visit and who he visited occasionally, but never had he been interested in someone before. It wasn’t until he met you. He had met you at a party his friend Taehyung was hosting. Of course, he knew who you were, at least when it came to face value since he was watching you from across the room almost all night long, but he suddenly grew closed off when he brought you two together. In all honesty, he was just nervous more than anything, but after a few laughs and small conversations, the two of you hit it off. Now here you were, months down the road, happily together. Like Namjooon, he never cared at where the two of you came from, all he cared about was you as a person (half person you could say) and the moments that you two now shared. You made him comfortable and come out of his shell more. You made him feel alive (again)

“I don’t know what it is about you…but its like you drew me in. No one has ever had that effect on me.”



He absolutely loved that you were different than him. Vampires? Yawn. Just kidding! He loved his kind, and his family being the most important thing to him, were just the same! But it was almost like a culture shock when it came to you and your own. He was actually excited to learn more about you and all the traditions and history behind you. He wasn’t that weirded out like most would be when it came to dating another species. No no, this boy was so comfortable around you, it would actually surprise you! He based most of the relationship on your personalities and the way you  connect to each other. However, that came as no problem for him, for he was not your typical dark, and cynical vampy, oh no, he was the playful and optimistic type; which was pretty uncommon in his community. Which is why the two of you worked out so well. He could care less about what people said about him, so he would give the same care for the thoughts towards his relationship with you. Unless, it was directly towards you, then he would show his evil side. 

“ I love you so so soooo much! nothing it going to stop that !” 



He would treat you the same just as he would anyone else, but with more love and affection, being as you were his someone special. Although, with you he came off a quiet clingy, and it wasn’t just because he was a bloodsucker. Oh no. This boy found you ravishing and mysterious, and just like Yoongi, he wanted to know everything about you, but he was outright about it. You were timid, you admit. Vampires of his kind were known to be mischievous liars and cheats, but he was different. At first he was flirty, even with your own friends. You thought he would at least go for your Bestfriend who was a forest fairy, but was surprised by his interest in you. When you did ask him why he had chosen you out of everyone else he just ruffled his hair back and flashed a warm and sincere smile,

“ I was drawn to you, by your beauty and mystery.. even if you don’t think you are, to me, you’ll always be the most beautiful creature I’ve ever laid eyes on.”



He would always be taken aback by you. Not because of what you were, but for the fact that he had never been close to your kind before. He was a nervous wreck around you, and always found himself to be tongue tied. Just like a smitten kitten, he would be cautious, in a sense of doing things that made you happy, rather than annoyed, worried you would fall for a werewolf, or perhaps a merman. He also wouldn’t want you getting upset with him, in fear of you screeching at him, although that was something else that had him interested, for he had never been with someone who held such power.This made him giddy; he loved bringing you along to anything whether it be family gatherings, or just hanging out with friends. He wanted to show you off, and he would just do that. 

“Wow…I’ve never met someone with such grace and strength at the same time! You never cease to amaze me, my love.”



Just like Taehyung, he found you very interesting, even if the two of you were together for some time now. He sadly admit that he was unsure of you and being with you. He was still too easily swayed by others words, but after seeing you and spending time with you, he soon found himself missing you when you weren’t around more and more, and thus he knew he had caught feelings. It was strange to him being as he stayed traditional, dating only in the vampire community, but he just found you so exotic and interesting, how could he stay away? It wasn’t until he was introduced to you, that he was hooked. He just coudn’t take his eyes off of you the minute that he laid them upon you. You would find his starring quite often, but you didn’t mind, it just made you flustered. For one thing, this vampire would be quite clingy, and somewhat possessive. He didn’t want anyone else, but you.

“I’m sorry for starring, you’re just so lovely my dear.”


-Admin Bonbori

Anon asked:  Hey lovely and amazing admin bonbori! Can you maybe write something angsty for mafia MonstaX? Something like their s/o trying to save them and getting severely hurt. Thank you ~!

Here you go sweetie!


He made sure that you were protected at all costs, so whenever this incident happened, he was beyond confused. That still didn’t stop him from loosing his guard that he always kept up, especially when it came to what happened next. Both of you had been in the back seat of the car, being driven by his driver back to yours, talking about weekend plans since he would have no work then, but before you could answer, the sound of screeching tires, followed by crushing metal sounded through the street as the two of you had gotten hit by another car, but not just any car. It was a man that had always been on his tail, trying to get intel on him. He first check on you to make sure you were okay, and soon after he was checking on the man in the other car, seeing if he was dead, and if he wasn’t, he was going to make sure of it, as he pulled his g*n from his coat before facing it towards the already bloodied man, and pulling the trigger.

“How dare you..try to hurt me if you will , but you bring (y/n) into this, and you’re asking for a death wish…”



He was the kind of man who wasn’t too keen on anyone touching what was his, and that included you. Especially you. He was in a scuffle with someone from the other ‘team’ for them being on his block, when they tried to grab you right in front of him, but he wasn’t having it. In a swift motion, he grabbed the mans hand before he could yank you towards him, and twisted his arm with putting you behind him. He clicked his tongue over the sound of the anguish groan that came from the man as he gripped his arm much harder while he pushed it into him. His face held a blank expression as he kept bending his arm, further and further until there was a loud snap, and the sound of screaming was replaced with the silence of shock. Kihyun finally let him go, as he fell to the ground in pain; he watched as he squirmed about, and this brought him satisfaction. He wasn’t going to let his act go unpunished.

“Sorry to “break” it to you, but if you try to come near my woman/man again, then I’ll be breaking more than just your other arm.”



You never did see that cold, and violent side of him, until you were flung into the chaos between his gang and the gang that he had been at war with for years. Your sweetheart of a man, was soon turned into a cold-blooded killer as he came across a man who had been trying to get into your apartment. He was angry, being as he asked you to move in with him long before, but of course he would never force you, but this is the thing he worried about the most. Now here he was, sitting in your living room, with you in his lap, as he coldly starred at the intruder, who was sprawled out on the floor while one of his men, kept him down on the floor, using their foot, which pressed into his neck. He asked Hoseok what he wanted to do next, to which he just continued to stare for a moment longer, before motioning a finger, then kissing your cheek lovingly.

“Get him out of my sight and go take care of him outside. I don’t want blood spilling anywhere on my baby’s carpet, alright ?”



He was not one to mess with, and everyone knew it, but that still wouldn’t stop his rivals to try and stick it to him where they knew it would hurt him the most, and that was, you. It was usually easy for him to stay calm but he just couldn’t when you called him, crying that some man had been following you home from work/school, and he was now on the same subway as you. In a snappy fashion, there Hyungwon was, waiting outside the subway station for you, but as soon as you stepped off the almost empty section of the subway, he didn’t go straight for you, instead he briskly walked past you and towards the man who had been following you. He knew him right away as one of the men from the other gang. His violent side overtook him as he slammed him against the wall, using his hand that was against his neck to pin him down. Now that he had him where he wanted him, he was going to have a little “talk” with him.

“You don’t know who you just f*cked with. Don’t forget, I know exactly where your family lives..”



The two of you were video chatting eachother, when you started to cut out here and there. He knew it was probably the connection, but he still felt uneasy. It wasn’t until he saw the man that was lingering nearby that his heart stopped for a moment. He could feel his knees buckle but he stayed strong as he talked calmly to you, not wanting to scare you. You were the most precious and important thing to him and he couldn’t bear to loose you. He worried that this man would take you away. His men knew exactly what was going on as he motioned to them, quietly letting them know where you were and to get him there quickly. Once he did get to your location, he ran out the car before it could even come to a complete stop, run over to where you were and tackle the mysterious man to the floor. It turned out he was trying to pursue you for your number, but that alone was enough to earn a few punches from him. You were his, and he wasn’t about to let some man try to get ahold of you.

“(y/n) is mine! Do you know who I am? I better not see ya’ on these streets again! Or you’re dead! You hear?!”



Of course, he was already short tempered, but when it came to you being in trouble, he just lost it. It was your three years anniversary, when he decided to take you out to one of your favorite restaurants. All he wanted was for you to enjoy yourself and have a night that the two of you could take time away from work and other business and things out side your relationship that didn’t matter; this night was about the two of you. However, it didn’t go as planned because the moment that you two finished ordering, a man who was a rival gang member, came up to the both of you wearing a wicked smile, and hold a dangerous agenda. Jooheon ignored him as he ran his mouth, but the minute that he spoke to you and looked your way, that’s when he had enough. He jumped out his seat, as he grabbed a knife and threatened him with it for even dare looking your way.

“Let’s get one thing straight…YOU DON’T LOOK AT HER/HIM. I’ll f*cking kill you if it’s the last thing I do!”



He hardly shows his emotions; even when it came to you, he hid them well. It’s not that he wanted to, but he had with this kind of business so he always had a poker face, when it came with the cards the he dealt with. Though, when it came to you getting caught up in all this mess, he couldn’t help, but get upset because of you getting hurt due to him. He blamed himself and in the back of his mind, he would regret bringing you into this life that he detested. His mind would be racing as he lunged towards the man that had you underneath him, a fistful of your hair tangled within his fingers. It was a difficult situation as he didn’t want to pull the man from you, while he held your hair. Instead he shot his fist into his face, sending him failing backwards and letting go of you in the process. As soon as he was on the floor, it was as if nothing mattered but the blood he spilled from him as he whacked away at him using his fists. He wouldn’t stop until he made sure that this man was to not touch you ever, ever again.

“You’ll be okay…He will never lay a hand on you, or anyone else.”


-Admin Bonbori

i@petalskook asked:  Hi bae I can ask for a reaction to bts mafia au when a rival member enters his house (in order to scare his wife but ends up almost ab*sing her) and they arrive and see that scene. I know it’s a sensitive issue, but I want to see blood thanks

Here you go sweetheart!~ Enjoy!

WARNING! This post contains material that might trigger some, so please read at your own risk!


This man would go full on “killer-mode” the minute he saw you on the carpeted floor of the living room, with a man towering over you, and his fist high in the air above your head.  He would waste no time, as he grabbed this man and picked him up so far off the ground, that for a moment, his feet couldn’t touch it as he slammed him against a wall nearby, with hate in his eyes, and rage in his voice as he yelled at the top of his lungs, screaming and asking what he was doing there in his house, let alone what he was doing to you.The man would try fighting him off, but it was no use,Seokjin, was much more powerful than him in that moment. All he could see was red, nothing else mattered in that moment, but the want to kill him. Even if you tried to yell for everything to just stop, he wouldn’t listen, it’s not that he didn’t listen to you, but his mind wasn’t in the right place then and there. He would be beyond gone. Seeing you in pain, broke him like no other. His mind would get the better of him as he pulled the man from the wall, another thought of you being in pain crossed his mind, another slam against the wall the man went. Then another thought crossed his mind, making him slam him against the wall once more. By this time, the man started to stir as he started to slowly loose consciousness, but this still didn’t stop Seokjin from continuing to slam him, again, and again. It wouldn’t stop until, the man blacked out and grew limp.

“I’ll never ever let you or anyone else touch (y/n) ever again!! “



He was a smart man when it came to everything around him. That’s why he was so great when it came to how he did business. That’s why he knew he had to remain that way once he saw this man in his house, with his wife. No. He wasn’t having it. He would go over to the two of you, rip you away from him and put him behind you.as he pulled out his g*n and aimed it at him with a blank expression. He had no remorse for this person right here and now. How could he? He broke into a place that was supposed to be his own personal space, and roughed up his girl, and now he was going to rough him up, but not without asking some questions first. He knew that someone put him up to this, and he wanted to know just who.  The man told him he wouldn’t say a word, because of loyalty, but this made Namjoon raise an eyebrow, and found himself pulling the trigger, but click his tongue as he missed and gently grazed his shoulder.But this still wasn’t enough to make him talk. It wouldn’t be until Namjoon hit him with the butt of the g*n, before aiming it at him again, saying how he wasn’t going to ask twice. He finally talked, but not without making sure Namjoon kept his word on not to shoot him again. Once he talked, he pulled the trigger with a solemn expression as the room grew quiet. After he made sure he wasn’t going to make another sound he recoiled his weapon and turned to you with a sadly tone, apologizing that you had to see that. 

“I don’t keep my word when it comes to the (rival gang name), or anyone who touches my woman.”



Even though he would be seething with anger the minute that he saw this other man about to hurt his most favorite person in the world, not to mention even touching you, he would put that aside, as something within his head snapped. The other man, knowing just how crazy thatthe Min Yoongi, could be, he quickly moved away from you, throwing you against the couch in the process; He just had to get away, but it was too late as Yoongi was by him in the blink of an eye, gripping his shoulder tightly, so tightly that he the man thought if he squeezed an inch harder, his acromion would surely break in his hands. Through the cries and groans from the rival member, Yoongi would talk to him, in a amused yet calm tone, reminding him on how he knew just where his family lived, and it would be a shame if something were to happen to them, due to this careless act of his. After the whole ordeal, he let him off the hook, only because he loved to put fear in others, it gave him so much pleasure, and he definitely knew that this man was doing just that now, fearing him. As he scurried out the house, Yoongi would then make his way over to you, to make sure you were okay. Of course, then you would see his true emotions as a look of sadness and pain crossed his face, but he didn’t care. You made him vulnerable and he wanted to show you, just how sorry he was that he wasn’t there in the first place. 

“Now…I know your parents live on Richmond street along with your little sisters. It would be a shame if something were to happen to them while in the safety of their own home, wouldn’t it?”



Even though he was one of the big bosses around town, his smile and positive attitude still held some weight. People around town found him crazier this way, because they never knew when he was going to snap, or what he was ever thinking. His smile, was his poker face. That’s why whenever he flashed a smile towards the man who had ahold of you, it was instant regret for him. The rival member slowly stood up, with your arm still in his hand after his episode of him shaking you. Hoseok, seeing how frightened you were as he sat down across the room, motioned over to you and pat his thigh, with a soothing voice as he cooed out, “Come here, baby.” He knew the man was going to let go as you easily slipped your arm from his now shaking and clammy hand.After you went over to go sit down, and he made sure his arm was firmly, but warmly wrapped around you, that’s when business would start. He would motion for his right hand man, who had also been in the room behind him, to grab him before he could cause anymore trouble. He would then set you down gently, on the chair he sat on, before getting up and rolling up his sleeves. The smile that was once plastered on his face, was now turn downward into a frown as he walked up to this man. He paused for a moment, wanting him to see the rage he felt, before he finally pushed his fast into his stomach, reeling it back to his at his fist, then smile before swiping it across his mouth once, twice, and a third time. He would wail on him until no end. 

“You’re going to regret touching my precious wife. I’ll make sure of that.”



Just like Jin, he would see red. He had just came home from working out at the gym, but stopped in the doorway, only to see this man atop of you, as you thrashed about, as he tried to grab your arms and hold you down. Immediately, he would run over to where the scene was unfolding with a booming, “NO!” as he grabbed the strap of the bag and threw it over the man’s neck, before giving it as tight tug. He put all his might and strength into choking him. No matter how hard the man smacked his flailing hands back against Jimin’s face, as he tried to get him off of him he never let up. And he couldn’t until he knew he was dead, or at least unconscious. He would try pulling him back away from you, not wanting him to fall against you, but during this, the man broke free and turned the tables on Jimin as he started to wail on him with his fists while he tried gaining composure yet again, but it would be of no use. Even if he gave him a few good hits, Jimin wouldn’t feel any of them as there was still adrenaline coursing through his body. All you could do was watch in horror as the fighting continued on, until the other man grew so tired and weak, that he finally gave up. He laid there, in his sweat and blood, as Jimin stood up and spit at him,before ordering the man who was with him, waiting outside, to “take out the trash” and clean up the mess, before going over to you, and cradling you in his arms, apologizing over and over again for not being here with you instead and letting it get this far. 

“I’m so so sorry babygirl…don’t worry. He’s never going to touch you again…”



He was the kind of boss-man who loved to play mind games with his victims, and that’s just what he did with this man who was in a sacred place of his, scaring the love of his life. He had to hold back whenever he saw this man holding onto a scared and crying you. He stood there for a moment, with a few of his men who had followed him inside, feeling that something wasn’t right that night, and they were right. He stood there for a moment, with a finger tapping against his lips while he hummed out, going around and asking each person what they thought that this mans punishment should be for breaking into his haven, and touching his angel. He chuckled at the responses, before shaking his head and agreeing that he should give him a pass this once, and let him go. The man ran from you and towards the front door, before Taehyung could change his mind, but was pummeled with Taehyung’s fist, sending him falling to his knees. That’s when Taehyung howled then got serious as he crouched down to his eye level, with a stare as cold as ice. He couldn’t believe that this man, thought he would let him leave without a scratch on him. He would then shake his head with a click of his tongue before letting his boys have at him. He would then proceed to go over and take you in his arms, leading you away from the scene behind you, and the screams of the man.

“You really think I would let you go so easily? Ha! You touched the most important person in my life. Boys- It’s free game from here.”



He would be in an array of emotions, since he wasn’t one to display them so well or easily. The only ones who he expressed true emotion towards, was you and his family. Everyone else had thought he was ‘hard-shell’ or cold blooded. In which, he was when it came to certain people. And truly the minute that he unlocked the door to his house, and saw this man scrambling away from you, as soon as he walked into the giant living room, man did his blood run cold. He scrambled to his feet as the man scrambled to his, while he tried getting away from you and the now angry Jungkook. But it was no use as Jungkook would tackle him to the ground and pin him down, with his hands to his throat. His eyes glazed over with a blank expression as he dug his hands deeper against his skin. You not wanting this to go any further, would yell out at him to stop. His hands would shake as his glazed over look stopped as it was replaced with anger. He would shake his head, and tell you how he hated him and wanted him to die for touching you. His emotions would get the better of him. He wouldn’t think clearly and this was his downfall, as the youngest boss. When it came to you, he would hurt anyone that even dare look your way, but this man did more, so he wanted him to pay with his life. He was out for blood. 

“Don’t you dare touch her you b*sterd !!I’ll end you right now!!”


-Admin Bonbori


⇢ Pairing: San x fem!Reader
⇢ Genre: flirty af fluff, hints of angst, suggestive, kinda smutty, older reader (noona)
⇢ Synopsis: As your best friend’s maid of honor, you must endure the shameless best man’s flirting until after the wedding.

Part 6: One Less Thing - Moodboard
⇢ Genre: fluff, angst, suggestive, & slightly smutty
⇢ Warnings: language, wet daydreams, self-image issues, and self-hatred
⇢ Word Count: 8,226 i-

a/n: I feel like half of this isn’t as good as I was hoping

MasterlistPart 1,Part 2,Part 3,Part 4,Part 5,Part 6

taglist: @joongiebug (url doesn’t exist), @simluvbot​, @kimtae-bae (not taggable?), @justsayk​,@sunsethw4​,@baguette-atiny


Keep reading


⇢ Pairing: San x fem!Reader
⇢ Genre: flirty af fluff, hints of angst, suggestive, kinda smutty, older reader (noona)
⇢ Synopsis: As your best friend’s maid of honor, you must endure the shameless best man’s flirting until after the wedding.

Part 5: No pic back?
⇢ Genre: fluff, angst, suggestive, & slightly smutty
⇢ Warnings: language, dirty talk, masturbation, and wet daydreams
⇢ Word Count: 4,501

Masterlist,Part 1,Part 2,Part 3,Part 4Part 5,Part 6

taglist:@joongiebug,@simluvbot, @kimtae-bae, @justsayk,@sunsethw4


Keep reading

Genre: Angst
Member: Leo/Taekwoon (VIXX) - feat. Ken and Hyuk
Words: 760
A/N: Look, I’m just as surprised as you are. I just found this in a document from 2015. I think someone wanted a second part, but I can’t find the message in my asks. I think it was going to be longer, but it after finding it, it seems finished. SURPRISE THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN HERE SINCE 2015!

Part 1

It’s been a few months. After his friends cleared out his things, life seemed a little brighter. But it was hard to break old habits. The kitchen light is still left on in case he comes home, home being not a place but a feeling. A feeling you hope he only gets when he’s with you. You still lay on your side of the bed. Sometimes you stay up waiting for him even though you know he’s not coming, a simple habit. The love you have for him never subsides.

To feel normal again, you go to your favorite cafe and order your usual minus the second drink. After the barista hands you your cup, you hear your name from across the small shop. Your eyes find Jaehwan and Sanghyuk waving you over.

“Hey, guys.” You try to smile.

“How’ve you been?” Jaehwan asks, taking note of your uneasiness.

“I’ve been… okay.” You lie.

“Are you sure?” Sanghyuk examines your face. Jaehwan kicks him under the table and gives him a warning look.

“How’s Taekwoon?” You quietly ask.

“Um… to put it simply, he’s been very quiet, more than he usually is. I don’t think I’ve seen him smile in a while. Even Hakyeon can’t get him to talk or laugh.” Jaehwan confesses, “He’s been a wreck.”

“Do you miss him?” Sanghyuk interrupts, earning another kick.

“Um, yeah, but there’s nothing really I can do. That’s just what happens when you leave someone you love.” You shrug solemnly.

“He misses you too.” Sanghyuk gives you a half-smile.

“Oh,” You nod slightly, not quite able to process what he said, “Well, it was nice seeing you guys again. I miss hanging out with everyone.”

“Trust me, we all miss you too,” Jaehwan assures you before you leave the cafe.

You were doing fine until you saw them. You rush back to your apartment before you burst into tears. Who were you kidding? You regret what you said to Taekwoon. It was better seeing him a few times than not seeing him at all.

You miss him.

His presence.

His voice.

His smile.

His laugh.

His embrace.

His intense yet kind eyes.

How his lips fit with yours.

The way he held you at night.

The way he sang so softly to you.

The sweet little notes he left you when you woke up alone.

You miss everything about him.

Now there is nothing left of him in your home. No reminders that it was real. That you were his at one point.

You hate when you get in this mood. Nothing gets done, and you just lay in bed, sleeping a little, reading for a bit, staring at the wall. The drink you ordered from the cafe sits cold on the bedside table. You watch the room turn orange and then fill with shadows. Maybe you should talk to your friends. Get your mind off of everything.

No, your friends can’t fix the pain that permanently resides in your chest. Is there a way to fix it? In all the movies you’ve seen, the heartbroken have always resorted to drinking. Maybe that would work? Even if it was temporary?

You find the unopened wine from that night and remove the cork. With a glass, you pour yourself a drink. As you lift it to your lips, a knock sounds at your door. You sit the drink down and head for the door in confusion as you’re not expecting anyone.

When you open the door, you freeze and stare at the disheveled figure before you. Taekwoon’s eyes are red as if he’d been crying. But he doesn’t cry.He doesn’t show emotions. You swallow hard as the two of you look into each other’s eyes in silence. A tear that rolls down his cheek breaks you immediately, and you shake from the sobs. You instinctively wrap your arms around his torso, him following along.

“I’m so sorry.” You hear his voice crack.

“No, I’m the one who should be saying sorry.” You nestle your face in his shirt.

“Y/N, you were right about everything. I just didn’t want to hold you down anymore. I wanted you to be happy and I thought that meant we had to separate.”

“I’m happy when I’m with you. Not just physically with you, but knowing you care and love me is enough. I was ignorant of it.”

His grip on you tightens, “I love you so much it hurts. And if you’ll have me-”

“Yes.” You cut him off, answering suddenly, unable to take it anymore.

Don’t call me angel||Seo Changbin

Pairing: badboy! Seo Chanbin and f-reader

Summer:badboy au!, college au!,enemies to lovers au!,smut, slight angst, fluff, blowjob, tongue sucking, hair pulling, name calling, morning sex, spitting, marking, masturbation, sir kink.

Finally after 2000 years, I’m sorry it took so long. But anyway I hope you enjoy it sweet:)) thank you for requesting!

I love changbin a lot and he can ruin me anyday okay bye enjoy



“Hiya angel” You hear his annoying, but slightly intoxicating voice from behind you. You let out a groan before turning around meeting his dark gaze, you roll your eyes as you notice the lolly pop he had in between his lips. He took it out of your bag.

“What do you want? Also I would highly appreciate it if you didn’t steal my things” you say, turning back to your work. Only to be taken away from it again as you feel your hair being tugged at. What a fucking child.

“Sorry angel, I’ll try not to next time. but I would like to interest you in a different thing to suck on, ive been told it’s pretty sweet” and there he goes again, being an over confident prick. You literally wanted to bang your head against the desk, hopefully to find yourself in a hospital. Away from seo changbin.

You just ignored him this time, hoping he’d just shut up and leave you alone. After a couple of minutes he didn’t speak, you felt relief wash over you. You had a few minutes of silence finally, you got back to writing your essay, chewing on your lip to try to concentrate.

You knew the minutes of silence wouldn’t last, you hear him tapping against the table, loudly. He began to let out Loud coughs, every 5 seconds or so. It began to get on your nerves and you felt the anger boil up inside you.

“I swear to fucking god changbin, just go get one of your hoes to fix that small problem of yours in the janitors office. So you can leave me alone” you fire back at him, quite proud at yourself. You slouch back into your seat, closing your eyes waiting to hear the door slam. But you didn’t.

“You wouldn’t call it a small problem if you saw angel” he whispered into your ear, making you freeze up, your eyes darting open at the closeness of his breath on your skin. You let out a shaky breath as you notice him just an inch away from your face. A blush apparent on your face already.

“Changbin, don’t call me angel” you breath out, moving your face away from his slightly. Still so close to him though. You breathed in the smell of him, he smelt like honey and vanilla.

“But you’re my angel y/n”



Well, you didn’t expect to wake up with a very buff arm slung around your bare waist. His breath fanning over your neck, which was littered in pretty little marks that had turned into a dark purple within the night. You felt an ache in your hips, most probably from where his hands gripped at the skin. Small bruises imprinted on your hips from his soft fingertips.

You thought he’d be gone when you woke up, slipped out when you slipped into dream land. But he didn’t, he stayed. Changbin kept you wrapped in his arms all night. You felt butterflies erupt in your tummy at the thought, the thought of not being like the others. A quick fuck then he dips and never talk to you again.

“What you thinking about angel” he interrupts you from your thoughts, a large smile forming on your lips at the pet name. You had to make out you hated it for years, but changbin knew it made you giddy inside.

“Am I like the others” you say, slowly the smile falling. Fear creeping up in your chest, waiting for his answer.

“No, you never were and you never will be” his voice a little shaky but you knew he meant it. You turned to look at him, now this time he was the one blushing. You turn yourself around more, so your faces where close. Your breath fanning against his lips.

You feel his hand run up your back, then to the back of your neck, gripping lightly. He pushes you closer to him, not fully kissing you but your lips touching. You feel his tongue make contact with your lips, licking up and down. Little groans leaving him as he pushes the wet muscle into your cavern. A muffled “suck” leaving him.

You obey, wrapping your lips around his tongue and sucking slowly. Closing your eyes, enjoying the noises that left him. You tasted the sweet taste of the watermelon lollipop you both shared last night.

You feel him pull away, a small whine leaving you as he left your mouth. He chuckled, running his hand across your cheek, his finger tip tracing your bottom lip.

“Now I want you to suck me angel” his voice deep, full of lust. You nod your head, pulling the covers away from the both of you. Goosebumps rising as the cold air hit your naked skin, soon forgetting as you see him already hard for you. A hum leaving you as you spit into your palm, wrapping your hand around his cock. Your gaze set on how the bead of pre cum leaked from his tip, you slide your thumb over him, smearing the thick substance around his reddened tip.

“You’re so hard sir, so hard for your angel” you giggle out. You push your ass back, arching your back, making sure your eyes were glued to his. You lick a long stripe, from the base to the tip, before pushing him into your mouth the tiniest bit. The way his hips stuttered and a low groan left him, had your thighs quivering.

Changbin felt a rush of excitement when you called him sir, it never really effected him but the words leaving your lips did.

You moan at the taste of his cum, praising him. You began to suck on his tip while your hand slowly pumps him up and down, your muffled moans sending vibrations.

Changbin felt like he was loosing himself, his veiny hands gripped at your soft locks, tugging every once in a while. His head rolling back against the pillow, loud cry’s leaving him now. His hips fully bucking up into your mouth, wanting to be deeper in your throat.

So you stopped the teasing and took him down your throat, all while your hand pumped him. You let your other hand trail down your tummy, then to your soaked heat. Rubbing small but fast circles. Heat lighting up in your lower stomach, waves of pleasure running through your body.

“that’s my dirty slut, Hm? Touching yourself for sir” he growls out, pulling your hair harder making tears prick your eyes. You push two fingers into your cunt, letting out a low whine which made changbin growl again. You slowly buck into your fingers as you swallow around his cock, choking slightly.

You feel his hips begin to stutter, breathless praises leaving his lips making butterflies erupt in your tummy again.

“I-I’m gonna cum, you g-gonna swallow for me princess” he whispers, bringing one of his hands down to rub your cheek. You hum onto him, wanting his cum. He takes that as a yes as he begins to let himself go, the prettiest noises leaving him.

You feel his hot load fill your mouth, you gag slightly but swallow it like a good girl. It wasn’t that the taste was bad, it was just very unusual and the consistency wasn’t that great. But hey cum is cum.

You pull him out of your mouth, leaving a small kitten lick before sitting up. Removing your fingers from yourself.

“That’s my good angel, but Sir wants you to cum now,okay?” He chuckles, bringing you onto his lap.

[8:37pm]:you sat on your bed, upset with everything. you so badly wanted jaemin to leave his date behind and see you, even though you knew it was wrong.

“he has a girlfriend,” you said while looking at the stars twinkle in the sky, “it’s- it’s wrong, i can’t think about him.” you said sighing. you let a tear slip down your cheek. you couldn’t stop thinking about the fact that you knew that he was happier with her.

you hear the doorbell ring, you wipe your tears away as you dragged yourself to the door

you open it and there stands jaemin, with flowers in his hand, you can’t help but let the tears fall down your cheeks as you cry into his shirt, he dropped what he was holding and immediately holds your face in his hands and wipes the tears away with his thumb

and there you share a kiss, a kiss you were longing for, a kiss with electricity that surged through your entire body. a kiss that just felt meant to be. you felt him smirk into the kiss and you pull away to catch your breath

your eyes shimmer underneath the moonlight through the window and you hear him speak

“i- i think i love you.” he said slightly out of breath.

that’s when you put it together, it was so wrong but it felt so, so right.


The huge fight between you and Jungkook started off as a simple argument about how he never seemed to be home, and how he treated all your concerns for him as a joke. It began escalating when he, again, brushed off all your worries as overprotectiveness and clinginess.

It was infuriating to the point where you couldn’t stand to be breathing in the same room as him anymore, but damnwas that boy slow. You increased the volume of your voice multiple times, before you finally lost it and proceeded to bellow on the top of your lungs. This wasn’t a game you wanted to play any longer.

It was when your throat started burning that you got some of your common sense back, and restrained from choosing the brash approach to handling the situation. You could tell Jungkook was utterly appalled by your unusual behavior; he’d always known you to be one of the most soft-spoken and calm figures in his life, and always thanked you for being so understanding with him.

You knew where this fight was heading, yet ignored the guilt gnawing away at your abdomen. How long could a sane person deal with the constant suspicion of being cast aside?

Jungkook quickly took note of the ceramic mug you were tightly grasping in your quivering right hand, sighed, and plopped down on one of the nearby chairs. He made himself comfortable on the velvet cushion, and placed a hand over his forehead.

He was pondering about something.

Your grip on the mug hardened.

The clock ticked by minute by minute, and your lover finally groaned, breaking the painful silence. He stood up from the chair and walked away from you, muttering the exact words you were bracing yourself to hear under his breath:

“Y/N… I’m sick and tired of you not trusting me. Let’s end this, okay? I can’t…”

He knew your hearing was spectacular.


This was no surprise.

Of course he wouldn’t stay, not after you told him about your constant paranoia of him leaving you. Your paranoia was rooted from the emotional abuse you received frequently from your ruthless aunt when you were a child, and you reminded him of it everyday when he sought after your attention.

Weren’t you deemed crazy by your last ex?

The main problem with this situation was that you thought he was different. You thought he was able to comprehend your feelings, that he understood whatever you didn’t wish to say aloud.

Your childhood was coming back to haunt you.

With tears brimming in your eyes, you nodded your head twice before rushing out the front door; not once, but twice, after you came to the realization that Jungkook would be gone from your side forever. There would be no more cuddle fests, no more picnic or movie dates, and no more seemingly endless video game sessions.

Your feet brought you to the nearest convenience store you could find, and with the three crinkled dollar bills you had in your jeans pocket, you bought yourself a Sprite, a bag of chips, and one steaming bowl of instant noodles. How much food would it take to fill up the empty void in your stomach?

You touched your throat.

How long had you been screaming?

How long ago did you lose your voice?

How long has it been ever since you left the only place you could call home, behind?

How could Jungkook do this to you? How could he be so cruel to mercilessly stomp on your heart? 

How could he leave you when you needed him the most?

lately i’ve been thinking, thinking ‘bout what we had

You’re scrolling through your phone a few months later, and your eyes drop down to a certain starred contact.

You haven’t deleted his number yet.

Despite everything books and movies had warned you about, despite the danger! red signals going off inside your brain, you knew you deeply missed Jeon Jungkook. You missed his bunny-toothed smiles, his loving caresses, and most of all, you missed his presence. You missed the feeling of safety when you passed through a dark alleyway, the feeling of him wrapping his arms around you to keep you warm, and most importantly, the feeling of being happy. You had lost everything.

Your everything.

Why did breaking up with him have to be so heartwrenching?

i know it was hard,  it was all that we knew, yeah

have you been drinkin’, to take all the pain away?

If your friends hadn’t forcibly dragged you out to meet the world weeks after to incident, to remind you that the grim reaper wasn’t ready to fetch you yet, the spark inside of you would’ve died completely. When you and Jungkook had broken it off, it was like you had lost a piece of yourself. You weren’t Y/N anymore, you were somebody else. Something else. You yearned for him to come back to you, to cry out for his loss, and to make you his one and only again.

It was a foolish, wistful dream.

i wish that i could give you what you deserve

Going out shopping alone had been a really bad idea.

A really, really bad one.

What were the chances of bumping into your ex, with another girl hanging off his arm? What were the chances of her being the most perfect person you’ve ever met? What were the chances of her actually making him happy?

It’s not like you’ve never made him smile. It’s not like you never made him laugh. It’s not like he’s never called you funny, or charming.

But this girl, this ethereal being standing next to him, must be a descandant from the goddess of jokes herself, because Jungkook wouldn’t stop letting out guffaws, and clutching his stomach in unbearable pain from the laughter. You’ve never seen him this happy before.

He deserved this kind of happiness, you thought.

But did you believe?

cause nothing could ever, ever replace you

nothing can make me feel like you do, yeah

you know there’s no one i can relate to

You’ve certainly met your fair share of cute and quirky guys after Jungkook left your life. A large portion of them were irresistibly handsome, all of them charismatic, and some of them highly intelligent. A few developed into serious crushes.

But that’s all they’ll ever be. A crush, a person whom you look forward to seeing everyday, but could survive without. You hated the idea of leading someone on, especially when you knew that another took up the majority of the space in your heart.

Dating was easy to you, but loving wasn’t.

Love reminded you of him.

It was absolute hell when you had to reject each and every one of your potential lovers because you knewyou would compare them to Jungkook. The Jungkook who only had eyes for you. The Jungkook who was flawless in your book. The Jungkook that used to call you his love.

Jeon Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook. His name was like a chant- a spell casted specifically to bewitch you, a curse that would always hold your heart captive.

i know we won’t find a love that’s so true

Your days with him were the brightest moments in your life.

They were unforgettable memories, experiences, and you cherished them so much that you might as well be obsessing over the past.

You hated yourself for continuing to grasp onto that tiny strand of hope that he would come back for you.

there’s nothing like us

there’s nothing like you and me

together through the storm

hello everyone!

i’m the author of this short, song-based jungkook scenario that i wrote specifically for my darling mutual and best friend on tumblr…


hello sweetie, i’m so sorry for the late birthday present!! this is probably one of the crappiest works you will ever set your sights upon but i did pour a lot of my effort into it; don’t be too harsh on me haha~

i hope you had a wonderful birthday, and spent it wisely with your loved ones~ thank you for being so kind and patient with me, and for gifting that pirate!jeonghan imagine for me! it was lovely, like every other one of your works and i enjoyed reading it very much <33 we need to collab sometime soon!~

for anyone wondering, this is a song by Justin Bieber that our golden maknae did a cover of. the song title, well, is the title of this story!

~word count: 1296

~time it took to write this: 4 days and a week to edit


Mafia!Zuho x Female Reader AU

SF9 Masterlist

Main Masterlist



(1/3 of the unpublished SF9 Mafia drafts)

Summary: Left alone by your mafia boyfriend who headed to a meeting with the Chinese mafia, you were in dire need of attention and entertainment. So you decided to leave the confines he had set up and venture out to find the perfect entertainment.

Genre:Dark? Slightly suggestive? 

Warnings: Sadistic themes, violence, blood, and death. Proceed only if you are comfortable with reading darker fictional pieces.

Word Count: 1.8k

A/N: This work is purely fictional. Events and details portrayed in it are also fictional and should not be taken seriously as they are violent and illegal. 


It was a late Friday night and you were left alone in the spacious penthouse. No drinks. No entertainment. No Zuho. You couldn’t bear the boredom anymore and took a cab to your favorite nightclub.

You stepped into the luxurious venue and felt a sense of freedom. For weeks now, Zuho has left you alone in his penthouse as he went off to do whatever business he had with the mafia. At first, you loved that you captured the heart of the deadly, sadistic mafia leader. But every now and then, you loved being the stubborn bitch that defied the mafia leader even more.

Unlike Zuho’s fellow gang members, you got away with whatever you did. If a gang member did as little as forget to properly greet Zuho, he will die in the blink of an eye. You, on the other hand, had an advantage. Even if you attacked the bodyguards he sent to protect you and headed to a nightclub for fun, Zuho wouldn’t dare hurt his precious lover.

You knew Zuho had the biggest soft spot for you and you always used that to your benefit. After all, what can get any more fun than teasing the most dangerous man on Earth? And deep down, you knew Zuho loved how sadistically stubborn you could get. It was as if he was staring at his own reflection. In all honesty, that was how you charmed the menacing man in the first place. So tonight, you will show Zuho just how charming you can get.

The nightclub was packed with people as usual and you made your way to the bar. “Miss y/n. I don’t see Zuho here tonight.” The handsome bartender commented as he started making your usual cocktail. He placed the drink on the marble countertop and chuckled to himself, “I guess it’ll be another night of trouble then.” You winked at him and grabbed the Moscow Mule before you spun around in the expensive barstool.

You crossed one leg over the other, perfectly showcasing your bare leg through the slit of your sultry, silk dress. Your eyes scanned the venue for your prey before your peripheral vision caught the shadow of your boyfriend. You slightly tilted your head to the left and saw his cold, indifferent expression. You laughed to yourself. His quick appearance at the club only meant one thing: your beaten-up bodyguards have reported back to him about your whereabouts. Quite frankly, you expected him to arrive later since he just had a meeting with the Chinese mafia in Shanghai. 

Zuho nonchalantly walked to the VIP corner with his eight loyal members by his side. Your eyes followed your boyfriend as he took off his expensive coat and threw it on the velvet sofa. He sat manspread on the luxurious furniture, making eye contact with you, and tapped his lap. You smirked and stared back with a mischievous glint in your eyes. It was obvious what your boyfriend’s intentions were. His seated position served as a warning to you: Come sit on my lap and stay out of trouble. He wanted everyone in this club to know who you belonged to but you weren’t just going to give him the satisfaction, especially not after he had left you alone for more than a week in boredom. 

You broke the staring contest with him and scanned the crowd once more. Your eyes landed upon a decent-looking man with an aura of conceit and patriarchal pride. He was sitting at one of the tables for non-regulars, which caught your eye. You smiled to yourself knowing he probably had no clue who your boyfriend was. He was drinking with his friends and arrogantly talked down to the women around him. His eyes met yours as you smiled seductively and winked at him. You shall be my prey tonight. 

Just then a tall figure appeared by your side and ordered the bartender in a firm voice, “Bring the heaviest malt whiskey to the boss’s table.” The man turned his head towards you and continued to tell the bartender, “The boss is going to need something strong tonight.” Your eyes never left the prey who got up off his seat and started to make his way towards you. The tall man beside you chuckled, “Go easy on him y/n. We just got back from a long-ass flight. The next thing we need is a puddle of blood on our hands.”

You got up from your seat, ready to lure your prey into the trap. “Oh I’m sorry to hear that, Inseong.” You turned to the tall man and feigned sympathy, “Then I guess I’ll have to take him someplace more subtle.” You smirked at him and whispered, “Please relay that to your boss, thanks love.”

With a wink, you pounced on your prey with a confident stride and wrapped your arms around his neck. You dragged him to the dance floor and whispered into his ears while making eye contact with your boyfriend who sat in the corner with an amused expression, “Hey handsome. Let’s take this to the private room, shall we?”

The oblivious man agreed almost immediately and placed his hand on your lower waist, guiding you to the private lounge rooms. Before you disappeared into the room, you glanced back and saw Zuho with the sleeves of his dress shirt rolled up as he emptied the glass of liquor in front of him. You chuckle to yourself and dragged your prey into the room.

Once the door shut, you lightly pushed the man onto the couch and smirked at him. “You look like you work out. Do you?”

He chuckled in response and arrogantly said, “Of course I do baby. How else does a handsome face like this have a body this amazing?” You laughed with him as he began stripping the clothing from his upper body. Slowly, you made your way toward him and scanned his body. You chuckled in approval and sat down beside him. The man looked at you with a sly grin, “What’s wrong baby? Shy?” 

You chuckled at his words and leaned into his ears to whisper to him. “Me? Shy? Never. Are you ready to play a game?” He nodded eagerly in response and you smiled, “Good!” You grabbed a wine bottle on the glass table and poured yourself a glass. You casually leaned back against the couch and gave him a heads up in amusement, “Start getting your muscles ready, big boy.” He looked at you in confusion before the door violently swung open.

The half-naked man flinched at the sudden barge in and yelled at the intruder, “Who the fuck are you? Get out! Can’t you see we’re busy?”

The intruder didn’t respond and you giggled, “How was Shanghai, Taeyang?” The man responded with an eye roll as the man beside you turned to you in confusion. Taeyang stepped aside and Zuho walked into the room with a hint of anger in his expression at the visual in front of him. “And who the fuck are you? That dude’s lover? Get another room!” The man beside you angrily spewed and this time you doubled over in laughter as he impulsively yelled at your boyfriend.

Your eyes followed Zuho as he turned to the entrance and spoke with Taeyang. “Watch the door,” he commanded in a deep, menacing voice. The man obeyed immediately as Zuho turned his attention back to the two of you and shut the door behind him in an eerily calm way.

His sleeves were rolled up and you saw the veins that ran along the side of his arms. He clenched his fist at the sight of you sprawled on the couch and you winked at him in response, “Hey boss, what took you so long?” You teased him. He let out a deep chuckle, “His blood is on your hands, kitten.”

You amusingly gave him an “okay” gesture with your hand before the man beside you stiffened. Zuho pulled out a knife from the side of his belt and replied sarcastically, “I came in such a rush I forgot to bring a gun. But this will do right, kitten?” You chuckled and turned to the man next to you who was now profusely sweating, “Game on!”

The man held his hands out in defense and stuttered, “W-wait man! I d-didn’t know s-she was yours. Look, t-this was a mistake p-please let me go.”

Zuho smirked and replied darkly, “You should’ve thought twice when you decided to touch something that wasn’t yours.”

As your boyfriend pounced on the defenseless man, you sat on the couch with your arms crossed and scoffed, “I’m not yours. If I was, I would most certainly not be babysat by your boring bodyguards for almost two weeks with no entertainment.”

Zuho scoffed in disbelief as he swiftly slit the man’s arms and stabbed him in the leg. “Is this enough entertainment for you?” The man was now crawling on the floor and you looked down at him indifferently. You shrugged, “I guess.”

Your boyfriend let out a deep chuckle and sat down beside you, placing the knife coated in blood on the glass table and took the wine glass from you. He kissed your soft, liquor-coated lips and said in a deep, amused tone, “Sober up kitten. I’m too tired from the flight so you’re finishing the game.”

You rolled your eyes and grabbed the bloody knife on the table. Zuho stared at the sight in front of him, immensely turned on by his girlfriend nonchalantly harboring a weapon. You gazed into his dark, lustful eyes with a sly grin. “Since when did alcohol influence my aim?”

The man on the floor reached the entrance and started desperately pounding on the door. You turned to the scene and chuckled in amusement as Zuho pulled you closer to his body. His breath tickled your ears as he whispered huskily, “Finish the game, kitten.”

“As you wish.” You sent the knife flying across the room and onto the wailing man’s heart as the pounding and screams disappeared.

You felt your boyfriend’s bloody hand touch your cheek as he turned you to face him. His thumb caressed your soft skin as he praised, “Where did I find such a beautiful person like you?”

You smirked at him and in a flash, he pushed you onto his lips as your equally bloody hand reached for the back of his neck. You sighed into the kiss and mumbled, “I missed you so much, Zuho.”

He chuckled and grabbed your hand from behind his neck. He intertwined his fingers with yours, pulling you up off the couch. “Let’s go back to the penthouse shall we kitten?”

You eagerly nodded and headed out the entrance. On your way out, the both of you stepped over the lifeless figure and out the door. You turned to the man guarding the door and said amusingly, “Sorry for the mess, Taeyang. Have fun cleaning it up!”


The Nation’s Girl Crush

Idol!Taeyang x Female Idol!Reader AU 

SF9 Masterlist

Main Masterlist



{Requested by anon}

Summary: A revisit of how you, the most beloved idol, met the love of your life who also happens to be an idol.

Genre: Fluffff, Pure Innocent Love

Word Count: 1.8k


“Girls! Y/n needs help again. She’s staring at her phone and laughing like a crazy kid.” Hyomin, the leader of your group teased you. You were sprawled on the couch of the waiting room with your legs over her lap, paying no mind to her nonsense as you are too busy facetiming your boyfriend of two years.

Your two other members immediately stop what they were doing, dashing to your side. You laugh as the rest of your members stuff their faces next to yours to get a good look at your phone screen. They all shout absurdly loud, “Good morning brother in law!!” Yuri, the leader of your group, sported a hair roller holding up her bangs and a mischievous look on her face as she joked, “Stop making our y/n like a giddy kid. She must protect her ‘sexy girl’ idol image.” 

It is currently six in the morning and the staffs look exhausted but your group seem as lively as ever, ready to hit rehearsals for the music broadcast. Initially, you were just as fatigued as the staffs but that all changed after receiving a facetime call from your boyfriend, Taeyang, who always know how to cheer you up despite having an early schedule for an album jacket shooting.

You are a part of a famous Kpop girl group named Lady that consists of four members. It’s been seven years since your debut and your group has grown quite popular. Lady was known in the industry as one of the most seductive, “female fatale” groups with infinite charms. Over the years, you have gained the nickname “the nation’s girl crush” as you always gave unbelievably strong performances as a bold and daring artist who was the embodiment of the girl crush concept. Although you may seem very intense and intimidating on stage, you were quite opposite off stage. 

Around four years after your debut, your group had a colliding comeback schedule with a rising rookie group named SF9. They were promoting their song, Now or Never, and had a similar concept to your group which caught your eye. You admired the way they accentuated their body proportions and incorporated it into their choreography, and most definitely, enjoyed their songs. Over the few weeks of watching their performance in the waiting room TV, your attention naturally shifted to one particular member, Yoo Taeyang.

As you were your group’s main dancer, you instinctively analyzed Taeyang’s dancing skills and was blown away by his talent and charm. Since then, your members picked up on your liking of him and would always tease you about it, especially during the end of every shooting for a music broadcast. Thanks to the three girls who loved to tease you, you ended up having a “fateful” encounter with him. 

It was the last day of your group’s promotion for a hit single on Inkigayo and the four of you gathered on stage to finish the end segment for the show. Confetti filled the stage as the show hosts announced Lady as the week’s #1 winner on the music charts. Fellow artists behind you congratulated your group as they walked off the stage. You politely bowed to them while singing your lines for the encore stage. The artists were amazed at your live singing skills and some rookie idols were bewildered by your sultry voice. You continued to politely return their admiration by thanking them before you turned to your fans in the audience and waved happily to them.

Suddenly, your three cheerful members surrounded you and gave you a big hug. Through the loud audio in the background and the vigorous cheering of your fans, you heard Yuri tell you as the other members gave you an enthusiastic smile, “Look! I found your crush! Say hi!”

Before you knew it, your friend flung you to the moving crowd behind you. You were dressed in an inconveniently tight jumpsuit with tall stiletto heels and almost tripped. Thankfully, another artist caught your arm and prevented the embarrassing fall. You chuckled and thanked the artist before you met his eyes and realized who it was. “Taeyang!” You shouted in surprise, silently cursing at your members for embarrassing you in front of your junior. You quickly muttered a thank you before you removed yourself from his grasp, mindful of the cameras and audience. 

“Hopefully the camera didn’t catch my slip,” you joked. Taeyang chuckled, “I’m glad I caught you in time! By the way,” he spoke with surprise laced in his voice, “you know my name?” 

Your eyes widen, like a deer caught in the headlights. You couldn’t find a believable excuse so you impulsively told him the truth, “Yeah! Actually,” you chuckled, “I’ve noticed you during rehearsals these past couple of weeks.” You tried your best to not sound awkward and decided to stick to your image as a senior artist in the industry, “You’re a great dancer! Keep up the good work!” You finished your encouragement quickly and ran to your members out of sheer embarrassment. They noticed your red ears and started to tease you but you ignored them and continued to sing the song with your fans.

The broadcast finally ended and the four of you went backstage. You groaned in embarrassment and ran back to the waiting room. The three girls chuckled at your contrast in behavior from the daring idol to a shy girl within the first second you got off the stage and took their time walking back.

With your remaining energy, you forced your legs to move as quickly as they can. Your palms hid your face as you mumbled out loud, “Ugh I can’t believe I said that to him. Why did I even say ‘keep up the good work’ like that?”

You continued to run before your head collided into something hard. “Ow.” You mumbled as you removed your hands from your face. You saw a man dressed in a black suit and a harness around his chest and craned your neck upwards to face him. Your face immediately burned bright red once you realized you had just bumped into Taeyang’s chest.

“Are you okay, sunbae?” His voice was laced with concern, “Sunbae, your face is so red, what happened?” You let out a groan, completely defeated with embarrassment by the beautiful and caring man in front of you. As if by habit whenever you saw him, you impulsively told him the truth, “You.”

He looked at you in confusion and you clarified, this time with more confidence as if you were performing on stage, “You happened. You’re the reason why I look like a tomato instead of the glamorous y/n that the world knows.” He was about to reply to you but you cut him off and laid out all the emotions you have been holding back for the past few weeks of promotions, “I thought I liked you because you were talented but every time my eyes meet yours, I get so embarrassed and my heart starts pounding as if I’m having my debut again. So you asked me what happened? You happened.” Taeyang looked so flustered as he began to sport a similar flush on his face. You paid no mind as you continued, “So. Hoobae,” you emphasized the last word dramatically. “You happened. And no, I am not okay. I feel like I consumed too much sugar and now my heart won’t stop jumping like a kid in a Mickey Mouse bounce house.”

You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, relieved to get that off your back before you realized what you just did. Your flushed face returned as you realized what you said to the man you only ever officially met twice. You placed a hand over your mouth in shock at yourself and muttered a quick apology before you took a sharp left turn to enter your waiting room.

Your members filed in soon after and pressed you for details. Yuri grabbed you by the shoulders, violently shaking your lifeless form and whisper-shouted, “Taeyang is outside our waiting room! What is he doing? Did you say something to him on stage earlier??” The girls continued to chatter endlessly in a hushed voice, afraid the man outside would hear, as you fell on the couch, huddled in embarrassment and regret.

Your manager entered the room and told you with slight confusion, “Hey y/n, did you ask for SF9′s Taeyang to come by? He said he needed to see you.”

You groaned and shoved a pillow in front of your face before screaming into it. Everyone in the room, including the staffs, stared at you like you were crazy. Hyomin grabbed your wrist and dragged you off the couch. She rolled her eyes at your limp figure and gave you a push toward the door, “Go get em tiger! The nation’s girl crush is undefeatable!” You glared at her as she winked back at you.

When you opened the door, you saw Taeyang leaning against the wall opposite of your room and your heart picked up its pace again. He looked up and right away, excitement filled his eyes as he walked closer towards you. You approached him cautiously, unprepared for what he was going to say to you. Contrary to your expectations, he ran his fingers over his soft-looking hair and chuckled. “Sunbae, you left so quickly I wasn’t able to ask for your phone number.”

You blinked at the enthusiastic boy in front of you and asked dumbfounded, “Phone number?”

He replied with a soft smile, “Yes, I thought maybe you can give me some advice from time to time.” He scratched the back of his neck nervously. “As my sunbae and as the talented and skilled dancer you are.” You let out a chuckle at his cute behavior and he followed along, letting out a shy laugh. “Maybe I can get to know more about you too.” He added cautiously.

You tilted your head, “Oh?” This time, it was his turn to turn into an embarrassing mess and you laughed at his adorable flushed face and told him boldly, “Give me your phone.”

He quickly reached into his suit jacket and pulled out his phone. You grabbed it and entered your phone number. He waited for you in anticipation and you laughed to yourself when you glanced up to look at his nervous face. You gave him a warm smile before handing the phone back to him. “All set.” You opened the door to your waiting room and walked back in. Before you shut the door, you stuck your head out and told Taeyang in a sweet voice, “Let’s grab coffee sometime.”

He was already walking back to his room and almost bumped into a staff passing by after hearing your words. You muffled your laugh with your hand and Taeyang embarrassingly walked back into his room. Once he got back, he looked at his phone and saw the contact name you left: The Nation’s Girl Crush


{More Than Friends Sequel}

Chairman!Jaehyun AU x CEO!Reader AU

Summary: You find yourself falling deeper and deeper in love with the former CEO after overcoming your fear of love. Although there were rough patches, both of you are now stronger than ever. However, you realize that maintaining a relationship and a company at the same time can be very difficult, especially if someone is out to destroy the both of you.




“Bet. He’s going to beat Jaehyun up again.”

Mark rolled his eyes at Ten who spoke with certainty in the backseat of Winwin’s car as they waited for Xiaojun’s arrival at the parking lot of the airport. He turned next to him and countered, “Please. You knew him for longer than I did and you still think he’s just a violent lunatic?”

There was a pause, Ten stared at him blankly and then replied, “Yeah.”

Mark chuckled in disbelief and the two continued to argue as they placed bets on Xiaojun’s behavior upon his arrival. Behind the wheel, Winwin tried his best to ignore the two manchildren and shut his eyes for some rest before he had to start the long drive back. That was until Ten violently tapped his shoulders and begged him to take a stance. He let out a frustrated huff and turned behind his seat, “Can the both of you stop betting on every little thing already?” He continued, this time in a slightly less irritated tone, “And Mark’s right.” Ten looked back at him in a betrayed expression before Winwin clarified, “As psychotic as he may seem, he doesn’t always do things without his reasons.”

Ten’s sarcastic laughter broke out in the back seat and Winwin rolled his eyes. “Remember Jack? We can’t shame Xiaojun for being the protective brother he is when we preached him for protecting y/n from people like that douche.”

Mark and Ten nodded in unison as they came to realization and Winwin continued to justify, “It’s true that we know Jaehyun is a good man who will never hurt y/n like that but then again, Xiaojun wasn’t around here to see how Jaehyun cared for her or how he always placed his friends’ needs over his.” 

A moving shadow in Ten’s peripheral vision caught his attention as his eyes widen. He turned back to his two friends and whisper-shouted, “Oh my god, everybody shut up. Speaking of the devil, he’s here.”

He tried his best to act casual as the figure moved closer to their car with a heavy luggage cart. Mark and Winwin shook their heads at Ten who acted anything but normal, sprawled across the backseat as if he was asleep. The two left their odd friend to play pretend as they casually greeted Xiaojun and helped load his large luggage into the trunk. 

Mark grunted as he tried his best to pick up the last suitcase and forcefully shoved it into the small, empty space left in the formerly spacious trunk. “Shit man, since when did you have this much stuff with you? Don’t you usually just carry a backpack and a guitar case?”

Xiaojun chuckled at the struggling man as Winwin slung an arm around Xiaojun’s shoulders and walked him to the passenger seat. When everyone settled back into the car, he let out a relieved sigh. “It’s nice to see everyone in one place.” He turned to Ten and raised his eyebrow, “Since when did you want to come back to Korea? I thought you hated it here.”

Ten suddenly jolted out of his sleeping position, as if the three men didn’t already know he was faking a nap, and responded immediately in a victimized tone. “Since your little sis needed help. I mean I do hate it here and LA is so much better,” he emphasized the last words as he continued with his hands dramatically placed on his heart, “But who am I to ignore a friend in help when I know I’m more than capable of laying success wherever I go?”

Xiaojun rolled his eyes and then proceeded to talk to Winwin as he started the car. “So Winwin why’d you come back to Korea?”

Mark’s laughter shook the moving vehicle as Ten dramatically complained about being ignored and Winwin replied amusingly, “Well I’m not as self-centered as the boy in the backseat, but I did come here to help y/n as well. The company was short on models and any employees for that matter, so we, along with Soojin, took the earliest flight back to the place that kickstarted our career.”

The car stopped at a red light and he turned to Xiaojun with sincere eyes, “After all, without y/n, the three of us would have never made it big in the SoCal modeling industry.” 

Xiaojun shared a knowing smile, “Baby sis did always have a gift at capturing and marketing models. Even back when she was just a freelance photographer.”

Before Mark and Ten could throw a warning glare at Winwin, he proceeded to ask Xiaojun with a hesitant caution, “You know bro, Jaehyun’s company really helped y/n flourish. Not only as a photographer, but an entrepreneur.”

Xiaojun gave an indifferent expression and Winwin continued to speak with his eyes on the road as the light turned green, “Y/n told me how the SM internship gave her an eye-opening experience into the photography world and even right now, as a CEO of a fashion and modeling company. There were some bumps in the road, but she never once regret meeting Jaehyun and finding such a great opportunity for her future.”

Xiaojun didn’t respond to his praises of her efforts. Instead, he quickly changed the subject as he scanned the roads in front of him. “Let’s stop by y/n’s place first. I ought to tell her I’m here.”

Winwin silently obeyed as they continued down the road with a “calm before the storm” tension that filled the car. He pulled up to the street of luxurious penthouses and parked at a vacant spot in the underground parking lot. The moment his car’s engine died down, Xiaojun quickly got off the passenger seat and into the elevator lobby. The two men followed behind cautiously while Mark subtly sneaked in a text to y/n to give a heads up that the big, bad wolf would be coming up.


“I’m moving in with you two.”

You, Mark, and Winwin stared in shock at Xiaojun’s sudden notice. Ten chocked on his glass of water in the kitchen while Jaehyun sat beside you on the couch with an unreadable expression. He sat with his hands intertwined underneath his chin to prop it up as if he was planning the move in already. You tilted your face towards him and slightly nudged his arm. “You’re not really thinking about letting my brother stay here are you?” You whispered at your boyfriend through gritted teeth.

Jaehyun calmly replied to Xiaojun with a serious tone, “I’ll be more than happen to let you stay here.” He then turned towards you and asked, “You’re fine with that right baby?” You stared at your boyfriend dumbfounded and gave up. “I mean, even if I say no,” you turned to your brother with an annoyed expression, “it doesn’t seem like he will listen to me.”

Xiaojun stared back at you with a smirk and clapped his hands together, “Great! I’m heading down to bring my luggage.” Ten, Mark, and Winwin all got up, ready to help him before he stopped them with a smile. “You boys already drove me all the way here. Just relax. I’ll take Jaehyun with me.”

You rolled your eyes at your brother who acted as if everyone was at his beck and call. To your surprise, Jaehyun did not hesitate to get up immediately. He gave you a reassuring smile and headed out the door with Xiaojun.

You sighed, exhausted, as the three boys plopped beside you on the large couch. You zoned out as they bickered about the odd happenings of the past hour and started making weird bets.


“Any more suitcases?”

Xiaojun shook his head and slammed the trunk closed. He narrowed his eyes at Jaehyun as he swung the guitar case over his shoulders. Xiaojun immediately grabbed the case from him and warned, “Be careful. This instrument shouldn’t be flung carelessly like that.”

Jaehyun apologized immediately, “Sorry, I’ve actually never moved luggage before. But there was that one time I helped y/n carry her photography equipment.” He shook his head and chuckled at the memory, “But she scolded me even harsher than you for not being careful with the cameras.”

Xiaojun unconsciously laughed at the image, “That sounds like my baby sis alright.”

He then quickly wiped the smile off his face and replaced it with a serious expression. He stepped closer to Jaehyun with a dark expression, “Jaehyun. Listen very carefully to what I’m about to say.” Jaehyun nodded out of instinct as his body stiffened unconsciously. “You are one very lucky man to have all of y/n’s heart. And even after all the shit you have caused, I’m willing to go easy on you since you’ve took time to fly me back here and let me move in.” Xiaojun raised his pointer finger at Jaehyun and harshly reminded him, “But you’ve broken the only promise I require of you and you better show me you can amend it.”

As if it was even possible, Jaehyun stiffened his posture even more and quickly accepted his commands. Xiaojun fixed the guitar case behind his back and proceed to walk forward to the lobby. Once they got on the elevator, he informed Jaehyun in a firm tone, “From this moment onward, I better see how much you are willing to sacrifice for my sister.”


first date with yeonjun;


pairing -> choi yeonjun x gn!reader

warnings -> none

summary -> self explanatory!

word count -> 300 words

listen to -> soo lucky by itzy !!!


he’s waiting by the street that leads to the carnival, waiting for you as you walk down to the venue and it’s just like he texted you. He’s standing at the same spot he told he would and wearing the same clothes he said he would. and a smile, a smile that can light up planets of planets. He suggested the carnival date after you told him you’d never been to one??? and yeonjun is so desperate to change that. 

So he takes you to all the major booths, the cotton candies, the aiming game where he tells you he’ll get you the plushie and he ends up failing once, twice, a lot and instead you get it when you try and you give it to him. (which you tease him a lot about but stop when he gets very pouty) (also he won’t admit but he lowkey loves the plushie you won for him that he’s carrying around rn)

Next is the ferris wheel, which Yeonjun reluctantly comes along with you (you remember him texting you about how his friends call him “the king of heights,” this is certainly not how you imagined said king. but he cutely pretends to be brave until the wheel almost midway and he nervously attempts to hold your hand.

and you give in and intertwine your hands with his, (at least the ferris wheel paid off, yeonjun thinks as you walk off the wheel).

Lastly you get ice creams, cue him hyping mint choco a lot then being super bummed out because they ran out of it :((( you end up having vanilla because well, vanilla is the greatest (second greatest, yeonjun interrupts) ice cream flavour.

and he walks you home, which to be honest makes you sad because you didn’t want the night to end yet :( this was the best first date you could have ever asked for <3 and despite yeonjun’s anxiety, you end up scheduling a next date right before you go home.

Summary: Hoseok tries to cope with the death of his spouse and finds something they left behind.

Genre: Angst

Pairing: Hoseok x Reader


Note: This is very angsty, mentions of death and coping



His eyes open. He feels something weighing down on him, stopping him from moving. He stares at the ceiling, then looks over at the bedroom window, there’s no sunlight pouring through the curtain. He cant move his neck, shifting only his eyes over to the clock on the bedside table. The blue digital numbers reading 2:30 AM. Hoseok closes his eyes, hoping that he’ll just drift off to sleep again.

“Hobi? Where are you?”

Hoseok’s eyes snap open at the sound of your voice coming from somewhere downstairs. His eyes move to the bedroom door, his chest swelling with excitement. Finally, you’re home. He knew that you would come back. He tries to grip onto the bedsheets on either side of him to lift himself up, but no matter how much the muscles in his arms and hands tense, he can’t close his fist. He can’t move, like cement has been poured through his veins. He hears what sounds like your keys being set down, then hears you moving around as if searching for him. “Hobi?”

Hoseok tries desperately to yell out for you, but he can’t open his mouth. Instead he lays there with his chest heaving and his lips quivering, only managing small whimpers between his pursed lips. The footsteps start to get closer, and Hoseok hopes that you’ll find him and help him. Hoseok’s breath gets faster and heavier as he tries again to sit up, the footsteps arrive at the door and  the knob slowly starts to turn. Hoseok is suddenly torn from his trance, his skin stings as if someone has thrown cold water onto him. He quickly sits upright, gasping for air and taking only a second to collect himself before he runs towards the closed bedroom door. He throws it open, hoping to see you on the other side, but instead he is faced with the empty hallway. His chest rises and falls as he stands there a bit longer, the darkness staring back and silently mocking him. Then he slowly starts to step backwards, until his thighs hit the bed and he falls back onto it. He spends the rest of the night with his head in his hands.


“It happened again.” Hoseok says as he pulls out one of your jewelry boxes from the dresser, brushing off the thin layer of dust that has began to form. He hadn’t touched your things since you’d passed away.

“The sleep paralysis?” Yoongi’s voice asks from the other end of the phone.

“Yes.” Hoseok rubs his eyes, which are tired and swollen from multiple restless nights like the prior one.

“I think we should go see a doctor if they don’t stop. Maybe some sleeping meds will help.” Yoongi suggests. Hoseok nods as he examines the jewelry box, he’s been going through the things you left behind after the members suggested that getting rid of some of the clutter would help him be at peace of mind. Instead, he had found himself getting lost in the memory of every object. He opened the box and let out a sound of surprise when a piece of paper fell out, slipping past him and settling on the ground. He picked it up as Yoongi asked what he found on the other side of the line. Hoseok unfolded the paper, and the first line he read was “To My Hobi,” written neatly in your handwriting at the top of the page. He could hear your voice clearly in his head as he read it again, closing his eyes briefly to collect himself.

“I’ll call you back, Yoongi.” He didn’t wait for a reply as he hung up and continued to read the letter.

To My Hobi,

Hey, it’s me, Y/N. I am writing this letter as a precaution, because I do not seem to be getting better. I feel weaker each day, and spend more time asleep than awake. This was just supposed to be a cold. It wasn’t supposed to be this bad. I won’t tell you that I wrote this letter, because I know that it would hurt you that I am thinking like this. I am not saying that I will die, but I am just being prepared. I know that if you need to, you will find this letter.

If you are reading this it means that I have already passed. I cannot even begin to imagine how you are feeling or how you are taking this, since it hurts to picture such a beautiful soul like you having to deal with such a terrible situation. I am sorry to part with you like this, I am sorry that I left before you. But I want you to know, how much I truly love you. You embodied the word perfection and basked in all of its glory, and not a day goes by that I do not call myself lucky to be able to call you my husband. It is okay to be sad, it is okay to cry, it is okay to miss me. But please promise me that you will learn how to smile again. Please promise me that you will continue to live, and that you will not be afraid to love again. You are too great of person for me to not let go. Other people deserve to know Jung Hoseok, and other people deserve to feel the way you made me feel. Please continue to share your gift and your smile, with the world. You were my hope and sunshine, even in these last painful days. But at least now you will remember me as I was, and I will live forever in your house of memories. I love you. I will always love you. So please, smile for me. 

Sincerely, Y/N

The paper was stained, it looked as if a tear had dried on it before. And now there was a fresh tear falling directly next to it, the paper shaking slightly in Hoseok’s hands. He set the paper down and settled his back against the dresser as he allowed himself to cry, letting his grief out in loud sobs. Perhaps he had been doing this all wrong. He could not forget you, no matter how hard he tried. Which is what he had been trying to do, because he thought that if he could erase all the feelings you’d given him, the pain would become enough to bare. But instead of treating you like a memory he wanted to forget, he should have treated you as a cherished recollection in his heart. For you, he’d build a palace in his house of memories. After he had calmed down enough, with his eyes puffy and his nose bright red, he called Yoongi back. He told him everything, and later that night, Hoseok went out to eat with the members for the first time since you’d passed away. Hoseok finally smiled again, and laughed. That night was the first night that he finally slept through.

Pt. 2 to the first NCT reactions to significant self harming or their scars during intimate times


He’d make it worst before he made it better. He’d feel it, and would instantly probably tear up (he’d deny this heavily though) and would leave the room. If you went after he might blow up on you a little bit, act bratty but won’t explain why he’s acting like that, he’ll just leave you in the dark. It would definitely take Johnny or Taeil explaining to him how he’s hurting you., and even then it might take him a day or two to get over his pride. Once he does however, he’ll be groveling at your feet for forgiveness. That’s very new he’s never experienced something like that before, and his reaction was very emotional due to him caring about you so much. You’ll both explain your sides, and once he knows how he can help or what he can do to help he will do it instantly without any question. It wasn’t the best start, but Haechan will absolutely make up for it every way that he can.


I’m not too confident on how he’d act, but I feel as if in the moment he definitely wouldn’t say anything. My man does give me sub vibes, so I feel like you’d be riding him, or he’d be a power bottom and he’d run his hands over the inside of your thighs and feel the marks. You’d react faster than him tbh, you’d tense up when you felt him touch them, kinda waiting for his reaction but he wouldn’t do anything. He’d massage your thighs so you’d relax and then just continue. Afterwards you’ll be having an extremely important and serious talks. Taeil wouldn’t be judgmental in any way and would probably even throw in some (albeit poorly timed) jokes just to break up the tension and get you to laugh. Afterwards it would never be a problem, but if you are ever sad or even look upset and won’t come to him directly about your feelings he’ll make sure to do whatever he can to make you laugh so you’ll at least get your mind off of it.


Mood would change., if he’s being extremely bratty he’ll tone it down a notch, if he’s being a hard dom he’ll definitely become soft for the rest of the night. There’s no way in hell this man would ever pass up the opportunity to fuck, or become fully submissive even for something like that. But if he was being a brat all evening, teasing you, ignoring your commands until you forced him to listen he might dial it back, he’ll listen to your commands after the second time. You won’t have to punish him for the rest of the night, and if he’s a dom he won’t care if you ignore his commands, or cum when you’re not allowed he’ll be more focused on your pleasure. He knows the best time to confront you is directly afterwards, when your still relaxed and pliant after your orgasm. He does everything right, allows you to talk at your pace, holds you if you cry, wipes your tears and make sure you know that he’s supporting you and constantly there for you even if he’s busy with work. 10/10 find you a YangYang


We all know and love him, he is definitely stopping in the middle, turning on the lights, cleaning you up and giving you a fresh pair of clothes. This is now a therapy session, he is no longer your boyfriend but your therapist. Will go to the kitchen, grab some water, tea and snacks and will place them all on the bed and waits for you to tell him what you’re comfortable with. Will rub your back soothingly if you start to cry, and remind you that there’s no pressure to talk about tonight, you could talk about anything else. Will offer you support or advice depending on what you’d like, and whole heartedly listen to your problems even if they don’t revolve around your self harm. Afterwards would turn on your favorite movie, and would spend the night cuddling albeit with a little bit of tears on your side as you remember why you’re so grateful to have him.


I know some of y'all saw his ‘thirst trap’. Feeling the scars wouldn’t be enough to stop him. he wouldn’t even change his mood or how he acts, would just continue as if it’s any normal night. he trusts you enough to let him know if you aren’t okay, he also knows you well enough that stopping is the last thing you’d want. would continue as usual, and I know I said he wouldn’t change anything, but he might be a little hesitant before spanking you, or punishing you for cumming without permission. Afterwards he might up the aftercare, taking a shower with you while also showering you in compliments and kisses, his hands would gently scrub your body making sure your clean, and he’d go as far to dry you off and apply lotion. Once he’s finished he’d pull Daegal into the room and think of a way to confront you while you’re sleeping. He can act “impulsively” but for this situation I think he’d truly think of the best way to go about it, because he knows this is serious and he wants to help you, not harm you through his reaction.

I do not ship idols seriously…..

but what ship should I use for a hybrid au on my ao3? I wanna step out my box again

Hey Peeps,

I just wanted to make like a PSA. As of now I will be leaving hiatus in about two weeks, this week is finishing up classes and next week is exams so I will be back hopefully by the time winter break hits. But also, today I took my dog to the vet for her first visit, and I was told that she had double ear infections and allergies (both are normal for sharpei’s apparently) and due to that I had to pay over half of my savings and weekly spending budget to afford her medicine. If anybody could give any amount of money to help me build back up my savings/vet costs for her it’d be greatly appreciated, my Ko-Fi is in my bio.

Thank You

Work In Progress List

My previous work in progress link isn’t working (?) so here is a new updated one.

Current Voyages

Back Stage Drama - jealous!serim, Allen'sBestfriend!reader

Exhausted - jeongwoo

Newly Discovered Galaxies

Previously Discovered Anomalys


In Progress

These are all of the works that I am currently working in, asks are put in the order that they are received so if your ask isn’t on this list I just might not have started working on it yet. If you have any questions or concerns about your ask you are always free to message me or ask me anonymously. The summaries and titles are not always the official titles, they may change




→Jealous!Serim (ip)


→Bad Mouth : gym rat readerxshota (scripting)



For Fun

Sneak Peak

I have been writing still I didn’t just post my fluff stuff and disappear. My next work is a smut one shot with Haechan based off of a daydream I had while at work. Hope you enjoy the first two sentences and I’ll be posting it hopefully sometime this weekend.

“I’m sorry.” Hands came to cup your cheeks, gently wiping the tears that fell. Eyes staring at you, guilt shining through knowing their actions were the cause. His actions were the reason you were crying. Pressing a kiss to your cheek, more following as he trails down your jaw before finally catching your lips.

All this because he got caught slandering you. A video clip that your interviewers maliciously showed you, waiting for you to burst into tears as you listened to the audio. Words that you can still hear perfectly.

Confess (it’s easy)

Idol: Kim Taeyoung

Genre: Fluff, (Small) Angst, Confessions

Word Count: 3k+

Synopsis: Love is supposed to be easy right? It’s not.

This is the story of Taeyoung falling in love.

Warnings: Fuck is used.

Meeting Taeyoung was purely by chance, on an afternoon where rain was imminent. A stormy gray sky above that threatened to open at any moment.

You were antsy, warily glancing up every few steps. Know that your  important documents were being sheltered in the thin weathered backpack that you’ve owned for years, one that surely wouldn’t withstand more than a couple drops of water. Taeyoung - who was walking the next street over - wasn’t worried at all, opting to keep his chin tilted to the sky. Seongmin’s word nothing more than a faint droning in his ears.

“You’re not even listening to me.” Indignant whining pulled Taeyoung from his thoughts, finally making him turn his attention towards the younger boy, who was now pouting angrily. “What could possibly be more important than our fanmeet?” Shrugging his shoulders Taeyoung sent back an apologetic smile, before turning his face once more to the sky.

“It’s gonna rain.” This statement caused Seongmin to rant about the importance of their fans, a rant that Taeyoung had heard so many times that he no longer bothered by it. He couldn’t explain the feeling he had, like something was going to happen. “Seongmin I’m sorry, but can’t you feel it?” A weird look was all he got in return.

“Hyung, are you alright? We can head back to the dorms if you’d like, Serim wouldn’t make you practice if you aren’t well.” Sighing, Taeyoung reluctantly shook his head before stopping.

“It’s not that. It feels like something’s going to happen. You’re telling me you don’t feel it at all?”

“You’re acting weird. I’m going to the studio, I’ll just tell Serim you’re not feeling well.” With a salute Seongmin turned on his heel, hurrying down the street to not be late, leaving Taeyoung standing in the middle of the sidewalk. Taeyoung couldn’t shake this feeling. Maybe he should head back to the dorm?

Glancing at the sky a drop of rain hit his cheek, causing him to blink incredulously. Perfect.

Around the corner you held out your hand, worrying your bottom lip between your teeth, watching as another drop of rain hit your palm. Fuck.

On cue with your revelation the sky opened above, soft drops of rain becoming a torrent in a matter of minutes. Breaking into a sprint you prayed that your papers would be safe. You were so close to your apartment, relief flooding you as your street’s sign.

Short lived relief as you turned the corner and ran into somebody. Reflexively your eyes shut, waiting to make contact with the hard concrete. Shocked was an understatement when you felt yourself make contact with someone’s chest, an arm wrapped around your waist keeping you pressed firmly against them. Slowly opening your eyes you were met with the sight of soaked hair and warm brown eyes, accompanied by the sweetest smile you’d ever seen. “You okay?”

“I’m fine, thank you.” His boyish grin only grew at your response, and you felt captivated. The feeling was mutual as he looked down at you, the street light doing little to mask your beauty, and he felt himself pulling you imperceptibly closer. That broke you from his spell, realizing that both of you were standing in the middle of a storm. Grabbing his arm you pulled him into your building’s lobby.

It wasn’t until you reached your apartment that you realized you’d practically kidnapped this stranger, who in his defense was just along for the ride. Turning around on your heels, you started sputtering out an excuse, a bunch of ‘i’m sorrys’ and ‘didn’t mean to just kidnap you’. “I don’t even know your name and I’ve practically snatched you from the street.”


“Excuse me.” That same boyish grin came back and you felt heat rise to your cheeks.

“My name is Taeyoung.”

A chance encounter that led to love at first sight. At least, on Taeyoung’s behalf.

That was over a year ago and now you were inseparable. Taeyoung doesn’t know how he survived without you in his life. You’ve become a crucial part in his life, intertwined so tightly it’s like you’ve always been there. The tiger stuffed animal resting at the head of his bed, one of many birthday gifts you’ve given him, your hoodies hanging in his closet, pictures from your first time visiting the photo booth stuck to his mirror while a drawing is taped to his walls. Every part of him has been touched by you, and his room is only a mirror of that.

Taeyoung can only hope it’s the same as you, that the hoodies he’s snuck into your closet remind you of him whenever he’s busy. Hope that you smile everytime you look at the purple bunny placed carefully on your dresser, remembering just how hard he worked to win it for you. Only hope that he affects you the same way.

Hope that you love him the same way he loves you.

Even now, he should be thinking about the cake you’re getting ready to bake, but all he can do is watch in awe as you walk around the kitchen, humming a song - Sunrise, your favorite song from his group - gathering the ingredients and placing them on the island. Mesmerized as you brush stray hair off of your forehead, a focused look on your face as your eyebrows furrowed, counting all of the ingredients and fidgeting with your necklace. A lock necklace, matching the key chain that Taeyoung had tucked underneath of his shirt.

“I think that’s everything? Are you ready?” Pushing himself away from the counter, Taeyoung walked closer, looking over the ingredients. “I’m so happy I finally convinced you to bake with me.”

Wonder if you knew how dangerous your smile was, especially aimed at Taeyoung like that.

“Yea, yea. I’m gonna be the one baking anyway. Last time you tried, you set the fire alarm off at 1 am.” Truthfully, Taeyoung liked you begging for his attention, it made him feel wanted. Made him feel like you might return his feelings. A pout formed on your lips as you grabbed the flour, carefully measuring it.

“Not like you’re any better. You forgot the water in your microwavable noodles.” Taeyoung’s face heated, before he mumbled something along the lines of ‘it was an accident’. Both of you worked in relative silence, despite Taeyoung’s hassling you worked in perfect unison, handing Taeyoung the eggs to crack into the dry ingredients, overcompensating for the extreme amount of vanilla that Taeyoung added, handing the mixing bowl to Taeyoung after the batter became too thick for you to continue mixing easily. It took two pans and a lot of paper towels before both of your cakes were safely in the oven, settled on the middle rack. It took thirty minutes for the cakes to finish baking, cracked only a little on the top, placed on top of the oven to cool enough for you to decorate them.

It took only thirty seconds for Taeyoung to think of something to do while you waited, and another five for Taeyoung to reach into the bag of flour before grabbing your face, leaving two almost perfect hand prints on each cheek. Giggling, Taeyoung backed up, a cheeky smile on his face as he admired his work. Grabbing some flour, you threw it at Taeyoung, laughing as it settled on his hair, making him look as if snow had been sprinkled on him. Both of you couldn’t help but continue to toss flour at each other, under the guise of defending yourself, the sounds of your laughter filling the kitchen while your hair and clothes became coated with flour.

“Let’s call a truce.” Raising both hands, you looked around the kitchen. The floor was absolutely covered with flour, along with the kitchen island that you’d been using as a shield. “We need to clean up before we ice the cakes.”

“Truce.” Cleaning turned out to be futile, the icing ended up everywhere as a result of you mindlessly placing your spatula on the counter instead of the cutting board, or touching the other ingredients without realizing that the sticky purple icing was covering your hands.  Taeyoung was no help either, continuously eating the icing in between coating the top of his cake with sprinkles and candies, causing his lips and somehow also his cheek to be covered with light yellow.

“How are you such a messy eater? You have icing everywhere.” Wetting a paper towel you grabbed Taeyoung’s chin, turning his face down towards you.

“Why should I be neat? I know you’ll always clean it up for me.” Rolling your eyes, you chose to ignore his taunting, opting to wipe his cheeks. Once you were positive the icing was gone off of both cheeks, you turned his head back, carefully wiping the dark purple icing from around his lips, absentmindedly brushing your thumb over his bottom lip. Glancing up at him, you saw his eyes were wide and a blush was spreading over his cheeks. Realizing just how close you were, you glanced down, realizing that you were still holding his chin, keeping him in place and keeping his lips only a few inches away from yours.

You wouldn’t even have to properly lean forward, Taeyoung would just have to lean down. Which is exactly what he did, placing his hand on the back of your neck and pulling you towards him.

You were never one for cliches, but that’s the only way to describe how you felt. Eyes fluttering shut when your lips pressed together, grabbing his hoodie and keeping him pressed against you. Everything about this kiss felt right, the way your lips fit together perfectly as if you were molded just to be Taeyoung’s other half, the way he kissed you the exact same way he treated you, gently as his hand moved to cup your jaw, keeping you in place, but with a determination behind it as he licked over your bottom lip, and you separated them happily. Once the need for air became too hard to ignore you pulled with a sigh.

Opening your eyes you were met with the Taeyoung’s shocked expression, releasing you as if you burned him, putting space between the both of you. The pout that formed on your lips as Taeyoung pulled away tempted him to apologize, mutter endless sorry’s before pulling you back towards him and kissing it away, but that’s what got him into this mess. Kissing you.

I gotta go.” Rushing out of the kitchen, Taeyoung grabbed his shoes and slipped out of your apartment. Leaving you rooted to your spot, flour and icing covering your kitchen counter, two half decorated cakes sitting on the counter, along with the ray of sprinkles and candies. Filled with emotions that you can’t comprehend except for two.

Confusion and heartbreak.

Four weeks passed and you’ve yet to hear from Taeyoung. The first few days you waited for him to text you, keeping your phone close and reacting quickly every time your phone pinged. That hope you felt at every notification, praying that it was Taeyoung, died down as days bled into weeks. It hit  you, somewhere along the second week that Taeyoung wasn’t going to contact you. This realization caused your already frayed emotions to go haywire, causing you to climb into your bed, wrap your coziest blanket around yourself and cry, trying to ignore the way your heart clenched painfully everytime you thought about Taeyoung.

Minhee was the one who realized something happened - seeing Taeyoung’s red rimmed eyes at practice he easily put two and two together - and spontaneously popped up at your apartment with Jungmo, who held a tub of your favorite icecream - Taeyoung had told them specifically which one to buy - along with takeout. Every day Minhee came back, accompanied by Jungmo or Woobin, sitting in your desk chair for hours, listening patiently as you vented. Minhee was truly the one who helped you realize your feelings.

“I think I like him? When he kissed me it felt like everything fell into place,” falling back against the bed with a sigh you held the stuffed bunny closer to your chest, feeling melancholy at your nth venting session this week. “Every time I think of him my chest hurts, and my stomach makes me feel as if I’m going to vomit. It hurts so badly, and I just wish I knew for sure.”

Running his fingers through his hair, Jungmo shared a look with Minhee, one that you were oblivious to. Downturned eyebrows as they talk without using words. Minhee was the one who opened his mouth, “You’re in love with Taeyoung, you have been for months. You’re heartbroken because you love him.”

“I love him?” Those three words had a lightbulb going off, along with glancing over at Minhee and seeing the expression on his face, one full of pity that you knew he was serious. “Oh my god, I love Taeyoung.”

Your admittance had you sitting up in your bed, plushie falling to the floor. It explained so much. How you couldn’t help but steal glances whenever you were alone, all of the candid photos that you took under the guise of taking them for fans, looking at them long after Taeyoung had left your side. How your heart continuously skipped whenever he grabbed your hand or cuddled up close to you, staring at you with his sweet smile. Everytime you fight the temptation to lean in, opting to ruffle his hair or tease him to get him to stop looking at you. Scared that he’d notice how you’d stared at him as if he hung the moon and the stars. Scared that he’d see just how deep your emotions ran.

That he’d realize you loved him and leave. Exactly like he’d done.

Taeyoung regrets what he did, his stupid fucking decisions ruined your friendship. He knows he can’t take back the kiss - there’s no in hell he would either, it was a dream come true - but he wishes he could take back his reaction. The confusion on your face that melted into a pout when he turned to run from the kitchen haunts him. He wishes he would’ve just pulled you into his arms, kissed the pout right off of your lips and confessed. Admit that he’s been in love with you, but he panicked. Resulting in him making the worst possible decision, and now? He’s scared. How he could resist you, especially when you were so close, looking at him as if you wanted him to. Pressing his face further into the pillow Taeyoung wondered what would happen if you truly just left him, curling into himself further at that thought. Serim and Allen were merely there, Allen sitting on the edge of the bed rubbing Taeyoung’s back, while Serim continued to dispute all your negative claims and offer advice.

That he refused to take.

“You need to just talk to her. Don’t you want to apologize at least?” Solid piece of advice that Taeyoung had already attempted. No text he wrote sounded good enough.

“I’ve tried, but they deserve better than a simple text.” Shaking his head, Taeyoung fought the urge to scream. His hyungs meant well, but all of their advice were basic things he’d already thought of. Text her as if nothing happened? That just makes him look like a jerk that doesn’t care. Apologize? No text apology is good enough for what he did, and it looks like he made no effort to contact you after running out. “I ruined our friendship and then ghosted them for a month. How could I possibly even start to apologize for that?”

“How’d you ruin your friendship? Are we missing something?” With a deep groan Taeyoung looked up from his pillow, staring at his headboard, catching a glimpse of his chain wrapped around the corner, the key hanging mockingly knowing that you have the matching lock.

“I kissed them. I forced them to kiss me.” Covering his face, Taeyoung swallowed the lump in his throat that was progressively growing the longer he thought about it. Another exasperated look shared between the two. They’ve heard enough about this, Taeyoung holding your neck and jaw, ‘forcing’ you to kiss him. Allen decided to chime in, hoping he could finally get through as the voice of reason.

“I’ve met them only a couple times, but aren’t they the ones with great boundaries? Like, refusing to hug you if they don’t want to, and only cuddling up to you when they feel like it. And you allow them to do this. Why?”

“I care about them, why wouldn’t I? I don’t ever want to disrespect them.”

“Why would they allow you to kiss them?” Allen watched as the realization finally hit Taeyoung who turned around, staring at them shocked. Why would you let him? He’d never gotten away with pushing your boundaries, even when you were mere strangers. You wanted to kiss him? Thinking back to that day Taeyoung recognizes you weren’t confused because of the kiss, you were confused he backed away from you. When his eyes first opened you were smiling, lips upturned at the corner before your eyes opened,  crinkling at the corner to match.

“They wanted to kiss me.” He took no time to process his hyung’s expressions, both filled with gratitude at him getting it, and frustration due to the long process. “I gotta go.” Standing up, Taeyoung rushed out of his room. Both listened as the dorm door shut shortly afterwards.

“We should be getting paid for this.”

While Taeyoung ran to your apartment, in too much of a rush to wait for a manager or Uber to drive him, Minhee comforted you. Holding you as you cried and spoke your fears of Taeyoung leaving because he realized you love him, that you lost your best-friend due to one simple mistake.

If Minhee didn’t know Taeyoung was already suffering and more concerned with comforting you he would’ve left your apartment, giving Taeyoung a piece of his mind before dragging him back, forcing him to apologize. Taeyoung was his groupmate, and he loved him like a brother, but you didn’t deserve this. In the middle of your venting the doorbell rang. Wiping your face Minhee left, prepared to brush off whoever was there. His shock when Taeyoung was the one standing there was astounding.

“What are you doing here?” Taeyoung beat Minhee to the punch. Walking into the hallway Minhee flicked Taeyoung, unable to control himself and feeling satisfied when the younger grabbed his forehead.

“Exactly what I wanna ask you. Whatever you’re doing, you need to know that you hurt them. Badly. I’m here having to act as a makeshift best-friend because you disappeared on them. You need to make this better.” Taeyoung at least had the nerve to look guilty, being scolded by Minhee was something that he hadn’t expected, but he deserved it.

“That’s what I’m here for. Can I talk to them?” Sighing Minhee opened the door, waving him in. Before Taeyoung walked inside Minhee grabbed his shoulder, squeezing it uncomfortably tight.

“Make it better.” A simple nod and Minhee was releasing him, letting him go, watching as he rushed into your apartment. Taeyoung felt jealousy bubble inside him hearing you call out Minhee’s name but once you turned the corner he felt like he was punched in the gut. Tears stained your cheeks, eyes red and puffy as you turned to look at him. Eyes that went wide at the sight of him, lower lip beginning to wobble. Rushing over to you, Taeyoung cupped your cheeks, wiping your tears away and muttering apologies.

“I’m sorry, I can’t say it enough. I didn’t mean to leave you, I panicked. I should’ve just told you that I love you cause I do, I think I’ve been in love with you since I met you. I was scared that I ruined our friendship, and overstepped your boundaries that I ran. Fear kept me away from you, and no apology that I tried to write was good enough for you. I’m in love with you, and I don’t know what I would do if you weren’t in my life.” Fresh tears running down your cheeks silenced him, his blood running cold at the thought of you rejecting him, especially now that his heart is on the line.

“Shut up.” Taeyoung’s eyes widened as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him down enough so that you could easily kiss him. If the first kiss felt cliche, this one felt like coming home after a long day of work, comforting in the best way as his arms dropped to your waist, holding you close. It only lasted a few seconds, but it was enough as both of you pulled away, love sick smiles on your face as you grabbed his arm, pulling him towards the living room and collapsing on the couch, curling yourself up on top of him, laying your head on his chest.

Looking up towards him you pressed one last kiss to his lips, muttering “I love you too” against his lips.

Maybe loving was easier than breathing. Something that helped you wake up in the morning before a busy day, continuously giving him a reason to fight, dance harder and perform a little better. It was encouraging texts when you were too busy to see each other, the code to your apartment that he had memorized, sliding into your bed after a long day and being able to wrap an arm around your waist, pulling you close to him.

It was the same thing that made him stop and smile whenever he looked at you, eyes revealing the love he held for you. What made it hard for him to fight the urge, leaning in and pressing a kiss to your cheek while you continued to happily point at the animals at the zoo, ignoring the sound of cameras flashing and the lecture he was sure to get when articles were released about the public display of affection.

It was worth it though, as long as he was allowed to love you.


Hey Everybody,

I was completely overwhelmed with the number of requests and type of requests that I was getting so as of now I have deleted all of my previously received requests. However, not every request is completely gone, I have a request for Niki, Treasure’s Doyoung, and Yuta that I am not giving up on just yet, I just haven’t been able to properly brainstorm for those. Requests will be different.

1. Requests are open for every group but I will only be accepting a certain number of requests for each group. If you want a request for a group that is not on my master list check out my bias list, those are groups/soloists that I am comfortable with writing about.

2. Smut requests will not be accepted if they are anon. With this, I will not be posting the ask as to keep whoever sent it private, this is so if any part of the ask is confusing or conflicting I can easily just message you and check with you about it.

3. Asks need to have a member, and a slight plan. Requests such as ‘Yuta having sex with ex’ will be deleted. I love that you trust me to give you something good with such little information but less information that I have for the request the harder it is for me to write.

4. My usual request rules still go, and if you have any questions or concerns about what I will or will not write check out my Kink and Angst link as those have my hard stops and what I am okay with them.

Thank you for being patient with me guys, so sorry for the wait and my hiatus I just needed to get my thoughts together and this is the next step for my page. Thanks for sticking with me


[masterlist in bio]
30 january 2020

a/n: i felt good about woo’s so pls at least read his,,,also members under the cut since this is so long oops

warning: implications of sex, vulgar language


s e o n g h w a ♡

  • he finds it funny, really
  • the fact that he’d spent so much time focusing on you and you only, had given up so much for you and you just took advantage of him like it was nothing
  • it’s hilarious to him to look back on how fucking stupid he’d been to ignore the feeling in his gut and try to wait it out in hopes of his suspicions being false
  • but of course, like everything else, it was too good to be true
  • he’s been waiting for you to come home for a good few hours now
  • you haven’t been answering your phone at all and god knows where you are at this hour
  • and this isn’t the first time either. but seonghwa doesn’t like being by himself, so he always goes back to the dorms during these situations. and you know that
  • but you don’t know this time he’s decided to wait, to see what’s really going on, if it’s really worth staying and trusting you
  • when he finally hears the lock of the door clicking, he’s up against the counter in the kitchen with his arms folded over his chest that’s moving heavily up and down
  • and it only gets worse when he hears not only you giggling, but also another voice he doesn’t recognize
  • he harshly knocks down a chair on his way into the living room, storming all the way to the man whose neck you’ve attached your lips to, grabbing him by the collar and swinging his fist into his jaw as hard as he can
  • kicking him a couple more times as he falls to the ground
  • you’re terrified of what seonghwa’s going to do to him or what he’s going to do to you
  • but there’s no point. he’s too much of a gentleman to ever lay a hand on you
  • so all he does is scream and shout at you about how he shouldn’t have stayed, how dumb he was to believe your lies, how he should have been able to see right through you the whole time
  • and he hopes you’re fucking happy with the douchebag bleeding on the floor and if you want to be with him so much take him and leave, your stuff will be outside in the morning
  • after you’re gone, it’s hard for him to think. maybe it’s because he’s tired
  • or he’s completely hopeless from losing the one thing that kept him sane
  • but is now causing the worst pain he never thought he’d feel

h o n g j o o n g ♡

  • he’s been too busy with work to notice how distant you’ve become the past few weeks
  • and maybe it’s his own fault this happened since he hasn’t made time for you
  • but he’s still hurt and heartbroken and it’s still not a good enough excuse to throw away everything he’s done for you
  • hongjoong told you he’d be home before you go to bed, but he finds himself caught up in work again, losing track of time
  • he curses at himself under his breath, haphazardly grabbing his things to get to you as quickly as possible
  • he wants to make it up to you, he really does
  • but the idea’s completely thrown out the window as he opens the door to find you on the couch with another man
  • he stumbles in shock, not sure what to do or say
  • all you do is give him a small look and stand up slowly, calmly beginning to speak as if you’ve been expecting this to happen
  • it’s not that hongjoong doesn’t want to hear your explanation, just that he physically can’t
  • his breathing and heartbeat are too fast to consider safe. his vision begins to blur, but he doesn’t know if it’s from tears or because he’s beginning to feel lightheaded
  • heloved you. he gave you everything he could for you and you didn’t care
  • he told you in the beginning time management would be difficult and if it was going to be a problem to talk to him
  • you stepped on his heart and spit on it like he means nothing to you
  • he doesn’t realize he’s been screaming or crying until his fist comes in contact with the wall. he also notices you haven’t said anything or tried to justify yourself at all
  • he shakily turns his head in your direction but your eyes are somewhere else, arms folded over your chest and an almost-guilty look on your face
  • and he looks at the boy he assumes is the one you’ve been with. he’s practically in the same stance as you, trying not to get caught up in everything
  • the room feels hot. too hot for hongjoong to stay
  • so he walks past you and begins to grab some things, thanking himself for never leaving too much at your place
  • he leaves without another word. he wanted to tell you how much he fucking hates you, but then he’d be lying through his teeth
  • you don’t deserve to be hated anyway, and he silently wishes you the best because all he’s every wanted is for you to be happy
  • and if he can’t give it to you, he’s more than satisfied to let you find something else to take his place

y u n h o 

  • maybe he should have listened to the guys all the times they’d told him they’d had a bad feeling about you from the beginning
  • or maybe he should have just put in a little bit more effort, giving you more than you’d ever wanted
  • but there’s no point in thinking about that now. it’s too late.
  • he’ll never be able to describe the feeling of walking in on the love of his life with their legs wrapped around another man’s waist
  • the man you said was nothing more than a coworker. the constant meet-ups for “work purposes” were clearly just quick fucks behind yunho’s back
  • he’s angry, sure. that’s a given
  • but he’s more confused and insecure and broken-down than anything
  • what did he do wrong? what does this man give you that he doesn’t? did you ever really love him?
  • tears are already streaming down his cheeks as he screams for the man to get the fuck out of his house
  • but as soon as he’s gone, yunho goes quiet except for the sobs that escape his throat
  • he wants to talk. to know what happened when. and he’s willing to give you another chance
  • he knows he shouldn’t. he doesn’t want to think about what the guys would say about this
  • but he loves you way too much to ever let you go like this
  • his feelings for you could rival that of someone who was genuinely obsessed. a stalker, if you were willing to go that far
  • he’s willing to do anything to keep you by his side. you two can move on together
  • but when you tell him there’s no moving on, there’s nothing the world has to offer the two of you anymore
  • he falls to the ground in pieces
  • he’s crying so hard he barely makes any noise
  • he can’t breathe. he’s shaking. he wants everything to stop
  • he begs and begs and begs for you to stay. he can’t live without you
  • yunho can barely hear your apology as you step around him and walk out in the direction of your new lover, leaving him on the floor alone with his demons
  • he’d spend the next nights wondering what he did wrong
  • what he could have done differently to have made you stay
  • his body is completely drained of energy. every night he limps to the bed, alone, to cry himself to sleep
  • ever so slightly hoping he doesn’t wake up

y e o s a n g 

  • yeosang is a very attentive man. he should have been able to pick up on all the little things that would have led to this situation
  • but you’re a very secretive person. good enough to keep it from him for however long this shit has been going on.
  • it hurts that he found out through a friend. he doesn’t know if it would have been better for him to see it directly, but he’s still glad he didn’t.
  • wooyoung had pulled him aside a few weeks ago to tell him that he’d seen you kissing someone he didn’t recognize. but yeosang didn’t want to believe it
  • so he waited it out and paid close attention to your actions. he can’t really tell what’s different, but it doesn’t add up nonetheless
  • and yeosang is not a confrontational person in the slightest
  • so when he comes to you with a simultaneously angry and terrified look on his face, you already know you’re in shit
  • he’s direct and straight to the point. not that you’d expect anything else from him
  • “are you seeing someone else?”
  • it doesn’t take a psychologist to recognize the way you tear your gaze away from him and try to hide the pure guilt on your face
  • you don’t answer. so he repeats his question, but harsher and louder and more aggressive.
  • “are you fucking cheating on me? fucking answer me, y/n!”
  • he’s already zoned you out by the time you start spitting apologies from your lips
  • he doesn’t understand what he did wrong
  • he took care of you
  • he dropped everything for you the second you called
  • he put you before everything
  • he’s been through absolute hell for you
  • but you really took that for granted
  • and the fact that you’ve had the audacity to tell him you love him? you’re a fucking liar
  • yeosang doesn’t hate many things, but liars definitely top the list
  • but he’s never really encountered liars like you. nobody’s ever gone that far to rip his heart out and stomp on it
  • so he doesn’t know what else to do other than run out of the apartment and let his legs carry him as far as they can take him
  • he doesn’t know where he’s going
  • he can’t tell if he’s crying or if the cold wind is making his eyes water
  • but as long as he can get as far away from you as he possibly can, it doesn’t really matter at the moment.

s a n 

  • though san is one of the members to fall the hardest, he’s attentive and mature enough to know when things aren’t going as well as they used to be
  • he’s noticed you’ve been a bit more distant lately
  • you’ve been on your phone a lot and have been staying out later
  • and more often you have excuses to not spend time with him, so of course he already has his suspicions
  • but he’s been terrified of saying or doing something in fear of being wrong and damaging your trust
  • until now, a little past two-thirty in the morning when you get a text from a name he’s noticed on your phone before
  • and you must have not been smart enough to change your passcode, he thinks as he opens the message to find pictures of you he’s never seen even though he’s the only one who should have
  • his blood begins to boil, but not as much as it would have had he not already figured you’ve been doing things behind his back
  • he quietly slips out of bed so as not to wake you up, but the action is completely pointless once he picks up your phone and hurls it at the farthest wall as hard as he possibly can, a loud grunt escaping his throat
  • your body shoots up, confused as to what san is making such noise for
  • but it clicks when you flick the light on and see san’s stance
  • his hands are balled into fists so tight his knuckles are white, his face red and scrunched up in anger
  • there are darkness and betrayal clear in his eyes, almost making you scared of what he’s going to do
  • there’s a lot of things he wants to do, but all he can is yell and let his emotions out
  • how he shouldn’t have let this played out so long
  • how he believed you when you told him you loved him and no one else
  • he screams for you to get out, but the only direction you move in is towards him in an attempt to convince him to let you stay
  • all you did was make it worse. you don’t deserve to stay
  • he picks up the framed picture of the two of you and throws it the same way he did your phone, finally causing you to leave
  • he doesn’t care if you don’t have your stuff or if he’s sending you on your own in the middle of the night. you don’t matter to him now
  • you could get hit by a car for all he cares, and he’d think you deserved it
  • all that matters is that he’s finally gotten everything taken care of and never has to see you again

m i n g i 

  • unless there’s been a fight between the two of you, it’s rare that mingi’s in a bad mood when you’re around him, even if he’s had the literal shittiest day in all of human history
  • you’re the first person he goes to when he needs someone to lean on or listen to him rant about everything on his mind
  • you don’t even have to do anything to make him feel better. just the thought of you makes his heart beat faster with pure love and gratefulness that he found you
  • so it’s really unexpected when you, the sole person he’s willing to give up his life for, do the exact opposite of what you normally do
  • today wasn’t a particularly stressful one, but he’s still dying to lie in your arms and listen to the soft thumping of your heart right now
  • he goes to make his way to your shared bedroom, already walking a bit slowly from being so worn out from practice
  • but all of his movements cease–including his breathing and probably his heartbeat, too–when he takes his first steps into the hallway
  • there you are, pinned up against the wall by somebody he recognizes to be “just a friend” from a while back
  • he notices how you scramble away from your partner when you realize he’s standing there, so you do know that what you’re doing is wrong
  • so why are you still doing it?
  • he has so many emotions right now he doesn’t even know how he’s feeling
  • but it absolutely tears him up inside
  • did you ever really love him? was he just a toy to you?
  • he’s useless. of course it was too good to be true. nobody could ever love him. he was stupid to think that you shared the same feelings he had for you
  • the other man’s already left the house by now. i’ll stop by later, he said. it just made the situation worse.
  • he’s rambling and he’s crying and he’s bumping into things trying to back away from you
  • don’t fucking touch him. he wants to say it. he tries, but the words get caught between sobs in his throat
  • it feels almost as if he’s dreaming. it’s what he wants to believe, anyway. so he doesn’t bother stopping you when you wrap your arms around his body and pull his head into your chest, dropping to your knees on the floor where he sits now
  • he lets you cradle him even though he knows you shouldn’t. he’s so, so confused.
  • it’s a hard debate in his head, whether or not to leave
  • he loves you way too much to ever even think of letting you go
  • maybe, he thinks, there’s a solution. everyone deserves a second chance, right…?

w o o y o u n g 

  • wooyoung is someone who falls in love easily. and when he does, the feelings are extremely strong to where it takes a lot to let go
  • he forgives and forgives because he loves you so much and he’s given you his entire soul to take care of
  • but never has he expected you’d crush it just like that
  • a few hours ago, he texted you to let you know he’s coming home early
  • he didn’t get a reply, so he assumed you were busy or simply taking a nap
  • god, how he wishes that were the case
  • he gently closes the door and sets his bags down before padding to the bedroom, trying to be quiet just in case you’re asleep
  • it’s only now that he hears sounds that definitely don’t sound like snores
  • sounds that definitely aren’t coming from you
  • the feeling of his heartbeat pounding against his ribcage is almost terrifying when met with his hands shaking without rhythm
  • he prays you’re just watching a video and you’re by yourself and he can just walk in and take care of you
  • but when he opens the door, he’s greeted with the sight of you on your knees with hands that aren’t his in your hair
  • he’s flooded with so many emotions—anger, fear, heartbreak—that he doesn’t even notice your partner scrambling to pull his pants up or you walking closer with your hands out, struggling to find an explanation
  • tears completely blur his vision as he tries to back away from you, not yet knowing what to say or do
  • but his mind takes over and his voice gets loud, slamming his fist against the doorframe, screaming for the two of you to get out and never come back
  • he screams and punches his fist against the wall, not caring if you can hear from outside and not stopping until blood is visibly dripping from his knuckles down his forearm
  • he’s angry at himself for not being so naïve, angry at you for taking advantage of him, angry at god for allowing something so terrible to happen to him
  • and the anger fizzles into sorrow, and the sorrow fizzes into hopelessness
  • and all he can do from here is curl against the wall and cry until his head pounds at the tempo of his broken heart

j o n g h o 

  • it all began when you started calling someone’s name in your sleep. a name that wasn’t jongho’s.
  • he didn’t know who he assumed it to be, but he tried not to think too much of it
  • he should have, though
  • the last time he hears you call that name, you’re not asleep
  • you’re lying on the couch, yes, but you’re just as awake as he is
  • his first reaction is shocked. this was not what he expected to come home to. hell, he didn’t even know you were gonna be here, let alone cheat on him
  • his second reaction is angry. he’s fucking pissed at the person whose was sitting between your legs moments ago, a place jongho thought was reserved for him and him only. who is he to think he has the same rights?
  • then he’s pissed at you. who the fuck do you think you are, letting some stranger go down on you on the same couch you sat with your boyfriend just last night, telling him you loved him?
  • then he’s pissed at himself. he should have known better. he didn’t see any signs, but he should have picked up on them. they had to have been there
  • the way his brows furrow and his nose scrunches puts a terrifying expression on his face. you’ve never seen him like this, and it was probably for the best
  • he tells the man simply to get the fuck out. when he doesn’t do it quick enough, jongho grabs him up by the collar and knocks his fist square into his jaw before practically throwing him out the door and slamming it shut hard enough for a nearby picture to fall off of the wall
  • his third reaction is denial. he’s shaking when he turns back around to you. he begs you to tell him it’s all a dream. tell him it’s just some sick prank and none of this ever really happened and everything can go back to how it was yesterday
  • it breaks your heart to see the rivers already streaming endlessly down his cheeks
  • his last sliver of hope disappears, however, when you only respond with apologies. you can’t even think of an excuse to give him. he would find that funny if he weren’t in this current situation
  • his final reaction his heartbreak. there’s no going back. how long has this been going on? he wonders. but he doesn’t bother to ask
  • he turns just enough to be able to punch the wall hard enough to leave a hole before plodding past you to the bedroom, not even sparing a glance at you
  • “i want all your shit out of here by the time i wake up.” it’s not a suggestion, even with the lack of authority in his voice. he sounds so drained, so helpless, so broken inside.
  • he doesn’t know why he’s lying in bed. he’s not tired. he can’t sleep
  • all it does is remind him of you. but it’s a good place to cry, he supposes. locked out from the world. just him, himself, and he. nobody else.
  • especially not you

Goddess! Yoohyeon - My Universe

A/N: Hi guys, girls, and non-binary pearls! I wish you all the best for whatever you chose to do today. (Also, this fic is Attempt No. 2 of trying to break @kingmaker-a after he tormented my heart with one of his fics. :] Does it pale in comparison? Definitely. But I’m gonna hit a nerve eventually.)

If you like fics like this (or if you’re looking for some fluffier content after crying), please consider checking out my Masterlist!

TW: Angst (of course), implied abandonment and/or break-up (?), car crash, more angst, hospitals, near-death experience, Yoohyeon is the literal embodiment of death, did I mention angst?

I’d trade every star and constellation in the sky for another chance with you.

The night sky burns brightly with its glamorous display of stars in the sky. You can’t help but stare at the dazzling spectacle that has appeared before your eyes.

Every star shines brightly in the sky, but the shining star of your life is nowhere to be seen.

Why did you leave me alone? You’re all I can think about every day and night. 

Every time you leave your house, the wind whispers the name of a woman who left you for the universe. Every passing figure takes her divine shape, and her voice rings into your ear when you look at the moon.

I loved you more than I’ve ever loved before. Why can’t you just stay with me for one more night?

You bite your lip as a familiar tear rolls down your cheek. You sniffle as the tears flow freely.

You saved the universe, but you couldn’t stay in my universe.


Yoohyeon stares at you from her golden throne in the sky. She observes your every breath as she eagerly waits for you to join her.

You’ll be with me soon, my dear. Just be patient and enjoy your life.

Days feel like mere minutes in Yoohyeon’s life. She’s been watching you ever since she had to leave your side.

It hurts her to think that she has to be the one to cut your life short. Being the Goddess of Death could reap some fortunes, but all Yoohyeon wanted to do was cradle you in her arms.

The day has come, and she watches and waits.

I’ll be there, Y/N, right when you need memost.


It all happened so fast. Is this really the end for me?

You remember blinding lights, an immense pain in your head, and someone calling your name. 

All of that has passed as numbness washes over you. You can only sit and stare as your family and friends cry over your mortal body as you lifelessly sleep in a hospital bed.

They don’t know that I won’t wake up again, do they?

“Y/N!” A voice calls out from above you.

“Yoohyeon?” You question as her familiar form comes into view.

“Yeah, it’s me. How have you been?” She asks as a warm smile spreads across her face.

“I don’t know, Yoohyeon, I just died.” You sigh as your gaze refocuses on your body.

I can’t leave them alone. My family and friends deserve more time with me.

Yoohyeon offers you her hand. “It’s time to go, Y/N.” 

“No.” You shake your head at her. “I want to stay.”

“Y/N, don’t make me-”

“You don’t scare me anymore. Your threats are empty, just like your love.” You hiss at her while fighting back tears.

“Baby, I’m sorry.” Yoohyeon mumbles with a guilty look on her face.

“I would’ve accepted your apology if I was crying over you like I was years ago. Things change, Yoohyeon. I want to stay.” You insist.

Yoohyeon quietly looks at the floor before speaking,

“Fine.” Yoohyeon waves her hand as you disappear from her sight. “Don’t say that I never did anything for you.”

You wake up in the arms of your loved ones as Yoohyeon disappears from your sight.

‘Til we meet again, Yooh.

Take Me Away (TMA): JiU’s Shattered Ending - Repent Your Sins

A/N: Hope everyone’s having a great week! I know I am, and I hope that my good vibes can become your good vibes too.

If you’re looking for a good place to start or get caught up, then you should check out the Series Masterlist!

TW: Religion, religious themes, jail, running away

You take the garnet necklace into your hands before placing it around your neck.

JiU’s warmth and kindness has stayed in my head from the moment I left her. She did make a mistake, but it was a mistake that anyone would’ve made at that moment. I can’t wait to see her again. Even though it’s been a few days, it feels like it’s been ages since I saw her last.

You climb into bed as you recall more… interestingmemories of you and JiU to occupy your mind as you fall asleep.


You wake up as a familiar chill runs over your body. The darkness that surrounds you makes it impossible for you to identify your surroundings. You try to get up, but you’re chained to the ground.

Am I in the jail cell? Is this the day before my execution?

You simply sit in the darkness as you try to form a plan of sorts.

Is there anything I can cut these chains with? That’s a stupid question; of course there isn’t!

You can hear soft footsteps approach the jail cell, and you’re quiet as you see a bit of light enter the hallway.

Who’s coming this way?

You can identify a woman’s shadow in the light, but you aren’t able to make out the figure until she comes into your line of sight.


“JiU!” You whisper yell as her head whips towards you.


JiU nearly drops the large candle in her hand while fishing something out of her pocket. She triumphantly holds the key in her hand before unlocking your jail cell.

“I missed you.” You say as she sets the candle down next to you.

JiU grabs the chain before using the same key to free you.

“I know.” 

You give her a big hug before JiU grabs her candle from the floor.

“Let’s go. We don’t have much time.” 

JiU gestures for you to follow her as she navigates through the dark hallway.

“Where are we going, exactly?” You ask.

“I’m not sure, but it’ll be someplace where you and I can live happily without fear.” JiU confidently states as you reach the door.


“That doesn’t sound like an awful plan.” You mumble as you both exit the jailhouse.

JiU blows out the candle before setting it on the ground. She looks into the forest ahead before offering you her hand.

“Are you ready to start a new story?”

You laugh before taking her hand.

“You bet!”

Take Me Away (TMA): Yoohyeon’s Shattered Ending - Shooting Stars Fade Fast

A/N: Ah, the angst train continues with another Shattered Ending! I hope you all are enjoying all of these different endings. (Also, DC got their first win today and I’m literally so proud of them and all of the hard work Insomnias have done to support them. It’s been a long time coming. )

If you’re looking for a place to start reading Take Me Away, or if you need to get caught up on a chapter or two, then you should check out my Series Masterlist!

TW: Angst ending, arguments, failures

You admire the sapphire brooch before snatching it from the box.

I think that Yoohyeon deserves a second chance. We all make mistakes; that’s what makes us human. I think that we could get over this and try again. I may still need time to heal but I need to do so in that world.

You snuggle into your bed as a calm sleep begins to fall over you.


You wake in a familiar home as you begin to prepare yourself to film more scenes of the movie. You’re barely able to get dressed before someone knocks on your door.

“Hey, you’ve got to make a TV appearance soon! After that colossal failure of a film, we need to get you back on track.” Your agent says before you hear them leave.

Did the film not do well? I thought that it would do well due to mine and Yoohyeon’s chemistry.

You shrug before getting ready for the interview.

I wonder what Yoohyeon is doing now. Is she alive and well? She must be, otherwise the movie would’ve halted production.

You quickly exit your room before your agent can yell at you again.


After a successful TV interview, you’re able to convince your limo driver to take you to Yoohyeon’s place.

“I wouldn’t recommend going there. She’s still torn up because of how the movie was received.” The driver sighs before shaking their head. “I know that you won’t let me take you home, so I’ll take you to Yoohyeon. No snitching, alright? I’ll say we went for food.”

You give them a warm smile.

“That sounds good to me!”


When you arrive at Yoohyeon’s home, you’re cautiously optimistic as you knock on her door.

What do I even say to her when I see her? Shall I be comforting, or should I be direct?

The door opens, and you see a miserable version of the girl you once knew and loved. Her clothes are wrinkly, her hair is a mess, and her eyes are filled with tears.

“Please leave me alone. I don’t want to talk to you.” 

Yoohyeon tries to shut the door, but you’re able to stop it with your foot.

“Why not?”

Why not? Y/N, we just made ourselves national embassaments instead of national treasures! How are our careers going to recover after this? I knew that signing up for that movie was a mistake.” 

You feel a lump in your throat as your brain dissects every word she says.

“Everything about that movie was a mistake, huh?” You ask as you try to force the tears and sadness down deep inside you.

Yoohyeon gives you a confused look.

“Isn’t that what I just said?”

You look directly in her eyes with an unmistakable amount of pain in yours.

“Was I a mistake? Were ‘we’ a mistake?” 

You take a step back from her front door as you take a deep breath. Yoohyeon pauses for a moment, and you shake your head at her.

“You know what? I don’t even want to know. Keep your secrets and lies, Yoohyeon, and keep me out of them.” You turn away from her as you briskly begin to walk back to the limo.

“Y/N, wait!”

“I don’t want to hear it, Yoohyeon!” You yell at her before climbing into your car.

The driver looks at you with concern as you let the tears fall from your eyes.

“Are you alrigh-”

“Just drive the goddamn car.” You direct. “Drive for as long as you want for what I care. I just want to be nowhere near that woman.”

“As you request.” The driver nods before starting the car.

You regretfully stare out the window as Yoohyeon re-enters her home.

I wish we could’ve worked out, but two stars only cross paths for a small amount of time before leaving each other in the dust.

Take Me Away (TMA): Gahyeon’s Shattered Ending - Sea of Misery

A/N: Hello my lovely guys, girls, and non-binary pearls! I wish I was back with another fluffy chapter, but we’ve got to work through the rough parts in order to get back to the fluff. I hope you enjoy this anyways, even if you don’t get that gooey, happy feeling in your stomach after you read it.

If you’re looking for a good place to start reading Take Me Away, or if you need to catch up on a chapter, then you should start by looking through the Series Masterlist!

TW: Bad ending, fire, smoke, characters suffer from starvation, a fish dies, mentions of food, homelessness(?), hopelessness

You pull the rose quartz anklet from the box, and you waste no time slipping it onto your foot.

Gahyeon… her smile and personality doesn’t fail to make me smile when I think of her. She’s my absolute bliss, and a life without her is a life without love.

You slip into the covers as complete silence overtakes your mind, and you eventually fall asleep.


You wake up in the small home that you and Gahyeon lived in, but a strong, unmistakable scent hits your nose instead of the salty ocean breeze that you were expecting.

Smoke… Is there a fire somewhere?!?!

You open your hand to see the shattered stone before softly cursing.

As smoke fills the room, you run out of your room to the safety of the outdoors.

“Y/N!” Gahyeon yells before giving you a hug. “We’ve got to get out of here.”

Gahyeon! She’s alive… but there’s got to be a bad twist somewhere in here.

“What do you mean?” You tilt your head at her.

“Someone tried to kill both of us. I think one or more of the villagers might know my secret.” Gahyeon’s eyes grow sad as she looks at the ground.

“We’ve got to go, then. I have to keep you safe.” You usher her out of the village as the two of you make a daring escape into the night.


It’s been so long since I had a proper meal. Gahyeon doesn’t look to be holding up well either…

After that night, the two of you ran to a small cave that would shelter the both of you until you figured out a new plan.

Your eyes drift to Gahyeon as she peacefully sleeps. Her soft features shine in the sunlight as you admire her.

This might suck, but I’m doing this for her and her alone.

You take your makeshift fishing rod with you as you go to catch something to eat.


“Gahyeon! Look what I caught!” You excitedly race back to the cave while holding your prized catch.

This fish is big, so we’ll be able to eat a nice meal.

Gahyeon smiles happily as she takes the fish from your hands.

“God, I’m starving.”

You set the fishing rod aside before nodding in agreement.

“I told you we could make it by ourselves.” You softly say as Gahyeon stares at the small fire in front of her.

“Will we ever be able to return to the village?” Gahyeon hopefully asks. “I know that’s a stupid question, but I miss sleeping in a home instead of a cave.”

“I understand where you’re coming from, but we can do this ourselves.” You confidently say as Gahyeon’s smile grows wider.

Only if I believed what I was saying to her….

“Oh, Y/N, I’m glad that I’m stuck with you.” Gahyeon takes your hand in hers as she prepares to cook the fish.

You gaze at the fire before squeezing her hand.

“Me too, Gahyeon, me too.”
