#dj sub


Back to the origin.

I referred to the concept art’s SUB.

the hand separated from wrist is really cool isn’t it?

NSR official account tweet this, and soon i drew this.

why NSR official always draw imaginative illustration?

my head became smithereens.

First New Year doodle.

Happy new year and welcome 2022!

I hope, this year i want to draw tons of DJ SUB and other art!!!

hope you enjoy my works!

I made another (silly) anime by NSR!

this is a parody of Asu no yozora shoukai-han.

youtube link is below↓↓

Hope you enjoy it!!

just doodle but little bit void.
sorry, I was little bit sad mood but soon get well (because drew him.)
soon i’ll draw another pics i swear!

Quick Quick draw.

this means, today is The Cat Day

……maybe only in Japan? I don’t know but today is The Cat Day!!
