#deepthroat practice


Time for a random text post. This weekend just gone I decided to take a couple of days off work and make it a long weekend to go and visit Kitten at her Uni digs. For a start that’s just generally awesome, I miss her, she’s great. Now normally a visit would just consist of pottering around the shops in the city centre, gorging ourselves on mountains of tasty food and watching films in bed which inevitable led to some kind of sex. This weekend on the other hand was just off the charts. We did all the usual stuff, but the sex!, my god the sex was unreal. Our sex lives are already pretty great but this just went up a notch, well more like 10 notches. Kitten was so eager to please that I’d barely been in her flat 5 minutes before I was blowing a load down her throat, a greeting I’m now insisting upon in the future. This pretty much set the tone for the rest of the weekend, not only did we have A LOT of sex, we had awesome periods of reflection and discussion that let to more and even better sex. 

As it turns out, Kitten used to have a bit of a rape fantasy when she was younger, she’s always liked it rough but never revealed this much before. Also she admitted to getting off on being called some very degrading things which quite frankly just made me so very hard. This opened up a whole new world of play which I have to say I took full advantage of, culminating in forcing my way into her very tight little ass and fucking it hard, and I mean bruises on my hips, friction burns on my cock and a ring sting so severe you’d think you’d eaten a ghost chilli hard, for a solid hour. Both of us were dripping in sweat, grinning like idiots and cuddling so intensely we nearly melted together at the end of it. Needless to say I enjoyed myself.

But I also learned a valuable lesson which I thought would be worth sharing. During one of our rougher sessions: forced penetration, slapping, choking, breath control, gagging, throat fucking….you get the picture, I was praising Kitten for her obedience, her commitment, her trust and I promised her ‘endless cuddles’ when we were done as a reward for being so damned good to me and when we were done I neglected to jump straight on that promise and cuddle the shit out of her and rightly so she got upset thinking that I wasn’t happy with her and that she didn’t deserve her prize. The point I’m making is that aftercare is so so important to the relationship and ensuring the sub feels safe and loved and to build that essential trust. If you promise something, especially to someone who is completely exposed to you and trusting you completely, you better make good on it. Its a mistake I won’t make again.

Random story time over!

