


Q0rn’s merry little Christmas is back for a second year! Doing it alone this time, but the rewards for the giveaway are more exciting, with a dildo in the mix! It’ll be sealed up after a session of using it, I can’t wait to know who gets that!

Grab bags of clothing I’ve worn on my blog before (in the pics above) are also available, I’ll be wearing it for 8h-a day, if you’re lucky!

How to participate:

  1. Sign up at tinyurl.com/q0rn2018, that’s it! Your entry’ll be recorded
  2. To increase your chances of winning, follow my twitter and retweet 12 of my tweets. DM me on twitter when done so I can take note! (+1 entry)
  3. Purchase at least one of my photosets up for sale this Christmas! (+1 entry per photoset bought)
  4. Purchase a grab bag (+1 entry per bag)
  5. PayLah donation (+1 entry per $10)

I feel pretty proud of this event, help me to make this a success! Reblog to spread the word! ✨

Do DM me on Twitter once you completed your follow + 12 RTs if not I can’t add that extra entry to your name!!

Less than 5 days to the reveal of the winners, are your bodies ready for this!!
