#derek hale mates


Easy On The Eyes - Derek Hale x Reader

Pairing: Derek Hale x Reader

Prompt: Because I need a break from other stuff.

Warning: (No Stiles’ were hurt during the making of this fan fiction I love you Stiles :’C) None really just cute shit and awkward and sweet Derek Hale.

Description: You got caught up in the fight between the McCall pack and the Dread Doctors a year ago and now you have something to tell the pack but soon after, everything started going according to your plan…well except the mate part.



You sat next to Lydia, your hand in hers as Scott stared at the floor with a look of deep thought. Everyone else in the room was silent as they wrapped there head around everything you had just said. You knew it was a lot for someone to take in but they needed to know from you…not from Melissa once you couldn’t walk and she had to get you a carer.

“Why didn’t you tell us from the start…Y/N the things you’ve been doing and getting involved in…you could’ve died…” Scott looked up sadly and you let your eyes fall to the floor in shame.

“I found out last year…after the dread doctors…I thought it was because…Theo threw me into that pipe…but it wasn’t.” Stiles shot a furious glare at Theo who was staring at the floor with guilt.

“Stop it Stiles. If he hadn’t done that I wouldn’t of found out for years or until I couldn’t walk one day. I’m actually grateful for that injury but I don’t want to be on medication for the rest of my life…I want you to turn me while I’m strong enough to survive.” You asked with determination all over your face making sure he knew you had thought about it.

“I don-Are you sure?” Scott asked seriously but before you could say anything Derek let out a huff before speaking up.

“Why the hell are you hesitating? She’s ill Scott! With all due respect if she didn’t want it she wouldn’t of asked.” Derek snapped and your eyes shot up to his face in surprise. You and Derek only met shortly after the Anuk-ite attack due to joining Scott shortly after the dread doctors when they saved you from Theo and his band of merry chimera’s.

Derek was quiet but polite enough despite that Stiles calls him sourwolf, however you found him calming to be around. He didn’t speak to you much but he was always looking out for the pack since he’d been back even the members that were new. It helped that he wasn’t too bad to look at with his black stubble, piercing pale green eyes and god like body.

“Woah there sourwolf! Calm your shit. Scott is obviously going to do it if she wants the bite.” Stiles huffed sassily as he stood to get all up Derek’s face.

“Stiles sit your cute little ass down!” Lydia snorted as she grabbed Stiles’ top dragging him back down to his seat at the other side of her.

“Aww you think my ass is cute.” Stiles preened happily as she rolled her eyes affectionately at him.

“When would you like to do it?” Scott asked with a sad smile.

“It’s not like we need to arrange it Scott. You have fangs and I have my body wherever we are.” You snorted with a teary laugh earning a laugh from everyone including the parents of the pack which had been pretty quiet until now.

“Where would you feel most comfortable?” Scott asked with a little more humour this time.

“We can do it at the loft?” Derek suggested absently making you smile at him brightly.

“Why would she want to do it at your grubby loft Derek…seriously are you feeling okay today? She needs to be somewhere more sterile.” Stiles grumbled sarcastically and his dad let out a sigh before smacking Stiles round the back of his head.

“Hey that child abuse!” Stiles screeched and his dad raised his brows.

“You’re over 18…technically its just plain old abuse. Though I’m sure the Sheriff will let me off with a warning.” He informed him with a smirk as Stiles just gaped at him.

“I would actually like to do it at the loft it’s the most secluded place so if I lose control we’re far enough from people that one of your can stop me.” You commented reasonably.

“Good point. Since its winter break we have time to help you learn control before your back at Yale.” Scott replied causally and you suddenly went silent, frozen in place.

“I’m not going back to Yale I’m transferring to the same school as you Scott.” Suddenly Melissa’s voice was booming.

“Like hell you’re giving up Yale! Why would you want to transfer!? You got into a blue collar school on full scholarship honey…” Melissa looked like she was about to have a heart attack.

“Because I’m not happy there! I’m too far away…everyone at that school is either a genius or an asshole! I hate it I miss my pack…I was an orphan before this and now I have a whole family…I don’t want to be away from you guys.” You muttered sadly as you stared up at the closest person you had to a mother these days.

“Are you that miserable there?” She asked, guilt written all over her face.

“Yes…” You muttered slowly and she just nodded before walking over to you and dragging you up to wrap her arms around you.

“Okay honey.” Melissa whispered soothingly into your hair as you clung to her like a life line.

“I would like to do it tomorrow…my health isn’t too bad right now but that could change on any given day and I don’t wanna risk it.” You stated calmly as Melissa pulled away from you and everyone nodded quietly.

The rest of the night was perfect, you all had dinner while talking about classes and how relationships were going. Malia and Scott were still together, Lydia and Stiles were going strong, Mason and Corey are enjoying their first year at college together. Melissa was still seeing Chris surprisingly, Noah was still single but you’d told him about the new owner of the diner that found the Sheriff attractive earning a groan from Stiles and a laugh from everyone else.


You stared at the loft doors with serious determination, your heart racing a mile a minute as your fingers twitched against the cold hard metal handle. You nod to yourself as you yanked the door open to see Derek and Scott stood around the table in the lofts entrance.

You gave Scott a small smile before sending a nod to Derek in thanks for letting you use the loft. Scott gave you a sad smile in return like he was giving you some sort of death sentence but for you it was going to be a better life.

“Are you sure?” Scott asked on last time as you lifted your top so Scott could bite your abdomen.

“Yes I’m sure.” You huffed with a humoured smile as Derek let out a growl.

“Okay I got it Derek. Jeez you’re really demanding for a beta.” Scott snorted playfully before he bent down and bit your waist gently. You heard yourself let out a scream but after that everything went black.


“-she’ll wake up soon just stop pacing.” You heard a voice say at the side of you but you couldn’t open your eyes.

“I know but it’s been 24 hours Scott this isn’t normal…They either get stronger or get weaker…I’ve never seen someon—her heart rate changed…Y/N?” It was Scott and Derek.

You sniffed the air and suddenly the scent of something hit your nose and you eyes shot open. You sat up and looked at Scott with a frown. You stood up cautiously and began sniffing Scott which made his eyes widen. You frown as you realised as much as you could tell he was your Alpha that wasn’t what smelt so good.

You head spun round instantly and you eyes locked with Derek. It was him…why did he smell so good? You thought absently as you turned around completely and walked over to him. His eyes flashed blue at you making your flash in return.

“You smell so good…” You whispered as you started circling him as you smelt his body.

“Derek what the hell is happening?” Scott muttered with wide eyes from across the room.

“I may have failed to mention I was 98% certain she’s my mate…but only when your wolves can you detect it from both sides…” Derek chuckled awkwardly as he blushed under your constant attentions but never moved away.

“Mate?” You perked up at the word and nuzzled against Derek’s neck as he allowed you to hang off his neck like a monkey as you practically climbed him like a tree.

“Okay this is because she’s a new wolf…she’ll learn to control it eventually…maybe I should go until she can control it?” Derek whispered and you instantly started growling.

“Mine.” You snapped as Scott tried to approach.

“I have zero intention of stealing Derek, Y/N you can keep him.” Scott muttered as he got closer but the second he took one step you launched, so before you could make contact, Scott let out an almighty roar than made even Derek’s knee’s wobble as you cowered low to the ground.

You blinked and suddenly felt a little more yourself thought you could still smell how good Derek smelt but now you knew better than to climb a man you barely knew like he was Mount Everest. You looked at Derek in horror and then at Scott with an exasperated look to why he let you climb Derek before doing his alpha roar.

“S-Sorry Derek I d-didn’t mean to do that…” You stuttered until you remembered what he’d said.

“It’s okay…I get the urges but I’m a born wolf so…I can control it. I’m sorry I should’ve told you before you took the bite but…your health…” Derek looked so guilty so when you started laughing he looked…shocked wasn’t a word that could do his face justice.

“You don’t have to apologise…you being my mate would’ve just been another reason for me to turn. What girl in the world doesn’t fantasies about having one man or in this case werewolf made to be her perfect match? It helps that you’re easy on the eyes and have a six pack.” You joked and Scott looked horrified by what you had said like you said the wrong thing but suddenly Derek started laughing and Scott looked even more worried and you suddenly remembered this was the first time you’d seen the older man laugh and it was the most beautiful thing you think you’d ever seen.

“You broke Derek.” Scott snorted as Derek finally stopped laughing.

“Shut up Scott.” Derek grumbled and suddenly he was back to his usual stoic self.

“Yeah Scott shut up.” You teased as Scott’s phone started ringing. The second he answered you heard Melissa’s voice over the phone asking his a million questions.

“She’s awake mom. Yes you can come over.” Scott huffed as his mother hung up so she could make her way over.


Within twenty minutes the whole pack was in the loft with smiles but all the new smells made you uneasy so you involuntarily moved closer to Derek and you almost thought you’d gotten away with it too but Lydia’s voice echoed through the loft and everyone was looking.

“What was that?” She sassed as she pointed between you and Derek.

“What was what?” You muttered innocently as you fought the urge to creep closer to Derek again.

“You know what. You moved closer to Derek. Scott’s your alpha and we’ve known you longer…yet you moved closer to the one wolf you know less than anyone in this pack.” Lydia stated like she had you pegged.

“No I did not.” You scoffed as your eyes flickered to Derek who looked strangely amused.

“You just gonna stand there and let this interrogation ensue? I will take you down with me.” You hissed softly and he just smirked, his arms crossing defiantly.

“I’m Derek’s mate. He hid it from us.” You threw him straight under the metaphorical bus and he looked terrified.

“I can’t believe you just did that.” Derek grumbled as everyone stared at them in shock.

“I can’t believe you weren’t gonna help me. Some mate you are.” You huffed with a childish glare and suddenly Derek let out a whine and your eyes shot open fully.

“Aww I didn’t mean that I’m sorry.” You sighed sadly and he nodded with a blush on his face.

“Sourwolf has been tamed…It’s a miracle.” Stiles cheered sarcastically and Lydia slapped his arm scoldingly.

“Why does everyone think its okay to slap me?” Stiles whined with an exasperated sigh.

“Because you never learn to keep your mouth closed.” Lydia sasses back making Stile shrink instantly.

“Congratulations if anyone deserves a mate in this world its you dear nephew.” Peter stated with a sad smile.

“I don’t know much about wolves but I’d say we should probably leave them to talk about it together…alone. Let’s go you supernatural young adults and fellow pack parents.” Melissa shouted sassily as she round everyone up but not before pulling you into a motherly hug.

“I’m happy this went better than anyone had expected. I like Hale, he’s loyal and in this world that all I can ask for you. I know I didn’t give birth to you but I have loved being a mother figure for the short year you were still a kid…” Melissa whispered softly, tears in her eyes as she wiped the already fallen ones from your face.

“I could be 30 and you’d still be the only person I’d ever consider a mother. Thank you for everything you have done for me.” You sobbed happily as she pulled you into another hug.

“I’m kind of glad you’re coming home. I’ve missed you…Scott wont let me paint his nails.” Melissa chuckled humorously before pulling away.

“Me too…I love you.” You muttered through a laugh.

“I love you too kiddo. Also Chris got back from France while you were sleeping. He brought you a present.” Melissa called over her shoulder as she turned to leave.

“Someone’s trying to earn brownie points?” You giggled and she shot you a wink before leaving out the loft door, Scott pulling it shut as he turned green with disgust as he tried to ignore what he’d just heard.

The second everyone had driven off you turned to Derek with shy smile. You had no idea how you supposed to act now everyone was gone. He was your mate but you barely knew one another and that was evident by how still Derek was.

“Was it hard not acting on your impulses?” You whispered as you resisted the urge to reach for him.

“Very…It doesn’t help that you’re so sweet to everyone…” Derek grumbled and you frowned softly as if asking what he meant but he shook his head.

“If we’re going to be mates…maybe should be more open with each other?” You suggested gently and Derek let out a sigh but nodded in agreement.

“When other wolves or supernaturals come near you…my wolf see’s them as competition…since we’re not completely mated.” He admitted awkwardly.

“S-So if I hugged Liam?” You asked nervously and Derek let out a growl in reply earning a smile from you.

“Okay…got it. How do we mate completely?” You asked curiously making Derek’s eyes widen.

“Exchanging bites…during a full moon…usually done during…ya know.” Derek flung his hands around like you knew what he meant and you caught on pretty quick but you didn’t let him know you just turned your head to the side looking at him innocently.

“I’m going to hell.” Derek groaned and you couldn’t hold back your laughter anymore.

His eyes shot up at the sound when he finally realised you knew what he meant. He shot you a glare, his arms crossing angrily as he stared you down. You gave a sweet smile in return, as you approached him slowly. He froze as you got closer as if he was trying to stop himself from touching you.

“I’m not that innocent Derek. You mean we need to bite one another whilst in the midst of some passionate full moon sex?” You snickered and Derek flushed but nodded in reply.

“Sounds kinky.” You giggled as you chest your chest against at Derek’s arms that were still folded.

“Once we mate…we’re together forever… you understand that right? If one of us dies then other will likely have to be put down…” Derek spoke seriously and your eyes widened at his words.

“W-Why?” You whispered fearfully.

“Because its documented that the few mates that have lost their other half go feral…but most mates die at the same time of old age usually.” Derek stated sadly as he reached for you only to pull back at the last second.

“Oh…well don’t die on me then.” You whispered with mild humour but mostly seriousness.

“C-Can I…never mind.” Derek huffed under his breath.

“Kiss me? Hug me?” You asked as he blushed.

“I’m so down for either.” You added and his eyes widened momentarily before softening.

Instead of words Derek’s arms circled your waist as his lips pushed against yours with a firm yet loving pressure that made your wolf howl. You gripped his t-shirt as his right hand cupped your cheek so gently you hardly believed it was the same, full shifting vicious black wolf that you’d seen in battle, yet it was. As he pulled away you let out a little whine before sending him a pout which made him smile happily.

“Yeah…nope…you’re gonna have to bring that right back on in here wolf man.” You stated as you pulled him down, Derek smiled into the kiss but happily obliged with you commanding request.

“Yep you’ve ruined me. Never letting you out my paws now.” You chuckled sweetly and Derek shook his head at your confidence before placing a kiss on your cheek.

“Come on its only 8 how about I take you out for dinner?” Derek asked, a smirk slipping onto his face as his eyebrow raised in a playful way.

“Are you asking me on a date Derek Hale?” You giggled equally as playful.

“If you call the local Italian place a date.” Derek muttered with a slight blush on his face.

“Let’s go DerBear.” You giggled as you skipped towards you door.

“Yeah that’s not gonna be a thing.” Derek grumbled as he grabbed his keys.

“Mhmm yeah it is my lovely mate.” You argued as you ran off ahead of him.

You knew this was just the beginning for you and Derek but you couldn’t help the amount of affection you could already feel for the older man. He was sweet with you which probably helped since you knew he wasn’t one to be over affectionate even with Scott who he loves like a brother but you couldn’t help but be happy it was only you who could have him like this.

You couldn’t wait to find out what your lives had in store for you and your mate.
