
one of my #stilllifes from school! really leaning into the #hospitalglam vibes here, with @culturehu

one of my #stilllifes from school! really leaning into the #hospitalglam vibes here, with @culturehustle’s pinkest pink, my fav @wellyfirstaid bandages (which were used after! they stayed sterile in their little packages), my @camphollowstudio porcelain zebra, and recycled port supplies (needles and syringes). really loved how these shots turned out. #sharethepink #sharetheblack #disabledbodiesarebeautiful #disabledartist #eds

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working on a revamp of my #girlwithapearlcochlear, she’s looking pretty snazzy if i do say so

working on a revamp of my #girlwithapearlcochlear, she’s looking pretty snazzy if i do say so myself #girlwithapearlearring #vermeer #disabledbodiesarebeautiful #disabledbodiesareart #disabledartist #carandache #neocolor2

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