

(deltarune spoilers)

Regarding Eruto’s deltablogging postthat just went up. (Eruto and Minty, do NOT look under here.)

Minty is so proud she beat Spamton NEO, but she doesn’t know about Spamton NEO’s battle in the alternate route.

That was PAIN. I managed to beat every battle without a Game Over until this one. (Except I skipped Spamton NEO’s extra boss battle in the main route, whoops!) But I managed to win after taking a dinner break!

AND WOW, I cannot wait to talk all about the stuff in the alternate route. Toby really said let’s get dark.

I need Minty and Eruto to experience this already!

more vague spoily spoils, me and minty finished initial playthrough of ch 2

i called the ending of ch 2 at the very start when minty clicked on the tv and it was unplugged. welp

consider me satisfied.

we’re still gonna be (WITH GREAT DIFFICULTY) avoiding all the notes and ask box because ellipsis has graciously informed us there is a lot more to find.

also, minty would like everyone to know she beat spamton [redacted] on the second try. there was a lot of screaming involved. but we love spamton.


beautiful eyelashes…… coincidence?
