


his business suits and mediocre pussy captivates me


Oh so ur a writer?? Prove it. Drop the last sentence of ur wip in the tags


I’m rereading The Dream Thieves and I want to remind you all that the dorms in Aglionby are labeled not by numbers but attributes the administration wanted their students to present and that Declan’s room was labeled “Effervescence”


but speaking of the princess in a towerification of declan lynch it makes me SICK that these were the things he felt the loss of first… the family cat and the birdsong


Liza Sivakova





i desperately need declan to be getting tomgregged at his political internship. like cmon you guys his senator taught him how to drive a boat…. there’s plenty to work with here

it’s especially funny if declan thinks absolutely nothing of it. one-sided overtures with no reciprocation at all. matthew asks declan how his day went and declan’s like oh it was normal… i made copies. senator rankin asked me to go with him to that steakhouse he likes to take his wife to even though i’ve told him a bunch of times that i volunteer at the gallery on thursdays. just the usual. and matthew’s like

declan’s fellow interns are like dude you should report this to HR… and declan, who has been getting sexually harassed at illegal magical weapons deals since a concerningly young age, is like report what to HR? anyway have you finished printing those brochures yet

matty: bro did you buy different cologne or something you reek

declan: no why do you ask. also unrelated the senator taught me how to play pool at the exclusive gentlemen-only bar at his country club today


his business suits and mediocre pussy captivates me

Spring cleaning at the Barns is kind of a combination of geocaching, those really big candles that reveal shiny treasures when they melt, and real life survival horror video game. What’s that thing that’s been in the corner collecting dust since Matthew was crawling? Oh, no big deal, just an umbrella you can’t open because there are teeth on the inside that start gnashing when the umbrella gets wet. Hey, Declan swept under the couch and found a mood ring Ronan dreamt for him when he was six because he wanted to know exactly when it was okay to approach him for a hug. As the shadows get longer in the house, the cider Aurora used to warm up for them on chilly autumn nights makes its way into mugs with splashes of whiskey from a bottle that never goes empty. The Lynch brothers collapse mentally and physically exhausted in the sitting room they’d build blanket forts in as children, surrounded by treasures and horrors, and sleep a dreamless sleep.

Losing my mind about this actually. Declan, a blocked artist because he was convinced he could never be one.

I think the parallel could also be made with Hennessy and her forgeries, starting with her mum and continuing through her life, making a home for her girls.

This is all I’ll think about today.

(Text is from The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron.)

Matthew likes making things, but he needs specific directions. Declan hands him a recipe to make cookies that is technically for kids, but is very clear and stepped out. Matthew makes a batch, makes a mess, and they’re not perfect, but they’re cookies and they’re edible. He likes it so much he does it every few days - the townhouse never runs out of cookies. And every time Declan finishes work for a day, Matthew tells him he did a good job, “here’s a cookie.”


guy wearing expensive business suit stops outside his office building and, looking distressed, repeats to himself ‘my normal guy slay, my normal guy slay’



[Screenshot of two comments, the first one by Muffie1174 reads: “He looks extremly distressed. Like he is afraid he will throw up soon”. The comment below by Debra Harris reads: “And gorgeous!” End ID]
