#open heart fanfic


I won’t let you go (Ethan x f!MC)

Summary:As she gets ready to leave everything behind, will he stop her in time? (Part 2 of Don’t let me go)

A/N: I think I will end the pain now. So sorry for all the tears that the first part caused. I hope this one will make up for it <3

Pairing:Ethan Ramsey X f!MC (Pooja Sharma)

Word Count:around 900 words


Category:Angst(with a happy ending :))

Warnings: None that I noticed

She wanted to take her car and leave it outside, ownerless as if an indication that no one would come back to take it.

As if a final attempt to convince every heart including her own, that this really was the end.

That there was no turning back.

That she would never spend another minute in the faint glimmer of minimal sunrays while reading her favourite book under a tree in Boston common.

That she would never laugh with her patients as they tell stories of their lives to her and as she finds pieces of her life in them back in the Edenbrook patient rooms.

That she would never get to put up an act of being the top-notch doctor who has an answer to every question related to the difficult cases while she was alone in the Diagnostic Team Office.

That she would never get to sip coffee absently, a cake piece in front of her as her heart engaged in a conversation with itself, talking about the twisted circumstances of her life.

That she would never get to relish the apricity of December mornings or see the city decked up in red on gold in the Christmas week.

Thinking about it now as she sat in the jam-packed airport, so full yet so empty, she realised how deeply this city had got embedded in her life.

There was a time when she would doubt if this city could ever become her own if she could ever forget the homesickness as she hid herself in the blankets of snow in winters and blossoming flowers in spring, and now leaving this city behind felt like leaving her life behind.

Her soul behind.

Unbeknownst to her, tear streaks mark their way on her tired face, eyes red, gaze fixed at the floor. There was a desperate need for coffee, but she couldn’t get the power to get up and buy one. Her mind was already doing the best it could in keeping her away from the maze of memories and heartbreaking thoughts where she would get lost, and slip into a sea of despair, pain and heartbreak, where she would drown.

The sky of her world was overcast, and soon it would rain, the weather grey and melancholy, piercing and painful.

The announcement echoes through the hall and people around her spur into sudden motion, packing the things taken out, taking out tickets for the check, getting ready to board. But her gaze remained fixed on the way leading to the entrance.

She took her bag and walked away from the crown that was now lining up in a queue, to take one last glance and let all hope extinguish as her reality sunk in.

She was about a hundred per cent sure that he wouldn’t come.

Even if her words were a lie, even if her letter brought tears in his eye. He would never come. He would let her go, his irrational reason stopping him, his hand always inches away from that even after running miles she would never be able to hold it.

Yet, she would have been ready. To run, to fall, to get scarred. To die. If there had been hope. If there had been a light she could chase, if there had been a belief she could hold on to. That all this would be worth it. That all her turmoil wouldn’t be futile.

But here, there was nothing. No chance, no belief, no hope. She could sense her name being announced in the speaker and she could also sense the heaviness of her head that increased by the minute. She could feel her senses slowly leaving her, a curtain of black slowly falling.

Before she could fall, she had to walk.

She had to keep her promise.

She had to leave.


The voice held her like two firm hands, gripping her as she fell, preventing her from getting hurt.

There was confusion, there was doubt. But deep, very deep down, there was a relief. There was happiness. She turns around and there they are.

Those icy blues which held unshed tears in their corners, which were desperate and pleading. There was no need of going back. She pinched herself once, wanting to confirm if the image that presented itself in front of her was deceit or truth and as the faint pain slowly dissipated, she made her way over to exit, walking in steady steps to fulfil her promise.


No one knew how long they cried.

Both of them, holding each other as if united after eons.

His hand gripped hers as if it was that log in the tumultuous ocean on which his life hung. The hand which was once terrifying to hold, the thought of not being able to hold it seemed much, much more terrifying now.

Within minutes her luggage was safely stored behind his car and his racing heart slowly calmed down, as the anticipation of not being able to stop her slowly faded away.

There was only one thing he had to say, and as he held her hand through the entirety of their journey back, he conveyed in whispers,

“I won’t let you go.”

PS:Thank you so much for reading, very very grateful for you :)

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Ethan x MC: @queencarb/@mm2305


Don’t let me go (Ethan x f!MC)

Summary:A letter threatens to break him, and Ethan is prompted to take a decision. (set in Book 2)

A/N: This was a prompt request sent by the dearest @headoverheelsforramsey from the 101 ways to say ‘I love you’ prompt list (still accepting, feel free to send in!) I hope you like what I came up with, my lovely and thank you so so much for sending the request in❤

Pairing:Ethan Ramsey X f!MC (Pooja Sharma)

Word Count:around 1K words



Warnings: None that I noticed

Prompts:“Don’t let me go.”from101 ways to say 'I Love You’ prompt list

Does being near to me hurt you? Does being close to me bring tears to your eyes? Do you feel relieved when I go away to someplace else, where you can’t see me? Is being near to me such a curse, such a pain for you?

If no, then why? Why do you act like holding my hand will end the world for you? Why do you move away when I want to hug you? Why do you not cup my cheek and wipe my tears when I cry? Why do you sit there and see everything, understand everything and still hold up this facade of ignorance and professionalism?

Is it true that you don’t miss the touch of my hand over your heart as I miss yours? Is it true that kissing me was never a thing you wanted to do? Were all those words of how you’ve wanted 'us’, a lie? Was all this a mistake? Was kissing me in Miami a mistake?

Why do I feel that you never wanted it to happen? Why do I feel like I never was someone of importance to you?

Because if I was, you wouldn’t have hurt me, broken me, pained me like this, time and again. You wouldn’t have made me cry through endless nights. You wouldn’t have left without a goodbye.

And if it’s true, if I truly never was a person of importance to you, then it wouldn’t bother you if I wasn’t around anymore, right? It definitely wouldn’t bother you if you can’t hear me laugh or see me cry again, if you can’t touch me again. You wouldn’t even seem to mind the absence of our talks and I am sure you will definitely not miss our kisses. You probably won’t even notice that the notorious intern who dared to cross a line and dream of a forever with you was around. I am a pain in your ass anyway, and it would be for the better if I wasn’t around. You wouldn’t have to deal with this 'Rookie’ ever again.

If everything I wrote, everything I said was true, then the job you do next is tearing this sheet of paper and throwing it into the trash can next to your table just as easily as you threw away your feelings for me, if they ever existed.

But if you do have something, anything in your heart for me, come and tell me. I will be waiting for you, just like I always did, until the end.

Come and stop me, come and give me a reason to stay. Don’t let me go, please don’t let me go. Keep me with you, tell me everything that you want to.

Please, don’t let me go.

Because if you miss this chance, the last chance, you will probably never be able to look at me again. Never get a chance to stop me and tell me again. Never get a chance to hold me again.

So please, don’t let me go. I am probably packing my bags when you read this, so you know where to find me. Come and find me, I promise I will stop. But I also promise that there will be no one who could stop me today if you don’t come.

I wish I could write it but I guess I am not 'Yours’ just like you are not mine


The paper shook in his hand, just like his entire world was shaking. The pages of the patient charts in front of him fluttered in the air, but he couldn’t notice.

Her absence from the hospital since he last saw her during the Diagnostics Team meeting now made sense. There was a haphazard in his orderly life today, his heart not resting even for a minute. As if it knew that something was going to go very wrong.

The tears that spill from the corner of his eye on the paper cause the ink to blot, the letters to fade. Acting like an indication that her existence from his life was slowly fading, she was slowly becoming that fog which no one could catch or stop.

She was leaving behind a void of darkness that threatened to engulf him, and once that happened, he would never be able to find a way out of it again.

Everything in the letter, everything she had written in the paragraphs except the last was false, the biggest lie anyone had ever said.

She said he didn’t miss her kisses and her touch? He was ready to trade his life for the chance to be able to kiss her without any worry or restraint again.

She asked if he felt relieved in her absence and pain in her presence. The answer was he felt heaven in her presence and hell in her absence.

She says she isn’t a person of importance to him, her absence wouldn’t bother him. How could she say that? For him, she was the most important person in the world and her absence would make every day a living hell. He wanted to shriek from the highest grounds of the city, the echo so powerful that his words would resonate around her. He would repeat his answers to each of her questions a hundred times until she begins to believe them.

Until she understands her place in his life.

Until she drops all doubt about her existence in his life.

She was his strength, his solace, his world. And now he was on the verge of losing everything life had given him. She was hope, a ray so bright that even the stoicism of a man like him melted due to its warmth. She was the reason why he wanted to believe in life again, in happiness again, in love again.

Every thought, every memory that flashes in front of him is a pathway for him to reach his decision. As if someone had painted the answer for him on a gigantic canvas, he could clearly see the path he was to follow. The choice he had to make. The actions he was to take.

And this time he wasn’t making a mistake.

PS:This fic has a part 2, that I will post some days later! Thank you so much for reading, very very grateful for you :)

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Ethan x MC:@queencarb/@mm2305


Before ‘I Do’

Pairings: Ethan Ramsey x Victoria Clarke

Word Count: 628

Summary: Victoria and Ethan share a private moment before their wedding

Rating: General Audiences

Category: Fluff

Ethan stared out the window of the luxurious hotel, his entire body a bag of nerves.

He had never been this nervous for anything in his life, not starting med school, doing his boards, taking over as head of the diagnostics team.

Getting married had triumphed all of them.

He knew he had no reason to be nervous, he had been waiting for this day for a long time. Yet as the day approached he was a bundle of emotions.

He knew that would all change when he saw his bride.

Ethan didn’t quite understand the significance of a first look but Victoria was so enthralled by the idea that he couldn’t say no.

He could’ve just waited for her at the alter, but maybe he could get his tears out the way first.

“There’s no need to be nervous Ethan.” Sarah, Victoria’s sister said as she set up the cameras. “It’ll all be worth it.”

Ethan chuckled quietly. “I’m sure you’re right. I just want to get to the ceremony.”

“Victoria always said you weren’t patient. And think of all the content you’re going to have afterwards. Memories for everyone.” Sarah gestured to the video cameras.

“Thank you for doing this. Victoria and I appreciate it.” Ethan smiled.

“You’re welcome. Consider it part of my wedding present to you. And a welcome to our family.” Sarah smiled back.

Sarah pressed a button on each video camera which was Ethan’s cue to turn back to face the window, he could just about see Sarah give him a thumbs up before she quietly slipped out the room.

Ethan took several deep breaths, closing his eyes. She would walk into the room and tap him on the shoulder any second now.

Their final meeting as an engaged couple.

Ethan heard the door creak open, his heart started to beat quicker, a rhythm spelling out her name.

As it would do so for the rest of their lives.

Ethan felt a gentle hand on his shoulder, he could smell her perfume and his smile widened.

Ethan turned around and felt tears immediately form in his eyes. “Oh wow.” He whispered as a single tear ran down his cheek.

She looked amazing, like a walking and breathing Aphrodite. Her makeup was done to perfection, her hair curled down her back. Ethan ran his eyes further down her body, taking in her dress.

Lace seemed to suit her so well, he ran his hands down her sides, the material soft between his fingertips.

It had all been worth it, their special day was finally here.

“Hi handsome.” Victoria smiled up at him, her eyes shining brightly.

“You look so beautiful.” Ethan said, his voice small, forehead resting against hers.

“I have to keep up with you don’t I?” Victoria grinned as she fiddled with his tie.

“You’re right. This was a good idea.” Ethan said.

“I am usually right. But I’m glad you agree with me on this.” Victoria giggled. “Can you believe this day is finally here?”

“It’s been a long time coming.” Ethan smiled as he pressed a delicate kiss to her forehead. “I love you.”

“I love you too. Try not to make me cry because you’ll ruin my make up.” Victoria laughed.

“You’d still look beautiful no matter what.” Ethan said.

“Only fifteen minutes before we say I do. I better head back to the girls.”

“Don’t be late future Mrs Ramsey.” Ethan smiled.

“As if I would Mr Ramsey.” Victoria smiled as she winked and then headed out the room.

He continued to stare at the spot where she had just been, feeling more loved and happy than ever before. And that was all down to her.

He couldn’t wait to be able to call Victoria his wife

Guess what! E and V get married on the 24th of this month!

I have some great things planned. I’m going to do a picta series of the big day and will reveal more details about the other moments in due course (I was going to make a series but I don’t think I’ll have time but I’ll tell you all about it in detail!)

Tagging in reblog



Series/Pairing: Open Heart - Bryce Lahela x F!OC (Maggie Layne)

Disclaimer: Most characters belong to PB, Maggie is sort of mine

Other Characters: Pamela Henderson

Rating / Warnings: T

Summary: Maggie wants to know why Bryce never talked about his family. He tells her what happened when his last girlfriend’s family found out.

Word count: 777

Comments/Notes: Written for the Luck of the Draw Challenge hosted by @moodmusicmonday​. (Sorry it was late.) My assigned song was Never Sorry by Jeremy Renner. It was a challenge for me. I’d never heard the song before. And I never knew Jeremy Renner could sing. I listened to it and I looked up the lyrics. And I saw Ethan, circa book 1, telling MC that he wouldn’t apologize for how he was. So, I decided to write a fic about Bryce instead. This is set right after Maggie meets Keiki in Book 2, Chapter 5. Much thanks and love to @jerzwriter

“I’m glad I got to meet you, Keiki.”

Keiki smiled at Maggie, before smirking at her brother. “Meet me, or find out I exist?”

“Keiks,” Bryce began.

“Both, actually.”

Keiki bade them both good night before she disappeared into Bryce’s room.

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This LOTD submission will have you reaching to hug good ol Bryce from OPH! Thank you, @lucy-268 , for sharing this sweet story with us and for participating! And we can’t forget…

THANK YOU for suggesting this entire event! We love you!

Luck of the Draw



With one hour to spare lol, please have my little Luck of the Draw piece. I was assigned the song “Good Kisser” by Lake Street Drive. Thanks for the song, mysterious selector, and thanks for the event, @moodmusicmonday ! My brain’s been kind of avoiding Choices, so this was a fun way to kickstart my writing (…even if I did wait until the last minute and it is quite short).

Book/Pairing: Open Heart, Bryce x MC

Synopsis: Set around the end of Book 1 Chapter 2 in Donahue’s. Darcy beats Bryce at darts; Bryce gets a little payback.


Warnings: Alcohol; “AU” in the sense that I probably forgot some Book 1 canon (but to be fair so did the OPH writers so)

Word count:425


(In case anyone cares about Darcy being inconsistent lololol: In Darcy’s “canon” timeline, she doesn’t kiss Bryce in the supply closet, because it’s literally the first day, but I thought it would be more interesting to write about this way, so this is very slightly AU. Also, although Hand-Me-Downs!Darcy doesn’t drink, canon!Darcy does and has a slightly different backstory.)


Darcy clinked her glass against Bryce’s, still riding the high of her successful first day, her victory at darts (even if she had to play a little dirty), and the free drink it had netted her. Not that she really needed it—she’d done enough shots with her fellow internal medicine interns—but it had been a perfect excuse to drag Bryce away from the dartboard. To get him alone…again.

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We have another great read, y'all! Come check out the cute banter in @appiomofchoice ’s submission for the LOTD! Thank you so much for participating and sharing you writing talent with us! Wonderful job!

Luck of the Draw



Day 18: Like Never Before

  • Book:Open Heart (Post Series)
  • Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Casey MacTavish)
  • Rating: Teen
  • Category: Fluff
  • Summary: For the first time, Casey plans date night with Ethan. He’s a little apprehensive to enter her world, but in the end, he’s pleasantly surprised.
  • Warnings: None
  • Words: 1755
  • A/N: This is my submission for @moodmusicmonday ’s Luck of the Draw event. The song I received was “Like I’ve Never Been in Love” by Haley Mae Campbell.
  • A/N 2: I’m also participating in @choicesmonthlychallenge , Day 17, prompt: lucky. I hope you enjoy it! Since I’m being very ambitious, this is also being submitted to this week’s @wackydrabbles, the prompt can be found in bold below. Maureen smiled as Tobias made his way down the hall. “Good morning! Lovely day out there, isn’t it?”

    Their First Two Months Masterlist


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Oh, how I love receiving the notification of a NEW submission for LOTD! Calling ALL Ethan stans: you’re going to need a root canal after this story! Thanks, @jerzwriter, for participating! You rock!

Luck of the Draw



May 28 - Jun 3, 2022  

Angst  |   Angsty Fluff  |   AU  |  ☁ Fluff  |  ♥ NSFW  |   Series  |   Edit  |   TextFic  |  Ⓜ Mature


No Patient too Small-@storyofmychoices  ☁

Olivia runs into an unusual patient request, but knows just the surgeon to help.

Teddy Bear-@peonierose  ☁

Luna finds Bryce’s old teddy bear.

Untitled Edit-@lilyoffandoms  ☁

Bryce surprises Kyrie with flowers and a note on their first day back to work after their honeymoon.


Stay With Me-@bex-la-get  ☁

Bryce comes to the rescue when Sienna falls ill.


A Day to Remember-@trappedinfanfiction  ☁

It’s their big day, and with that comes nerves.
[Domestic; Wedding]

Always Beautiful-@jamespotterthefirst 

After a long shift, she feels less than appealing. Ethan thinks she’s still beautiful, but someone else tells her as much before he can.

As It Was-@jamespotterthefirst 

[mini: wip] All the times Ethan meets her exes throughout the years.
[Ex Came Back]


When Ethan hears that Charley isn’t coping well after the attack, he stops by to check on her.

Biggest Supporter-@potionsprefect 

Victoria has fears about returning to work after the attack.

Courting the Chief-@liaromancewriter  ☁

When Chief Ramsey goes on social media, Edenbrook’s PR team couldn’t have predicted what happens next.
[Social Media]

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Great list of *new* OPH fics!

Thanks for including lil’ ol’ me!



Title:             What We Wish For… Part 3
Book:           Open Heart
Pairing:        Tobias Carrick x F!MC (Casey MacTavish)
Rating:         Mature 
Category:     Angst - AU - Mini Series
Warnings:    Discussion of miscarriage
Words:          2730
Summary:    Sienna fails to keep Tobias from her friend, but when he and Casey speak, the come to understand each other, but is it too late?
A/N:             Well, this wraps up this little series that was never intended to be a series.  I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed bringing it to you! 
A/N 2:          @choicesmonthlychallengejune2022 Day 17 - Forgiveness


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This ending!!

I loved every part of it!! She did give him all the clues and I was like “come on Tobias, you’re a smart doctor, just read the room!”

No, but, this conversation was a long overdue. Even when Stephanie’s attitude was bitchy af, it seemed an irrelevant detail if we go back and just see how the relationship between those two had been going. I’m so glad they managed to behave like two grown up adults before trying to fix things!

Yes! Smart doctors, stupid in love. It’s a theme.

It took serious matters to make them open their eyes, and their hearts, but in the end, all that matters is that they did. I’m so glad you enjoyed this little story that popped out of nowhere! Thanks, P! :)


Author’s note: I dedicate this work to the wonderful @sazanes. Thank you for all talks, for sharing your talent with the fandom, for being such a great friend and for my Jax x Sam fanart. I simply can’t get enough of it. [Original characters are creations of this author. The others are owned by Pixelberry Studios]
Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Rafael Aveiro x F!MC (Evelyn)
Word count: 1010
Reading time:~4min
Summary: Rafael gives Evelyn a chance to celebrate Christmas a little earlier.
Based on the prompts:@choicesdecemberchallenge2021​ day 24: naughty or nice / Christmas Come Early

Evelyn walks down the street carrying fresh breads from the bakery down the street. The warmth coming from the brown bag brings her comfort in the cold and foggy Boston morning, but things will get even better as soon as she arrives at Rafael’s apartment. Nothing says good morning better than a breakfast table with baked goods, coffee and her boyfriend’s wonderful company.

Once she stops by his door to his apartment, she fishes the keys out of her pocket and opens the door as quietly as possible. It’s too early in the morning for noises and the last thing she wants is to wake up Raf. Both of them came back from work so tired they simply crashed in bed. Working too much and spending little time together has become part of their route lately. Hopefully, a nice breakfast will be a good start for the weekend.

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Awww how cuteee Raf is! And I agree they deserve some treat after agreeing to work on these days.

Thank you for this cute fic miga!


Part I | Part 2 Part 3

Pairing: Ethan x F!MC (Becca Lao) & Bryce Lahela
Word Count: 1,308
Ethan Tropes: Mini Series; Angst; Break Up; Issues; Meet Again
Bryce Tropes: Mini Series; Friends with Benefits 
Series Summary: Two lovers, both alike in dignity. Prestige and pride and piteous misadventures overshadowing what could have been. Pride can be a devious foe backed by continuous rage. When will these two learn to say what they mean?  
Chapter Summary: Epilogue. What happened 24 hours after the blowout & beyond. 


Ethan hadn’t seen Rebecca since that night. She had come to work, just never made an appearance in the Diagnostics wing. He’d heard she was spending time in the flailing clinic - bettering the processes, as much as he wouldn’t admit it. Even as her boss Dr. Ramsey couldn’t face her - couldn’t even send her a professional email about how unprofessional her avoidance is. The avoidance was for the best, he decided. Some time for them both to cool off. 

Two weeks passed and they still hadn’t crossed paths. 

Three weeks came and went, and it was time to face the music. 

Ethan camped out with extreme apprehension in the diagnostics office, something pungent in the air yet his determination buried it aside. He headed the team meeting, once again without their junior member present. He paced around, alone, for a few minutes afterwards, restless with resignation. Sat at his desk drowning in defeat. 

An email from Lara in HR was at the top of his inbox. 

With tightened lips and furrowed brows, he opened it. Couldn’t bring himself to close it. 

She’s leaving. 

Effective immediately. 

He hadn’t even been given the courtesy of her word. Just a line from someone else that the love of his life had resigned and will be taking the rest of her outstanding vacation and personal days from today. 

Conflicting emotions war within him. 

In the end, he tells himself it’s for the best. 


Becca and Bryce co-habitated flawlessly. 

A few days after she appeared on his doorstep, the rest of her things arrived just as Ethan promised. She looked at the stacks taking up most of his living room sadly, even more forlorn when she thought Bryce wasn’t watching her. He pulled her from the scene, ushering her to take a cleansing shower as he moved things around to make room for her.

After his confrontation with Ethan, Bryce sat down with Becca and told her she didn’t have to leave. He would help her figure things out, ‘hell, give it a few weeks to blow over and they’d get back together’ he kept saying. Ethan and Rebecca were written in the stars and everyone knew they belonged together. They just needed to get over this bump. Once their anger subsided, they could talk things through and plan the rest of their lives. 

She scoffed at every affirmation. 

Over the weeks more of her boxes were unpacked, he and Becca were even sharing the queen-sized bed. 

She had only cried in front of him a handful of times those first weeks. Instead, Becca planned. Told him she wouldn’t be crashing here forever. That she would get her own place as soon as she could afford it. She pitched outcome after outcome on how to deal with Dr. Ramsey, volley severity of likelihood in confrontations verses emotional heartache at being in the same space. Ultimately, she took a leading role in the clinic whilst she figured things out. 

In no time, she transferred hospitals - working on the same team as June Hirata - after swallowing her pride and chasing an outstanding offer. All things to keep her from Edenbrook’s fifth floor. 

As sad as Bryce was to see her go, he supported her every decision. It was only a matter of time until his fellowship at Edenbrook ended and then he would be thrusted into the real world. Two things Bryce Lahela knew about what’s to come is that Becca would always be in his life, and that he would stay in New England - within a 5 hours drive to all the colleges Keiki was excited about. 


The months flew by. Becca had moved out of Bryce’s one bedroom apartment and into her own place - a lofty two bedroom closer to work. She had a managing position at Boston Presbyterian Hospital, not in diagnostics like she had hoped, but a job that allows her to do the most good in the medical community. 

So much time had passed since she was back in this little hamlet of Boston. Enough time that Keiki Lahela was graduating high school. Bryce was driving them down to Connecticut for the ceremony as soon as his early shift ended.  

Here Becca was twenty minutes early for pick-up, strolling into her old haunt in an effort to avoid the lingering eyes of Edenbrook. Still anticipating that her grand vanishing and reappearance would entice the flow of the gossip mill. 

She had only made it four steps through the doorway before stopping in her tracks. 

Therehe was. At his stool at the far corner of the bar, back turned towards the door. She could still leave, turn on her heels and walk around the block as she waited for her friend. She planned on doing it too, except… 

Reggie waved her in - “Look who it is!” a broad grin on his charming face, aging him down significantly.   

Becca waved, taking slow steps in. 

“How’ve ya been?” Reggie asks as soon as she sets her purse on the bar top. 

“Good,” she says, settling onto the seat and not daring to look to her left. “You?” 

Reggie said something pleasant along the lines of being old and still loving to work, honestly Becca didn’t comprehend a word he said. For her eyes landed on a glass of whiskey being set before her habitually, and all the memories loge themselves in her throat. 

Silence follows as Reggie steps away. Becca doesn’t touch her damn drink. 

Her companion clears his throat. 

“Dr. Lao.” 

Becca’s eyes rove over him - from half-clutched fists on the bar, up the sleeves of her favorite light blue shirt still crisp and tied together with a navy tie, to his hair, still perfectly placed, to his beard she always said suited him, now speckled, and, finally, a quick flick to his eyes - still ever blue and never telling. 

“Dr. Ramsey,” she nods. 

“I trust you’re well,” he asks like he hadn’t overheard her previous exchange.  

She hums her confirmation, fingers tracing the condensation on her drink. “And you?” 

“Not much different, I suppose.” 

Becca doesn’t know whether to laugh or scream. This is all so unsettling. To sit here and pretend, after everything that’s happened to them and between them. It’s a wonder Reggie left them alone unchaperoned.

She inhales nice and deep, takes a large swig of her drink. Then, after all this time, she speaks; 

“I hate how things ended.” 

Ethan’s mouth drops, a defense ready to rebuke. 

Becca holds up a hand that freezes the words on his tongue. “I know I’m just as much to blame as you, but you didn’t have to throw me out. Cutting me out of your life the second things got difficult hurt.” 

“If I recall, you were the one that severed all ties between us.” 

“Bryce and I -” 

“I meant by leaving Edenbrook.” 

Becca’s brows furrow as she asks incredulously, “You would have wanted to work side by side, everyday, after that?” 

“I would have liked-” Ethan shifts in his seat. His back straightens and body turns to give her his full attention. “It doesn’t matter now, does it?” 

“No,” the word so softly spoken as his sky blue eyes meet hers. “It doesn’t.” 

The universe is sick and twisted and conspiring against any happiness they could share, Becca’s sure. Because not a second later her phone begins to ring, severing any moment bubbling between them. 

“I’ll meet you in the lot,” she says into the receiver before hanging up. 

Sliding off the stool, she shoots Ethan a sad little smile. Her eyes dart around looking for Reggie. 

Before she could open her wallet, Ethan says his peace, “It’s on me.” 

“Thank you.” 

And with one lingering look on the man she has and always will love, Becca wanders out of the bar and to her ex-husband’s waiting car.  



a/n:it took me ages to figure out how i wanted this to end. part of me wants bryce to get his happy ending with becca. alas that’s not who becca is once she’s fallen in love with ethan… 

Thank you for reading xx


>complete masterlist<


@jerzwriter @quixoticdreamer16 @terrm9@crazy-loca-blog @the-pale-goddess​  @schnitzelbutterfingers @gryffindordaughterofathena @lucy-268​  @reputaytion-xiii @peonierose​  @withbeautyandrage@little-flowers-on-heaven@parisa-kh​  @forallthatitsworth​  @maurine07

All Ethan:

@queencarb​  @lsvdw-blog​  @mm2305​  @senseofduties​  @differenttyphoonwerewolf​  @a-crepusculo@shreyasrivathsa​  @headoverheelsforramsey​  @blossomanarchy​  @rosebudde@coffeeheartaddict2@cryomyst@rookiemartin​  @ohchoices​  @takemyopenheart@uneravine


—Ethan texts MC and some stuff comes out

After the events of Chapter 3, Brooke has a hard time continuing to hold back her feelings.

LOVE this


Book: Open Heart (Post Series)
Rating: Teen
Characters: Ethan Ramsey, Casey MacTavish, Tobias Carrick
Summary: Tying up some lose ends, and giving you a peek into Casey’s new life, and their futures. 


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It’s finally here!!!.

Gonna be honest my hands were sweating reading the last chapter before the epilogue







I need some time to process this. So many emotions ☺️

I’m in need of a reread.

But one thing I can say is BRAVO

Truly an amazing journey you put all us readers through!



“Like Moths to the Flame”

Pairings: Ethan Ramsey x F!OC (Tatum Erikson)


Series Music inspo:Ricochet by Starset (more of an acoustic fan? Check it here.)

Chapter Music Inspo: (see above)

Summary: Almost two decades ago, he gave love a chance–and she betrayed him. Now after all of this time, Dr. Ethan Ramsey and Dr. Tatum Erikson realize that their past feelings might not exactly be ancient history–especially now that they are forced to work together.

Category: Angst; sprinkles of fluff; mini series

Warning/Trope: language; suggested child abuse and sexual promiscuity

Word Count: 4783 (+/-)

A/N:this is a new mini-series specifically created for the @openheartfanfics Trope Challenge, and this chapter is my submission for Week 1: And there’s some good ol’ Pining…

Dr. Tatum Erikson was born a few weeks ago during a Drunken Drabbles sesh (click here if you’d like to read that fic), and since then, she has become a dear character to me that I hope you all enjoy! Thank you for taking the time, and I hope you enjoy the story!

Characters and some plot belong to Pixelberry!

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I’m so late in reading this series..

I’m lovin’ it!

More chapters to catch up on..

Would love to tagged!!


Plans Change (aka Sara’s Smut lol)

  • Book:                  Open Heart (AU)
  • Pairing:               Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Casey MacTavish)
  • Rating:                 Explicit - 18+ ONLY
  • Warnings:           Explicit sexual content, cursing
  • Category:            Smut
  • Summary:          Casey was trying to move on with her life.  Ethan made clear that they could never be together after the mess in Miami.  Since coming back to Boston, he’d done nothing but avoid her.  Tonight, she had another date with Josh, and it was a pretty big deal.  But she left something behind at work, and how will Ethan react when she stops by.
  • Words:                 2,991
  • A/N:                     The VERY DELAYED Sara’sSmut! But it isn’t only Sara’s, we also have requests from KathyandAngelin here too, and I think they’ve been waiting just as long (but Sara is more vocal! lol) All prompts can be found in bold below.  I hope it was worth the wait.


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Oh my lucky stars!!

And on a Sunday! lol

This was so good.

Jealous Ethan Ramsey

The smut was worth the wait!!!

Because I was missing our TRT babies @ofpixelsandscribbles thank you for this gift and thank you @neonravensart for capturing our group so well (as usual)

“I hope you don’t mind me being too forward, but I know that this is your first time in Cordonia, I would love for you to experience just some of the finest things that our country has to offer. There is an exquisite dining place that the three of you may enjoy. I can make an arrangement for you, if you like. Consider it as my welcoming gift. ”

“A recommendation from the prince himself? Sounds cool! Besides, I’m always down to trying new things, so I’m in!” Bryce replied exuberantly as he turned to Liam with an eager smile.

“I’m with Bryce!” Aera agreed enthusiastically as her arm unconsciously linked with Bryce’s, much to the latter’s enjoyment.

“Well, if you insist, how can we refuse?” Ella shrugged her shoulders with a grin, making Liam chuckle in response.





Last Christmas

Book: Open Heart

Pairing: Bryce Lahela x F!OC; Bryce Lahela x F!MC (Former)

Summary: Last Christmas, Bryce was still coming to terms with his bruised heart. Now, he realizes things might have worked out better than he thought.

Song Inspiration: Last Christmas by James TW

Words: ~3,600

Rating/Warnings: T, some angst, swearing, and suggestive material.

A/N:I’m sorry for tagging people twice in less than 24 hours. This is from a scheduled event and my date happened to coincide with a special someone’s birthday. This was originally posted for @/openheartfanfics advent calendar event. Check out their page for some awesome Open Heart holiday content ❤️

A/N #2: A huge thank you to @txemrn for pre-reading, editing, and listening to me panic about deadlines! This LITERALLY would never have gotten done without you. Love you, my friend

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Okay, this started out angsty and my heart hurt for our Bryce

He had fallen for her and didn’t want to wait a moment longer to be together.


“It looks like an elf threw up in here.”

I love Keiki she literally has zero filter. Most teenagers don’t.

“Sister rules. You hurt my brother, you’re dead to me.”

Can’t argue with that. I have the same rule when it comes to my brother. Also with my sister.

She lowered her voice, “For someone so small, she is surprisingly intimidating.”

I LOL’d at this Sienna is the sweetest but also very cute but intimidating. You can’t say no.

“Erin, don’t let him fool you with all that crap. He’s just trying to act cool because he liiiiikes—”

“Aw, man, Keiki, you’re breaking up,” Bryce said, moving the phone away from Erin.

I snorted totally not stealthy Bryce.

Brynn seems to be living with regret but ‍♀️ tough titties. I’m glad Bryce sees there was a reason for all that.

I want you, Erin. Not for a night, not for a few weeks. I want this to be something real.

Eeeeeeee! I freaking squealed! I loved this so much!
