#destransition mention




82.5% of detransitioning trans people say they detransitioned because of threats and “external pressure,” not because they regretted it. Actual research on trans people, performed by actual scientists, doctors and journalists, in moral conditions, always seems to destroy terf and conservative literature on trans people. Isn’t that simply….interesting.

In order to believe in the terf narratives about trans people, you have to believe in decades old outdated research conducted by conservative bigots that modern researchers throw out as corrupted research because the researchers conducted them in immoral conditions and have literally straight up lied, all the while modern research is all trans positive when conducted by real professionals and not conservative stooges. It’s interesting to me how, having a knowledge of this stuff, how terf arguments begin to look more and more like weird conspiracy theorists, it’s like we’re watching the radfem equivalent of the flat earth movement take over the UK right now. The world sure has it’s scary people, and terfs fit into that collection very easily.
