
This is indeed pretty metal.

This is indeed pretty metal.

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With Andrew Harshman

An archive and review of the minis used on CR.


The reappearance of a Mollymauk/Lucien mini! How exciting. It might just be the studio lighting, but I think the model has a different color scheme. What do you think the laundry instructions are for the Molly coat? Gotta keep those colors bright, probably safest to mage hand washit.

A new year means a new Mats by Mars promo code. Ya know what this ep was missing? A vibrant, durable, immersive game mat. Get yourself some mats today! Go to the Mats by Mars site and use my code: DNDEED0321for 10% off your MBM order.

I wrote you a poem, it’s time for Crit Role Miniature Rollout Campaign 2 Episode 121!

The List

  • Steamforged Mighty Nein Miniatures 
  • Pathfinder Battles Iconic Heroes Set 4 Jirelle half-elf swashbuckler
  • Dragoneye #09 Stonechild
  • Tomb of Annihilation #021b Tabaxi Hunter
  • Crown of Fangs #010 Halfling Archer 
  • Deadly Foes #032 Giant Eagle

The Terrain


Lava Flow Black Tablecloth

If it weren’t for the “DWARVEN FORGE BATTLE CAM” label, one might think CR lost the DF sponsorship and had all their terrain repossessed. I am disappointed we didn’t get to see any rad lava and snow terrain, but it is wholly understandable. Sometimes you have to go for simplicity in the interest of fun and functionality.

The Villains


Otis Crown of Fangs #010 Halfling Archer 

My favorite detail in this sculpt is the inclusion of furry hobbit feet. The overall model resolution could be better, but generally speaking, I enjoy the figure. Looks good on the table and I enjoy most any archer sculpt that’s not in a generic firing pose.


Cree Tomb of Annihilation #021b Tabaxi Hunter
Mini image sourced from minisgallery.com

This Tabaxi Hunter is part of a pair of models. The alternate figure features a catgut guitar and was used in Campaign 2 Episode 1. Coincidence? Perhaps…


This is a good set of alternate minis. They are both distinct and have their own unique uses. I dig the dagger version. Reads at a distance as a tabaxi and the details are solid up close. 


Zoran Dragoneye #09 Stonechild
Mini image sourced from minisgallery.com

During the 4E era, goliaths miniatures were tough to find and those that existed were expensive. The Stonechild (a D&D 3.5 race) however was widely available for like a few bucks. This model makes for a perfect goliath! The fidelity in the sculpt is great. The paint, though flat, is clean and efficient. The pose might seem a little awkward at first, but I think the leaning look helps sell the towering height of the character and gives the sword sort of a swing wind up appearance. I used this same figure in a tournament game which ended in a TPK and with my barbarian melted in lava.

Closing Thoughts and Predictions


Now that the Wizkids Critical Role miniatures have been announced, I’m most interested to see some of those in the flesh. Should be pretty soon, given that they are due to release in just a few months. Exciting times.


With Andrew Harshman

An archive and review of the minis used on CR.


Don’t get me wrong, love the holidays, love that the CR cast is getting a well deserved rest, but- I’m having a tough time with this break. For some reason I thought they were only off Christmas Eve. I did not realize my mistake until the Thursday after Christmas. In retrospect, it was a tad silly to think there would be a new episode on New Year’s Eve. Regardless, I was not mentally prepared for a month off. But enough of that, let’s get to the minis!

Banana peels, the oldest trick in the rogue book, it’s time for Crit Role Miniature Rollout Campaign 2 Episode 120!

The List

  • Mats by Mars Tabletop Mat Shattered Soil
  • Dwarven Forge Dungeons of Doom
  • Dwarven Forge Ladders
  • Dwarven Forge Epic Stairs
  • Dwarven Forge Castle Stairs Pack
  • Dwarven Forge Castle Cube Spacers
  • Dwarven Forge Caverns Elevated Large Pedestals
  • Dwarven Forge Castle LED Chromatic Orbs
  • WarLock Tiles: Summoning Circles
  • Real Game FX Light Box 2x2 Remote Control Light Boxes
  • Steamforged Games Critical Role Miniatures
  • HeroForge Jester Duplicity Miniature
  • Reaper Miniatures Familiars Cat painted by Iron Tusk Miniature Painting
  • Custom Cat’s Paw
  • LITKO Flying Figure Stand
  • Axe N Shield Single Flyer Risers - Clear Mithril
  • Chest and Trove 5E Condition Rings
  • Lords of Madness #23 Iron Golem Juggernaut

The Terrain


Mats by Mars, Dwarven Forge, WarLock Tiles, and Real Game FX

Wonderful looking chamber. A nice variety of staircase options. And if you don’t want to take the stairs, there are plenty of Dwarven Forge ladder railings you can use. Or just leap down onto a nice soft pile of Dwarvenite stone rubble.

It was cool seeing the new WarLock Tiles: Summoning Circles LED tiles. Very fancy, very Fullmetal Alchemist. In fact, members of the FML voice cast Laura and Travis seemed especially enthusiastic about the LED spell circles. Travis said something to the effect of: “Oh they areglowing! The symbols are glowing on the floor, THEY PULSE! They are pulsing right NOW, look at that- LOOK!” Could someone please replace some Colonel Mustang footage audio with Travis’s reaction to these tiles?

The Monsters


Guardian Lords of Madness #23 Iron Golem Juggernaut
Mini image sourced from minisgallery.com

Not my favorite D&D Miniatures prepaint. Sort of a cross between a warforged and Mega Man boss. The pose is awfully awkward and I find the dimensions of the sword rather off putting. Examining the figure, I noticed that unlike the right arm, the left armpit region has no hinge/gap of any sort between the armor plates, suggesting that the Iron Golem’s left arm is fused in this position. What I do like about this golem design is the helmet/head. Looks pretty cool and even includes a gnarly battle scar. Inconveniently, the surrounding popped collar armor gives the golem a field of view about the size and shape of a TikTok video.


Closing Thoughts and Predictions

I am eager to see what miniature Lucien is assigned. Molly’s coat is so iconic, surely the commercially available Steamforged mini would not be suitable. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that we will see a new sculpt from Steamforged. If that’s not the case, I would be happy with a repaint. Different colors might be enough to disguise the signature Mollymauk Tealeaf attire.


totorox:D&D Commission What a colorful yet terrifying beastie! 


D&D Commission

What a colorful yet terrifying beastie! 

Post link

With Andrew Harshman

An archive and review of the minis used on CR.


Woh, CR maps have everything!Now there’s Dwarven Forge inthe Dwarven Forge. What was Lucien planning on doing, challenging the Mighty Nein to an AD&D tournament module? That terrain piece is of course from the Dungeons of Doom Zaltar’s Gameroom set. A fun little piece of meta terrain. Exciting developments in this ep for sure, both in terms of the plot and minis.

You’ll no doubt notice the mat tying this map together. That would, of course, be the workhorse of battle mat versatility, Shattered Soil from Mats by Mars. This mat has appeared in many of our favorite encounters. You know you wanna get in on the Shattered Soil craze! Cruise on over to matsbymars.com and use my code: DNDEED0621 for 10% off your MBM order.

Now you’re thinking with portals, it’s time for Crit Role Miniature Rollout Campaign 2 Episode 136!

The List

  • Mats by Mars Tabletop Mat Shattered Soil
  • Real Game FX Fog Monster Fog Machine
  • Chest and Trove 5E Condition Rings
  • Dwarven Forge Dungeons
  • Dwarven Forge Dungeons Narrow Dungeon Passage Pack
  • Dwarven Forge Dungeons of Doom Large Curved Daises
  • Dwarven Forge Dungeons of Doom Vaulted Large Curved Walls
  • Dwarven Forge Dungeons of Doom Vaulted LED Corners
  • Dwarven Forge Dungeons of Doom Deluxe Starter Set - Zaltar’s Gameroom Accessories
  • Dwarven Forge Pathfinder Plaguestone - Alchemy Lab Accessories
  • Dwarven Forge Dungeons of Doom Magnetic Traps Wall Levers
  • Steamforged Mighty Nein Miniatures
  • Resin Printed Veth Model (not publicly available)
  • Eldritch Foundry Essek Painted by Iron Tusk Painting
  • HeroForge Jester Duplicity Miniature
  • Axe N Shield Single Flyer Risers - Clear Mithril
  • D&D Spell Effects: Arcane Fury & Divine Might Arcane Gate
  • Pathfinder Battles Kingmaker Huge Water Elemental
  • Unknown Miniature Astronomy Orrery
  • Assorted miniature table models
  • Assorted rocks and pebbles

The Terrain


Bringing out the LEDs! Righteous. Say, who’s been payin’ Aeor’s electric bills? Sweet map with a lot of intentional design decisions. Those 1 inch wide entryways pose a serious fatal funnel danger. A lightning bolt could wreck havoc in a space like this. This is a very engaging encounter design, the victory condition of “reach the exit” is a classic and lets the players try out different tactics and abilities than the usual D&D “inflict as much damage in the smallest period of time”. Good stuff.

The Monsters


Astral Sea Creature Pathfinder Battles Kingmaker Huge Water Elemental

Pathfinder creature designs are so good! Surely one of the most unique and striking takes on a water elemental out there. The plastic and paint deliver that watery appearance so brilliantly. There’s a couple details that stand out to me. One, the holes in the tendrils, they just look so dang neat!  And the other detail is the floating debris inside the elemental. So rad.

Closing Thoughts and Predications

I was expecting more of a Cthulhu beast than an elemental beast to be summoned forth from the portal. My prediction was sorta kinda on the right track, but ultimately very wrong. Anyway, see ya next sesh!



Also, finally got around to painting up an owlbear! I think those are the best eyes I’ve painted yet!

Sweet owlbear. Sweet eyes.

With Andrew Harshman

An archive and analysis of the minis used on CR.


Pretty pivotal episode character and plotwise. In terms of miniatures, we’ve got more Darkling shade creepers and some City Guard miniatures that appeared a few times in Campaign 2. Good guard mini picks, they look fairly regal and fit with this encounter setting. On the map front, the rooms at this ball are quite extraordinary. Real cozy.

Who needs floors when you can skitter on the ceiling, it’s time for Crit Role Miniature Rollout Campaign 3 Episode 14!

The List

  • Chest and Trove 5E Condition Rings
  • Dwarven Forge Dungeon
  • Dwarven Forge Dungeon of Doom
  • Dwarven Forge LED Walls and Corners
  • Dwarven Forge Small Curved Crenellation
  • Dwarven Forge Tavern Accessories Fireplace
  • WizKids Warlock Dungeon Tiles: Dungeon Dressings Bed
  • Tiny Furniture Bookshelf Old Version
  • Tiny Furniture Bedroom set v.2 wardrobe
  • Dungeon Lair Desk
  • Dungeon Lair Treasure Chest
  • Deadly Foes Dressing: Candelabra
  • Halaster’s Lab Candles
  • Tiny Furniture Animal Skins Bear
  • Mantic Games Terrain Crate Long Carpet
  • Mantic Games Wizard’s Study Comfy Chair
  • Custom Campaign 3 Party Minis
  • Dungeons of Dread #23 Vampire Spawn
  • Waterdeep Dragon Heist #04a City Guard
  • Waterdeep Dragon Heist #15 Darkling
  • Assorted furniture and scatter terrain

The Villains


Lady Emoth Dungeons of Dread #23 Vampire Spawn

Not sure how literal we are meant to take the miniature choice here. It doesn’t seem like Lady Emoth is an actual vampire spawn. Though the ceiling skitter certainly feels on-brand for vampire tomfoolery. Probably, just a miniature pick based on the aesthetic and not the creature type.

I reckon this is a pretty good miniature despite a few shortcomings. The pose, though expressive, is a tad stilted and the paint is kind of basic. The sculpt has a good amount of detail on it and could really be taken to the next level with a little extra paint.

Closing Thoughts and Predictions

A quick crackpot prediction, Lady Emoth’s Vampire Spawn miniature is a common grade of DDM mini, which means there are a lot of them in circulation. I would guess the Critical Role miniature collection contains quite a few of these Vampire Spawn models. This choice of miniature may be intentional, in preparation for a future combat in which the party fights multiple Lady Emoths. The explanation being that she possesses slime-like abilities similar to Dugger. And as we all know, slimes love splitting into multiples.

Dorian and Dorian’s miniature will be missed. Here’s to hoping he will return in a future campaign plotline.

See ya next sesh!



Bag of Holding

This is so cool I hope they do more minis holding classic equips like this

Anyone know any others?

Seriously cool. Love seeing some iconic magic items on minis.

Also, nice paintin’!

With Andrew Harshman

An archive and review of the minis used on CR.


This ep was neat and all. But next ep, that’s what I’m really interested in! I’ve played in sessions like this before, where you are anticipating a particular plot point and fully expecting it to occur that session. But then the game’s progress gets held up by a less story-crucial encounter. On the one hand, the resource management aspect of dealing with encounters such as climbing and this random undead giant encounter is admittedly interesting. BUT-I’m really chomping at the bit for the encounter with the Tomb Takers! Let’s go, can’t we just auto-battle this frost giant fight?

Always with the polymorph, it’s time for Crit Role Miniature Rollout Campaign 2 Episode 132!

The List

  • Chest and Trove 5E Condition Rings
  • Mats by Mars: Frozen Lake Tabletop Wargaming Play Mat 
  • Dwarven Forge Ice Wall Packs
  • Dwarven Forge Caverns Banks
  • Dwarven Forge Castle Stone Stairs
  • Dwarven Forge Stalagmites
  • Monster Fight Club Rock Hills
  • Crown of Fangs Dressing: Totem
  • Steamforged Mighty Nein Miniatures
  • Eldritch Foundry Essek Painted by Iron Tusk Painting
  • Hirst Arts Ruined Fieldstone structures
  • Monster Menagerie 3 #031 Frost Giant (Axe)
  • Storm King’s Thunder #029a Frost Giant (Sword)
  • Icewind Dale Rime of the Frostmaiden #045 Frost Giant Skeleton
  • Unknown Frog

The Terrain


I like the starting positions of this combat. So many encounters start with the monsters on one side of the map, the PCs on the other side, then the movement and fighting plays out sorta predictably as both groups spend the first couple turns moving towards one another and then standing in place and slogging it out. I appreciate a fight that starts with all members of the battle right on top of each other and with the adventurers right up against an impassable wall. Quite refreshing.

The Giants


Big Frosty Monster Menagerie 3 #031 Frost Giant (Axe)
Mini photo sourced from minisgallery.com

The pose is about all I like about this undead giant. Reminds me of an arcade fighting game idle animation. So what did this giant die of? Probably having too tight a helmet. The proportions this dude are really bizarre, his head is way too small. And he’s got these weird lookin’ long Gumby legs. Not good. 

Production and design wise, it’s pretty clear the 3D modeler just copy pasted the shoulder pad skull, flipped it 180° and clocked out for the day. Like, where did this giant find two perfectly identical outfit-accessorizing skulls? Did he happen to fight a pair of dragon twins? 

What can be said for this figure is that it is indeed giant. It looks very imposing on the map next to the PC miniatures. The scale of this model definitely works for the overall look of this combat encounter.


Cranky Father Time Icewind Dale Rime of the Frostmaiden #045 Frost Giant Skeleton
Mini photo sourced from minisgallery.com

Skeleton miniatures run the risk of looking stiff and uh, well, lifeless. But this model has a very animated pose. I like it very much. The hanging fur clothing even has a billowing sort of effect to it. You can imagine the howling northern winds whistling through the hollow skeletal frame of this towering undead. It’s great. What’s not great is the amount of money this model is currently commanding online. $50 minimum at the time of posting. Probably better off taking your chances with the boosters and hoping you draw one of these. Or wait until an unpainted version is probably released down the line.


Valkyrie With Serious Drip Storm King’s Thunder #029a Frost Giant (Sword)
Mini photo sourced from minisgallery.com

Look at all these hot frost giant fashion drops. THREE dragon skulls? The swag level is off the charts! I enjoy this frost giant’s outfit, but same problem as the other Storm King’s Thunder Frost Giant, too symmetrical, very unnatural looking. At least the proportions of this giant gal aren’t so outta whack. The hat is a little silly, but she wears it with such fashion confidence. Very impressive. I couldn’t pull it off, that’s for sure. 

Closing Thoughts and Predictions

Seems like next ep should definitely involve a battle with the Takers of the Tombs. I’m interested to see how the antimagic black light zone is identified on the mat. Presumably with spell templates? We shall see. Sure to be a regular battle royale!


rpgprotip:Here’s a mimic mini for you. Nice mimic!rpgprotip:Here’s a mimic mini for you. Nice mimic!rpgprotip:Here’s a mimic mini for you. Nice mimic!rpgprotip:Here’s a mimic mini for you. Nice mimic!


Here’s a mimic mini for you.

Nice mimic!

Post link
Picked up some firbolg minis. They are. Very tall. 

Picked up some firbolg minis.
They are. Very tall. 

Post link


I painted some Wizkids elf paladins. The colors were inspired by the Terry Crews Paladin meme.

With Andrew Harshman

An archive and analysis of the minis used on CR.


Mini images sourced from minisgallery.com

Howdy party people, it’s been a long two week break. Not a ton to talk about in this post. Not much in the way of new miniatures. But we do have the first Mats by Mars mat of the campaign! Shattered Soil, a Campaign 2 staple. A most welcome sight.

Let’s do some D&D-B&E, it’s time for Crit Role Miniature Rollout Campaign 3 Episode 5!

The Episode Mini List

  • Mats by Mars Tabletop Mat Shattered Soil
  • Chest and Trove 5E Condition Rings
  • Dwarven Forge City Builder System
  • Dwarven Forge Cottage Set - Stone
  • Dwarven Forge Cottage Set - Tudor
  • Dwarven Forge Wicked City Accessory Add-On Pack Stone Gargoyle Corner Post
  • Dwarven Forge Mountain Elevation Pack
  • Dwarven Forge Mountain Peak Pack
  • Dwarven Forge Mountain Cliffs
  • Mantic Games Terrain Crate Dungeon Debris Crates
  • Mantic Games Terrain Crate Dungeon Debris Barrels
  • Tiny Furniture Noble’s Bedroom
  • Tiny Furniture Bedroom set v.2 wardrobe
  • Tiny Furniture Mason Stone Wall
  • Dungeon Lair Chair
  • Pathfinder Battles Rusty Dragon Inn Dressing: Crate
  • Pathfinder Battles Rusty Dragon Inn Dressing: Table
  • D&D Icons of the Realms Miniatures: Waterdeep Dungeon of the Mad Mage - Halaster’s Lab Premium Set Table
  • WizKids Warlock Dungeon Tiles: Dungeon Dressings Bed, Crates, Table, and Accessories
  • WizKids 4D Settings: Castle Barracks Weapon Rack
  • Monster Menagerie #006 Larethar Gulgrin
  • Waterdeep Dragon Heist #15 Darkling
  • Monster Menagerie 2 #001 Giant Rat
  • Jewelry chain
  • Assorted crates and scatter terrain

The Terrain


Many terrain bits on this map. Most of them are familiar, but there are a few mystery pieces. There are a series of squat barrels (such as the far right barrel pictured above) that have eluded identification. The Critical Role studio barrel collection must be getting quite massive at this point.  

The interior of the building is populated by scatter terrain and furniture of many types. I’m finding it pretty tricky to differentiate between the different Wizkids furniture. They have/do produce miniature furniture across four different lines of products: D&D Icons of the Realms, Pathfinder Battles Miniatures, Wizkids 4D Settings, andWizkids Warlock Tiles. And they are all aesthetically very similar.  Take for example the Wizkids Warlock (pictured left) Chest, Crate, and Round Table and the Wizkids Pathfinder Battles (pictured right) Chest, Crate, and Round Table:


The design differences are quite subtle and tough to make out on the Battle Cam. I love these sorts minis though. When the Pathfinder Battles Dungeon Dressing pieces were first being released, they was really tough to get ahold of because they were doled out in random boosters. But now Wizkids is making similar products more widely available and easily purchasable. This is most welcome indeed.

The Wild Shapes


RatMonster Menagerie 2 #001 Giant Rat

Hey, I recognize that rat! The Mighty Nein fought this very same rat miniature in the sewers of Zadash. It’s pretty alright. Level 1 adventurers need giant rats to slay and it’s good to see that giant rat models are still being produced to fulfill that duty.

Final Thoughts

This dynamic lighting business is interesting. But Critical Role has been awfully blue recently. Looking forward to more daytime adventuring and some fresh lighting tones. And hopefully some fresh minis in the next ep.

See ya next sesh!


With Andrew Harshman

An archive and analysis of the minis used on CR.


Wowie, that deluxe edish of Tal'dorei Reborn has some fine accessories. Plenty of maps with which to place miniatures upon. However, there are no miniatures to be found this episode, so I’ll be answering some questions instead.


Anonymous submitted:
Hi! I have a thing I’ve always wondered, do you work with minis, or are they just a hobby?

Firstly, thanks for your questions. Appreciate your interest. I am not a member of the miniature manufacturing industry. Minis are a big hobby of mine and this post series is a way for me to exercise my enthusiasm and an enjoyable way to contribute to the CR fandom.

How in the world can you recognize such small pieces that are usually turned away and in shadow? Do you look at it on an 100 inch screen playing the stream at full hd? 

A 100 inch dedicated mini view screen sounds great, I should look into that. Even at full HD, some miniatures are too far away or too obscured to get a proper look at. And in those instances, I have to record them as unknown. Other times, when there’s a clear shot of a model that I do not recognize (or cannot find through research), I take to FB or Reddit to ask for assistance from the community. 

Most of the time, I have a pretty solid sense of which miniatures are which. This is due in large part to the typesof miniatures used on Critical Role. The majority of them are prepainted minis from three product lines: the discontinued Hasbro Dungeons and Dragons Miniatures Game (DDM), active Wizkids D&D Icons of the Realms, and active Wizkids Pathfinders Battles. 

I have spent years collecting and gaming with these prepaints, so these sculpts are pretty well imbedded in my memory and I recognize most of them at a glance. I do not always recall the miniature’s exactly title. But I recognize the miniature visually and then confirm the name using miniature sites such as MinisGallery.com

That curiosity aside, when do you think they’ll tell us who made this campaign minis? 

Any day now. I imagine they have a bunch of glamour shots of the assembled campaign player character minis. I would guess they have been waiting for the introduction of all the PCs before the grand photo and source reveal. That being said, it’s taking a little longer than I expected. So perhaps there are bigger campaign mini related plans in the works? Or they simply don’t realize there’s a fair bit of public interest?

And do you think they will get a custom nightmare king? Sometimes I think the don’t have reason to fight him again and other times I think he will be the first arc’s boss. 

I think we will definitely see the Nightmare King again and he will definitely get a custom mini. Given his knowledge of Fearne and his involvement in various plots, I think he’s too embedded in the fabric of the campaign to not reappear. The only way I see the Nightmare King not getting a custom miniature, is if the party makes finding him their main priority and they kill him before Matt can commission a mini.

And lastly, would you maybe consider opening the askbox for anonymous questions to make my life easier?

Done and done. Cheers!

See ya next sesh!


With Andrew Harshman

An archive and analysis of the minis used on CR.


Lots of action and plot development this sesh! New villain, new miniatures, new moon, and new questing horizons. Plenty of plastic and resin on display this episode, let us analyze the new models.

Buy yourself a chisel and bark at the moon, it’s time for Crit Role Miniature Rollout Campaign 3 Episode 11!

  • Chest and Trove 5E Condition Rings
  • Dwarven Forge Dungeons
  • Dwarven Forge Dungeons of Doom
  • Dwarven Forge Chair
  • Dwarven Forge Castle Stone Stairs
  • Dwarven Forge Dungeons of Doom Cages
  • Dwarven Forge Dungeons of Doom Vaulted Open Arch Wall
  • Dwarven Forge Powerstone Charger
  • Dwarven Forge Dungeons of Doom Bars Insert
  • Dwarven Forge Pathfinder Plaguestone - Alchemy Poisoner’s Bench
  • Dwarven Forge Dungeons of Doom Vaulted Large Curved Walls
  • Pathfinder Battles Crown of Fangs: Court of the Crimson Throne Torch Pillars
  • Terrain Crate Round Table
  • Terrain Crate Torture Rack
  • Terrain Crate Debris Barricades
  • Dungeon Lair Chair
  • Hirst Arts Large Crate
  • Halaster’s Lab Candles and Summoning Circle
  • Tiny Furniture Dark Magister Workplace (barrel on top shelf iteration)
  • Arcknight Spell Effects
  • Custom Campaign 3 Party Minis
  • D&D® Icons of the Realms: Spell Effects: Mighty Conjurations Arcane Eye Spiritual Weapon - Warhammer
  • Volo & Mordenkainen’s Foes #27 Boneclaw
  • Night Below #42 Trained Carrion Crawler
  • Mythic Odysseys of Theros #03 Oracle
  • Monster Menagerie #20 Werewolf
  • Flaming Sphere - Blood War #27 Living Flaming Sphere
  • Monster Menagerie 2 #001 Giant Rat
  • Assorted scatter terrain

The Heroes


At last, there’s our boy! Chetney’s miniature looks amazing. Quite the imposing pose. And the paint looks very good from over here.


Like the rest of the party figures, Chetney’s werewolf form appears to also be custom. A very nice werewolf mini, Joe Manganiello would surely approve. But you know what would take this wolfmangnome to the next level? The werewolf’s shorts should really be the same colorful pattern as Chetney’s beanie. Ah what fun that would be. 

The Villains


Nightmare King Volo & Mordenkainen’s Foes #27 Boneclaw
Mini image sourced from minisgallery.com

Zoinks Scoob, it’s a BUH-BUH-BUH-BUH-BONECLAW! Spoopy. Say, this is a pretty good model. With impressive table presence that makes for an intense looking boss monster, despite the rather flat paint. And for some reason the boneclaw’s skirt looks like it’s made of black pudding ooze:


Screenshot from C2E116

The Nonplayer Characters


Gurge Human Form Mythic Odysseys of Theros #03 Oracle
Mini image sourced from minisgallery.com

Wildman Gurge is lookin’ fit. And he’s got that sweet championship belt. No wonder he’s famous, this man’s got an impressive aesthetic. I like this character and I like this miniature.


Gurge Werewolf Form Monster Menagerie #20 Werewolf
Mini image sourced from minisgallery.com

Well will you look at that, Matt Mercer picked two miniatures with matching poses. That’s clever as all get out! Well played dungeon master. Not an especially engaging werewolf miniature, but I’ll give it a pass for the pose matching. Spectacular. Inspired mini picks.


Test Subject Monster Night Below #42 Trained Carrion Crawler
Mini image sourced from minisgallery.com

A carrion crawler with a beanie, what fun! A bit puzzling, but fun. When I started collecting prepainted D&D miniatures, I kept encountering this model and notpurchasing it. Cuz like, when I’m building a miniature collection, I don’t want a trained carrion crawler. I want a buck wild, ferocious carrion crawler! Kind of a curious sculpt with limited uses. But it just so happens that one of those uses is in a fey villain’s secret laboratory. Another great miniature pick.

Closing Thoughts

The mini rain is here after a three episode drought and it feels so refreshing! Now that all the PCs and their miniatures have been revealed, I expect some promotional miniature photos to appear on the Critical Role social media pages. Excited to get a closer look see at these fine figures.

See ya next sesh!

