

Title: For The Love Of Ice Cream

Prompt: Ice Cream

AU: Canon Aftermath AU (Following the canon storyline, the Dragon Boys try to find a way to separate themselves.)

Summary: Being a soldier from Academia, Yuri never got the pleasure to try ice cream. Yuya and the other Dragon Boys decide to fix that.

Shippings: Light Dimensionshipping (Yuya x Yuto x Yugo x Yuri)

“Okay…favorite food?” Yuya asked the blue sky. To anyone nearby, it would have looked that Yuya was talking to himself but in reality, he really wasn’t.

[“Favorite food? I would have to say…Lulu’s chicken soup.”]

(“Chicken soup? That’s your favorite food?”)

[“It’s not just any chicken soup. It’s Lulu’s special recipe. No one knows it, not even Shay.”]

“Really? Oh, wow. It must be pretty special then. I wonder if she would make some for us?”

[“Of course she would. Lulu loves to cook for others. Once we get this whole mess sorted out, I’m sure she’ll make some for everyone.”]

(“Okay! Okay! My turn! My favorite food is ice cream!”)

“Ice cream? What flavor?”


[“Oh, mine’s vanilla.”]

(“Really? Vanilla is too plain for me.”)

“I like strawberry! It’s so good! What about you, Yuri?”


“Yuri?” Yuya tilted his head further back to see his Fusion counterpart laying on the grass behind him, facing away from them.

(“Eh, you fell asleep or something?”) Yugo ask, tilting his head to the left to stare at Yuri’s shoulder.

{“What is the point of all this?”} Yuri’s voice was bitter. {“We’ve already tried three times and nothing has changed!}

"Yuri! Don’t say that!” Yuya gasp, sitting up. “That’s just quitter’s talk!”

[“Yuya’s right, Yuri.”] Yuto sat up as well. {“We can’t give up hope yet.”]

(“And you heard Leo! The only reason we’re together is because our souls don’t…uhh…they don’t…”) Yugo turned to his other counterparts. (“What was it again?”)

[“It’s because our individual souls can’t differentiate from each other, therefore we can’t separate.”] Yuto answers patiently.

“That’s why we’re doing this. If we find out a little bit more about each other then our souls should be able to tell each other apart.”

{“And you actually think this is gonna work?”}

(“Of course it will! It has too! But it won’t work if you keep on being a sour puss about it!”)

“Please, Yuri! We already swore to keep things one hundred percent honest with each other!” Yuya pleaded.

[“And we’re alone. That’s the reason Yuya came all the way out here.”] Yuto gestures at the empty field they were lying in. [“Anything we share here will be for our ears only. No one else’s.”] The boys waited a few seconds.

{…I don’t have a favorite flavor of ice cream, or a favorite food. We ate the same thing everyday at Academia.“}

("W-what?! You can’t be serious! Didn’t you…? I don’t know! Get special treatment or something at Academia?”) Yugo asked.

{I would hardly call it ‘special treatment’. I was trained personally by the Professor so that he could use me. I had my room all to myself only because all the other kids were too scared of me.“} Yuri shut his eyes, lost in his memories. {"But we all ate the same meal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.”}

“So you never had anything else to eat, except what Academia served you?”

{“It’s not like I’ve had a chance to try-”}

(“Why didn’t you say anything?!”) Yugo shouted, jumping up. (“Me and Rin never had a lot of money and even we had the chance to try ice cream! You’re seriously telling me you never had ice cream?! Like…at all?!”)

{“Fusion, you know I don’t like repeating myself.”} Yuri said, glancing at Yugo through one eye. For the first time since Yugo and Yuri have met, Yugo ignoring the blatant mispronounce of his name and turned to Yuya.

(“Yuya! We need to go!”) Yuya smiles, knowing what Yugo was talking about.

“Sure! All this ice cream talk got me hungry.” Yuya said, standing up. Yuri finally sat up, staring at his counterparts confused.

{“What are you talking about?”}

(“What does it look like?”) Yugo smiled at him. (“We’re getting you some ice cream!”)

Yuya enter the chilly parlor and raced up to the display case where all the flavors had been set out. The woman behind the counter smiled at him warmly.

“Hello and welcome to Sweet Scoop, how may I help you?”

“I"m just going to bowser for a few moments, if that’s okay with you.”

“Of course. Take all the time you need.” Yuya return his gaze to the flavors.

“Alright Yuri, which one do you want to try?”

{“Must I?”}

(“Yessss! You have too!”) Yugo whined.

[“Come on, Yuri. Yuya’s doing a good thing for you. You can at least try it.”] Yuto urged. Yuri lets out a sigh but does start to look through the flavors.

“Found any?” Yuya asked after a bit of silence. Yuri just shrugs.

(“Seriously?! I already see like four flavors I want to try! We’re going to be here for hours at this rate!”)

{“Well you’re the ones who insisted I try. I already told you I didn’t want too.”} Yuto stared at Yuri for a moment before he lean down and whisper something into Yuya’s ear. Yuya looked at Yuto to Yuri before smiling and nodding.

“Hey, Yuri. How about you get Neapolitan? It has vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry so you can try the three basic flavors in one shot.”

{“Fine. Whatever gets us out of here quicker.”} Yuri muttered. Yuya order a cup of Neapolitan and once it was paid for he headed towards the far corner of the shop, furthest away from people. Yuya set the cup and spoon on the table in front of him and closed his eyes.

“Alright Yuri. Switch with me.” When the eyes open again they were pink instead of red. “Dig in, Yuri.” Yuya smiled, now a specter. Yuri took the spoon and dab at the ice cream, casting occasional glances at his counterparts. Seeing that Yuri wasn’t comfortable with them watching him eat Yuya continued their conversation from before, this time, asking what their favorite animal was.

As the three counterparts got back to chatting, Yuri turned his full attention to the cold treat in front of him. He tried the vanilla first, placing a small spoonful into his mouth and swallowing. He then tried chocolate, then strawberry, before eating the entire thing.

(“Well?”) Yugo asked once Yuri was done. (“What did you think?”) Yuri stared at the empty cup for a moment, thinking. (“Chocolate’s the best, right?!”)

{“…I like Neapolitan.”}

[“So you like…all of them? Really?”] Yuto raised an eyebrow.

“I…didn’t expect that.” Yuya said, scratching his head.

{“Each has its unique taste. One wouldn’t be the same without the other.”} Yuri stood up from the chair. {“I’m getting another cup. Yuya, it’s on you, right?”} Yuri gave Yuya a cheeky grin while Yuya just sighed.

“And there goes my allowance.”

(“Hey guys? Now…you might think I’m crazy but uhh…I don’t think Yuri wants to separate.”) Yugo said, keeping his voice low so that Yuri wouldn’t hear him.

[“No. You’re not crazy. I’m thinking the same thing as well.”]

“But why? I thought he would want to have his own body back.”

[“That’s what I’m not sure about.”]

(“Should we ask him about it?”) Yuto shakes his head.

[“He already has trouble opening up to us as it is. There’s no way he would tell us.”]

“Give him time. He’ll open up. I’m sure of it!”

(“Yeah! Oh, and one more thing, Yuya?”)


(“Can I get some ice cream too?”) Yuya lets out another long sigh.

“Once Yuri’s done.”

