

inspired by this fic


Okay so angsty hurt/comfort fic where Obi-Wan gets deaged to below three and Anakin notices he never reaches for the force and he’s all ‘lmao I guess that ‘no frivolous usage of the force’ thing is just his personality? Gotta tease him over that later’ while they’re on their way back to the temple with their troops (provably just Ghost and Torrent tbh) and he’s sitting in the canteen one day with lil Obi sitting pretty by his side eating his mushy grains with honey when he notices the fruit bowl a table away so he (not impolitely either imo he probably does this a lot and the clones always laugh at it, maybe even make a game outta it) reaches with the force to grab an orange so he can peel it for the tot at his side-

Which is when Obi-Wan let’s out the most heart clenching sense of PANIC in the force after seeing Anakin do so. He’s patting at Ani’a arm, trying to get him to stop, looking around in panic and that lil lip wobbling all sad and scared.

Anakin drops everything to give the baby his attention. Everyone who notices does too. Ahsoka looks gobsmacked and asks Ani what’s wrong with him? Ani has no fucking clue.

But… Cody has an idea or two… he’s asked where Obi-Wan was from before. Obi-Wan makes such an effort to learn what people like, about their culture, what the clones want, what the trainers were like… Cody really likes him (he’s his best friend) and wanted to return the favor. The first thing he learned about force sensitives on Stewjon (a planet outside of the republic that isn’t required to test for midichlorian counts) is that they’re ‘given back to the water to cleanse the energy trapped inside.’

Force sensitive babies are drowned.

The second thing he learned, was that Obi-Wan had been in the middle of an attempted drowning when his searcher, Fay, had found him. He had been almost three when they had gotten him to the temple. That’s three whole years of living in survival mode with the fear of someone seeing him do something too freaky, waiting to see if he can be beaten and starved into being good, or if they needed to give him back to the river.

He doesn’t really wanna air out Obi-Wan’s dirty laundry like this, but. He’s kinda… tiny…

The Chosen One is freaking horrified at the idea of his master being beaten to stop his force abilities. Starved to behave and why he strived for control at all times. Frivolous use of the force isn’t frivolous because it’s unneeded, Anakin has teased him a time or two for using the force frivolously while they’re alone… it’s frivolous because it’s one more reason for those who hate force sensitive to paint a target on their backs.

Him and Ahsoka make an effort not to use the force in a way others can see around him till they’re back at the temple, but he thinks he’s gonna need a few therapy lessons to get over the guilt that he’s been poking fun at his master’s survival skills for years. He feels like shit.

At least he has a baby to cuddle and give kisses to now.


One of them time traveling situations where all the bat boys (Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian) become 12 .

The Justice League knows that explaining stuff to the Robins will be easy but they’re nervous about Bruce’s reaction.

Clark: -and that’s what’s happening. Any questions?

12 year old Bruce: Yes! It works!

Everyone, including his Robins, are confused as Bruce explains that he has been going out in home-made tact gear for the last two years and just fucking shit up. He regularly beats up grown men by just dropping onto their heads, he hangs out with Detective Gordon to solve murders (and get free juice boxes), and he randomly plants money to help Gotham’s poor.

Bruce is just excited to know that he’s become even COOLER in the future and now he has a family ^_^

(Everyone else is now understanding why he didn’t think it was weird to have Robin side kicks.)
