#do not follow my example kids



…So I ordered some food for dinner! I am still working tonight, and as an adult I understand that money can be exchanged for goods and services, nothing new here.

I am… allergic to alliums. Not SUPER allergic, but I absolutely experience extreme discomfort upon eating them, and so generally, I do not do this. Because who wants to have to live on pepcid AND benadryl, right? So, naturally, I ordered food that I did not think would have onions in it, and I also specified that I am allergic to alliums.

The food had onions on it.

I am, however, a dumbass and I ate it anyway.

Do I regret this decision?

…Jury’s still out. It was REALLY good.

Update: I took the benadryl and now I am woozy. Truly this is a circus and I am the clown.

…So I ordered some food for dinner! I am still working tonight, and as an adult I understand that money can be exchanged for goods and services, nothing new here.

I am… allergic to alliums. Not SUPER allergic, but I absolutely experience extreme discomfort upon eating them, and so generally, I do not do this. Because who wants to have to live on pepcid AND benadryl, right? So, naturally, I ordered food that I did not think would have onions in it, and I also specified that I am allergic to alliums.

The food had onions on it.

I am, however, a dumbass and I ate it anyway.

Do I regret this decision?

…Jury’s still out. It was REALLY good.
