#doctor who figures

Delgado!Master 1/6 figurei’ve had this headsculpt and most of the rest of the parts for years, and fDelgado!Master 1/6 figurei’ve had this headsculpt and most of the rest of the parts for years, and fDelgado!Master 1/6 figurei’ve had this headsculpt and most of the rest of the parts for years, and f

Delgado!Master 1/6 figure

i’ve had this headsculpt and most of the rest of the parts for years, and finally had the courage to paint him up this past weekend… while waiting impatiently for the BCS official one to exist, of course!

in the last pic he’s reading a book made by @modernwizard​ out of candy packaging. he would like us to know that he finds the literary tastes of his future selves Shocking!

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bonus closeup mugshot haha

not flattering but if you wanna see how great the sculpt is and how messy i still paint…


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