#dis cute



@smallheathgangsters ~ happy holidays Leah!!!

“You know the rules?”

“Rules?” You questioned, putting on your gloves and hat. You’d been waiting ages for it to snow, to finally get payback at John, and that day finally came. He knew as soon as he got up and drew back the curtains, the blizzard only meant one thing: a snowball fight. Last year he’d been a bit of a brat, sneaking up on you, cheating all kinds of ways, including getting the kids to make him snowballs so he wouldn’t have to waste any time making them himself. You hadn’t been expecting it, you thought it would be fun, but his competitive side had dome out and you were the only one who paid the price. Not this time, though. Now you were ready. You had the perfect spot to make a fort and a grudge you held a lot longer than you ever expected, than John did, too.

“No face or family jewels.” John stated matter-of-factly. You just shook your head. How many snowballs had you taken to the face? A dozen, at least. He could follow this all he wanted, you would not. He was only making these rules to protect himself. John was, infact, expecting the worst. Snow down the back, ice included, being kicked while he’s down. This was a fight, not a game, and there would be no mercy. He tried to apologize last time, and though you forgave him, you never forgot. That much was clear when you stepped outside, determined to win once and for all, to get a little revenge. Maybe he shouldn’t have played dirty, but now he’d finally be facing the consequences.

“You’re scared of a little snow, huh John?”

daftpatience:my girlfriend is kinda like a housecat?!?


my girlfriend is kinda like a housecat?!?

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