




Purplewashing refers to when a state or organization appeal to women’s rights and feminism in order to deflect attention from its harmful practices.

Much to the dismay of colonizers everywhere, it was once much easier to justify colonialism. The language surrounding it used to be rather straightforward; we deserve these lands and resources because we are more advanced; because God wanted it this way; because you are savages. Israel, as a settler-colony, was no exception to this line of reasoning; the sentiments of the founders of Zionism, and later of the State of Israel, are well documented regarding the native Palestinians, who they deemed as being “backwards” and not as deserving of the land as they were [You can read more about this here].

It is now a faux pas to say any of this quite so bluntly, even as (neo)colonialism prevails. Today, it is more fashionable to justify the theft of lands and resources under the guise of being protectors of human rights, unlike the enemies they seek to dominate.

It is within this context that Israel is rebranding itself. One facet of this propaganda is now centered on its supposed deep concern for the rights and freedoms of women, even Palestinian ones. This has come to be known as purplewashing, which consists of:

“political and marketing strategies that [indicate] a supposed commitment to gender equality. It often refers to the image-cleaning of western countries, which have not achieved genuine equality between men and women but criticise inequalities in other countries or cultures, often where there is a Muslim majority.”

These strategies constitute representing Muslim women -which Palestinian women are largely coded as despite the existence of non-Muslim Palestinians- as uniquely abused in order to create the narrative that feminism only exists on the side of the West. This is part of an ideological framework referred to by scholars as colonial feminism, whereby women’s rights are appropriated in the service of empire; in the context of Palestine, this rhetoric is also known as gendered Orientalism. The Palestinian Arab/Muslim is framed as an “other”, who is culturally or even genetically predisposed to misogyny. Naturally, this is juxtaposed with the framing of a liberal, enlightened, Israeli Westerner. Ultimately to Israel, this facade of feminism is a way to improve its image, and incorporate women into its violent, colonial, racist systems and institutions, as well as a way to paint Palestinians as unworthy of statehood or even humanity. The fact that these systems subjugate other -usually Palestinian- women is hardly mentioned.

Death and destruction, but feminist

Much of Zionists’ attempts to market Israel as feminist revolves around the Israeli army. The Israeli army’s official social media accounts and those at pro-Israel groups such as the LawfareProject,hail the Israeli army as “one of the only armies in the Western world in which women are drafted to military service by law”. They praise women’s participation in the ethnic cleansing campaigns and massacres of the 1948 Nakba, and cheer on the increasing role of women in combat positions.

Hannah MacLeod, women’s officer for Australian Young Labor praised women’s participation in the Israeli army as “empowering” and pushed for Australia to encourage this participation. There is a “Hot Israeli Army Girls” Instagram account and Maxim magazine’s infamous “Women of Israel Defence Forces”, was deemed so crucial to Israel’s international reputation that the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs threw a party celebrating its publication. One of the more recent and successful additions to the purplewashing of Israel has been Gal Gadot starring as Wonder Woman. Gadot, being a former IDF soldier herself, posted support for the Israeli military as it murdered thousands of Palestinians in its 2014 assault on Gaza, and helped spread the racist and baseless idea that Palestinians use their children and women as human shields. Nonetheless, none of this has stood in the way of trying to frame her as an icon of empowerment for women everywhere.

All of these efforts are meant to sell the idea of Israel being a liberal haven. That sexual assault is rampant in the Israeli army does not make the glossy brochures and social media posts; instead, they are all designed to convey the idea that this objectification in service of a settler-colonial fantasy is the height of female empowerment, an empowerment that Palestinian and other Arab and Muslim women can only aspire to.

This purplewashing of a colonial military, which in addition to subjugating the native population, is also one of the largest exporters of drones globally and has supplied weapons to some of the most repressive, racist regimes in modern history, including Apartheid South Africa. Such a military is anathema to the framework of intersectionality which undergirds a feminism that seeks to dismantle patriarchy and end violence against all women.

Intersectionality as threat

The body of theory on intersectionality in feminist movements, created by and largely expanded on by Black feminist writers, compellingly posits that challenging one aspect of structural power alone such as patriarchy, while leaving white supremacy unscathed, only empowers white, upper-class and otherwise privileged women at the expense of all other women. This understanding that feminism must be about ending not only patriarchy but racism and other oppressive systems has led to acts of global solidarity with Palestine, such as from the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, notably regarding the partnership between the Israeli military and American police departments.

Zionists’ reaction to this solidarity has frankly been nothing short of unhinged, often attacking the concept of intersectionality as a whole. Monica Osborne from the Jewish Journal declared intersectionality “an even more sinister threat than the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement against the Jewish state”, and Sharon Nazarian, a senior vice president for the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in her article for the Forward used a series of myths and half-baked talking points to declare that of course Zionism and feminism are compatible, and expressed her dismay at how anti-Zionism is becoming increasingly visible in intersectional discourse.

FOLLOW ARTIST @thundervoice_eagle - “One of the first images I saw from standing rock was the

FOLLOW ARTIST @thundervoice_eagle - “One of the first images I saw from standing rock was the March to the gravesite.
Sioux tribe’s response to a pipeline on treaty land was to file a site survey to prove that the gravesite was on the pipe’s path; which would stop the construction of the oil pipe. The next morning the rumble of bulldozers echoed the valley moving 20 miles directly to the ancient cemetery.
Women, men, elders and youth ran to their grandparents bones to stop the atrocity, but were met by hired security with attack dogs. I watched in unbelief. Bulldozers removing evidence before the survey could be done while dogs were released on my brothers and sisters; Elders and youth.

"My heart ached.

"How could I be still? How could I not feel sick?
But as this scene replayed over and over in my mind. I began to realize there was more to it. In the midst of this horrific sight– They stood strong. They were fearless!
Without a doubt;They were warriors!

#nativeamerican #native #nativeland #heartatpeace #nodapl #standingrock inspired by native women : @kellilovemusic & @indiblissdesigns ✊ - #decolonize

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.. parientes disfruten la medicina de esta pequeña hermosura #Peruana #Aymara❤

..relatives, enjoy the medicine of this little #Peruvian Aymara #beauty.. ❤

“Kollasuyo people
Aymara people
Your children greet you
Father Sun Father Sun
Mother Moon
The stars fill my heart with joy.
Tupac Katari, Bartonila Sisa
Grant us your strength
To defend the Kollasuyo people
Mother Earth, Mother Earth
Do not cry
I am offering you coca leaves
That you may be strengthened"


#aymara    #peruana    #descolonizate    #peruvian    #decolonize    #beauty    
A #Mayan legend says that the #Quetzal or #Kuk was born of the breath of the gods #Kukulkan and #Tep

A #Mayan legend says that the #Quetzal or #Kuk was born of the breath of the gods #Kukulkan and #Tepeu ..

With the divine breath, the leaves of the #Guayacan tree fell. As they fell, they took the shape of this bird.

In the #MesoAmerican #cosmology the quetzal is a symbol of fertility, abundance, and power,.

The quetzal is sacred, and the legend tells that prior to colonization, this bird used to sing beautifully.

Once the Spaniards colonized MesoAmerica, the quetzal became silent, its song has not been heard if since.

It will sing once more when the land is truly free again.


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.. #Mayan #lips .. .. #labios #Mayas ..#decolonize #descolonizate

.. #Mayan #lips ..

.. #labios #Mayas ..

#decolonize #descolonizate

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#Wirikuta.. A comer! Aqui no se viene nomas a tomar selfies.. El #Jicuri ( #Peyote ) es la #eucarist

#Wirikuta.. A comer! Aqui no se viene nomas a tomar selfies.. El #Jicuri ( #Peyote ) es la #eucaristia por excelencia de los #pueblosOriginarios #preColombianos y especialmente de los #Wixaritaris .. En Estados Unidos se respeta como un sacramento religioso de indígena y no-indegena (siempre en cuando sea miembro de la #IglesiaNativaAmericana), pero en México es exclusivo patrimonio de los Wixarikas y es penado fuertemente a quien lo tenga en su posesión que no esté acompañado de un Marakame reconocido. Entonces se come en Wirikuta lo mas que pueda, y de ahí no se saca.

Wirikuta.. Let’s eat! We don’t come here just to take selfies. Jicuri (aka Peyote) is the Eucharist par excellence of #NativeAmericans especially the Wixaritari .. In the US it is protected as a religious sacrament for #natives and nonNatives (so long as they belong to the #NativeAmericanChurch), but in Mexico it is the exclusive cultural heritage of the #Wixarika, a strict federal penalties for someone who is in possession of it other than a recognized #Marakame. This is why one eats as much as one needs in Wirikuta, and one does NOT transport it out of there..

#CaminoAWirikuta #RoadtoWirikuta #decolonize #descolonizate

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 White Euro Star With Tetrahedron on back available now!Order on https://www.undergroundpharaoh.com/ White Euro Star With Tetrahedron on back available now!Order on https://www.undergroundpharaoh.com/

White Euro Star With Tetrahedron on back available now!

Order on https://www.undergroundpharaoh.com/

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A comic panel filled with horizontal bands representing skin tones ranging from beige to a dark brown has a white question mark in its center. There is black text above and below this panel reading: "It was still racist... even if you didn't know."
Another comic panel filled with horizontal bands representing skin tones ranging from beige to a dark brown has a white toothy grin at its center. There is black text above and below this panel reading: "It was still racist... even if you meant well."
A third comic panel filled with horizontal bands representing skin tones ranging from beige to a dark brown has a white checkmark at its center. There is black text above and below this panel reading: "It was still racist... even if you thought it was fine."
A fourth comic panel filled with horizontal bands representing skin tones ranging from beige to a dark brown has only black text in its center reading: "If racism was dependent on intent, few people would be complicit. And ignorance wouldn't fuel it."
A fith and final comic panel filled with horizontal bands representing skin tones ranging from beige to a dark brown has only black text in its center reading: "But racism is a system. Its not the sailors, its the whole sea. No matter your intent, you are responsible for your impact in this system."

Intent over Impact. Responsibility over abdication. Growth over fragility.

[alt text on images]

WHATS GOING ON IN WEST PAPUA ⓦ〽️✊✊✊✊✊✊✊ ⁣⁣⠀ ⁣⁣⠀ #FreeWestPapua⁣⁣⠀ ⁣⁣⠀ For almost 60 years West Pap

✊✊✊✊✊✊✊ ⁣⁣⠀
For almost 60 years West Papua has been under colonial rule by Indonesia. Indonesia is committing ecocide and genocide in West Papua; because they have barred human rights organizations, researchers and diplomats from entering West Papua they have been able to hide the rampant anti-Blackness, barbaric executions, police and military terrorism, and structural elimination that West Papuans face. But the tide is changing. ⁣⁣⠀
Over 500,000 West Papuans have been killed under Indonesian rule and hundreds of thousands have been displaced and/or structurally eliminated via employment discrimination, inequitable health care, forced sterilization, lack of educational opportunities and rampant anti-Blackness. West Papuans are largely restricted in their speech and freedom of expression being arrested for protesting peacefully and intense sentencing just for raising their West Papuan Morning Star flag. ⁣⁣⠀
Indonesia and its western exploitative partners have put the environment in jeopardy due to anti-Black and anti-Indigenous capitalist ventures. While Indonesia makes the majority of its GDP from these endeavors, West Papua sees none of this money and remains the poorest “province” of Indonesia. Mines, illegal logging as well as oil exploration pollute the terrain and estuaries with dumping and waste. ⁣⁣⠀
Please follow our family @freewestpapua to learn more about the West Papuan struggle for liberation. Please also stay tuned here @onediasporacoalition as we will continue to amplify the voices and fight of our West Papuan family until freedom comes. As African peoples no one is free until we are all free; thus, it is our duty to support our siblings in their quest for self-determination and independence. ⁣⁣Via: @onediasporacoalition
#whatshappeninginWestPapua #FreeWestPapua #PapuaMerdeka #referendumnow #blacklivesmatter #SOSWestPapua #wewantjustice #powertothepeople #hearthevoiceofwestpapua #justiceinwestpapua #westpapuaisbleeding #blm #okayafrica #landback #indigenouspride #indigenousresistance #stolenland #decolonize ⁣⁣⠀ (at West Papua)

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