#dog bless you

Sparty, ECAD service dog in training, knows how to charm the ladies.

Sparty,ECAD service dog in training, knows how to charm the ladies.

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Dear Service Dog Project, I was thinking about DiDi being 4 years old…she has graced my life

DearService Dog Project,

I was thinking about DiDi being 4 years old…she has graced my life for 2 ½ years. I continue to learn from my amazing DiDi. We have been together now for 4 short years. 

I can’t help but reflect on how she has helped me through some difficult life experiences, made me laugh when I needed to, and continues to see me through daily challenges. I am surprised by the ever growing number of people whose lives have been touched my beautiful best friend.

Several examples: a newly married young woman sitting next to DiDi and I on the airplane to Salt Lake City Utah had terrible flight anxiety requiring medication, but DiDi’s attention soothed to the point where she didn’t need her medication.

Skipping to last week, when my husband woke up at 2am with excruciating stomach pain. We ended up in the emergency room at the hospital, where I am immensely uncomfortable and queasy. But DiDi kept me calm and ok through the next 4 ½ hrs as doctors, nurses, a surgeon, and an internal specialist all came and went; some without even knowing DiDi was there. We were then sent to the ICU for the next 4 days as a team of doctors worked to find out what was wrong with Larry. 

Again, DiDi helped me through long days with Larry in the ICU. At one point, another patients family member saw us in the hallway and asked me to bring DiDi in to see his father in one of the ICU rooms. DiDi seemed to know just what to do to quietly cheer up the gentleman. His delight at seeing her was evident in his smile and sparkling eyes. I couldn’t see his monitors, but bet his life sign numbers (heart rate, blood pressure, etc) improved, if only momentarily. Turned out, Larry had pancreatitus and a gangrenous gall bladder, which was removed. ICU nurses, doctors, specialists, surgeons, and cleaning staff were impressed with my regal lady as pictures were taken, discussions ensued, and attitudes brightened. 

Thank you again Carlene and SDP associates, 


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James, service pup in training, celebrating his birthday with his warrior trainer at Warrior Canine

James, service pup in training, celebrating his birthday with his warrior trainer at Warrior Canine Connection.

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Great Dane puppy dreams on the Service Dog Project Puppy Cam.

Great Dane puppy dreams on the Service Dog Project Puppy Cam.

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Tomorrow at 12 pm Pacific, meet the founder of Dog Bless You. Charlie Annenberg will be taking your

Tomorrow at 12 pm Pacific, meet the founder of Dog Bless You. Charlie Annenberg will be taking your questions during a live video Q&A on explore.org.

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Penny from Warrior Canine Connection is seriously enjoying her puppuccino. Happy Monday, everyone.

Penny from Warrior Canine Connection is seriously enjoying her puppuccino. Happy Monday, everyone.

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Letter to the Service Dog Project from an assistance Dane recipient: “Lydia is great in the ca

Letter to the Service Dog Project from an assistance Dane recipient:

“Lydia is great in the car - even when an ambulance passed us blaring sirens and we had to pull over and everyone was honking like crazy to get back into the road. Lydia was cool as a cucumber. 

Practiced walk with vest to dog park then took vest off, clipped 16ft leash on and let her be freer. She had to be prodded to go enjoy, but she got the hang of it. And when I put vest back on for the walk back, she was right back in service mode again. 

She met Chloe, my little one at dog park. They were fine. Minor tiff tonight, but they seem to be finding their space. 

Lydia LOVES her yard, plushy beds, and her new toys. 
I will check in with you by Wed night at latest! 
Thank you again, Lydia is a very very special girl. 
Must get to sleep, we have a super busy day tomorrow! 

With gratitude,


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A letter to the Service Dog Project’s founder, Carlene White, from a recipient of one of their

A letter to the Service Dog Project’s founder, Carlene White, from a recipient of one of their assistance danes: 

“Good Morning Carlene, 

Once again, Miss Willow has far surpassed expectations, at least my neurologists and my PT’s, not me. When I found out that I would be attending my friends wedding, a Black Tie affair, I thought "ugh, what am I going to wear with flat shoes and still look elegant”? I also thought about Willow being at an elegant event and seeing the bride who she loves beyond measure and THE DRESS. If Wil’s got near that wedding dress, and decided to “love on” her Auntie, I would die. 

The first thing I did was speak to Melissa, the bride, and tell her I didn’t want Willow anywhere near the dress. More on that later. The next thing I did was decide that Willow and I would try and work toward walking in shoes with a heel. Not 5 inch heels but heels nonetheless. We didn’t need to walk a 5k. We simply needed to walk in to our table. I didn’t need to carry anything as Willow’s vest carries every thing I would need and I could drop off her mat the night before. We had a plan. 

We added walking in “heels” to our workout and we didn’t tell anyone in case we failed. There were some bumps. Some really funny “bumps”. More like bangs actually, but we kept on and Willow I think, was laughing right along with me as we figured it out. We did figure it out. We bought the dress. We went and we found the most amazing shoes and when I tried them on I looked at Wil’s and said “Okay, this is it." 

She came around, braced and we walked! Not a runway walk, but we walked! I burst into tears. A woman, thinking I was in distress came over and asked if I needed help. I explained that I was fine. I was actually happier than I’ve been in a long time. You see, I have not worn heels in 4 years. I then noticed out of the corner of my eye the manager of the shoe department was crying as well. I thought we’d better get out of there before there was a huge scene. We bought the amazing shoes. 

Wil’s and I attended the wedding last night. We walked in looking elegant. Me in my amazing shoes, she looking chic in a black vest, black harness and black and silver "necklace.” As for the bride and THE DRESS? As expected, Willow saw Auntie and was soooo excited. Melissa, being a typical Auntie completely ignored my admonitions and there were plenty of hugs and kisses for Willow. She even was photographed with her multiple times. In light of it all I realized she deserved it. She should get to kiss the bride. After all, she is the most incredible partner I could ever have. She is simply outstanding. 

Thank you and everyone that makes SDP possible for my amazing Willow. It will be a year next month that we began our life together and last night showed just how much SDP and she changed my life.

Most Sincerely, 

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Newark is a male golden retriever who is 9 weeks old. He is being raised through Guide Dogs for the

Newark is a male golden retriever who is 9 weeks old. He is being raised through Guide Dogs for the Blind in the hopes of one day becoming the eyes for someone who is blind. Had to share this picture, as he already brings so much joy to me and will one day bring so much joy and independence to someone else. 

-Puppy Raiser Emily Cook

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“These are my two puppies in Canine Companions for Independence’s program. Helaine (righ

“These are my two puppies in Canine Companions for Independence’s program. Helaine (right) is 18 months old and in just 2 ½ weeks she will begin her advanced training. I hope to see her graduate in February 2015. Inez III is the next generation of puppy greatness, and is currently 12 weeks old (she was 8 weeks old when this was taken). These puppies are life changers even in their young age, and they are such a joy to raise!”

- Cassandra Rauch, Puppy Raiser

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Can you even handle this level of cute from Patriot Paws Service Dogs?

Can you even handle this level of cute from Patriot Paws Service Dogs?

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Levi showing the ropes to Warrior Canine Connection’s newest service dog in training. How do y

Levi showing the ropes to Warrior Canine Connection’s newest service dog in training. How do you think he’s doing?

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Cavit couldn’t be any happier to train with Marine Corps Veteran, Kevin, at Warrior Canine Con

Cavit couldn’t be any happier to train with Marine Corps Veteran, Kevin, at Warrior Canine Connection - West Coast Programs. It’s hot outside, guys, stay hydrated!

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How do you like Donnie’s new hairdo? He achieved this look by having a rousing jaunt in the la

How do you like Donnie’s new hairdo? He achieved this look by having a rousing jaunt in the lake and then playing in the dirt.

- via The Valor Litter 

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“This is my service dog in training, Sarge. He’s a 4 month old Bernese Mountain Dog. Whe“This is my service dog in training, Sarge. He’s a 4 month old Bernese Mountain Dog. Whe

“This is my service dog in training, Sarge. He’s a 4 month old Bernese Mountain Dog. When my first service dog died suddenly I tried my other Golden Retriever, but she just wasn’t up to the challenge. It’s hard work being a service dog! I have mobility and balance issues so needed a tall & sturdy dog who wouldn’t drool. (Goldens and Labs are just too short). Berners are also very handsome, so people look at Sarge, not me, and to me that’s a good thing! I live in the country and am training him myself with the help of a friend, who is also training her own. For such a young dog he’s doing an awesome job!”

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