#declan harp

declan harp


I finally got around to making a master list!! 
I do take requests for all the characters and/or fandoms listed.

Newest content at the top, older stuff is down at the bottom. 




-drug/alcohol use

American Horror Story

Michael Langdon-

Dreams for the Wicked and the Pure Chapter 1Chapter 2

Hawthorne!Michael SMUT 

Jason Momoa/ Roles

Jason Momoa-

He Teaches You How To Snowboard


Too Real






Best Friend part 1part 2

I Don’t Like Sharing


Arthur Curry-

If Only You Listened part 1part 2

The Dhampir and the Atlantean

Lost and Found

First Time

Witch Love

Little King

My Girl

Declan Harp-

I Love You

There will be more to come!

Here’s part 2! I had a lot of fun writing this and I hope you all have fun reading it! Sorry it literally took me a million years. 

Rating- T

Warning- Angst and fluff

You laid in your bed and stared at the spinning fan above you. Thoughts about what happened earlier in the night plagued your restless mind. Jason’s confession, the kiss; what did that mean for your friendship and your future? Did he even mean anything he said and did? Would he even remember any of it? 

You turned to your side and looked at the time on your phone. 4:20 a.m. You scoffed and threw yourself back onto your back. You thought you were done with this ‘staying up till the crack of dawn thinking about the man you could never have’ thing. But of course, Jason had to throw you a MAJOR curve ball and force your heart on an emotional roller coaster.

It figured, just as you were set on getting over him, he decided to confess his drunken love to you. You looked at the door which was open halfway and contemplated going out and waking Jason up, demanding he give you an explanation as to why he thought it would be a good idea to come and confuse your poor heart. Ultimately, you decided that that probably wasn’t the smartest idea, and that whatever you wanted to say could wait until the sun came up. 

Flipping away from the door, you closed your eyes and pushed all the thoughts of the sleeping man on your couch away. You focused on the calming sway of the ceiling fan and the breathe of the wind from your open window. Finally, sleep took over you.

The annoying shrill of the alarm tore you from your peaceful slumber. Sitting up, you rubbed the remaining sleep from your eyes. The events of the previous night flooded your memory, making you jump out of bed and hurry to the living room. You crossed your fingers, hoping that Jason hadn’t already left and was willing to talk.

Once you entered the room you saw that he hadn’t left yet, but was snoring away on your couch. You quietly made your way to the kitchen and poured him a glass of water and busied yourself with making some strong-ass coffee; the best cure for a hangover you had come to learn.

As the coffee leaked into the pot, you heard Jason’s snoring come to a stop. You looked up to see him slowly sitting up and holding his head. You grabbed the water and a couple Advil and made your way to the waking man. 

“Hey.” You said softly, as to not make his head pound anymore than it already was. He looked up at you with his sleepy eyes and smiled. 

“Morning.” He said, his voice deep and husky from just waking up. You handed him the water and pills then sat in the seat across from him. “Thanks Y/N/N.”  While he swallowed the capsules you had a sense of deja vu from the previous night. 

“I’m making coffee if you want some.” You muttered, trying to start some sort of conversation.

“Thanks.” He said and nursed his water. You bit your lip, dying to ask if he remembered anything from the night before, but too nervous to actually do so, 

You cleared your throat and patted your hands against your thighs. “I’ll go get it then. You can just sit if yo-” You went to stand up and go to the kitchen but Jason stopped you. 

“Y/N wait.” You turned to face him, not sure what was coming next. “Did I- what happened last night?” He asked and looked at you with confused eyes. You sat back down and looked at him while trying to figure out what to say. 

“You don’t remember anything?” Your heart beat faster in hopes that he might recall his actions. He shook his head. “Okay, well I mean you were completely trashed and you said- a lot.” You told him.

“Like what?” He asked, desperation evident in his voice. 

“You told me that you loved me and then you kissed me.” You rushed out. You stood up and went to the kitchen to get the coffee. Jason stood up and followed you.”


“Look, I know, you didn’t mean it. Don’t worry, I’m not expecting you to.” You gave him a small smile and handed him a mug. He swallowed thickly and looked down at the counter top. 

“And what if I did?” It was so quiet you barely heard it. 

“I- um.” You stuttered. You were at a complete loss for words.

“Never mind, stupid question.” He laughed and took a sip of the dark liquid. You stared at him and contemplated your options. 

You could either tell him how you truly feel and hope he feels the same or you could bite your tongue and possibly miss out on a great love. 

You decided that the risk needed to be taken and the words that came out of your mouth felt like a ton of bricks being lifted off your shoulders. “Jason I love you.” His head shot up and his hazel eyes met yours. “I have for a long time and I was always scared to tell you because I know I don’t compare to any of the other girls you’ve been with and I just-” 

His lips crashed against yours before you could even finish. You gasped but welcomed his lips against yours. 

A few seconds later he pulled back and rested his forehead against yours. “Y/N, you’re the only woman I have ever loved. All those other girls were to get my mind off of you because I always thought you deserved better than me. I’m sorry I was such a blind asshole.” He said and stroked your cheek. You smiled and pecked his nose. 

“You’re not an asshole.” You chuckled. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to him. 

“I’m sorry it took us this long. Can I try and make up for it with a date?” He asked and pulled back to look at you better. You nodded and smiled. 

“That sounds great.” You chuckled. He gave you a toothy grin and kissed your forehead.

You had finally gotten the love of your life.  

Hello lovelies! Surprise, I’m still alive! I know I have literally been the actual worst with posting and shit, and I feel like I’ve said this so many times that y’all are probably sick of hearing it. Truth be told, I may have gotten a teeny tiny bit lazy and just haven’t been writing for the blog as much as I need to. It’s more of just personal writing right now but the good news is, is that I have almost completed Part 2 of Best Friends!!! I’m going to really really REALLY try to have it up BY FRIDAY!!! Saturday at the latest.

Thank you to all of the supporters who have been so so so patient with my pathetic lazy ass. I truly appreciate it! <3

On another note, after I finish with P2 of Best Friends, I literally have NO IDEA what to write next. If any of y’all want to send in concepts, requests, anything, PLEASE do! I would be very thankful for the help! 

I was also thinking about expanding on who I write for. What do you guys think?? I have some people who I have been particularly loving lately but tell me what y’all think. (It wouldn’t be in the DC or Marvel universe)

So yeah, I think that that’s about all for now! Again, sorry for being so inactive and lame. I’m really going to try to get my shit together! Oh and OMG I can’t believe that I’m about to hit 300 followers!! I can’t believe that I have so many people who read my work and want to stick around. A big thanks to all of you for the amazing support❤️! I appreciate all of you guys so much!!

Ok I’m done now! Love you guys! <3
