#disney pixar


Could Bo peep be a villain?

Now know some of y'all are might be getting mad at people for making theory’s about Bo peep being a villain YouTube, now let me clear this out just in case if people are freaking out, the thing is they are not try to say she IS a villain they say that she could be a villain that’s the difference, I know some of people who like Bo peep thinking they try bash on Bo peep , no one try to bash on Bo peep they just making theory’s what’s going to happen in toy story 4 , so I think the reason why there’s theory s about Bo peep might be the villain because they want you think the that grabby is the main villain and the fact she an open villain,so is a good chance they gonna trick us with grabby and show the real villain later on , also the fact twist villains might be still a thing for disney.

Do I believe bo peep a villain ?

honestly we just have to wait and see.

Today’s thoughts are over and have a nice day . remember there just theory’s a movie theory! LoL sorry .

Would Woody stay with Bo peep or go with his friends ?

I wonder if this is the heartbreaking ending tom hanks was talking about because it seems that woody has to make a hard choice wheatear to stay with bo peep or go with his friend’s is going to be sad either way, because bo peep is the love of his life I bet that woody misses her the most it seems bo peep is staying in new her life , because if you think about it bo is not really a toy she a glass doll attach to a lamp so she must be at this point she knows not a real toy no kid can’t play as her, besides she said in the trailer “ who’s wants to be in a kids room all day when you can make kids all happy” so that means she never get the chance have her own adventure she don’t be in a room she don’t want wait for woody and everybody else coming back , also I think she dosent want a owner , looks she staying in her life and she wants woody stay with her in the adventures their in , also their his friend’s with his family with Bonnie we know woody dosent like the idea abandon a kid in need , since Bonnie shows the same love and kindness just like Andy did I don’t think would he leave his friends and boonie behind like that, but its been soo long since he seen Bo peep the girl he loves , would Woody stay with bo peep and leave everybody else behind or would he go with them but leave bo peep behind ?either way is sad .

Todays thoughts are over and have nice day. remember you have a friend in me.

A open villain again ?

  • What comes to Disney they like to do a twist villain, but they actually put a open villain this time? In this trailer it seems this creepy doll grabby grabby is the new villain of the story, but something isn’t right here Disney can’t be that careless already revaled the main villain in a trailer, someone else has to be a villain but who exactly?I feel like is too easy for grabby be the new villain because twist villains is now a thing for disney , I mean is not really new that they put a open villain, because there’s a lot of open villains in old films, but why put a open villain now? If Disney want us to think grabby is the new villain then there’s no point being shock since they show how creepy grabby can already be is just too obviously, I mean for Lotso no one didn’t think of him being a villain because he looks like a sweet old teddy bear , but with grabby creepy evil dolls are a thing I think grabby is a villain, but not the main one since we have many new characters along the way I want say the names but am too damn lazy to spell their names , also there’s a theory that bo peep maybe the . main . villain in. toy story 4.

But let’s see what happens I hope bo peep is not the villain because that would break my heart and everybody else’s . so todays thoughts are over and have nice day .

Stupid PETA try to attack Bo peep for having a crook am sorry but last time I check, crooks are use to keep the sheep safe from wolves and dogs for hurting the sheep and keeping the sheep all together, I don’t care people disagree with me or not I will defend Bo peep, the crook is part of her character her full name is Little Bo Peep, it is her job to keep the sheep safe from harm am a animal lover myself and I respect people who keep animals safe and sound , fuck PETA! this is the same insane people who try attack Nintendo for the same dumb reasons this is why no one takes them seriously, since when they care about toy story ? I tell you why nothing! they just want to be in control what everybody likes their nothing but a joke in the trailer it looks like she will use her crook as weapon to defend herself , if her crook gets taken away what else can she use ? her punches and kicks ? I say it once I will say it again she made of glass she will break if she punch anything or kick anything her parts will start to crack and sooner or later she loose a arm and leg , Disney Pixar better not listen to these chuck buckets who dosent give a shit about their movies if they take away her crook , they will get backlash from bo peep fans and won’t be pretty, don’t do it pixar stay your ground and don’t feed to the wrong mouths let the crook stay.

So I look online it looks like you can change a glass doll cloths you just need be careful as you change her otherwise she will break, so whoever the new owner is ,they must be the one give her the new outfit. I check just in chase

As much I love Bo peep returning in toy story 4 but how in the world she change her cloths? is she one of those glass dolls that you can’t change their cloths also she part of a lamp ? I know I shouldn’t taking it so seriously I know is just a movie not everything needs to be explain, but bo peep is not a Plastic doll she a glass doll who can break any moment if she breaks she dies end of story she the only one who made of glass , so about her new outfit is alright it could be allot cuter in my opinion it could least be slimmer to her old outfit but is alright , hopefully Disney pixar explain why her outfit is different.

Todays thoughts are over and have a nice day.
