#demisexual kaz brekker


‘Healing takes time and work, but Kaz and Inej have been putting in the hours. While once it seemed that they may always have to love each other at a distance, it now couldn’t be further from the case. Although, Inej’s thoughts have been wandering, and now she isn’t sure what they are working towards. Even though the possibility that had once seemed so slim is now an option, is sex something she wants? Is it something Kaz wants?

And if the answer is no, what happens then?

A coming-out-to-herself fic in which Inej and Kaz explore intimacy and come to the conclusion that, for them, sex isn’t a part of the equation.’


Over the course of Pride Month, I have written a 15k fic of projection healthy, happy asexual Inej and Kaz working out a relationship together. I’m so very proud of it, and I hope that it will be as pleasing to read as it was for me to write. It took me a long time to work out exactly how to explore this topic with Kaz and Inej in a way that was respectful of their trauma while still allowing them to heal from it, but I think I’ve done it. They deserve some joy together.

Please note: although the plotline and central theme of the story is Inej realising and embracing her asexuality, there are frank discussions of sex and some on-the-page sensual/sexual intimacy. I thought it was worth flagging as this is a fic primarily about ace identities, so if that makes you uncomfortable, please do skip this one.

And happy Pride Month, especially to my fellow asexual and aromantic spectrum people! <3
