#digestive disorders



anyone know any good apps for keeping track specifically of food and symptoms? i wanna see if i can figure out some trigger foods (beyond the obvious stuff like hamburgers and smoothies that’ll send me into a flareup within like five minutes of eating them)

Personally I haven’t found an app that I really like but since I’m a total geek when it comes to data and computing, I love spreadsheets and databases for organizing and tracking things. Airtable in particular is excellent because it’s user friendly and is pretty to look at (mobile app or just airtable.com)

Plus organizing your data in this manner makes for endless possibilities.

As an example, right now I can only eat pureed food so this is a table I’m using to keep track of ingredients my stomach can tolerate to make smoothies:


You can export it as a pdf or csv for sharing, or you can use it to make easy to fill out forms! Example:


Hopefully you or someone else can love using this as much as I do
