#sleepy kitty


Moriarty says to get plenty of sleep and stay healthy because even tho a lot of us are on lockdown theres no reason to not take care of ourselves.

[ID: a Twitter post with the caption “Who needs a picture of my cat napping with a sweet potat

[ID: a Twitter post with the caption “Who needs a picture of my cat napping with a sweet potato in a salad bowl this morning?”

Below this caption is a picture of an adorable tabby cat in a salad bowl cuddling with a sweet potato. The kitty looks like they are taking a 10/10 nap, very content and happy baby. End Image Description]

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Meet tiny bub, Noah. He’s around 12 weeks old and part Main Coon.


Clare Turlay Newberry - Cat Napping

So much sass contained in a single cat

Boris the hoarder of all soft things

Warm kitty soft kitty little ball of fur. Happy kitty sleepy kitty purr purr purr.

She sits in my lap every morning when I have my (much needed) coffee. Then pitifully complains when I ask her to move so I can get to work

You can’t see me if I can’t see you

Tried to fix her ear. Got judged and ridiculed. Forgiven 3 seconds later.

Molly is happy I’m home after 3 nights alone

Guess I need to turn the heat up? (She‘s snoring loudly btw)

Snow on the ground now but Molly doesn’t seem to mind
