#real life is not interesting



…So I ordered some food for dinner! I am still working tonight, and as an adult I understand that money can be exchanged for goods and services, nothing new here.

I am… allergic to alliums. Not SUPER allergic, but I absolutely experience extreme discomfort upon eating them, and so generally, I do not do this. Because who wants to have to live on pepcid AND benadryl, right? So, naturally, I ordered food that I did not think would have onions in it, and I also specified that I am allergic to alliums.

The food had onions on it.

I am, however, a dumbass and I ate it anyway.

Do I regret this decision?

…Jury’s still out. It was REALLY good.

Update: I took the benadryl and now I am woozy. Truly this is a circus and I am the clown.

…So I ordered some food for dinner! I am still working tonight, and as an adult I understand that money can be exchanged for goods and services, nothing new here.

I am… allergic to alliums. Not SUPER allergic, but I absolutely experience extreme discomfort upon eating them, and so generally, I do not do this. Because who wants to have to live on pepcid AND benadryl, right? So, naturally, I ordered food that I did not think would have onions in it, and I also specified that I am allergic to alliums.

The food had onions on it.

I am, however, a dumbass and I ate it anyway.

Do I regret this decision?

…Jury’s still out. It was REALLY good.

“Oh, yeah, roommate, I should have time to walk down to the farmer’s market in the morning with you and then get my chores and writing done in the afternoon, it’s only an hour away!”

I am a fool.

We were out all day.

It’s 5:30.

I am so tired.
