#dnd asks



dnd character ask meme

but they’re weirdly specific ones i want to ask my personal dnd party because they keep me up at night

  1. what kind of clothing does your character like to wear? do they have a style? anything they avoid wearing?
  2. what’s their current hairstyle? has it changed? do they change it often?
  3. is your character more articulate in their thoughts than their words? if yes, do they do anything about that? do they care?
  4. would your character sing along to a vaguely familiar song, even if they messed up the lyrics as they went?
  5. if they wear any, how does your character go about applying makeup? (methodically, nervously, messily, etc)
  6. do they usually sleep in a certain pose? does it change?
  7. how would they react to eating something that was spicier than they expected it to be?
  8. are their hands steady?
  9. if someone gave them flowers, what would they do with them?
  10. would they sneak out at night to look at the sky? how long would they stay there looking?
  11. how do they feel about casual endearments? (babe, etc)
  12. what color would they paint their room? would there be a design on the ceiling?
  13. what helps them fall asleep when they’re having trouble doing so?
  14. do they tend to run hot or cold? do they do anything to deal with that?
  15. what’s a sound they can’t stand?
  16. would they draw patterns in frosted windows/fogged up mirrors? what would they draw?
  17. do they fidget? how and/or with what?
  18. would they sing a lullaby, if the opportunity arose?
  19. do they see patterns in the world around them? do they point them out to people?
  20. do they like to keep plants/growing things in their space?
  21. do they touch or mess with their hair/horns a lot?
  22. when they speak, do they have a default tone of voice? if yes, do they try to change it? why?
  23. do they wrap their arms around their stomach when it hurts?
  24. what kind of bookmarks, if any, do they like to use?
  25. do they keep books on their person? what kind?
  26. do they write in their books? do they mind other people writing in their books? what do they write?
  27. do they write often? why/what about?
  28. if they can fly, how do they feel in the moment their feet touch the ground again?
  29. if they wear any, where did they get their jewelry?
  30. have they ever tried to count their own freckles? do they count other people’s?
  31. did they climb all over/onto things as a kid?
  32. can they play darts? would they?
  33. where are they in a group hug? (dead center, outside, etc)
  34. what’s the first thing they think when they hear an alarm? what’s the first thing they do?
  35. do they sing with their head voice or their chest voice?
  36. (if they have hair that needs to be brushed) how often do they do so? do they do it gently?
  37. how would they pass the time on a train?
  38. do they bother to clean ink/chalk/gunpowder/etc off of their fingers? are they likely to forget it’s there and smudge their nose?
  39. do they keep working even when their wrists start to cramp? if they do, do they give themselves a break when the work is done?
  40. if their mattress became uncomfortable as time passed, would they notice it? would they do anything about it?
  41. what’s the silliest thing they’ve used magic to do? if they don’t have magic, what’s something silly they’d use it for if they did?


Reblog this post and tell me what is the level, race/subrace, and class/subclass of your D&D character(s) you are currently playing in a campaign.

Morwen Hebesgryn: 5th level, human, 4 levels monster slayer ranger, 1 level grave/war domain cleric hybrid, setting based on medieval Siberia

Gracie Goldcoast: 7th level, lightfoot halfling, 6 levels college of sword bard, 1 level archfey warlock, setting based on 18th century Europe

Basha Secondson: 10th level, tiefling, divination wizard (game on “hiatus”)

Pasha DuToit: 5th level, tortle, battlesmith artificer (guest spot)
