#delaying the inevitable



Book: Open Heart (Post Series)
Rating: Teen
Characters: Ethan Ramsey, Casey MacTavish, Tobias Carrick
Summary: Tying up some lose ends, and giving you a peek into Casey’s new life, and their futures. 


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It’s finally here!!!.

Gonna be honest my hands were sweating reading the last chapter before the epilogue







I need some time to process this. So many emotions ☺️

I’m in need of a reread.

But one thing I can say is BRAVO

Truly an amazing journey you put all us readers through!


Delaying the Inevitable - Chapter 34 - When Forever Falls Apart

  • Book:Open Heart 3 (Post Series)
  • Pairing: Tobias Carrick x MC, Ethan Ramsey x MC
  • Rating: Chapter: Mature
    Warnings: Serious injury/possible death of a major character, accident, mentions of blood/injuries, cursing, and some heartbreak for good measure.
  • Summary: Extended Series WIP – Love Triangle. In this chapter – Casey’s relief turns to anguish after a tragic accident; fear and confusion grip several characters as they sit vigil; Tobias and Casey are forced to face difficult issues, and someone unexpected appears.
  • Category: Extended Series (WIP)
  • A/N: I apologize. You’ll be OK. I’ll be OK. They’ll be OK. We’ll be OK. There are some special moments in here, but most require tissues. For those who have read 33 (now 34) chapters, I love you. I mean it. Now that I’ve blubbered…. Yes, the Chapter title is When Forever Falls Apart, but the song inspiration’s name is Till Forever Falls Apart by Ashe and Finneas. It’s one of my favorite songs from recent years, but, y’all know what Finneas did to you in Chapter 13.
  • A/N 2: I’m submitting this to @choicesmonthlychallenge , Day 23, healing. Because, while it may not feel like it in this chapter, I assure you, this is the impetus for a lot of soul searching and healing that will lead us to the conclusion of this series, so, it feels appropriate.
  • A/N 3: I feel like I have so much more I want to say, but honestly, I’m a little drained. I am going to take a few days off to recharge, I reallywant to tie this up well, so I’ll have the next chapter to you ASAP, but no date promised. Oh, and regarding the last chapter.
    Clearly, it’s impossible to make every reader happy, but I assure you, I’m staying true to the story, true to the characters and, as from day one, this is CASEY’S story and I will be true to her. It’s taken a whole lot to put out this series, and, it’s been well worth it all I ask is if you’re not happy, at least be kind. Happy (??) Reading.


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The notification of chapter 34 had me drop my own tumblr work and read this.

Girl, do you know how to make a person cry happy tears sad tears and with that ending have one shouting a big ol’ WHAT! OH HELL NO!!

When Casey told Ethan she loved him and not to leave her and when he looked at her before going into surgery (that was perfect)

I would go to the bar too and drink Jameson if I would have heard someone I love saying those things to their ex.. bottoms up it hurt when he was questioning what Casey’s feeling were for him.

No pressure but chapter 35?

Amazing job and well worth the wait!


Delaying the Inevitable
Chapter 33: A Twist of Fate

  • Book:Open Heart 3 (Post Series)
  • Pairing: Tobias Carrick x MC, Ethan Ramsey x MC
  • Rating: Chapter: Teen
    Warnings: Some cursing, verbal altercations.
  • Summary: Extended Series WIP – Love Triangle. In this chapter – Ethan’s admission leads to several heated confrontations, leaving the diagnostic team to find a way to continue to work together. Though it hasn’t been long, the job search hasn’t been moving as quickly as Casey would like and her friends have some advice. Casey receives disturbing news.
  • Category: Extended Series (WIP)
  • A/N: Almost there! Just two chapters left, and I can’t believe it’s almost over! I want to point out that in this chapter we will refer to Raf as an EMT. That is because you don’t just take a couple classes to add to your EMT training to become a physical therapist in any world. So, once again, we make up for PB’s ridiculousness. I hope you enjoy the chapter, as always feel free to shoot me any questions or observations you may have!



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I had so much to say!

But the ending of this chapter has left me speechless!!

I’m already tearing up and I don’t even know if it’s Ethan or Tobias or both being brought in

Bring on the wine, the chocolate, the wine, the ice cream and the wine for the next chapter
