#did it again



“And he descended upon Arda in terror and majesty greater than any of the Valar (…); and the light of the eyes of Melkor was like a flame that withers with heat and pierces with deadly cold.”

—Ainulindalë, J. R. R. Tolkien.


Milker Apocalypse 65,000,000 BC.

Considering that Arda was flat at that time, this is more or less how it should have happened:

Brad didn’t know. There was just a lot going on. Yes, this was the second time he wore briefs to the beach instead of a speedo, but at least this time he wore black.

Chris affirmed Brad’s less see through garment as a technical step up on a public beach but not necessarily for a gay man. He also repeated his intention to inform not judge as he gave Brad another look over. Indeed, Brad looked great regardless. It wasn’t the end of the world, but briefs would take longer to dry.

To keep the positive vibe in spin, Brad then pointed out they successfully brought beach towels with them and not sheets like they did by accident the other week. Those were still wet. Ick!
