#doctor strange mom



  • Marvel Comics

Wanda Maximoff

  • Marvel Comics

“You break the rules and become a hero, I do it I become the enemy.”

-Maximoff, Wanda


I really expected Wanda to not be evil from the start. I thought we were going to get to see the corruption of Wanda via the Darkhold over the course of the movie. I thought we were going to see Wanda try to do the right thing but slowly be driven over the edge by the knowledge that her kids are out there and by stopping the multiverse she gets rid of her only chance of seeing them. I thought we would see Wanda grapple with this over the course of the movie. Instead Wanda was evil right from the start and I feel like we lost a lot of important development there. It was harder to feel connected to her character when we didn’t see her descent. She seemed to be in a decent place when we last saw her in WandaVision. But now she’s already gone off the deep end at the start because of the Darkhold. It seemed disjointed and made it harder to be sold on the story and her character direction.
