#dog bite


♥I always leave you, my precious blog and make excuses for why. However this time I had a pretty good reason; whilst trying to protect my 10 year old German Shepherd/Alaskan Malamute cross from an attacking dog I received multiple bite wounds which lead to hand surgery and manual difficulties. The ironic thing is I was told to keep the hand with the worst injuries elevated above heart level to prevent swelling etc. However I was compelled to play Until Dawn at my sister’s house for hours and other menial crap like y'know phone stuff. And house chores. Now I have trigger finger in my most badly wounded finger which sounds hilarious and gangsta af but it’s actually really annoying, I literally can’t straighten that finger. So if in any future pictures I appear to be attempting the Spider-man web shot hand pose, only with one finger curled in, it’s not intentional.

(p.s hoping this gets fixed, i have some nice gloves man )

(PS should have let my dog alone, worst injury he came out with was a torn ear)

I may or may not link pics of my injuries (not posting them here, would totally ruin the blog aesthetic).
They are kind of cool in a wow thats the dog’s jaw marks your leg kind of way.

Oh and by the way, I have absolutely no negative views about dogs as a result of this incident; the guy who owned the dog was obviously a complete idiot who hadn’t socialized his pupper and my end conclusion from this experience is that there are many people who just shouldn’t own dogs. Which is putting it lightly.