#dog attack

After a whole lot of fun on the beach yesterday (of which we will post pictures soon as well!) I got

After a whole lot of fun on the beach yesterday (of which we will post pictures soon as well!) I got attacked by a dog… At the moment I got 2 staples in my knee to keep the skin together and am on painkillers and antibiotics. Not sure if to share those pictures here… 
Thing is: I am not dog agressive but after 4 attacks I avoid dogs. This dog came to me and I said no I am not interested. But he did not go away so I snapped at him with a bark and then he jumped me and bit me in my right hindleg. The owners do not want to cover any of the vet costs and possible needed training revalidation costs before I can do my work as an assistancedog again. So Human is very drained atm and I am not allowed to work/run/play/sport/and so on. Just a little happening in our life atm… So we will be going to the police station this week to file and if these people do not want to cooperate we can ask for help if everything is noted and filed properly… please wish us luck.. this is so stressfull… The people of the other dog have been throwing with nasty assumptions and phrases and everything…

Post link

♥I always leave you, my precious blog and make excuses for why. However this time I had a pretty good reason; whilst trying to protect my 10 year old German Shepherd/Alaskan Malamute cross from an attacking dog I received multiple bite wounds which lead to hand surgery and manual difficulties. The ironic thing is I was told to keep the hand with the worst injuries elevated above heart level to prevent swelling etc. However I was compelled to play Until Dawn at my sister’s house for hours and other menial crap like y'know phone stuff. And house chores. Now I have trigger finger in my most badly wounded finger which sounds hilarious and gangsta af but it’s actually really annoying, I literally can’t straighten that finger. So if in any future pictures I appear to be attempting the Spider-man web shot hand pose, only with one finger curled in, it’s not intentional.

(p.s hoping this gets fixed, i have some nice gloves man )

(PS should have let my dog alone, worst injury he came out with was a torn ear)

I may or may not link pics of my injuries (not posting them here, would totally ruin the blog aesthetic).
They are kind of cool in a wow thats the dog’s jaw marks your leg kind of way.

Oh and by the way, I have absolutely no negative views about dogs as a result of this incident; the guy who owned the dog was obviously a complete idiot who hadn’t socialized his pupper and my end conclusion from this experience is that there are many people who just shouldn’t own dogs. Which is putting it lightly.

Scout was attacked by a pit bull at the park today. The pit bull was wearing a really stupid harness and “leash” (more like a rope) that it easily escaped from. I kicked and punched at the dog, but it ended up taking about five men to pull it off of Scout and I. The pit bit my hand at one point, but luckily I only got a tiny puncture from it. My dad also got scratched up pretty good. Scout received the worst of it :’(

Thankfully, Scout is going to be okay. We went to the pet ER and they patched her up. She’s on pain meds, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatory meds. I’m going to call her regular vet tomorrow to get her in for a follow up. Gonna let her sleep and rest until then.

I’m so pissed. If that dog had just had a functional collar/leash system, this would not have happened. The guy walking the pit doesn’t even own the dog either. It’s his friend’s dog. What the fuck are you doing bringing a dog out in public if you don’t understand its temperament? What the fuck is the owner thinking letting a friend walk his aggressive dog in a flimsy harness and shitty rope for a leash? So much stupid!

I’m putting some pictures under the read more. Warning: They’re bloody. My poor baby doesn’t have a mean bone in her body. She doesn’t deserve this. :’(





scars in fiction: I got this trying to save my lover from an assassin- but tragically, I was too late. now I carry the mark of my failure with me always, and I can never forget~

scars in real life: so I was trying to open macaroni sauce with a paring knife

Tell me how you got your scars in the tags

a ROCK in my FACE
