#here have some feelings


Spring cleaning at the Barns is kind of a combination of geocaching, those really big candles that reveal shiny treasures when they melt, and real life survival horror video game. What’s that thing that’s been in the corner collecting dust since Matthew was crawling? Oh, no big deal, just an umbrella you can’t open because there are teeth on the inside that start gnashing when the umbrella gets wet. Hey, Declan swept under the couch and found a mood ring Ronan dreamt for him when he was six because he wanted to know exactly when it was okay to approach him for a hug. As the shadows get longer in the house, the cider Aurora used to warm up for them on chilly autumn nights makes its way into mugs with splashes of whiskey from a bottle that never goes empty. The Lynch brothers collapse mentally and physically exhausted in the sitting room they’d build blanket forts in as children, surrounded by treasures and horrors, and sleep a dreamless sleep.
