#deeper than we thought




Boze just streamed. Here’s what she has to say about Smosh:

- She doesn’t like Matt Raub. He disliked Sohinki for some reason, so that’s why Lasercorn was brought back for more Smosh and Order, for example, but he wasn’t. Matt Raub has largely been responsible for the phasing out of Smosh Games members. When she mentioned on the Genius Brain podcast that she missed out on parties, only finding out the following week that there even was one, it would be Matt Raub’s party.

- Boze had to get the credits for Smosh and Order after the DEFY shutdown. It sounded like Smosh maybe wanted to continue it, but they’d have to pay her for it, so they haven’t. I could be wrong there, but that’s the impression I got.

- Try Not to Laugh was Sunny Peabody’s idea. Smosh has since made dozens of episodes and done a tour based around the show, but Sunny gets no credit for it.

- Boze did most of the advertising and planning for the TNTL tour. She put a lot of effort into it because she felt like she owed the company for giving her a platform. Boze planned to attend one of the shows, as part of her job, in order to report back to the Smosh media staff about the demographic who attended the show, which is a way to get a third party opinion of how the show went and who was there. Boze was then asked by Smosh not to attend the show. This was implied to be Matt Raub’s doing. She asked Damien about it, but he hadn’t heard anything about it.

- Boze has been so quiet about what happened at Smosh before and after the shutdown because she was worried she messed up by talking about Smosh on David So’s podcast. She though she lost all of her friends because of this. She has since regained some of those friends (NE6 members,) but says that some of the cast members who she thought she was friends with (Courtney, Damien, etc.) thought of her merely as a costar. Courtney hasn’t responded to any of her texts.

-It’s only the corporate side of Smosh that Boze feels resentment toward. She encourages Smosh fans to remain Smosh fans because they are fans of the cast, not of the higher ups in the company. Business is business, and LA is full of incincere money-grabbers.

- She urges fans NOT TO GO TO SMOSH WITH THIS INFORMATION. Draw your own conclusions, protect Boze and her livelihood, and don’t create drama. They’re all adults, they can fight their own battles. No need to stir the pot and cause unnecessary stress for Smosh, NE6, or Boze. Be a good human.

Don’t just take it from me, and point out any inaccuracies in this post or add on anything I missed. See ya, gang. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/658730241?t=5979s

Not trying to start drama here but Boze took the stream down (or maybe the link doesn’t work for me) and Mari and Joven both unfollowed Matt Raub on Twitter… Considering Mari and Joven have both stated multiple times how close they are with Matt Raub the situation is probably a lot deeper than we realize. I hope everyone involved is ok and I hope any sort of “drama” that occurs stays off of the internet for everyone’s sake.
