#digimon spoilers


As BetalGammamon and Vamdemon were fighting, various black variants of previous main Digimon were fighting over whose turn it was for the latest post GulusGammamon cameo, only for it not happen because he became Canoweissmon instead.

You know how there’s speculation over the possibilities of at least 1 6th ranger in Ghost Game (with the popular candidates being Kotaro, Yuto, Aoi, and Mika)  What if one of the sixth rangers gets a reincarnated Bokomon for their partner. Imagine the original members reactions, particularly Gammamon, to meeting this Bokomon who doesn’t doesn’t remember them? I think that could be interesting, especially if a reincarnated Ajatarmon is also among the Digimon partners of the Sixth rangers in the event of Yuto 1 of the sixth rangers (if only because the contrasts between their past interactions with the founding members of the team). 

If the Digimon franchise never follows up on the ending with Claude (my nickname for the evil Gennai clone from the Tri movies) collecting data from past Digimon villains, I’m just gonna assume that his attempts to get Daemon’s data just ended with him getting eaten by Dagomon.
