


Image ID: Screenshot of a Discord message from OP that reads: "I have known Vimes for 5 minutes but if anything happened to him i'd kill everyone on the Disc and then my self." The message has five 100 emoji reactions. End ID.ALT
Image ID: Screenshot of a Discord message from OP that reads: "poor bastard. Doesnt know what hit him." The attached image reads: "Vimes gripped his parcel like a chastity belt." The message has two heart emoji reactions. End ID.ALT
Image ID: Screenshot of a Discord message from OP that reads: "oh okay." The attached image reads: "Lord Vetinari seldom had balls. There was a popular song about it, in fact." End ID.ALT
Image ID: Screenshot of a Discord message from OP that reads: "of all the places i expected this to go..." The attached image reads: "'Okay, all done.' She gave him a slap on the rump. 'Madam, I am Captain of the Night Watch,' said Vimes, knowing it was a bloody - " End ID.ALT
Image ID: Screenshot of a Discord message from OP that reads: "It seems poor vimes has mistaken that he's been abducted into some sort of threesome involving himself and two demented aristocrats." End ID.ALT
Image ID: Screenshot of a Discord message from OP that reads: "i love that carrot already likes vimes... they havent known each other long or interacted much. But he's imprinted onto him. Also, that scene with Wonse and the dragon... So chilling. So amazing. I love how the dragon, cruel as it was, was horrified by human nature. I love this common thread in Terry's writing of otherworldly evil powers being totally astonished by what horrible things humans are capable of doing to one another, far beyond what they, entities that are supposed to be cruel, are doing... "Learn from humans. It's amazing what you can learn from humans."" End ID.ALT
Image ID: Screenshot of a Discord message from OP that reads: "Vetinari is such a juicy character. I want to bite him for multiple reasons, but mostly to see what oozes out." The message has one sparkling heart reaction. End ID.ALT
Image ID: Screenshot of a Discord message from OP that reads: "Also thinking about Vetinari's speech about the depths of human evil, how everyone is bad... How he treated Vimes' assertion that people are just people, not necessarily good or bad, as a lie he must believe in... But then Vimes asks him why, if he's really that cynical, he gets up every morning. And Vetinari shoos him away. I like that little mystery." End ID.ALT
Image ID: Screenshot of a Discord message from OP that reads: "Now i guess i'll have to be thinking all day about how Vimes was brought low by a city who was a woman only to be lifted up by a woman who was a city." The message has one sparkling heart reaction. End ID.ALT
Image ID: Screenshot of a Discord message from OP that reads: "the way i'm wheezing and cackling." The attached image reads: "Vimes wandered aimlessly through another mahogany archway. It was a dining room, containing the kind of table where the people at the other end are in a different time zone. One end had been colonized by silver candlesticks. It was laid for two. A battery of cutlery flanked each plate. Antique wineglasses sparkled in the candlelight. A terrible premonition took hold of -" Then another message from OP that reads: "i seem to recall someone saying terry can't write romance (maybe it was himself?) but they were clearly wrong because this is the funniest shit ive ever read." The second message has one finger pointing up emoji reaction. End ID. ALT

read Guards, Guards! and had some Impressions


“Jeremy tried to be an interesting person. The trouble was that he was the kind of person who, having decided to be an interesting person, would first of all try to find a book called How to Be An Interesting Person and then see whether there were any courses available.”

— Terry Pratchett - The Thief Of Time (via aeshnacyanea2000)


he just does things sometimes


A coloured sketch of Taika!Vimes because I am in love with this concept


The canonical fact that Vimes doesn’t play chess because the only thing he can think about is that the pawns really should unionize and overthrow their useless king is one of my favorite tidbits in a series full of great little details


Sybil Ramkin: ah yes i love my swamp dragons that are small, pathetic, and could explode at any minute

Vimes: *is small, pathetic, and so full of rage and/or nerves he could explode any minute*

Sybil: hot damn


please consider how this would be the best game


h. hold on a sec


Well remembered, Mr. Lipwig.


Dracula revival clashing with my Discworld brainrot is really making me revisit the sadly off-screen adventure where a recent graduate on a truly horrible ivy league frat boy eurotrip comprised entirely of assasins and an ancient evil entity help each other become the girlboss of their dreams and then stay lifelong penpals


relistening Guards! Guards! and haha…..the last time i read it was in…2011?2012? i can’t remember

bring back so much childhood memories


thinking about the end of Guards! Guards! where we return to relatively benevolent Havelock Vetinari, and looking down at the city of Ankh-Morpork, which had obediently rolled over for a king they’d never even heard of the second one showed up, and when a dragon killed him, they made the dragon the king

and as the dragon’s appetite demanded that they sacrifice their daughters to it, no one stood up to protest this except for the people who had daughters, and when THEY were killed, everyone trembled but no one wanted to stand up an do anything

the leaders silently begged for help from the others, and none of them were willing to be the first one to say something or do anything. ‘cowards,’ they think of the others, even as they refuse to do anything themselves.

and the dragon, learning of human nature, is horrifiedto learn of human history, how willing we are to torture one another and call it good, to ignore any moral failing or compromise

and here Vetinari says, that there are people down there who will worship any evil obey any dragon, follow any kind of evil.

Not because they are bad in the really creative way of the truly awful and creative sinners, but because they don’t say no. A hum-drum, very ordinary kind of evil, without a shred of originality. The evil of banality, and normal-ness.

And then we look at Vimes, who has spent the book cursing out the people of Ankh-Morpork for refusing to stand up for their neighbors, for giving into authority the second it rears its head, perhaps the last man in the city who really believes and acts on things like honor and duty, even as he complains about it and has spent most of his career drinking himself into oblivion over it.

None of those things Vetinari has noticed apply to him; he’s spent the whole book rallying against that normality, that banality of evil.

Vetinari comments that there IS no good in the world. There’s no good guys and bad guys, he says, no simple lines to be drawn. There’s just bad people. Sometimes, they’re on opposite sides.

Vetinari, who works for nothing but the prosperity of the city, no matter how thankless it is.

Vimes, who is a walking antithesis to everything Vetinari has said, asks him why he bothers getting up in the morning if he really believes that.

“Oh, go on home, Vimes,” says VEtinari. “There’s a goodman.”

So the book ends up on a note of ambiguity, questioning whether Vetinari is right or not. We go to the Watch, humble men who simply did what they did because they thought it was their job, and for Carrot, because there was nothing to do BUT the right thing, and at the very least, its the first glimmer that in the end, Vetinari really is wrong.

And that, most pointedly, he gradually only acquires his propensity for being borderline omniscient once he begins to truly get that sometimes people are motived by something beyond base self-interest. There’s good people in this world too. They’re crabby, or naïve, or grumpy grouches resenting the hell out of the world for needing them to do this, or they’re asocial weirdos who don’t fit in any where and know it, but they’re there. More of them show up, over time.

So it begs the question, of whether or not Vetinari believes what he’s saying, or that he DID believe it, but the events of the book and Carrot in particular put a big ol’ question mark on his thoughts.

fernacular:I colored it!(And added dragons cuz i forgot to the first time)


I colored it!

(And added dragons cuz i forgot to the first time)

Post link
disgustiphage:this is an inclusive assassins school :)disgustiphage:this is an inclusive assassins school :)


this is an inclusive assassins school :)

Post link


“One of those things killed that old priest!”

“Sorry?” said Carrot. “If it’s just a thing, how can it commit murder? A sword is a thing” – he drew his own sword; it made an almost silken sound – “and of course you couldn’t possibly blame a swordif someone thrust it at you, sir.”

The man went cross-eyed as he tried to focus on the sword.

And, again, Angua felt that touch of bewilderment. Carrot wasn’t threatening the man. He wasn’tthreatening the man. He was merely using the sword to demonstrate a…well, a point. And that was all. He’d be quite amazed to hear that not everyone would think of it like that.

Part of her said: Someone has to be very complex indeed to be as simple as Carrot.

Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay


New edition ! Recipes from Nanny Ogg’s Cookbook are marked with a *, all the others are creations from talented fans (shout out to @fantasyfeasts, for providing most of these, and @sewuniversebacktogether for attempting to make troll food). Discworld themed food for everyone ! (last update 12/08/17)

Appetizers, snacks, sandwiches

Main dishes


Bakery and sweets

Troll food !

Don’t forget the drinks ! Check Discworld Drinks:





Cut-Me-Own-Throat Dibbler selling Pride merch

Cut-Me-Own-Throat Dibbler selling new genders

Cut-Me-Own-Throat Dibbler splashing stripes of paint onto cheap white flags and trying to sell them at a premium because they’re new, exclusive genders, made only 5 minutes ago by a gay council on a mountain somewhere

Cut-Me-Own-Throat Dibbler selling genuine gender fluid, extracted by monks from the famed trans-continental trees of the Forest of Skund.
