#derek morgan imagine


Summary: Derek comforts you after a breakup.

Pairing: bau!reader x platonic!Derek Morgan

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It had been brutal. Not in the literal sense, but your heart felt ripped to shreds. You had been dating someone for a few months and even though you were the one with the busiest schedule, it seemed like you were the only one who made an effort to see or hear each other regularly. Derek had been your listening ear through these months as things only got worse.

After your last case, you finally had the guts to demand what you deserved or the relationship had to end. And just like that they had accepted the end of your relationship. You were stunned. How could someone so easily accept the end of a relationship with someone they claimed to love so much? You couldn’t believe you were caught so of guard. It felt like you should’ve seen it coming.

You’re currently standing in front of your best friend’s door. When Derek opens his door, a sob rakes through your whole body and the tears stream down your cheeks heavily. Sympathy crosses his face as he takes you inside.

He guides you towards the couch and wraps a blanket around your shoulders before grabbing you a cup of coffee.

“So you ended things, huh,” he asks once he sits down next to you.

You nod while breathing in the scent of the coffee and absorbing the warmth through your hands.

“I went with the idea they might make some changes or at least show they’re willing to make an effort. But it was like they just shrugged their shoulders at me and shoved my feelings aside. They turned things around like it was all my own fault and they weren’t to blame. Derek, it crawled under my skin so bad.”

Derek shakes his head apologetically. He wraps his arms around you and holds you close.

“It makes you think about what was real these past few months and what wasn’t. When did he stop caring? Did he even care to begin with?”

“Hey now, let’s not go down that rabbit hole. You were in a situation that made you unhappy and you were strong enough to get out that’s all that matters.”

You nod. Derek wipes away your tears and hugs you close once more.

“How about we set up the guest room so you can get a nice sleep?”

A small smile flits across your lips as you follow him in the guest bedroom, where you’ve spent so many nights before. Derek truly was someone you could count on.

