#dom reader imagines

Pairing: Lee Taeyong (NCT) x fem!readerGenre: Fluff/SmutContains: Dirty talk, hand job, nipple play,

Pairing: Lee Taeyong (NCT) x fem!reader


Contains: Dirty talk, hand job, nipple play, marking, overstimulation

Word count:1297


“Babe,” he sighs shakily as he feels your arms tightly circling his slim waist.

“Yes?” you ask pressing your soft body into his hard one and place a kiss on his shoulder blade through the t-shirt.

“I’m busy,” Taeyong says trying to sound stern, but it’s almost physically impossible for him when you’re this close.

It’s not that he doesn’t like it, quite the opposite: feeling the warmth of your body and knowing that you’re here with him always makes him feel peaceful. Today, however, with your chest pressed flush against his back he can feel how rapidly your heart is beating, and he knows that your intentions aren’t pure in the slightest.

“But I’m not going to disrupt you, love,” you chuckle rubbing your face into his back breathing his comforting scent.

The amusement in your voice says something else, but there is nothing he can do, especially when he feels the wave of excitement flooding his body. With a sigh Taeyong comes back to slicing the meat he brought for the dinner patiently awaiting your next move. He doesn’t have to wait long.

“I went shopping today,” you start casually moving your hand up and down his chest.

Taeyong takes a deep breath trying to relax, but his heartbeat speeded up already. Your nails oh-so-accidentally graze his nipple from time to time in a lazy manner and he slowly but surely starts to lose his composure.

“Didn’t you go shopping a few days ago?” he asks trying to ignore the arousal coiling in his belly and focus solely on the task in front of him.

“Yes, love, but at the time I didn’t have enough money with me to buy a cute lingerie set I spotted there. I couldn’t stop thinking about it, so I came back today and bought it.”

One of your hands dips lower grazing the hem of his sweats teasingly only to come back to his chest mere seconds later. You repeat the movement a few times, teasing him with the promise of something much more interesting than just that insufficient touch.

“How does it look like?” Taeyong chokes out putting the knife carefully aside and closing his eyes slightly.

“It’s nothing fancy: just a pair of baby blue lacy panties and a matching bralette. I’ll show you later,” you murmur placing kisses along the neckline of his t-shirt.

Taeyong swallows quietly: everything looks fancy when you’re the one wearing it. No matter what it is, it invariably drives him crazy when he sees you in it. It’s all just an addition to your beauty.

“However, that’s not what I wanted to talk about,” you add finally slipping both hands under his t-shirt to massage his chest without the barrier of clothes.

“No?” he says breathlessly as your fingers play with his stiffened nipples, circling sensitive areolas teasingly.

“No,” you confirm softly, one of your hands moving lazily down his chest and abdomen to reach his waistband once again.

This time you don’t retreat it back up, no, this time your palm massages his length through the soft fabric of his sweats and Taeyong groans throatily as he bucks his hips slightly. You can feel him harden under your touch which makes you even wetter than you already were. The arousal pulses in your body as you rub your crotch against his butt trying to blow off some steam. The relief is only momentary, but it’s enough for you to regain your focus.

“When I was leaving the store, something caught my eye,” you muse slipping fingers past the waistband and wrapping them around his cock.

“W-what was it?” he stutters as his dick throbs in your hand.

His hands are now tightly grabbing the edge of the counter as he tries to focus on your words rather than on the overwhelming pleasure. The most delicate touch of yours is enough to make him hopeless, and he absolutely loves that. It’s no secret that Taeyong enjoys giving you the power over him just as much as you enjoy having it.

“A pair of lacy panties in the prettiest shade of dark green,” you whispered tugging his sweats down his thighs with the free hand.

“You cannot even fathom how wet I’ve become when the image of you wearing it flashed before my eyes.”

“Oh,” was all Taeyong was able to say dizzy from the lust that flooded his mind.

In the meantime you spit onto your hand and wrap your fingers properly around his length this time. Your hand moves up and down, slowly at first but gradually speeding up as Taeyong moans and groans and whimpers – a music to your ears and for your ears only. You deeply enjoy the firmness of his manhood in your palm, the bulging vines and pre-cum dripping from the slit. It’s your pleasure to say that your man is now a complete mess, and it’s all because of your doings.

“You see, I couldn’t get said image of my head for the whole day. All I could think of was how gorgeous your butt would look wrapped in that lace,” you murmur nipping gently at the skin of his shoulder.

You always like to leave traces of your affection on his body: hickeys all over his skin, red trails made by your fingernails, imprints of your hands on his thighs and buttocks. Every time he looks in the mirror all he can think of is you.

“And your cock, god, your cock,” you sigh tightening your grip and twisting your wrist around the head.

Taeyong is cursing under his breath as he fucks your fist in the limited space you left for him between your body and the kitchen counter. Everything just feels so good he can’t control himself any more. His mind can only focus on you: your touch, your voice, your smell.

“I can’t even begin to imagine how drenched my own panties would be if I saw your rock-hard dick covered by such thin fabric. I’d rip it off with my own fucking teeth.”

“Fuck,” Taeyong yelps throwing pressing his body firmly into yours as milky cum shots out of his cock.

Sticky substance covers your hand, the cupboards and his pants while you kiss his neck and whisper sweet nonsense into his ear. He’s breathing is heavy as you continue to slide your hand up and down his shaft not showing sign of stopping. A shiver runs down his spine as he realizes your plans, the pain of overstimulation mixes with pleasure bringing him to yet another orgasm.

“I think I’ll go and buy those panties, love. I want to ride your cock as you wear them, I want to ruin them with my juices until here is nothing left of them.”

The very idea makes him cum on the spot surprising you: you have no time to cover the swollen head and the sperm lands on his t-shirt replenishing the complete mess you had turned him into.

“Everything fine, love?” you ask peppering kisses on his covered back as he comes back from his high.

You can feel his legs shaking from the effort, cock twitching in your cum-covered hand.

“Yeah, just a little dizzy from all those orgasms. Anyway I have to finish the dinner,” he sighs, but you’re already shaking your head moving away gently.

“I’ll take care of that love, you take a shower and change. Is that alright?”

“Thank you,” he says turning around with the sweetest smile and kisses you deeply.

You pull his sweats up and slap his backside playfully as he places open-mouthed kisses on your face and neck.

“Whose butt is that?” you ask mischievously tilting your head.

“Yours obviously,” he scoffs rolling his eyes.

“That’s right, love. Don’t forget that.”

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