#dmitri oc


May 31st “…Sir?”


Middle of nowhere | Freezing | Lighter

Jake lay strapped to the table where Ben usually was.  Ben was off with Volkov suffering through whatever Volkov did to him.  Jake knew, but his attention was focused on the pugilistic face of Dmitri, staring down at him.  Volkov had left the underling in charge of him, and Jake knew it was going to be a rough night. 

“Alcohol is funny thing,” Dmitri said in his stupidly thick accent.  “It doesn’t freeze solid, and will still burn.”

What the hell does that mean? Jake wondered.  He would have asked just to be a smart mouth, but his smart mouth was trapped behind a muzzle.  Volkov liked Jake muzzled.  They used that one a lot.  They treated Jake like a dog.  Ben had to kneel and be hand fed, Jake was chained to the floor on all fours and fed from a dog bowl. 

Dmitri took a cotton ball and doused it in Vodka.  Ice.  Cold.  Vodka. 

Jake was stretched out on his back to the point that he couldn’t move.  Dmitri set the freezing little ball of cotton on Jake’s thigh and then dipped another one into the glass of vodka.  He repeated this until there were three balls of soaked cotton on each of his thighs. 

“Don’t move, Jakey.  If they fall off, I pin them to your skin.”  Dmitri shrugged.  “I may do that anyway.  For fun.  Watch you squirm.”  Dmitri’s devilish grin split his face. 

If Jake ever got the chance, he’d murder the son of a bitch.  Well, if he could do it and it not result in Ben getting punished.  Volkov was adept at keeping them in check by punishing the other if they stepped out of line. 

Dmitri set more frozen little blobs of soaked cotton on his body – across his chest, his ribs, the center of his stomach, his belly button.  He sat back and looked Jake over, seeming satisfied with his work. 

Dmitri took out a lighter with a flourish and lit a cigarette.  He pulled in a lungful and then blew the smoke over Jake’s face. 

Stupid idiot, I’m muzzled, you dumb fuck.  It filters out your smoke.  Bastard.  Jake smirked under the muzzle.  Dmitri may be a sick fuck, but no one could accuse him of being bright. 

Suddenly he flicked the lighter to life and lit the cotton ball just above Jake’s knee.  Jake screamed as the flame swiftly engulfed the alcohol-soaked ball, burning the skin beneath as the fire consumed it.  He thrashed as much as the chains would allow, dislodging several cotton balls. 

Dmitri tsked and pulled out a set of straight pins.  “Looks like I’ll be pinning them in place after all.”

Jake cried and struggled as Dmitri pinned the cotton balls to his skin.  When they were all in back in place.  He started lighting them, one by one.  Jake screamed and screamed. The flame burned out fairly quickly, but in its place, it left angry red blisters that covered his chest, abdomen, and legs. 

The door opened and Volkov walked in on the torture session.  He looked down at Jake and smiled. 

“That is lovely Dmitri.”  He reached out and poked one of the burns over Jake’s left nipple. 

Jake moaned and tried to twist away. 

“I bet Benjamin would look good with a few of these.”

“Where is little Benjamin?”

“I left him with some of his favorite toys.  I’ve got a few hours before I need to go back and check on him.  So, I thought I’d see how your experiment was going.  This is excellent.”

Dmitri smiled as he basked in the Pahkan’s praise. 

“Watch this.”  He took the cotton balls and stuffed them between each of Jake’s toes. 
