#decans column


Sun in Gemini I — Tethys

The Sun enters Gemini I at 9:23 pm EDT tonight (20 May 2022), the realm of Tethys— mythology’s evolving Darwin to Okeanos’ Newtonian firmament. What is assured for all time? What must change? What is too abstract, and what must be concretized?

Tethys, goddess of the sea, was the ancient ruler of Gemini I — which the Sun enters on May 20, 2022 at 9:23 pm EDT. Called “The Apple of Eden” by Austin Coppock, it was associated in the days of the magician Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa with the liberal arts and sciences — The seven Liberal Arts are well known of course: grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, geometry, music and astronomy. Yet the…

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Sun in Taurus II: Horae

At 4:47 am EDT on April 30 2022, the Sun enters Taurus II, the realm of the Horae — the spirits of seasonality and timeliness. Where are you working with the natural order of the seasons? Where are you fighting that order?

The Sun enters Taurus II, the realm of the Horae, on 30 April 2022 at 4:47 am EDT — just a few days out from his annual conjunction with Uranus the revolutionary. And yet the chart itself is a night chart, with the Sun below the horizon just about twelve hours out from an eclipse and the dark of the Moon. Austin Coppock called this decan The Lingam-Yoni, correctly in my mind identifying it with…

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