#decy doodles


Lottie and Robbie, enemies at first sight.

Around a campfire when I was 10, I told a story about a man with a suitcase who roamed around different places during the night, seemingly without a sense of direction. But that wasn’t the situation at the slightest, because he’s not the one lost, you are, as is the case of most people who would see him at random.

He looks like a shady dealer but introduces himself as the merchant, and in his bag are a couple of trinkets he sells to those he comes across. He never engages in conversation other than to greet a potential customer and ask them what they most desire, although he does not open his bag until you answer.

Surprisingly, you do get what you want. Whatever it is, he can and will give at the price of nothing but respect. Though, a giver he may be, this…thing…is no saint. He is fair and kind to those who return the gesture, but the same can not be said to ones who are rude and corrupt. So when you’re only out there looking for someone to mess with, the merchant is the last person you want to prey upon.

After all, not only will he give anything, he can also take anything.

“My father told me stories of the great beast,” Callie said. “But this is the first time I’ve ever seen him with his eyes present.”

(Y’all should see Sectar masks, they’re creepy as heck. Hundred times more disturbing than his statue.)

Happy Jolene❤️❤️

New characters Elias and Cordelia Jamison from my new story pitch: ‘Mission Masquerade’

One’s a criminal and the other’s a federal agent. Guess wisely.


New characters Elias and Cordelia Jamison from my new story pitch: ‘Mission Masquerade’

One’s a criminal and the other’s a federal agent. Guess wisely.

Someone on TW said Bear! Viktor reminded them of ‘Brave’. Sounds fun
