#good omens fan art


Ineffable Husbands x Maroon 5 lyrics because I’m a sap

An ineffable version of that one bit of dialogue from the Staged S3 preview…

“I’m so glad you’re home for Christmas”

“Why, Father?”

Oh… I don’t have enough words to explain HOW i like Crowley’s story. Suddenly I have drawn this image in 2 nights. I started it as simple portrait, but there were too much mistakes, that I decided to redraw it with little plot.

Crowley’s falling is the most dramatic thing, happened to him. Misunderstanding with Great Creator, his Father, led to the horrific curse. In this artwork I tried to feel, what Crowley could feel, when he found out his terrible status.

Shock? Confusion? Incomprehension? Resentment? All of them?

His wings colored black, skin began to cover with snake scales, one eye is still angelic, but another one is already reptile-looked. Curse in action.

And only deep despair and grief in his innocent eyes.

So… some time earlier I tried a new art technique for me: drawing with graphite powder using eraser and firm brushes. This method amazed me a lot, and I can say, this is the most beautiful portrait i’ve ever made. 


This artwork will be also available for order as a print on Redbubble (link below)


Continue posting my “Good Omens” artworks.

Now Aziraphale ❤️

Prints are also on Redbubble. (Pssss… they have a special offer now: 15% discount with promocode BIGONEFIVE)

Sometimes my continuity errors get away from me

With Bated Breath- 71

Uh oh, Aziraphale I think he’s onto you

If you want to see this uncensored as well as the next two pages, as well as all my naughty (and nice) back catalogue- join my Patreon for just $2 a month or $20 a year. I try to spoil my patrons rotten


WIP Wednesday

It was my spouse’s 50th yesterday and after plying them with good food and bubbly this is the panel they picked. I don’t know why I keep letting them have this job, strange choice, but here you are.

Feral Friday

This may have been done before, but this week’s WBB made me want to do this As someone who is as oblivious as one can get, and married their best friend, I can kind of relate. We had exactly one date before we got married. I *think* it was a date, anyway

With Bated Breath- 70

“I wasn’t flirting!” Declares flirty angel, news at 11.

If you want to see this uncensored, or the next scintillating page early, please join my Patreon! For as little as $2 a month (or $20 a year) you will have access to more angel/demon smut than you can shake a stick at


WIP Wednesday

This week Crowley employs a couple of tiny demonic miracles…

It’s MAY! A quick thing I did to tell my patrons what’s up this month. April showers bring May flowers which could lead to some quality pashing in the bookshop!

Happy Happy birthday to my lovely patron LantisFalde! I hope it’s the best and no one got distracted making your cake

Bonus: undistracted version

Feral Friday

Fun fact: dinosaur bones were first displayed in the 1860s, and we still haven’t gotten Her joke yet!

I only had time for a quick dumb one today and you’ll see why tomorrow

With Bated Breath- 69

Crowley had definite plans for when that angel fell and those thighs were potentially next to him at the next staff meeting. He was disappointed, and can you blame him?

To see this uncensored and the next page join my Patreon!


WIP Wednesday

This is the face of an angel who is in no way guilty of what he’s been accused. I think my spouse chose it because they too have never done anything wrong, ever.

Happy Birthday, Charlene!

Enjoy your day and this regency era angel trying to exercise restraint while obviously having no more restraint… as per usual the full uncensored version is on my Patreon

WIP Wednesday

My spouse picked the least dynamic expressions on this week’s page. I may fire them from this job
