#whump community


I just came across this post from a crafty whumper! It got me thinking…. We have lots of community members who write and draw… but what other hobbies do you all enjoy?

Me, I like to sing, crochet, scrapbook, and take pictures (I like to consider myself an aspiring amateur photographer).

#whump community    #hobbies    


no matter how cool we try to act every single one of us has had a moment where some blog we looked up to followed us back and we felt for a second like we truly made it

It’s true. @killian-whump was mine.



I just came across this post from a crafty whumper! It got me thinking…. We have lots of community members who write and draw… but what other hobbies do you all enjoy?

Me, I like to sing, crochet, scrapbook, and take pictures (I like to consider myself an aspiring amateur photographer).

I do a little cross-stitch/embroidery, some calligraphy, and the occasional efforts at knitting and crocheting. I also dabble in scrapbooking sometimes, and occasionally try to draw. My roommate and close pal also taught me how to do Viking wire weaving a year or two ago, and that’s VERY fun! It comes out looking like this picture:

a picture of a silver bracelet made via Viking weave, a way of weaving metal wire to make jewelry with a kind of braided look

In the past, I’ve also sometimes messed around with woodburning and leatherwork. (I’d love to do some leatherwork again, but a relative across the country owns all the tools I learned on. :p)

As for other crafters around, I know @whump-it makes many lovely crafts, and @newbornwhumperfly does some cool things with miniatures! (No pressure to reply if you don’t want - just wanted to offer. ☺️) Edit: Also, @orchidscript does some gorgeous historical costuming I think!

I sew fancy outfits for art dolls, I used to be a set dresser and props builder, and I do art and play several different instruments.

Working on Lute Music transcribed for the Ukulele. No really- it works. (insert long spiel about history of stringed instruments, the Portuguese guitarra, and the uke, vs renaissance music)

I am also a Medieval Reenactor when the Plague permits me to be, performing music, sewing and embroidering, some light leatherwork, and Domestic History in general.

I spin wool now! With a lot of various spindles, Viking Style to Txoatile to Turkish. Gotta try them all.

I’ve ALSO joined the “reptile keeping hobby” with an incredibly tiny snakeling.

Hope everyone in this little community has a wonderful day, whatever this day means to you. May you feel accepted, loved, and above all GOOD ENOUGH today in every goddamn way - and if you don’t or if you need good tidings sent into the ether to help get you through, I’ve got your back. Good vibes all around for fellow whump pals today and every day.


i’m still kinda nervous about making an official introduction, but i really want to find more whump blogs and content to interact with so,,,hewwo! my name is emmett (he/him). 

i am not a whump specific blog, but i post/reblog whump in my whump tag.tags for my own whump content are:

i’m not super familiar with all of the types of whump yet? but the types of whump that i very much enjoy (and that i can think of right now) are: 

  • pet whump
  • torture whump
  • lab whump (but i have a surgery squick so it makes it VERY hard for me to find things i can see/read without the surgical stuff sdhfjsdghsd)
  • humiliation whump (if this is a thing???)
  • mob whump
  • royalty whump
  • religious whump  
  • wing whump 
  • defiant whumpees (most of my whumpees are cocky assholes lmao)
  • vampire whumpees
  • angel/demon whumpees (i just love angels/demons in general)
  • whumperees (ty to @/whumpwillow for that term!)
  • non human whumpees/whumpers

i’m still VERY new to whumplr so i’m only following a few blogs right now (and i’ll admit that i’m…VERY picky sdhfsdjfsd). but these are the ones i’m following that yall should check out if you can!!!

and if ur a whump blog or post whump on your blog, i’d super love if you could leave a like on this post so i can check you out! thank u for reading (and ty for reblogging if u do)! <3

ALSO: if i follow you, it’ll be from @/angryjerkandstrawboy! even though this one is my main now it’s still a side blog so i can’t follow or like posts from it.

hii welcome to the whump community Emmett!! glad to have you here and oh you have some really great favorites there


Hello there! My name’s Kira, but I go by many other names. Nicholas/Nick, Kiara, and Lysander are all names I also go by! 

I am a minor, so there will be no NSFW of the sexual kind (and I’m also asexual, so). I can’t say that this blog is going to be exactly SFW, because it’s a whump blog. Gonna have a fair amount of content about violence. 

This blog is mostly going to be me reblogging stuff and ocassionally posting my own writing. I’ll try to put out the first chapters of some of my stories tomorrow. I will likely not be consistent in posting writing, because my motivation is very sporadic. I’m only going to be writing/reading original character whump, because I’m not part of any fandoms.

My tastes in tropes is mostly just villain whump. I love it, it’s the main trope I enjoy. That’s basically what all my writing is. Happy endings also hit the spot for me. 

Because this is a sideblog, I’ll be following from my main, @kiratheperson!

I’m going to tag some blogs to ask for a boost!! I love the writings of all these blogs :D

@whumpwillow - I love Hazeshift, Crossfire, and Oneirogate especially!
@hurting-fictional-people - The Betrayal series is so good :D
@whumpering-heights - Behind the Masks is just,,, I love it so much 
@whumpsday - Kane & Jim is literally one of my favorites
@whump-a-la-mode - All your villain whump is amazing!
@whump-culture - You were my first intro to the whump community :)

(I hope the tagging actually works,,, Tumblr is just so functional)

hi Kira welcome!! glad to have you here <3

thank you for the tag!! and for reading my story


Whump intro/ Community Appreciation post


I’m eerie or wrath, pronouns xie/xier (zee/ zeer) preferred, but I’m fluid fem-ish so really any are fine. I’m 23 in two weeks Aries gang!

I have A LOT to say and I’m already a wordy person so this might get long and a little more personal than most of these I’ve read from others ✌ sorry if that’s not your thing

I’m new to tumblr in general and the wonderful world of whump, although I’ve been lurking as a blank blog for quite awhile. I’m autistic and have major social anxiety so this new social environment scares the shit out of me. Because of that it might be awhile before I actually post anything of my own but I’m making this post now so when the courage strikes I can just dive right in  

The first whumpy memory I have is from a book my mom used to read to me as a literal infant so idk what that says about me, but this shit goes WAY back. I’ve been concocting whumpy stories in my head since I was like 10? I think.  But I’ve always been too ashamed to write any of it down. I found this community last year and have been processing it’s existence ever since. Genuinely life changing. Still can’t get over it. My whole life I’ve been convinced I’m an actual monster for liking this stuff and honestly I’m still working through that. But I see all of you in this community and you are all SO FUCKING WONDERFUL! I can’t get over it! You are all so kind, supportive, encouraging and sensitive to each other in a way I’ve personally never seen before. Especially in online spaces. Even other spaces on tumblr. You all are (from my perspective) abnormally nice to each other and that’s SO refreshing and unexpected.  

That’s the background to this 


Thank you all so much for your impeccable vibes

Even if I were to never post again (highly unlikely) you all have permanently changed my life and view of myself in ways I can’t even express in words. You’ve shaken me out of cycles of shame that have been negatively impacting my life as far back as I can remember. You’ve PROVEN to me, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that being into this stuff doesn’t make a person inherently evil LOL kinda obvious in retrospect, but life changing for me nonetheless. I can’t express the depth of my gratitude to/for you all. Just know I treasure every last one of you even if we never interact I’m keeping you all in a little treasure chest right next to my heart and never letting you go. its getting crowded in there, but at least you’re in good company

As for the actual blog content

I’m an artist so at some point I’ll probably start posting the whumpy, gorey, fucked up art I don’t usually show people.  

I’m not a writer, but now I’m inspired to start. I have many, many, MANY stories and characters in my head I’ve been developing for years. It might take awhile for those to make it to paper, but in the meantime I’ll definitely be posting shorter stuff. Learning how to write whump and getting comfortable putting this kind of stuff out there

This is also going to be a somewhat personal blog so I’ll probably be posting whump adjacent personal stuff. I’m a Witch who works with Lilith, Eris, Sekhmet, and quite a few other dark entities and this blog is part of my shadow work with them so I fully expect that to come up (also why this post is abnormally personal ). Occult stuff especially surrounding pain, death, destruction and other scorpionic themes will come up here. And anger. that’ll be a big theme here too

Stuff I love  

  • Torture and everything that involves. Whipping and burning especially  
  • Gore, mostly blood  
  • Defiance  
  • Forced submission  
  • The slow process of breaking a person  
  • Nervous breakdowns and psychotic breaks
  • Broken mindsets  
  • Psychological impact of whump  
  • Hurt/comfort but only after hurt lol
  • Happy endings!!!!!… eventually
  • Complexity (whumpees, whumpers, relationships, caretakers)
  • Exploring morality through whump

Stuff I don’t love  

  • Environmental and sickness stuff when that’s the entire focus. I like the moral aspect of whump so when the whump wasn’t intentional (sentient creature on sentient creature) it loses a little bit of spice for me  


  • Not having a happy ending!!!!! (Although some of my stories might have sad ending AUs. It’s fine if it’s AU lol)  
  • Minor whumpee and child abuse. Implied is ok  

ANYWAYS this was really long intro post to say basically the same thing everyone says in their intro posts, but what can I say I’m feeling chatty today! I’m really excited to be here and can’t wait to start posting YOU ALL ARE LOVELY! 

Extra special thanks

Extra special love for all the blogs I followed and stalked as a blank blog and didn’t get blocked by lol. All of yalls writing is INCREDIBLE!!!! and art for those of you who do art too. I may or my not have totally stalked all of your blogs extensively without relogging or even liking anything. but I read it, and I loved it! and now I know better. and here’s some love for all the love I didn’t give your actual posts 

@aceofwhump@hurting-fictional-people@bunny300@secretwhumplair@redwingedwhump@rat-father@friendlylocalwhumper@shameless-whumper@justtorturewhump@whumblr@jordanstrophe@ashintheairlikesnow @whumpzone@pretty-face-breaker@the-bloody-sadist@whump-sprite@yet-another-heathen@whumpwillow@alittlewhump@coldresolve@whump-headspace@waywardwhump@knivestothroats 

Extra extra special love to the first few series I read start to finish and fell totally in love with. I think about all of these all the time now 

Captured series by: @redwingedwhump 

Home is where the hurt is by: @whumblr

Hazeshift and Oneirogate by: @whumpwillow

Linden & Colton and Tomas & Rowe by: @whumpzone

AAAAAnd lastly, sorry but this post feels incomplete without adding a few blogs I discovered more recently, but am now totally obsessed with 


I LOVE YOU ALL and I really hope I didn’t miss anyone! If you don’t want to be tagged though just let me know. Sorry if I screwed anything up socially with this post. I have no idea how to be normal on tumblr (or in general). If I did anything unacceptable please let me know (nicely please I’m sensitive)

I’m almost a week late but hii welcome!! I’m so happy you’re here

ooh yes I know the feeling of thinking you’re a monster for liking whump and then having that whole thought process slowly change when you find the community… I went through that too! it really is life changing isn’t it

also, thank you so much for the tag!! it’s always so amazing to know someone likes my blog


Howdy howdy! I’m Diye but I also go by Moon/Carbon/Ibuki! I use any pronouns!
I’m very new to whump but I’m already super excited! 

This is my main blog where I’ll reblog a lot of whump stuff but most of the whump content I make will be posted to my art/writing blog, obsessedwithegos! Neither of these are purely whump blogs though, as a heads up!

I have one art series already finished called Scuffing the Gem
I also have a list on this blog of my whumpees, whumpers, and caretakers along with notes about them! It can be found here!
You can find my whump stuff on both blogs by searching for ‘whump’ or ‘whump tag’!

Here are some of my whump likes/favorites!:
Stress position
Nonhuman whumpee/whumper
Possessive whumper
Creepy whumper
Whumpee overworking themself / Restless Whumpee
Sensitive ear whump
Wing/Tail/Horn whump

I get easily squicked out by medical whump involving needles/IVs and dehumanization worse than being treated like an animal but I’m still down to interact/read them as long as I’m in a good head space! :D

Some of my favorite blogs for whump stuff is
@thebluejayswhump,@darkwarfy,@whumpwillow,@hurting-fictional-people , and also @suspicious-whumping-egg!

hii Diye, welcome to the community!! it’s so nice to have you here, I hope you enjoy your stay and thank you for the tag!! I’m honored to be one of your favorite whump blogs


I just came across this post from a crafty whumper! It got me thinking…. We have lots of community members who write and draw… but what other hobbies do you all enjoy?

Me, I like to sing, crochet, scrapbook, and take pictures (I like to consider myself an aspiring amateur photographer).

I also like to sing, I’m in the same choir for about 14 years now. I do a lot of crafts, but mostly crocheting, sewing, paper quilling. And drawing of course. Also I play pen & paper role play and I’m in a reading group. And I guess the GIF making and this blog is a hobby too.

#whump community    #hobbies    #great idea    


i just created this sideblog and am looking for whump blogs to bookmark! feel free to recommend me blogs (including your own), particularly if they contain gifsets of characters having a bad time (good content). i’m a bit more picky about writing but may post fic recs. whatever fandom’s fine

Welcome to the community!

You can find a list of whump gifmakers here.

I don’t have a list of whump video makers yet.

If there are enough blogs for a list I could start one though.

Anyway here’s a shoutout to http://seriouswhump.tumblr.com who startet to post whump videos.

Let me know if there are other whump videomakers in the community and I can start a list.


You know what, the whump gifmaker guild has grown quite big by now:





















































@royalwhumpness (formerly whumpsessions)











Unfotunately I can only tag 50 blogs in one post. So blogs without the @ are tagged in the comments.

(Did I forget anyone? Or are there more whump gifmakers that I don’t know of? Let me know.)

@how-much-for-a-whump added to the list.


Hello Whump community! I am putting together a list of whumpy books. I know there was a least one list going around a while ago, but I want to make a new one that (also) includes more-recently released books.

If there are any books you want to see included in the list, send me and ask or a dm and I will be happy to add them. I also want to include the whump tropes that are present in the books. So, if you have a book you want to add, please include the whump tropes. (It doesn’t have to be all of them present in the books. Could just be the ones that stood out to you).

Hello Whump community! I am putting together a list of whumpy books. I know there was a least one list going around a while ago, but I want to make a new one that (also) includes more-recently released books.

If there are any books you want to see included in the list, send me and ask or a dm and I will be happy to add them. I also want to include the whump tropes that are present in the books. So, if you have a book you want to add, please include the whump tropes. (It doesn’t have to be all of them present in the books. Could just be the ones that stood out to you).






I loved the way my OCs turned out on @sangled‘s picrew (https://picrew.me/image_maker/94097) so I decided to make myself too:

It’s an S, in the wild! This is a surprisingly decent representation of me, except I have never before had the chance to wear a waistcoat and that saddens me. Also, I barely ever wear earrings but… I can and that’s the important part right?

It me, Breezy

I tag @for-the-love-of-angstand@just-horrible-things if yall wanna join

It’s meeeee! It’s Vee in her poofy headed fabulousness!

i tag @crash-bump-bring-the-whump@that-one-thespian@comfy-whumpee

I look a lot like S, as it turns out.

ummm@wildfaewhump@gonna-feel-that-tomorrow@stoic-whumpee if y’all want?

thanks for the tag, @comfy-whumpeeand@clockworknightmares!

a Vic! yes I do wear my glasses over my bangs picrew that’s entirely reasonable

who hasn’t been tagged yet uhhhh @whumping-every-dayyeet


Wasn’t tagged but this was too fun not to try out! Here’s a Jay. Slightly shorter hair than the real life version, but we’ll have that trimmed down again soon enough ☺

If you see this, consider yourself tagged!

anime: classroom crisis

content warning: blood and spoilers

0:00-0:27 - episode 11 (episode time stamp start: 23:49)

nagisa gets stabbed from behind

0:28-4:55 - episode 12 (episode time stamp start: 0:00 and continues throughout the rest of the episode)

nagisa is tied up and in pain, beaten up (numerous times throughout the episode) by his brother, reopens his wound and is bleeding through his bandage, is duct taped to a seat and is sent off into space to collide with an asteroid

note:I put “and continues throughout the rest of the episode” for this time stamp because we also get to see the others try to figure out where nagisa was taken to and plan out a whole rescue mission to get him back…. however, they were too late when they arrived and nagisa is sent out into space

4:56-6:14 - episode 13 (episode time stamp start: 12:09 and continues until 16:56)

nagisa is rescued (found unconscious)

I honestly want to watch the show in its entirety now even though I’m not too big of a fan of space/science fiction anime… I don’t mind the fact that I just spoiled myself either lol, it is what it is

I guess you can call this one of those cases where I came for the whump but I stayed for the plot 


anime: eromanga-sensei

episode: OVA 2

anime: heavy object

content warning: blood

00:00-00:52 - episode 2 (episode time stamp start: 15:15)

qwenthur is pushed off the cliff (saved) and goes unconscious when he reaches the bottom 

00:53-1:46 - episode 5 (episode time stamp start: 16:50)

a large wave is created from explosion, qwenthur drowns from the wave collapsing onto him

1:47-2:32 - episode 8 (episode time stamp start: 13:35&14:53)

qwenthur is caught in a building explosion, bleeding from his head and has a metal shard impaled into his thigh, he can’t move

havia also gets caught in an explosion near him and is bleeding from his head and arm

2:33-3:27 - episode 11 (episode time stamp start: 07:15)

their base zone gets bombed and qwenthur is found unconscious afterwards, he can’t move on his own because he has a sprained ankle

note: this continues onto episode 12 where he still can’t really move on his own, and at one point, at the episode’s climax he is in a very dangerous area and gets spotted by the enemy (nothing much really happens to him beyond that)

3:28-3:50 - episode 14 (episode time stamp start: 16:47)

qwenthur is kicked in the face, shot right in the shoulder and yells in pain

note: I find it kind of funny how the enemy tells qwenthur to stop yelling because he only grazed him but if you see the rest of the scene (not shown in this video), you will notice that NO, THE GUY LITERALLY SHOT HIM RIGHT ON THE JOINT OF HIS SHOULDER,OUCH!

3:51-4:28 - episode 16 (episode time stamp start: 05:10 and continues for the rest of the episode)

qwenthur gets slammed against a wall and this keeps on happening throughout the episode to a point where he is bleeding from his head and mouth, gets punched repeatedly until the girl’s (her name is: ohoho) knuckles have blood on them

4:29-5:00 - episode 18 (episode time stamp start: 13:54&21:39)

qwenthur is slammed against a rock wall | head is getting crushed by metal arms

5:01-5:43 - episode 22 (episode time stamp start: 06:23)

qwenthur is caught in an explosion that he created in an attempt to spread the poisonous gas away from his team

5:44-8:42 - episode 24 (episode time stamp start: 00:00 and continues until around the 15 minute mark)

qwenthur and havia are caught in multiple explosions causing their jeep to flip over numerous times and explode, they are both found unconscious and heavily injured (especially qwenthur) and they are both taken for treatment, qwenthur has to go through emergency surgery and his heart stops beating at some point and the medical team had to use the defibrillator to get him back, he wakes up in bed, tries to sit up but is in pain (this happens twice) and barely manages to get up and walk on his own

the last one is honestly my favorite one from the list, like, OH MY GOODNESS, I love me some hospital/infirmary whump, and let me remind you that the whole thing in that episode LASTS AROUND 15 MINUTES… just… chef’s kiss

whump aside, I gotta say, I do love the bromance between qwenthur and havia uwu 


Since I’ve gotten a bit more into watching TikTok's–

Lately I’ve been having this weird thought where It shows a short clip of a Whumper punishing their Whumpee aesthetically, but then that guy pops up suddenly with a deadpanned look:

Liisssteeeen.. Did you know that A group of penguins in the water is called a raft but on land they’re called a waddle! Now you do.”

Favoritism in Whumps make me mentally weak in the worst way.

I mean that in a good way too, I just love when a Whumper has two or more Whumpee’s but treats one better than the rest.

It’s cute when the others understand it’s just to make them jealous and cause a rift within the Whumpee’s but god – is it ever beautiful when they don’t and it causes drama between the Whumpee’s.
