

You know how much everyone loves their own characters? WELP

@iawv Did it again, she made me fall in love with her screenshots featuring Dinlin! My favorite Elvhen sentinel (in my story ofc) after Abelas. She had the freedom to change his appearance…and again, she did not disappoint, she never does!

“I have no idea as to why you keep on protecting the Inquisitor’s dreams from me, I am no threat to her”

“No, you are not, but she has secrets…dangerous ones, and I know you are after them, Dread Wolf”

Fun fact: Dinrenan and Dirthrenan started as actual twins in my first draft, and the romances were very different (Dinrenan would have ended up with Solas while Dirthrenan with Abelas, thanks to her sister) but then I changed the whole thing after I made Amelan'lin/Pity.

Because YES, Amelan'lin and Dinlin were one person, with a job, finding the REINCARNATION of Falon'Din’s High priestess (Namely: Dinrenan, the first to be born dead). I decided later on to split him in two but kept their main goal, the backstory for them changed in the end as well.

I love to change stuff along the way XD.
