
7 Questions to Ask When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed 1. Which of these tasks should I prioritise

7 Questions to Ask When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed
1. Which of these tasks should I prioritise? Do what’s most important first, and the pressure will subside.
2. Would I achieve more if I got some extra sleep? If you’re too tired to work then you’re usually less productive.
3. Are other people sucking the life out of me? Are there certain individuals who’re demanding too much time?
4. Is there anything at all that I can delegate? Do I have to do it all, or do the whole thing on my own?
5. Have I taken on too much on because “I don’t let people down”, or I’m afraid of saying “no”; or do I fear the negative reactions of others?
6. Is my space full of clutter, and that’s adding to my stress? Do I need to tidy up, or just get rid of some old stuff?
7. Can I withdraw, or take time off to recharge my batteries? Do I really need a break, and need the chance to be refreshed? Would I likely perform better if I made time for self care.
— Online Counselling College
#overwhelmed #priorities #delegation #stress #selfCare

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