

Bamboo shoots are in spring. There is lye. So simmer the bamboo shoots in rice bran. Leave it overnight. I baked it with Bincho charcoal. The sauce is the same amount of soy sauce and mirin. Good smell baked. The texture of bamboo shoots is the best. delicious. An American acquaintance said, “I am not a panda.” However, he said that he would like to bring it home after eating grilled bamboo shoots because it is delicious. 焼き竹の子を作りました♪ アク抜きしてから炭焼きしました。 つけたれは醤油とみりんを同量にしました。 竹の子ならではのコリコリボリボリの食感が最高です。 あー、美味しい♪
