#do it with style events


For@freyjawriter24, who I was paired with for the Ineffable Game Gift Exchange hosted by @do-it-with-style-events ❤️ Happy holidays! Hope you like it!


So you know that one Kate Beaton comic

ouidasart: Fake vintage Good Omens pulp novel cover collages I made for the Who Needs a Great Plan pouidasart: Fake vintage Good Omens pulp novel cover collages I made for the Who Needs a Great Plan p


Fake vintage Good Omens pulp novel cover collages I made for the Who Needs a Great Plan prompt “Mystery”! The first one was the first I made and is just supposed to be Cold War spies vibes, and the second is because my team discord server voted for homme fatale detective Crowley

These were very fun to do because they made me figure out the fastest possible way to make multiple collages in a day– Besides the drawings, the first one is only made of three pieces and the second is only five, and all the pieces are from a small collection of real chopped up vintage covers I’ve found online through the years

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Slithering into Eden

The next installment of my @do-it-with-style-events “Who Needs a Great Plan?” Series is up! This one was written for the prompt “Eden” and features Snake Crowley sneaking into the Garden to make some trouble.

This story can be read independently, but it is meant to be a sort of companion to “Guardians of Eden.”


I’m gonna start posting the dumbass comics I did for the @do-it-with-style-events WNAGP event because they don’t need any refinement lmfao

This one was for the prompt “lust” because apparently I think of silly things when I hear that word instead of making smut

ouidasart: I doodled Aziraphale and Crowley as orange team mascots for the @do-it-with-style-events


I doodled Aziraphale and Crowley as orange team mascots for the @do-it-with-style-events Who Needs a Great Plan event and I ended up liking the drawing more than I thought I would so here they are lmao

Get ready for a deluge of content from this event soon, I made so much stuff in the last couple weeks

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Who Needs a Great Plan Anyway?

Hello Ineffables! Last week I took part in the @do-it-with-style-events “Who Needs a Great Plan?” Event for which I produced over 30 Good Omens fanworks! I want to share them all with you starting with this one written for the prompt “3” in which we meet the other 3 angels who guarded Eden.

(Photo submitted for the prompt “Eden”)

Please subscribe to the series not the fic for more!


Two drawings for the last day of @do-it-with-style-events “Who Needs A Great Plan?” event, for the prompts “Eden” and “morning”.

It was a Placebo kind of day! @jukeboxomens


A little comic I drew for the @do-it-with-style-events “Who Needs A Great Plan?” event, the prompt was “Greed”

Inspired by this song, so I will also tag it with @jukeboxomens.

thediwsgreatplan: SIGN-UPS OPEN for WHO NEEDS A GREAT PLANJoin our latest Good Omens mini-event, a 1



Join our latest Good Omens mini-event, a 10-day creative party!

What is this event?

How will it work?

If you’ve got any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us here, our parent tumblr, or through our discord!


Sign-ups have now opened for our newest low-stress chaos event!

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thediwsgreatplan: Welcome to ‘Who Needs A Great Plan Anyway?’, where everything counts and the quali


Welcome to ‘Who Needs A Great Plan Anyway?’, where everything counts and the quality doesn’t matter! This is a 10 day casual Good Omens mini-event run through the Do It With Style Events team ( @do-it-with-style-events ), intended to be fun, encourage creativity, and be as low-stakes as possible.

What Is This Event?

This is a fandom party dedicated to the production of as many fanworks as you can and want to make. Over a 10 day period, your goal is to rack up as many points as possible. Participants, once signed up, are split into teams at random and will work together to build up points. Each day, a theme will be released, and each team is given a prompt based on that theme. You’ll be encouraged to make whatever amount of works you can, and you’re free to interpret it however you wish. Quality is not a factor here, only effort and quantity.

How It Works:

Each day, prompts will be released at the same time, and then teams have 23 hours to work and submit their work. Every entry counts as one point, no matter what it is, and anything you make counts as an entry.

Some general rules for submissions:
Art: If it looks like it took more than 5 minutes, it counts. Indicate NSFW.
Fic: Word minimum of 350 words
For poetry/songs/etc: minimum of two stanzas
Also accepted: cosplay, graphics, manips, gifs/gifsets, song parodies, videos of any sort, etc etc. Basically, if you make it, it counts.
(more guidelines will be available later)

This event is extremely low-stakes, intended to simply get creative juices flowing, and to be an event where creators don’t have to worry about their end result and can simply have fun going wild. You don’t have to put out work for every prompt, and should not feel pressured to do so, as this is all in good fun. You can submit just one little thing for the whole event, the important thing is that you enjoy yourself.

This event will be run solely on tumblr and through our discord server (the server link can be found on our parent tumblr here.) 

Sign-ups for the event will be open May 15-23rd, teams will be announced May 30 and June 4-13 will be when the actual event runs.

Feel free to contact us if you have any further questions or concerns!

And here it is! The countdown has been leading to this! Check out our side blog for up-to-date information and come join us in the discord server for 10 days of Ineffable Chaos!

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A nightingale sang in Berkeley Square

That when you turned and smiled at me…

But I’m perfectly willing to swear…

But I’m perfectly willing to swear…

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Welcome to the Ineffable Game Gift Exchange!

For our end of the year event, Do It With Style Events will be hosting a gift exchange!

Rules and Guidelines:

Guidelines for fanworks:
-Fic: must be 1.5k minimum, with a 15k maximum. One shots are strongly preferred over works with multiple chapters.
-Art:must be complete.

Fanworks must be finished by the posting deadline, and participants must respond to both check-ins (which will be very brief).

- The sign-up form will ask for 3 to 5 prompts; we ask that at least one of these be specifically targeted towards and artist and at least one specifically targeted towards an author.
- The sign-up form will also ask for any no-gos — things that you don’t want in your gift, be they characters or themes or squicks — for your gift work, which will be shared with the individual making your gift.

What isn’t allowed?

  • Anything that falls under AO3’s major content warnings
  • Anything on your giftee’s no-go list (which will be provided to you)
  • Major RPF (works focusing on real people to a greater extent than canon does, such as the mini series scene with and references to Shakespeare)
  • Mood Boards or Edits
  • Incomplete works or works that are not stand-alone
  • Crossovers
  • Anything that has already been created, posted, or shared

Works may be based around book or show canon, and you can request which you prefer when signing up!


Signups open: September 26

Signups close: October 9

Matches sent out: October 24

First check in: October 29

Second check in: November 26

Posting: December 5-15

Sound like a game you’d like to play? Sign-ups can be found HEREand will remain open until October 9th!

We also have pinch hitter sign-ups open HERE,which will remain open through the entirety of the event.

If you have any questions, shoot us a reply here, send us an ask, or email us at [email protected] or come hit us up on our Discord Server (invite link can be found here.)

Do we have an ace up our sleeve? Find out tomorrow!
