#dis daughter of thrain

dedicatedfollower467:“Shamukh, nun'anu’.”So anybody who follows my blog knows that I fell back into


“Shamukh, nun'anu’.”

So anybody who follows my blog knows that I fell back into some Khuzd Feels™ recently, and when I realized that, by my own personal headcanons, Thorin and Frerin were developmentally/comparatively speaking the same age my sister and I were when our baby brother was born, I had to draw this pic.

Translation: “Hello, little sister.”

[Image description: Fanart of Thorin Oakenshield from The Hobbit, as well as his siblings Frerin and Dís. Thorin is a young dwarf child with pale skin, dark brown hair, and blue eyes. He has a braid in front of each ear, a missing front tooth, and the beginnings of a beard and mustache around his mouth. The rest of his hair is pulled behind his head. He is curled over, holding his little sister Dís, staring down at her with a huge smile. Dís is a newborn dwarf infant with pale skin and curly wisps of dark hair on her head. She is sleeping with her eyes closed, wearing a white gown. Beside the two of them, their brother Frerin kneels, both hands clinging to his big brother. He is a very young dwarf child with pale skin, blue eyes and blond hair, which is pulled back in a french braid, with two smaller braids hanging in front of his ears. He is looking down at his little sister in awe. End ID.]

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