#ditto on golf range

notllorstel: notllorstel:notllorstel:notllorstel:notllorstel:notllorstel: prev 10 weeks <<<







prev 10 weeks <<<<

week 161 - Sherlock Hound - 31/03/22

The English intro is such a jam.

This batch is working on Ipad and going for more sketchier, faster, looser and resist being neat and spending too long on a piece. An hour max. To train on getting decent level of sketches quality that my main arm’s got.

week 162 - Zacharie - OFF Game


he’s got a nice laugh~ went a smidge overtime cause i wanted to add some shadding.

week 163 - Miko - Glitch Techs


week 164 - Five - Glitch Techs

YAY got it done under an hour *does little victory dance*

week 165 - Zahra - Glitch Techs


love that outfit 

week 166 - Mitch - Glitch Techs


you know him, best mvp, best dressed, the sweetest, most awesome, (not five+miko).

tried wadaiko master drum arcade game for the first time, which destroyed my left arm for a few days. now i can lift it up again we are back on the left train. went a bit overtime on this one, but i was having fun and rly liked how it was turning out, soo judge ruled in my favor.

week 167 - Guzma - Pokemon

L for not turning out to be the the first non Pokemon character I draw. Tried archery and since both arms equally suck, focussed on shooting with left and hey it was fun. Getting those exp points on left that right don’t have so left gets an… upper hand >:}

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