#dom reader imagines




Pairing: sub!Jisung x reader

Genre: Smut & slight fluff

Words: 707 | 865 | 964

Summary: Han Jisung can’t get you out of his head - both the imaginary you and the real you drive him crazy. He’d be lying if he said that he doesn’t love it.

Chapter 1|Chapter 2|Chapter 3

Pairing: Choi Beomgyu (TXT) x fem!readerGenre: SmutContains: Dirty talk, hand job, blow job, the use

Pairing: Choi Beomgyu (TXT) x fem!reader


Contains: Dirty talk, hand job, blow job, the use of cock ring, creampie, vaginal sex, masturbation, exhibitionism

Word count:3344


“Are you sure you’re feeling well?” you ask eyeing him with concern.

It’s already the third time you asked him this question during the last twenty minutes.

“Y–yeah, I’m fine, really,” Beomgyu answers with a rather tense smile on his face.

He doesn’t look fine at all in your opinion: his cheeks are deeply flushed, he’s constantly licking and biting his lips, not to mention that he’s sweating quite noticeably. Since you don’t want to come of as nosy, you don’t inquire further, but something seems to be off about his behaviour today.

“Are you ready to discuss the next paragraph then?”, you ask deciding that it’s better to change to subject to your shared work.

The fact that he looks deeply relieved makes you feel even more confused. You can’t tell what he’s thinking at all, and it sparks your interest: you want to be able to read him.

“Sure. Frankly speaking, no matter how many times I read it, I absolutely cannot agree with those statements,” Beomgyu answers leaning back against the chair.

His posture looks like he’s trying hard to appear relaxed, but you can see that his muscles are way too tense for it to pass as such. Sighing internally you decide to ignore it: you have a project to do, so it’d be better to focus on it.

“Why?” you ask tilting your head slightly, curiosity evident in your voice.

If there was something you liked in group projects, it was learning about the perspective of people you usually didn’t have much contact with. Choi Beomgyu was especially interesting in your eyes because of his public image: a kind and polite young man always ready to help others, not a party type of guy but with a wide circle of friends from different backgrounds, deeply interested in music and literature. Most of the time people spoke about him like one could spoke about a talented and well-behaved child which made you feel intrigued: is he truly such an innocent person as they say or is there something that outsiders don’t notice? Is his public image the same as the one reserved for those who are close to him?

“To put it simply: in my eyes those characters are completely unrealistic. They’re one–dimensional with their uncomplicated thoughts and defined views on what’s right and what’s wrong, while it’s obvious that the reality is much more complex than that. I’d be perfectly fine with that if it was philosophical fiction such as Voltaire’s satires, but it’s not. The personalities of people are much more complicated.”

You smile nodding slowly as you think about your answer carefully. It’s barely your third or so project with him, but you like to work with Beomgyu. That excitement and curiosity in his expression, as if he’s genuinely interested in your opinion, it makes you feel more motivated to properly analyse things out and truly understand the problem.

“To be frank I’m not sure what this story was aspiring to be, or even what the author wanted it to be. To me that story only shows that you can write thousands of words and still say nothing interesting nor smart,” you say rolling your eyes good-naturedly.

“However, in case of the creations of the characters I agree with you only partially. Yes, most of them are rather boring to put it mildly, but there are also those that deserve to be looked closer at. Take the brother of the female protagonist for example: don’t you think his motivations are not exactly as moral as he believes them to be?”

It’s Beomgyu’s turn to nod now. His eyes lose focus as he turns your words over in his mind – it seems that you just gave him a perspective he didn’t thought of before.

“But what does it mean to you to be moral?” he asks tilting his head with a smile on his lips.

He looks quite provocative this way, and you have to admit that you like it. It almost feels like he’s testing you, but you can’t tell on what exactly. Maybe it’s about you self-control because every time he does that you feel like your patience is being tested. Even though you try to ignore it, you can’t help but imagine him in situations that are suggestive no less.

“Well, not to be that person, but my morality isn’t exactly a model one,” you chuckle leaning back against your chair.

“There are things I’m more prone to do than the majority of the people.”

Beomgyu smiles slightly at your words and looks down at his book clearly lost in thoughts. Once again you can’t tell what he’s thinking, and it frustrates you: what’s happening in that pretty head of his?

“My morality isn’t a model one either,” he starts slowly as if not sure if he should continue.

“But I think it makes people more interesting, you know? When you can’t tell right away what they’d do, where are their boundaries. They can surprise you thanks to that.”

You can’t help but smirk hearing his words.

“And with what you could surprise me, Beomgyu?” you say resting your elbows on the tabletop and leaning towards him.

It’s so easy to make him blush, really. Your mind starts to wander: how flushed would he become if you played with him a little? You have to press your thighs together just from the very though and to be frank you find your body reactions quite ridiculous. Yeah, you want him, but to this extent? Maybe you overestimated your self-control after all.

“Did you read the fifth paragraph already?” he asks pulling you out of your dirty thoughts.

“Sorry, give me a sec,” you answer with an apologetic smile before looking down at your book.

You can’t focus on the words at all: not only is your body acting out because of the man sitting in front of you but also said man started to act weirdly again. You can hear Beomgyu squirming in his sit uncomfortably, his breathing accelerated and shallow once again.

“Holy fuck,” he moans softly all of a sudden.

You simply look up at him raising a brow in question. He gapes at you with the expression of absolute horror on his face in return. The pink on his cheeks deepens slowly as you just stare at him wordlessly until he finally breaks and answers your unsaid question.

“It’s nothing, really,” he murmurs with eyes glued to the tabletop but even the tips of his ears are flushed bright red now.

Your patience must be at its limit: his behaviour irks you way too much to just let it pass now. In fact, you’re simply way too frustrated with him to do so, so you decide to set things straight here and now.

“I don’t think so,” you huff folding your arms.

“You acted weirdly from the very start of our meeting today. Just spill the tea, for the love of god, so we can finish our work and go home.”

Even though the tone of your voice sounds unaffected, irritated even, you’re screaming inside. Your underwear’s surely quite damp already, and you feel more and more uncomfortable as time passes. Damn your vivid imagination and his goddamned moans, really.

“W–well, I, um,” he manages to say before he falls silent, his face resembling a ripe tomato.

You sigh deciding to call it a day when he whimpers quietly and his eyes roll back as if involuntarily. Finally, you get it – you saw enough guys acting like that to know that right now Choi Beomgyu is being pleasured in some way. You can’t help but smirk – an innocent child, huh?

“I–I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s happening, um, let’s just finish this and go home like you said,” he babbles nervously tugging at the hair on his nape, not looking at you.

But you can’t. You can’t just let it go like that. Just as Beomgyu said: life’s not a Voltaire’s satire and people’s personalities are complex. With those very words in mind you decide to chance your luck. After all, in the long run there’s nothing to lose and a lot to gain, you tell yourself.

“Beomgyu,” you say in a calm voice that makes him look up at you carefully.

You make sure to look him straight in the eyes before saying:

“Stand up.”

His breath hitches audibly at that unsubtle command, and you can barely sit still as he slowly does as you told him to. A thrill of excitement runs down your spine: you didn’t expect such obedience from him, but you’re absolutely delighted to see it. What makes you feel even more delighted is the fact that even though the fabric of his pants is of good quality it leaves nothing to the imagination outlining his cock just right for you to see. And it’s not like his dick’s half-hard or so, no, it’s fully erect judging by the way the fabric of his pants is bulged.

“D–don’t look,” he murmurs quietly covering his crotch with his hands, but you can tell he’s excited too.

It’s the way his upper body’s leaning in your direction, the way he’s observing you from under his eyelashes – it’s as if he was waiting, hoping even, all this goddamn time for you to take the action, to call him out. But you can’t speculate freely like that about his thoughts – you have to confirm your suspicions.

“Come here, please,” you say simply gesturing to the space next to you.

It’s so quiet that you can hear the rustling of his clothes as he rounds the table and stands where you told him to. He stands over you, towers over you in fact, yet somehow it feels like you’re the one looking down on him not the other way around.

“May I?” you ask looking up at him with a smile.

“Yes,” he answers breathlessly.

It takes Herculean effort to reach out towards his belt in your own sweet time, to appear unaffected by the tension in the air as you unbuckle it and slowly unzip his pants. You can’t help but huff out a laugh at the sight.

“And what do we have here?” you hum quietly looking up at him with a smile playing on your lips.

No wonder you could see the shape of his cock this clearly – he didn’t have any underwear underneath his pants to begin with. What surprised you more, however, was something else: a thin purple band around the base of his cock was something you definitely didn’t expect.

“Naughty, aren’t we?” you laugh shaking your head slightly before hooking your fingers over the hem of his pants and pulling the fabric further down his hips.

Beomgyu’s quiet, so you look up at him once again and that’s enough to learn that he’s clearly enjoying the situation. His pretty face’s flushed adorably, pouty lips slightly ajar as his chest rises and fall rapidly under his white shirt. The way he looks at you makes you feel even more aroused than you already were: almost as if he wants to devour you here and now.

“Ah, fuck,” he moans throwing his head back, his hips bucking slightly as the quiet sound of vibration finally reaches your ears.

No wonder he looked uncomfortable before: you can’t even imagine what it must have to feel like to him to wear a vibrating cock ring in public, a hard cock trapped in tight trousers. You hike his shirt higher to take a better look at his crotch and to your surprise he immediately grabs it to hold it up for. What a good boy he is, your sweet Beomgyu.

“It appears to me that you don’t like it easy,” you say softly as your fingers curl loosely around his swollen shaft.

Beomgyu shivers visibly when your fingertips wander over the popping veins.

“W–well, it’s not as pleasant when you can get it right away,” he murmurs bashfully as his grip tightens on fabric of his shirt.

“Yeah, I get it,” you chuckle before wrapping your lips around the flushed tip without any warning.

Beomgyu cries out your name sweetly in the answer, and you can’t take it any more – you slip one of your hands past the waistline of your skirt. Your clit must be already swollen, but you aren’t really the type to go for it as fast as you can, no, you like to drag your pleasure out as long as possible. After all, what’s better than teasing yourself while simultaneously teasing a gorgeous man?

“Please, it feels so good, don’t stop,” he begs quietly, his knuckles white from the effort of keeping his hands to himself.

“I love how responsive you are, love,” you sigh happily before placing a kiss on the swollen head.

“Just for you,” he chokes out in the answer.

“None else can make me moan like that.”

You can’t help but smile hearing that and lick his cock from base to the tip in a sign of appreciation. However, his choice of words sparks your interest.

“Tell me, love, have you planned this?” you ask spiting on your hand before spreading your saliva over his swollen length.

“Um, no, not exactly. Although, oh, I can’t say that I wasn’t hoping for, um, similar outcome.”

“So you thought about such situation before,” you muse as you start to pump his cock lazily.

Even though you’re still playing with yourself with your free hand, you can already tell that it won’t be enough to come. Despite the fact that you’re highly aroused right now, you need something stronger than that to get the orgasm you want. Something like a dick you’re currently playing with.

“Yeah,” he answers shyly as his hands rise involuntary to cover his face, white fabric falling down his waist.

“You can tell me, you know. I mean, I’m currently giving you a handjob, Beomgyu, I hope you’re not going to get shy now,” you chuckle twisting your wrist around his reddened head.

He moans your name sweetly, and you speed up the tempo of your movements just a little as a reward. He looks at you for a moment as if lost if thoughts before he starts talking.

“The vibe you give off makes me go crazy, you know? I can’t help but, ahhh fuck, but wonder what it’d feel like to be your man, to have you look at me like you used to look at your ex when you were together. Um, damn, to have your hands all over my body, your lips, ohh, pressed against my skin, your words, your praises, fuck, directed only at me.”

“Is that why you decided to wear a cock ring to a meeting with me?” you ask almost innocently as you grab his shirt in one of your hands before pulling it up.

Beomgyu laughs in the answer rubbing the back of his neck bashfully.

“I wasn’t exactly prepared for that outcome but yeah, I was hoping you’d notice at some point. And, well, you did, and you took charge of the situation just as I imagined you would if that were to happen.”

You look up to take him in properly and to be frank he’s as sweet as always: all that adorable blushing and flustered expression, the way he’s toying with his fingers nervously as if he’s afraid of your reaction to his words.

“People like to say that you’re such a sweet young man and I have to agree, however, I don’t think we’d be thinking about the same thing,” you say with a smirk before carefully taking him into your mouth.

As you take him deep into your throat, the cock ring vibrates mere centimetres before your eyes, and you can’t help but wonder who’s controlling it, if anyone. The pattern of vibration seems to be quite random – Beomgyu must really like surprises.

You bob your head up and down in a rather fast tempo until your jaw hurts, swallowing around him from time to time and making him moan sweetly. Beomgyu’s thighs are trembling from the effort as he tries his best to not thrust into your mouth, and you cup his balls gently into your free hand as a sign of appreciation. Judging from his fucked out expression, he’s definitely loosing it already, so you move away slowly.

“Although I really like your cock,” you start after clearing your throat.

“I like my pussy even more, and let me tell you that it’s practically dripping now. Not to mention that it’s all because of you, love.”

Beomgyu just breathes heavily, observing wordlessly as you stand up from your chair with a smirk before motioning for him to sit on it instead. You can hear him swallow thickly when you slip down your legs the shorts you always wear underneath your skirts along with your underwear. His big hands immediately find your hips when you straddle him after hiking your skirt higher up your waist.

“I honestly cannot believe this is happening right now,” he pants out, his trembling hands caressing your sides gently.

“If not, you have really pleasant dreams,” you answer smugly as you position the tip of his cock at your entrance and slowly start to slide down.

Thankfully both your pussy and his length are slippery enough at this point for this to be more or less comfortable, otherwise it’d have been pretty painful ride down. You embrace his neck tightly, marvelling over the feeling of his dick filling you up as you finally bottom out. It feels so good to have him inside you that you can’t help but teasingly tighten your muscles around him.

“Ah, fuck, fuck,” he whimpers hugging you tightly in the answer.

It’s just so easy to tease him.

“I’m going to move now, is that okay?” you whisper into him ear as you rake your fingers through his hair.

“Yes, please, I don’t care as long as you feel good,” he chokes out into your hair.

“I appreciate your need to satisfy me, but there are two players in this game, love, and,” you start, but your words are cut off by a moan that escapes your lips when the cock ring starts to vibrate against your pussy.

“Goddammit,” you sigh bucking your hips at the pleasant sensation.

“See? I told you! Surprises are great,” he huffs with a laugh, and you can’t help but follow.

“If it means that I get a pretty man with a pretty cock then sure, why not,” you murmur rising your hips until only the tip of his dick is inside you only to bottom out again mere seconds later.

Beomgyu starts chanting your name like some kind of mantra when you find a steady rhythm of riding him that satisfies both of you. His fingers immediately find their way under your skirt and quickly localize your clit: his soft fingertips start to draw patterns on it that make you lose your mind in no time, and he’s definitely aware of that judging from his smug expression. It doesn’t take long for either of you to orgasm – after all you were teasing each other for quite some time before getting to the penetration. Beomgyu comes inside you with a soft moan, and the cock ring starts to vibrate once again just as you reach your own high. An additional source of stimulation makes your body tremble from pleasure as you slowly ride down your orgasm.

“How was it? Better than what you were hoping for?” you pant out trying to catch your breath.

“My fantasies cannot hold the candle to that, believe me,” he laughs softly hugging you.

“But worry not, we’re not finished yet. After all, I have to clean up your pussy.”

You have to admit: Beomgyu’s indeed a really good boy, just not in the way people think he is. Thankfully, you’re perfectly fine with their lack of knowledge on that matter.

Copyright © 2020-2022 by byzantiumshades. All rights reserved.

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Pairing: Choi Soobin (TXT) x fem!readerGenre: Fluff/SmutContains: Hair pulling, cunnilingus, fingeri

Pairing: Choi Soobin (TXT) x fem!reader

Genre: Fluff/Smut

Contains: Hair pulling, cunnilingus, fingering, dirty talk

Word count:2694

AU: Royal AU

A/N:Part 2 of the Her Beloved Consorts series!  The stories are loosely connected by the persona of the Empress-reader and, of course, take place in the same universe.


The gown was heavy as hell, but you kept your complaints to yourself. You were the Empress after all – majority of the people who looked up to you didn’t see you as a fellow human. You could be the most powerful person in the empire but even you, or maybe especially you, were tangled in the dangerous web of politics and social connections. Anyone could turn into a spider if you weren’t careful enough, and you didn’t want to give them even the most trivial reason to attack you.

After the meeting with your vassals ended, you barely managed to escape to your private study, and now you were just standing there, letting the silence calm your restless mind. You were about to pour yourself a drink when someone knocked at the door. With a heavy sigh you forced yourself to compose your features.

“Come in,” you said leaning comfortably against your bureau.

“Your Majesty,” said the maid bowing deeply before straightening with her head still lowered in respect.

“What is it?” you asked tilting your own head slightly as you eyed her carefully.

She seemed to be a regular maid but as the Empress you could never be too careful.

“Duke Choi requests a meeting with you in the garden, Your Majesty.”

“When?” you asked softly, a small smile already appearing on your lips.

“Whenever you feel like it, Your Highness,” answered the woman keeping her eyes glued to the wooden floor.

“Thank you, you may go now.”

The maid bowed deeply once again and retreated gracefully, not even once turning her back on you.

The next meeting was scheduled for two hours from now, so it wouldn’t hurt to relax a little with your best friend. As you were heading towards the garden you couldn’t help but grin widely: even your heavy clothing couldn’t slow you down as you tried to get there as fast as humanly possible. You had to practically force yourself to walk calmly – what a scandal it’d be if someone saw you right now, the Empress, behaving in such disgraceful way.

“Stay here, and don’t let anyone enter,” you commanded your guards as you reached the front gate of your private garden.

As you headed towards the western part of the park, you looked around blissfully absorbing all the colours, sounds and smells – every step you took made you feel somehow lighter. It took you a few minutes to reach your favourite spot: a glade with a branchy willow tree. Soobin was already there, waiting for you patiently as he always did, sitting comfortably at the garden table and visibly engrossed in a book he was reading. He must have heard you, however, as he quickly put his book to the side and stood up.

“Your Majesty,” he said with a wide grin before taking a knee and bowing his head respectfully.

“Duke Choi,” you answered smiling warmly before settling comfortably on the cushioned chair that stood across the one he was sitting on.

Taking a brief look at the tabletop you immediately noticed an epergne filled with sweets and a hand-painted tea set. One of Soobin’s hobbies was brewing tea, and he deeply enjoyed sharing this passion with you. You on the other hand loved trying the tea he prepared for you.

“I missed you, Your Highness,” he said quietly as he stared at you with a soft expression on his face.

Soobin took one of your hands into his bigger one, his long fingers tangling with yours carefully as if he was afraid you were going to push him away. You smiled warmly, caressing his knuckles with your thumb in the answer which made the delicate blush appear on his cleanly shaved cheeks.

“I’m sorry, dear, I don’t have much time to spare recently,” you said apologetically before bringing his hand to your lips and placing a kiss on the back of it.

“Would you like to tell me now what were you busy with when I wasn’t around?”

His whole face brightened as Soobin started to excitedly talk about his newest projects while jokingly mocking his father, the Chancellor, who always complained about his only son’s doings. While you understood his father desire to install Soobin as his successor, what you truly wanted was for Soobin to be happy. You knew that your friend had a natural talent for gardening: no matter what kind of plant he was taking care of it always grew tall, effuse and overall beautiful. When his father told the servants to burn the garden in their mansion to the ground, you gave him your private park to manage. It was a show of your loyalty which forced Chancellor Choi to at least tolerate his son’s decisions – after all, it’d be truly moronic to stand up to the Empress herself because of such trivial matter.

“Oh, forgive me, Your Highness, I completely forgot,” he chuckled suddenly busying himself around the table.

“I prepared tea for you. It’s a new brand that I imported from the north, and I’m fairly certain you’d like it.”

You cautiously took the cup that he handed you and eyed the unusual colour of the liquid with curiosity: it was rosé gold. Its fragrance was somehow sweet and sour in the same time which surprised you greatly. You have never stumbled over such tea before.

“What do you think, Your Highness?” he asked expectantly as you took a sip from your cup.

“You know my tastes so well,” you shook your head slightly in the answer before drinking more of the warm liquid.

He only chuckled softly at that and took your hand in his once again while staring at you with that soft expression he had on his face when you came here. Soobin was your best friend since early childhood thus knowing you better than anyone else. As you two were always together, naturally people expected you two to get married someday, but then your father got assassinated, and you learnt that not long before he died he appointed you as his successor thus making you the Empress. To say that it turned your life upside down would be an understatement, truly.

“You look tired,” Soobin remarked suddenly as he toyed with one of the rings you wore.

“I’m fine, dear, all I need right now is to spend some time with you,” you smiled warmly in the answer.

“You know you can tell me everything, Your Highness, right?” he asked tilting his head slightly to the side.

You sighed placing your cup on the table-top and caressing the back of his hand mindlessly with your fingertips. Even though you trusted him with your life, you were still choosing your words carefully – a habit you couldn’t shake off no matter how hard you tried.

“Those past few days were pretty tiring, I’m not going to lie. It’s exhausting how everyone constantly expect impossible things from me, placing high demands while also demanding immediate results of my decisions. Not to mention that the council of elders repeatedly asks me about the heir and the reason why I don’t have one yet if I have this many consorts,” your tone was bitter as you rubbed the space between your brows in irritation.

“Thank God I have you. Whenever I’m with you, Soobin, I feel so much better.”

The emotions on his face were appearing and disappearing too quickly for you to understand them, so you continued, your voice suddenly filled with regret.

“But you know what’s funny? One word from you would be enough for me to give you everything I have, yet you don’t seem to want anything from me.”

Soobin chuckled quietly shaking his head. Letting go of your hands, he stood up, and hovered over you for a few seconds as if conflicted before finally falling to his knees with a soft thud. You couldn’t help but swallow thickly seeing him like that: kneeling in front of you so naturally, as if it was his rightful place.

“For a very long time the only thing I wanted was to be by your side forever, Your Majesty. I wanted to have your love, but I didn’t want to share it with anyone, no, I wanted for you to only love me,” he said in a serious tone taking both of your hands into his once again.

“But one day you became the Empress and that day I realized that I have to change my desires somehow because I’d never win against my newest and at the same time the biggest rival for your love.”

You untangled one of your hands to caress his cheek gently, your fingers trembling slightly as you silently listened to his words. You thought that you know him so well – how wrong have you been all this time.

“I don’t want your Empire to stand between us. I know you see me as a precious friend, Your Majesty.”

“But?” you asked aware that some words were left unsaid.

“But I don’t want to be just your friend, I want to be your lover. I want you to touch me, and I want to touch you, in many ways,” he breathed out bringing your hands to his lips and kissing your fingers gently.

“I constantly hear about all those things you do with your consorts, and I want you to do them to me too. I know I can please you too, Your Majesty, ” he said looking up at you from under his long eyelashes.

“I can prove myself.”

His words took you by surprise and in return it took a lot from you to act as if not affected at all. You didn’t want to admit how your core clenched seeing him like this, how his words caused your mind to wander but at the same time you wanted him so badly you were about to go crazy.

“How so?” you asked finally leaning back against the chair.

You observed silently as he carefully gathered all the layers of your hefty gown before lifting it up to your knees. Suddenly he froze halfway through the movement and flushed brightly before resting his forehead on your knee to hide his face from you.

“Forgive me, Your Majesty, I–I forgot to ask for permission first,” he murmured bashfully, the tips of his ears reddening as his fingers clasped the thick fabric tightly.

“May I please eat you out, Your Majesty?”

Your heartbeat speed up as he looked up appearing ridiculously innocent in contrast to the words that just left his pouty lips. His usually gentle brown eyes were now darkened with desire, his cheeks flushed and lips swollen slightly from biting – what an adorable yet sinful sight.

“How can I refuse when you ask so nicely,” you answered with a smile, your hand finding its way into his soft locks.

He pushed his head into your hand in the answer, as if demanding for you to pet him. Wordlessly, you motioned towards the hem of your gown with your free hand to which he swallowed visibly and looked away shyly. You had to lick your suddenly dry lips as he lifted the fabric higher, exposing your stocking-covered thighs. His fingertips caressed the material from your knee up until he reached the hem of your stocking: his hands were trembling slightly as he gradually started to unfasten the suspenders one after another. Soobin’s breathing got heavier than before as he slowly tugged on the fabric and pulled it down exposing your skin to the warm sunlight.

“Your Majesty,” he sighed rubbing his face into the exposed skin of your inner thigh.

The kiss he placed there was unimaginably tender as if he was enchanted by what just unfolded before his eyes and feared it’d disappear suddenly. The tension in the air was almost unbearable – you were barely breathing when he slowly pushed your legs apart and moved your underwear to the side. His beautiful brown eyes bored into your exposed pussy as if he wanted to remember every single detail to recapture it later.

“Thank you, Your Majesty,” he said before placing a gentle kiss on your centre.

The first sweep of his tongue made you moan softly as your fingers curled in his thick locks. The more he licked, sucked and kissed the more you tugged, pulled and yanked making him groan throatily in return. Soobin knew how to please a woman, that one you were sure of as skilfully played with your pussy making you wetter and wetter from minute to minute. Gently rubbing your clit with the tip of his nose, he slipped his tongue inside you and looked up at you.

“Fuck, Soobin,” you purred throwing your head back.

You bit your lip hard when he moved his face away slightly to lick his fingers. You couldn’t help but buck your hips violently while holding him firmly by his hair when he slipped one of his thick digits inside you. You weren’t even trying to control yourself when he added a second one: you started to straight up fuck yourself onto his fingers.

“Soobin, my love, you’re so good for me,” you choked out when he added the third digit.

“Only for you, Your Majesty,” he panted out in the answer before closing his eyes and pressing his face into your crotch.

“Please, use me for your pleasure,” he said and stuck his tongue out.

Soobin moaned softly when you started to rub your pussy against his face while he continued to finger you. It was a lot, you weren’t going to lie: his thick fingers moving in and out of your pussy, his pretty face sticky from your juices to the point where you could see how wet his eyelashes had become. You were getting close to your orgasm quite fast, and it was all because of him.

“You’re perfect, love, just perfect. Wait ‘till I get my hands on you, you won’t be able to walk for days to come,” you chuckled darkly and closed your eyes throwing your head back once again.

Now that you couldn’t see your sensitivity increased. You almost wanted to laugh at the absurdity of this situation – you, the goddamned Empress, were practically lying half–naked on the chair in your beautiful garden, rubbing your bared pussy against your best friend’s face while moaning his name in pleasure. That’s certainly not how you expected to spend this afternoon.

“Fuck, Soobin, I’m coming,” you managed to say before crying out his name as your orgasm has hit you.

Your heart was racing as if you just ran a marathon, and your whole body buzzed with pleasure as waves of an orgasm washed over you. Soobin licked your folds tentatively while still penetrating you slowly, helping you to come down from your high while your trembling fingers caressed his hair. When the oversensitivity hit you, he moved away almost reluctantly.

“That was absolutely amazing,” you sighed opening your eyes to take a look at him still kneeling between your legs.

You had to swallow hard seeing him lick his fingers very thoroughly until they were perfectly clean. Bottom half of Soobin’s face was also wet from your juices – the still vivid memory of him rubbing his face into your crotch in delight making your pussy clench.

“Did I prove myself, Your Majesty?” he asked carefully pulling your abandoned stocking up and fastening the suspenders back.

Always a good boy, your sweet Soobin.

“I believe so. You did so well, my love,” you purred before leaning forward and pressing a kiss to his puffy lips.

You could taste yourself on his lips which cause you to hum contently – it felt as if you marked him in a way, as if he was completely yours now. You rested your forehead against his, not wanting to move away yet.

“Will you take me as a consort, Your Majesty?” he murmured softly rubbing his face against yours.

You couldn’t help but smile and kissed him one more time.

“It’d be my honour,” you whispered against his lips before biting his lower lip gently.

And pleasure as well.

Copyright © 2020-2022 by byzantiumshades. All rights reserved.

Post link
Pairing: Hansol Vernon Chwe/Vernon (Seventeen) x fem!readerGenre: Fluff/SmutContains: Dirty talk, ha

Pairing:Hansol Vernon Chwe/Vernon (Seventeen) x fem!reader


Contains: Dirty talk, hand job, nipple play

Word count:2878


When going to a party at someone’s house and deciding to spend the night there, one had to be prepared for possibly everything in your opinion. You had never been this grateful for being precautionary as today when the heating system had just straight up crashed in the middle of the night, and you had been one of the very few who packed a spare blanket into your bag.

You were almost asleep, wrapped tightly into your blanket like some kind of caterpillar in one of the rooms, when something roused you all of a sudden. Now you were laying there trying to localize that something without opening your eyes but to no avail. Too impatient to pretend to be asleep you opened your eyes and turned your head towards the room.

“What a fucking idiot,” you murmured sitting up in sudden irritation.

It wasn’t hard to tell why exactly the sight of shivering Vernon irritated you, but you weren’t exactly willing to voice the reasoning behind it anyway. The point was that right now he was laying on the bed a meter or so away from you and shaking like a goddamned leaf because he had nothing to cover himself with.

“Hey, wake up,” you sighed as you leaned towards him and nudged his arm slightly.

Vernon stirred in his sleep but other than that it didn’t seem like you succeeded in rousing him. With another sigh you shook him a bit stronger than necessary to which he finally opened one eye.

“What,” he grumbled clearly not happy about being woken up.

“You’re freezing, you idiot. Why didn’t you bring a blanket with you? What if you catch a cold,” you started to nag him immediately.

Vernon stared up at you for a solid minute clearly dumbfounded before smiling slightly as if pleasantly surprised. Slowly he sat up and rubbed his eyes before looking up at you again. You couldn’t help but notice how ruffled were his hair and how the oversized hoodie he was wearing was hanging off his left shoulder exposing the honey-like skin – he looked way too cute for your liking.

“I don’t have one,” he answered simply, his teeth chattering audibly.

“Yeah, I can both see and hear that, you know. Your body shook so loudly you managed to wake me up,” you answered flatly looking him dead in the eye and almost looking away before catching yourself last minute.

Your mind was still stupid with sleep, and somehow you managed to forget how pretty Vernon Chwe was. Even now in this rather dimly lit room he looked strangely good – you could feel your face getting warm all of a sudden. It wasn’t that you didn’t know the reason behind your reaction, but you certainly didn’t want to admit it. Especially not right now.

“I didn’t want to wake others for such trivial reason, so I just curled up in the first room I entered. To be honest I didn’t see you there, sorry for rousing you,” he explained awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

“So you’re not going to get yourself a blanket?” you asked rather loudly not being able to hide your surprise.

“Well, not really, no,” he answered shrugging as if not concerned at all.

For a moment you just gaped at him completely dumbfounded. You couldn’t just leave him like that for the love of god.

“Do you want to sleep with me?” you asked in a concerned voice before you could think it over.

He looked up at you visibly puzzled, and you wanted to scream: why, oh why did you phrase it like that? What were you even thinking, honestly. Or maybe you weren’t thinking at all?

“What I meant is that my blanket is big enough to cover both of us. Besides, this way either of us will be cold,” you added nervously trying your best to not sound like some creep.

Judging from his expression you failed successfully.

“Um, it’s not like I’m afraid you’d do something to me, or what,” he chuckled playing with his long fingers.

He looked just so vulnerable at the moment with his hair all ruffled and eyes puffy from sleep that the only thing you wanted to do was to take care of him, to protect him. Quite the opposite of what he was implying, actually.

“Honestly, who do you think I am,” you grumbled folding your arms.

At least he could read the room and hung his head low, once again rubbing the back of his neck with visible embarrassment. Your sigh was a little overdramatic, you had to admit, but for fuck’s sake what even was this conversation.

“I’m not forcing you into anything, I hope this is clear,” you said raising your hands defensibly.

“Oh,” Vernon breathed out sounding almost disappointed for some reason.

Honestly, you couldn’t read that man to save your life. Mixed signals in their finest, really.

“Besides, I’d never do anything you didn’t ask for.”

“And if I asked?” he said suddenly before a look of pure horror appeared on his face and for a second he looked like he wanted to slap himself.

“Then I’d do so,” you answered simply with a shrug.

You could see a dark flush colouring his cheeks and your core tightened in excitement – you couldn’t help it, you were getting aroused. The tension was getting thicker with every minute, and it started to get to you.

“Anyway, I’m going back to sleep now. If you’d be that kind as to not wake me up again, I’d be grateful,” you said trying to sound unaffected before laying down and wrapping yourself tightly once again – you had to end this conversation before you said something stupid again.

“W–wait,” Vernon said before grabbing the edge of the fabric.

“It’s just that I thought you might be baiting me or something.”

“I was completely serious Vernon. It’s cold as fuck out there, and you have nothing to cover yourself with, while I have a blanket that could easily cover us both,” you answered matter-of-factly rolling your eyes.

“I want to sleep with you then,” he said confidently, and you had to swallow hard.

Your choice of words was purely accidental, but his didn’t really sound like that – quite the opposite you’d say. Not that you were going to point it out, of course, you were already having a hard time without addressing the elephant in the room.

“Come to mama,” you joked lamely as you raised the edge of your blanket inviting him in.

“Stop it,” he huffed as if irritated and this time you were sure he was blushing furiously.

Vernon laid on his side way closer than you expected him to and covered himself up to the ears. You were perfectly aware that he was taller than you but now that fact hit you harder somehow as you laid there facing his chest, and not his face. When you looked up, you found out that he was looking at you somehow expectantly. For a moment your mind went completely blank as you couldn’t point out what exactly he wanted from you.

“I prefer to be the big spoon, just so you know,” you said finally realizing the reason behind his expectant stare.

Vernon then shrugged wordlessly and turned around, so you were facing his back now. You blinked in surprise – he didn’t want you to hug him, did he?

“Um, do you want me to embrace you?” you asked to clear up the uncertainty.

Being honest with yourself, you had to admit that you wanted really badly to touch him as you simply had feelings for him even though you weren’t willing to admit it. However, there was no goddamn way you were going to overstep his boundaries like that. You needed things to be clear.

“Yeah, I do,” he said in an indifferent tone of voice as if not bothered at all.

However, the reddened tips of his ears betrayed him immediately – he wasn’t as unaffected as he wanted you to think. You’d be lying if you said that it didn’t make you feel warm all over.

“Just keep your hands to yourself,” he added a moment later in a slightly hoarse voice.

“Chill out, pretty boy,” you laughed under your breath before loosely embracing him from behind.

You were glad that he couldn’t see you at the moment: your face was surely redder than a tomato. The situation was weirdly domestic, and you couldn’t help but wonder what it’d feel like if it was a part of your everyday life. You were perfectly aware that you were twisting the knife in the wound but well – don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, they say.

“Well, I’m saying it just in case,” he said after clearing his throat.

“You don’t sound like you don’t want me to touch you, Vernon. Quite the opposite I’d say,” you answered rolling your eyes.

“Maybe I do.”

You held your breath – you heard wrong, didn’t you? He didn’t really say that.


“Maybe I want you to touch me,” he clarified, the nervousness audible in his voice.

“Oh,” you said then not being sure how to react.

He really did say that. Your mind was racing – Vernon Chwe just said that he wanted for you to touch him.

“Wait, so what’s up with all those “don’t touch me” and “keep your hands to yourself”?” you asked in confusion.

“Um, well, I thought that you’d try to touch me if I said that I don’t want you to?” he murmured quietly as if suddenly ashamed by his own words.

“Vernon,” you said in a serious voice sitting up.

“Turn around and look at me, please.”

He turned to lay on his back but covered his eyes with his hands. You could still see his brightly red cheeks and bitten lips stating how nervous and embarrassed he must have feel. As he obviously avoided looking at you, you sighed and gently but firmly grabbed both of his wrist and placed them above his head.

“I already told you that I’d never do something you didn’t ask me for,” you started raking fingers through your tangled hair.

“It’s your boundaries we’re talking about and your comfort’s important to me. Very important.”

He looked at you in a way you couldn’t decipher at all, but somehow you knew it wasn’t a negative kind of stare. You didn’t dare to think that it might be quite the opposite.

“If anyone ever does anything to you without your permission, then it’s assault Vernon. Promise me, please, that you’ll try your best to stop others from overstepping your boundaries,” you said sticking out your pinky finger towards him.

You hoped he didn’t find that gesture silly, but thankfully Vernon slowly raised his hand and curled his pinky around yours. He looked somewhat shy, looking down at your linked fingers in wonder.

“I promise,” he whispered in the softest tone of voice you have ever heard.

With a small smile you laid back again and embraced him just as he previously said you could. You didn’t press your body against his but god you wanted to do so so badly. Instead, you decided to put your hand on his chest to which he responded by placing his own bigger hand on yours.

“Would you like to touch me then?” he asked quietly in a shy voice.

“Yeah, but you have to show me,” you whispered pressing your forehead into his upper arm.

You couldn’t help but press your thighs together as you were starting to get excited. His smell, his closeness, his warmth – it all messed with your head in a lot of different ways.

“I told you already, darling. I’d never do anything you didn’t ask for.”

His breathing speed up audibly as Vernon’s fingers curled around your hand before moving it down his abdomen and slipping it under his hoodie. He was moving up his chest until he reached his breast and placed it here. For a moment you thought that this was it, but he surprised you by positioning the tips of your fingers over his nipple.

“H–here. Touch me here, please,” he murmured so quietly you could barely hear it.

“Here?” you whispered back brushing his nipple with your thumb to which he whimpered softly.

“Yes,” he breathlessly answered firmly pressing your hand against his chest.

A shiver ran down his body when you carefully rolled the already stiffened nub between your finger pads. As your nails started to tease the sensitive areola, you rubbed your face into his arm breathing his scent deeply. For some reason his pleasant smell would always sweep you off your feet. What a dangerous, dangerous man, really.

“Do you like it?”

“Yes, yes,” he answered, his voice slightly higher in pitch than before.

“Would you like me to touch you somewhere else?” you asked moving closer and pressing your breast against his side.

“Yes,” he practically growled this time.

He was trembling against you but this time definitely not from being cold.

“Show me, Vernon,” you moaned in a hoarse voice.

With a shaky breath he took your hand in his once again and moved it down his body until he reached the crotch area.

“Please, now touch me here,” he whispered firmly placing your hand on his cock hidden under the fabric of his shorts.

The thin fabric couldn’t hide the fact that he was already partially hard. You wondered if it’s because of the heavy atmosphere, your touch, your words, or all the above combined into the intoxicating mix. Either way it made your core clench deliciously just from thinking about it: not only you were not the only one who was aroused, but also Vernon wanted you to know that.

“Is that all for me?” you asked as you carefully massaged his cock through his shorts.

“It’s always l–like this,” he stuttered out pressing his crotch into your hand.

“Being close to you is enough for me to be like that.”

You almost laughed at that revelation: you had no idea what’s happening, but you weren’t going to complain for sure. Someone you desired was laying right there next to you and had absolutely no problem with letting you touch him in the most intimate way – you were surely going to analyse it later, but now you were here to just enjoy it.

“Good,” you whispered softly as your fingers curled loosely around his length.

You tried your best to be careful and don’t go too fast because you weren’t sure about the kind of stimulation the friction was creating. You believed that Vernon’d tell you if something was unpleasant for him but right now he seemed to be content with your doings: soft whimpers and moans were falling from his lips as he moved his hips along with your hand.

“I need more, please, give me more,” he finally choked out in a shaky voice.

“Show me,” you said only pressing yourself against him as close as it was humanly possible.

Your pussy was soaking but for a reason it didn’t bother you that much yet: now you were getting drunk on the noises Vernon was making, the firmness of his swollen shaft under your hand and his warm body next to yours.

“H–here,” he whispered hoarsely as he slipped your hand into his shorts.

His skin must have been on fire as you felt like your fingers burned just from touching him. You had to licked your hand before showing it back into his pants and curling your fingers around him. Vernon moaned your name for the first time, and you swallowed hard trying to focus on continuing what you were doing.

“Good god, you sound so hot my pussy’s practically dripping,” you sighed as your hand moved up and down in a steady rhythm.

He chuckled only to choke on a groan that escaped his throat – you started to thumb his sensitive slit. Vernon cried out when you speed up your previous tempo and started to twist your wrist around the head from time to time.

“I don’t think I can take it any more,” he panted out shamelessly fucking your hand.

“Then come,” you said mischievously tightening your grip a little.

Vernon threw his head back crying out your name quietly, his cock pulsating in your hand as the wetness covered your fingers slowly. You stroked him until he begged you to stop, his whole body trembling from aftershocks.

“You okay there, honey?” you asked lifted yourself on the elbow to reach out with your free hand to caress his hair.

He didn’t answer for a while: just breathed heavily with his eyes closed, holding your cum stained hand tightly in his right hand. You waited patiently for him to recover and then finally he opened his eyes to look up at you. His stare involuntarily dropped to your lips and his whole face flushed even deeper than it already was.

“Want to show me how to touch you?” he asked quietly while looking up at you from under his long eyelashes.

You couldn’t help but smirk taking his hand into yours – the fun just began.

Copyright © 2020-2022 by byzantiumshades. All rights reserved.

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Pairing: sub!Johnny x reader

Genre: Smut & slight fluff

Words: 1 112

Summary: If there was something Johnny regretted in your relationship, it was how he naively thought he could win whenever you two made a bet. After so many times, he should’ve known better, really.

Read here

Pairing: Kim Seokjin (BTS) x fem!readerGenre: SmutContains: Pegging, dirty talk, spanking, the use o

Pairing: Kim Seokjin (BTS) x fem!reader

Genre: Smut

Contains:Pegging, dirty talk, spanking, the use of butt plug, praise kink, ass play, hand job

Word count:2545

AU: Royal AU

A/N:Part 1 of the Her Beloved Consorts series!  The stories are loosely connected by the persona of the Empress-reader and, of course, take place in the same universe.


As you waited for his arrival, you settled comfortably on the enormous wooden chair that stood behind the worktable. No wonder he had to have such sizeable seat – Seokjin was a substantial young man after all. He must’ve felt powerful sitting here, you were sure of that. Maybe even as powerful as you felt sitting on your throne.

Looking around the room briefly, you chuckled seeing how organized everything was in here: all the papers neatly arranged, even the gaps between the writing utensils were perfectly equal. There was no doubt it was Seokjin’s work space.

You heard his footsteps just before the door opened wide, and Seokjin walked in immediately taking up half of the space with his very presence, not to mention with his body.

“Your Majesty,” he said going down on one knee in front of you and bowing his head with utmost respect.

You always liked how he placed his right hand on his heart only when greeting you – a gesture reserved only for you with a deeper meaning behind it. While greeting the rest of your family, Seokjin was simply placing his left hand on his chest. An incurable romantic, that general of yours.

“General Kim,” you answered with a smile and motioned for him to stand up.

Even though you were sure he must’ve run here, he wasn’t even slightly out of breath. His well-fitted uniform emphasized his silhouette, and you were sure you wouldn’t be able to find even a single fault in it – Seokjin always looked exemplary, just like a face of your army should. His long cloak always made him appear even bigger than he already was, its colour fitting his golden complexion perfectly. You often wondered how dangerous he must seem to others: he was after all not only physically large and clearly muscled but also had that charismatic aura that made people tremble in fear in front of him. His gentle side was reserved for your eyes only.

“You must be wondering why I summoned you, general. To your own study on top of that,” you mused placing your chin on your hand.

“I admit I’m curious about the reason, but I believe it must have been an important issue, Your Majesty,” Seokjin answered with the softest of smiles.

His whole face brightened from that, and you felt your chest tighten a little at the very sight – you loved seeing him smile. Indeed, that vulnerable expression was reserved only for you, as usually his face was looking rather cold. He was a great beauty but in a chic yet cool way that was only emphasized by his straightforward personality.

“Well,” you smirked mischievously as you stood up from your seat.

A deep blush bloomed on Seokjin’s cleanly shaved cheeks, and he swallowed thickly seeing a well-known object: a thick phallus made of perfectly smooth glass was fastened to your hips with leather straps. He shifted uncomfortably trying to discreetly adjust his cock in his pants but to no avail: you could already see the outline of his length appearing on the soft fabric. Seokjin must have been aware of that fact too as he glued his stare to the floor clearly avoiding your eyes.

“If you’d be that kind, general Kim, and come here,” you gestured nonchalantly to the space next to you, deciding not to address his visibly growing problem.

Still looking down he approached you, stopping mere centimetres away from your body. The dildo brushed his thigh to which he blushed beautifully and bit his plump lower lip. No matter how many times you have already played this game, he was still shy about it.

“Aren’t you gorgeous, my love,” you said in hushed voice, looking up at him in awe.

You couldn’t help but smile lovingly as you took one of his large hands into both of your smaller ones to press a soft kiss to his knuckles. When you kissed his soft lips, Seokjin moaned your name sweetly before kissing you back. You’d never get bored with kissing him, you were sure of that. As you moved away slowly Seokjin sighed quietly, looking at you from under his long eyelashes with such raw emotions in his eyes that your breath was caught up in your throat.

“Your Majesty,” he breathed out making the tension in the room even more noticeable.

You understood the politically problematic situation you were in as the Empress: you had to take consorts to create new alliances and improve the already existing ones. People around you advised you to be indifferent towards those men, telling you that they don’t matter much but such attitude enraged you – you weren’t this kind of person. You believed that it was your duty to give every single one of them your attention, in more ways than one.

“Bend over the table,” you commanded brushing his sharp jaw line with your lips.

“Y–Your Majesty I have an inspection,” Seokjin choked out bashfully but nevertheless threw his head back to give you better access to his long neck.

“What kind of?” you asked gently pushing him towards the wooden furniture.

Before he knew it, Seokjin was already laying down on his stomach on the hard tabletop, and you were pushing his heavy cloak to the side. Your hands wandered over his clothed thighs and back, marvelling over the sturdy muscles sculptured by years of intense training.

“There–there is a unit that was making trouble recently, and I need to, no, I have to inspect it, Your Majesty,” he panted out pressing his forehead against the solid wood.

“And I have to inspect your beautiful backside, general Kim,” you shrugged with a smirk while tugging his pants down to expose said backside.

“And let me tell you, general Kim, that it’s also a matter of great importance.”

He was clearly embarrassed: the back of his neck and the tips of his ears were crimson now, and you could feel arousal coiling in your belly already. You couldn’t help but slap the back of his thick thigh slightly to which Seokjin groaned your name. Your precious general; ever so proper with the protocol, yet he was always moaning your actual name when he was losing it – just thinking about it made your pussy clench. The power you had over that man was absolutely delighting.

“You’re so good, general Kim, always ready for me,” you sighed spreading his ass cheeks to take a better look on a sizeable pink diamond sitting between them.

You liked seeing him in pink as it made his honey-like complexion stand out beautifully while emphasizing his golden brown eyes. A silver butt plug decorated with a gem definitely wasn’t a common gift for a lover, but you were never the one to settle for ordinary. It was absolutely thrilling to know that he was wearing it all this time and even more thrilling to imagine how full he must have feel because of that.

“You’re also naughty, my dear. Walking around with such a pretty thing in your tight hole, giving orders and having inspections. What’d your soldiers say to that?”

You grabbed the end of the plug and slowly pulled it out only to push it back inside and hit his prostate. Seokjin groaned, his hands grabbing the edge of the worktable tightly. You worked him open thoroughly, mindful of the fact that you were preparing him for a much bigger toy that the one you were currently using.

“I–I don’t know, Your Majesty,” he managed to choke out between taking quick and shallow breaths.

“Bet they’d love to see their general taking it in the ass from their magnificent Empress,” you chuckled as you took the plug out entirely and placed it on the side.

“Bet they’d want to take it from the Empress too,” Seokjin answered in a playful tone, even turning slightly to wink at you with that sweet smile of his.

“Well, it’s not like I’d decline their request,” you said nonchalantly positioning the tip of your glass cock in front of his entrance.

In the meantime you poured a generous amount of oil on it but just in case you spread the substance between his cheeks too. Seokjin pushed back against your fingers, as if trying to slip them inside somehow. With a scoff you slapped his ass with your clean hand and moved it to his hip.

“Are you ready, my dear?”

“For you always, Your Majesty,” he moaned softly as your cock has already started to stretch his hole.

Even though you took your time with the preparation he still felt the burn; pleasure mixed with pain in his mind. After you bottomed out, you waited patiently for him to get used to it. He was breathing heavily as you massaged his lower back soothingly with your clean hand.

“It’s–It’s fine, Your Majesty. Please, move,” Seokjin finally said in a trembling voice, his shoulders visibly tense under the fine linen shirt.

“Are you sure, love?” you asked leaning forward slightly to place a gentle kiss between his clothed shoulder blades.

That simple gesture seemed to have a calming effect on him as his muscles slowly started to relax. With a small smile you rubbed your face into the soft fabric breathing his scent in and making him sigh sweetly. It took a few more minutes for the tension to leave his body as your hands wandered over his body in a sensuous manner.

“Your Majesty,” Seokjin said in a slightly hoarse voice.

“Yes?” you asked simply as your nails gently scratched the back of his thigh.

“Fuck me, please,” he hummed changing his footing slightly to stand firmer and grabbing the edge of the table tightly.

“As you wish, general Kim.”

Your muscles were hurting a little from standing in such position for quite some time, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care at the moment. You were about to turn you precious consort into a fucking mess, so you’ll worry about the cramps later. There are priorities in life, after all.

“Good God, Your Majesty,” Seokjin yelped as you grabbed his slim hips firmly and started to pound into him unceremoniously.

“What is it, love? Didn’t you just ask me to fuck you?” you panted out slightly out of breath as the dildo moved in and out his flushed hole in a rather fast pace.

“Yes, yes, fuck, yes,” he moaned in the answer which made you smirk.

Your grunts of effort mixed with his soft whimpers, moans and occasional begs, and if you weren’t already wet, those little sounds he was making made you completely soaked. Slowing down just a little you reached around to curl the fingers of your oil-slicked hand around his shaft.

“Oh, Your Majesty, you’re making me feel so good,” he groaned pushing back against you.

“Aren’t I always?” you chuckled in the answer as your hand started to move slowly up and down his swollen shaft.

“Your cock must be so pretty right now, general Kim. Curious what’d your subordinates said if they walked into is like that,” you mused thumbing his sensitive slit.

“They–They’d probably think that I look–that I look gorgeous, Your Majesty,” he moaned out spreading his legs wider for you.

“And they wouldn’t be wrong. After all, I don’t fuck with just anyone, I take only the best,” you purred snapping your hips into his while speeding up the tempo of the movement of your hand.

You knew very well how he liked for his cock to be played with: your grip firm yet not too tight, your strokes flowing, a little twist of wrist from time to time around the swollen head – it all made him go nuts. Feeling your hands all over his body, your sweet perfume filling his nose, your soft body pressed flush against his – he loved it, he loved you.

“Lean against me,” you murmured burring your cock as deep as you could, making him moan loudly in the answer – you must have struck his prostate.

Seokjin stood up slowly, his legs trembling ever so slightly as he obediently followed your command. Pressing your face into his muscled back you didn’t waste time and cupped his balls with your free hand. He was moaning your name sweetly along with pleas and praises as you worked on bringing him to his orgasm with both of your hands. While you fondled his sack carefully, he fucked your tightly clenched hand as fast as he could without hurting himself in the process.

“I’m–I’m coming, Your Majesty,” he cried out just before white ropes of cum shot out from his slit, sticky substance covering the table-top and some papers that laid on it.

You stroked his cock until he pleaded for you to stop. To be honest you wanted to push him further than that, but you had to stop yourself – Seokjin was a busy man after all. That little swing you just pulled was risky enough, and you were quite surprised that none came for him yet. You suspected that everyone already knew what’s going on and simply decided to pretend that they, in fact, didn’t have the faintest idea. As much as you wanted to fuck him up, you couldn’t do so in the middle of the day when he still had work to do.

“How are you feeling, love?” you asked carefully withdrawing the dildo before swiftly unbuckling the leather straps and putting it aside.

“A little dizzy,” Seokjin murmured quietly before turning towards you and hugging you tightly.

“Please, give me a moment, Your Majesty.”

You simply hugged him back in the answer, not caring about anything else beside his warm embrace. When he finally moved away, you were about to help him put his pants back, but a mischievous idea sparked in your mind.

“If you’d be that kind and bend over for me for a second, love,” you said sweetly motioning towards the chair that stood next to him.

When he did so, you crouched and carefully spread his cheeks to take a look at his flushed hole. As it was still covered in oil, you had no problem with slipping the butt plug back inside him. He let out a breathy moan when it entered him but, sadly, you didn’t have time to play with him some more. Instead, you stood up, pulled his pants up and took a step back.

“Off to go,” you said slapping him ass briefly.

“T–Thank you, Your Majesty,” he said in a strangled voice before straightening up and smartening himself up.

“I’ll take my leave then. Duty calls, after all.”

You couldn’t help but smirk – his way of walking was a little stiff, and it made you weirdly proud to know that it was all because of your doings. You briefly looked at his worktable and chuckled to yourself – someone would have to clean this mess. There was no way the whole palace wouldn’t know what happened here at the end of the day.

“Think about me,” you called after him in a clearly amused voice.

“There’s no doubt I’ll, Your Majesty,” he murmured bashfully in the answer before leaving the room.

That’s exactly what you were hoping for.

Copyright © 2020-2022 by byzantiumshades. All rights reserved.

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Pairing: sub!Hyunjin x reader

Genre: Angst, smut & fluff

Words: 1 170 - 3 250

Summary: Hoping to find a lover whom he could trust and share mutual respect with, Hwang Hyunjin got his fingers burnt. Now, with a great dose of courage and the utter support from his friends, he learns how to accept himself for whom he truly is, not who society wants him to be. In the meantime, he also discovers that perhaps everything he needed was in front of his nose all along.

Part 1 |Part 2 |Part 2.5 |Part 3 

Pairing: Choi San (Ateez) x fem!readerGenre: SmutContains: Cunnilingus, face-sitting, masturbation (

Pairing: Choi San (Ateez) x fem!reader

Genre: Smut

Contains: Cunnilingus, face-sitting, masturbation (mentioned), hair pulling

Word count: 1764


San wasn’t entirely sure who was he trying to fool by saying that he’s not afraid of thunder. Truth to be told he was absolutely terrified and even after it finally ended he still wasn’t having it. It didn’t take long for him to gather his bedding and rush to your bedroom in search of comfort. Maybe if he wasn’t this distracted he would have knocked before entering but, well, he was, and he didn’t.

“Oh,” he breathed out quietly before immediately closing his eyes and turning around.

He could hear you moving frantically behind him for some time before you cleared your throat audibly which he acknowledged as a permission to face you again.

“You shouldn’t barge into my room just like that. Why are you here San?” you asked sounding rather calm in his opinion.

You were already clothed: a simple cotton t-shirt and a pair of panties were covering your intimate parts, as you were sitting comfortably on the bed with your legs crossed. The only sign of your embarrassment was your brightly flushed face, but otherwise you looked perfectly composed – as if he didn’t just walk into you masturbating.

“I’m sorry,” San blurted out hugging his pillow tightly and feeling hot all over.

“I was still scared because of the thunder and I wanted to stay with you. I should have knocked.”

He couldn’t forget the way you massaged your stiffened nipple or the way your free hand moved teasingly between your legs. Your eyes closed tightly, lips slightly ajar – your raw expression full of pleasure was imprinted in his mind. San shifted subtly to cover his crotch better as his cock already started to harden and his shorts were pretty thin. He wouldn’t dare to address that, and he didn’t want you to notice it either.

“May I please sleep here?” he asked tilting his head slightly.

You nodded patting the mattress beside you – your bed was more than enough for you two. You liked to have a lot of space around you, and it showed even in your choice of bedroom furniture. San liked that too, mostly in situations like this one: he felt safe just lying next to you.

“Suit yourself,” you shrugged before lying down and covering yourself with a duvet.

An awkward silence seated in as he approached the bed shyly and put his pillow next to yours before settling under the blanket he brought with himself. The silence was unbelievably heavy, and he couldn’t help but feel guilty of his arousal. He squirmed for a few minutes before finally deciding to lay on his side, facing you.

“Are you mad?” San asked softly poking your shoulder.

When you didn’t answer immediately, he moved closer to rub his face against your upper arm.

“A little,” you admitted finally.

“I’m sorry,” he murmured looking up at you.

Your eyes were open, but your stare was burning a hole in the ceiling as you refused to look at him.

“I didn’t mean to barge in like that.”

After a few moments you sighed before turning to your side to face him properly.

“Look, I don’t want to be mad at you for such a trivial thing, but I am, and I cannot change that. I was close to the orgasm, and then you ruined it. What do you expect me to act like?”

San gaped at your wordlessly taken aback by your bluntness.

“I sure am not happy, sweetheart. I really wanted to come.”

His cock twitched in his shorts, but he ignored that and tried to think of something he could do to compensate it to you. Then it struck him – there was, after all, something he could do. He just needed your permission.

“I–I can fix that,” he said hoarsely looking at you from under his long eyelashes.

“How so?” you asked clearly amused by his flustered expression.

“May I eat you out?” he asked sitting up.

You just stared at him wordlessly for what felt like forever – now you were the flustered one. San started to worry that he crossed the unsaid line with the worst possible outcome, but then you sat up too and touched his face gently.

“Sannie,” you said with a serious expression.

“Are you sure about that? You don’t have to force yourself, I’ll be fine.”

“No, no, I–I want to. I really want to,” he blurted out lowering his eyes as his face warmed up.

You tucked a stray strand of hair behind his ear with a soft smile playing on your lips. Before he knew it you were carefully kissing his cheekbone, then his temple only to lightly bite his earlobe mere seconds later – gently, oh so gently, as if you were afraid he’d move away from you.

“Then please do so,” you whispered lowly, your thumb caressing his cheek.

With his heart pounding like crazy in his chest he moved your duvet to the side and seated between your spread legs. Putting another pillow behind your back you slowly leaned against it – no way you were going to miss even a single second from this. San in the meantime leaned down already and took his sweet time with massaging and kissing your thighs, marvelling over the softness of your skin under his fingers. He looked up at you briefly before moving your panties to the side and taking a good look at your glistening pussy.

“You’re so pretty,” he breathed out in awe licking his lips.

“I know,” you chuckled nonchalantly, but his words made your chest feel tight.

With a soft smile he shook his head slightly, his hair tickling your inner thighs in the process. He put your legs carefully on his broad shoulders placing your thighs on sides of his head.

“Did I already tell you that I like how humble you’re,” he snickered good-naturedly rolling his eyes at your remark.

Your own laugh turned into a gasp when he licked a long stripe from your entrance to your clit and repeated the motion a few times not focusing on any particular part of your pussy. You wanted to scold him for teasing you before you realized that he didn’t intend to do so – he was, in fact, tasting you. That goddamn man was savouring your pussy like he wanted to imprint the taste in his memory forever. Finally, he rubbed his face against your lower lips smearing your juices across his cheeks and nose. He looked up, and held your stare as he traced some random patterns on your clit with the tip of his tongue. You were slowly losing it, and you were perfectly aware of that.

“San,” you moaned when his lips closed around your clit, and he sucked hard.

“Fuck, babe,” you breathed out, grabbing a fistful of his locks and pulling him ever closer than he already was.

It felt as if his tongue was everywhere in the same time: toying with your swollen clit, parting your lower lips to lick the sensitive skin between them, sliding through your entrance to taste you literally inside out. With every lick, kiss and suck your delayed orgasm was nearing faster and faster and your thighs already trembled from the effort, slowly closing around his head and trapping him. However, you didn’t want to end it this quickly.

“I’m gonna come any minute so better stop, honey,” you rasped out tugging on his hair playfully.

“Not sure about you, love, but I’m having way too much fun for it to end already.”

You took off your trembling legs from his shoulders letting him move away and catch his breath.

“You wanna sit on my face then?” he asked innocently tilting his head.

He looked like a fucking mess, and it was such a sexy look on him, you really had to forcefully stop yourself from jumping on him. His hair were ruffled because of your fingers, eyes darkened by desire, lower half of his face sticky from your juices, and you were about to turn him into an even bigger mess. You had no idea what you did to deserve such a man in your bed, but you weren’t going to complain about it for sure. In fact, you were about to ravish him.

“Who wouldn’t want to ride that gorgeous face,” you purred in the answer pushing him flat on the bed.

San let out a strangled gasp at your words, his face changing colour to a deeper shade of red. He looked down sheepishly, and you couldn’t help but chuckle at that adorable reaction.

“Oh come on, love, you know you’re hot,” you said caressing his cheek with one of your hands before carefully placing your knees on the sides of his head.

“I mean, yeah, but I didn’t expect you to think so too,” he murmured sounding embarrassed before placing his hands on your thighs to support your weight.

You opened your mouth to ask for the reason behind such thinking, but a throaty moan escaped it instead as San started to vigorously tongue-fuck you. The tip of his nose rubbed against your swollen clit, and you were already feeling the tension building again in your core. You grabbed his hair with one hand to have something to hold onto as he tirelessly worked to bring you to an orgasm.

“You’re so good at it,” you panted out with a chuckle to which he looked up at you and winked in the answer.

You yelped in surprise when he grabbed your hips and brought you down – now his face was pressed flush against your lower lips. When his lips closed around your clit, you knew you were done for. Due to all the edging, both intentional and unintentional, your orgasm came down on you like a tsunami wave crushing everything on its way and leaving you blissfully boneless. You barely managed to untangle yourself from San’s embrace and feel down on the bed trying to calm down your rapidly beating heart. Your thighs trembled in aftershock, pussy throbbing from sudden oversensitivity and the pleasure still echoed within your body while the perpetrator of it all laid next to you grinning like a Cheshire cat.

“If you’re this exemplary in fixing your mistakes, I should let you do them more often,” you said amusedly while combing fingers through your tangled hair.

“I’m a man of many talents,” he answered before propping himself up on the elbow.

“I can show you all of them.”

You turned your head to look at him.

“Then what are you waiting for, love?”

Copyright © 2020-2022 by byzantiumshades. All rights reserved.

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Pairing: sub!Jisung x reader | sub!Hyunjin x reader


Words: 383 | 815

Summary: There is a time to keep silent and a time to speak, they say. Sadly, you don’t appreciate those who only watch from the shadows in silence. Nor does your boyfriend.

Chapter 1|Chapter 2

Pairing: Jung Jaehyun (NCT) x fem!readerGenre: SmutContains: Dirty talk, kissing, name-calling, hair

Pairing: Jung Jaehyun (NCT) x fem!reader


Contains: Dirty talk, kissing, name-calling, hair pulling, humiliation, thigh riding, orgasm denial, jealousy, possessiveness, bondage

Word count: 3122


“Perfect,” you hum to yourself as you finish checking the tightness of the bindings, then take a small step back to take him in properly.

“Is that it?” he asks, adorably tilting his head to the side.

You nod, smiling as you look him up and down. It was a truly great decision to tie his wrists behind the chair he’s sitting on: this position emphasizes his broad shoulders beautifully, drawing the attention to the sharp collarbones and thick neck. Your eyes wander over his muscled chest for a moment, before your stare follows down the dark path of the hair on his lower abdomen. His cock is resting comfortably on his thigh, not even half-hard yet, but it’s slowly starting to swell under your hungry gaze. Good.

“You think those are gonna stop me?” Jaehyun questions, genuinely curious, the muscles of his arms flexing.

You take a step forward, positioning yourself between his spread legs.

“Of course not, love. I’m perfectly aware that you’re more than capable of freeing yourself this very moment,” you answer, your fingers lazily playing with his thick locks.

“Then why did you tie me up in the first place?”

A devilish chuckle leaves your lips before you press a sweet kiss to his forehead.

“Because you’re a strong man, right, Jaehyun?” you say, your voice sweet but your eyes darkened already.

“I–Yeah, I am,” he murmurs, instantly getting what you’re referring to.

You place your index finger under his chin and push it up, tilting his head back, so he’s looking right into your eyes.

“If I didn’t restrain you, you could grab me and have your way with me, babe.”

A shiver runs down his naked back, his cock twitches on his thigh. He really shouldn’t have tested your patience like that, really.

“You know I wouldn’t, I’d never–,” the words die on his lips when you dig your nails into his bicep, and he gasps in pain.

“Such a strong man, and he’s all mine,” you hum, the fingertips of your other hand brushing his nipple.

His cheeks are burning as arousal mixes with shame.

“I’m sorry,” he chokes out, both his voice and his expression earnest. “I’m truly sorry.”

Jaehyun always thought that he’s an independent man who needs both the affection and the space from his partner, and so he was actively searching for someone who’d understand his needs. However, shortly after he started dating you, he realized that he might have been wrong about himself all this time.

“It’s too late to be sorry, love,” you sing, your fingers curling teasingly around his neck now.

You make him feel more comfortable than he ever felt before, don’t show even an ounce of jealousy, don’t fuss over his outing with friends – you’re everything he ever wanted in a partner. Or so he thought because it didn’t take much time for him to come to the realization that he doesn’t like that. He doesn’t fucking like that at all.

“You could’ve come to me, and we’d have talk it out like we usually do,” you click your tongue, roughly grabbing the hair on the nape of his neck.

At some point it occurred to him that what he actually wants is for you to show everyone that he’s your man, that no one can lay a finger on him because he’s already taken by you. You, however, didn’t seem to be interested in that kind of display of affection, so Jaehyun decided to take the matters into his own hands. Needless to say, it didn’t go as well as he hoped for it to go.

“For some reason you’ve chosen such a childish approach to the problem, and look where we’re right now. We could’ve avoided it, you could’ve avoided it, Jaehyun.”

He knows very well what he did wrong, and he regrets it deeply, but you’re right – it’s already too late. You pull on his hair harder, your expression one of utter boredom, but your eyes are full of rage.

“I wanted to get your attention,” he groans, desperately trying to explain himself, his breath coming out in short pants as he blinks quickly to keep the tears at bay.

“Oh? Is that why you let that woman talk and act like that towards you?”

Tears of shame roll down his cheeks: it hurts so badly, but at the same time feels so good.

“Congratulations then, babe, your mission was a great success,” you scoff, yanking at his locks for the last time before finally letting go.

Taking a deep breath to calm yourself down, you start to slowly circle around the chair. He groans softly when the tips of your nails teasingly scratching the skin between his shoulder blades. Then you lean on him, your forearms placed on his shoulders as you rest your chin on the top of his head.

“You see, Jaehyun,” you hum softly. “The fact that I don’t show my jealousy for everyone to see doesn’t mean I don’t feel it. You of all people should know better than assuming that I’m not paying attention to all those bastards who constantly flirt with you.”

He tries to tilt his head to look at you but fails as you firmly keep him in place.

“So you were– you’re jealous of me?” he questions, the disbelief evident in his voice.

Your laugh is dangerously low, definitely not one of amusement.

“Oh, sweetheart. When I saw you with that bitch, the only thing I wanted to do was to grab her by the hair and drag her straight to hell for daring to lay her hands on my man.”

Jaehyun swallows thickly, hearing your words. Had he ever hear you being this possessive towards him?

“And when I heard that lame dirty talk about bending her over, about how she’d take your cock well and moan like a bitch for you, good god, I don’t think I’ve ever been this close to slapping someone.”

“O–oh,” he breathes out, not being able to articulate anything remotely intelligent due to his mind being completely blank.

“Although I must say that when I reminded myself about this situation later, I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. Can you imagine? Promising to be a bitch to someone who’s already a slut to someone else. That’s hilarious,” you hum, your lips softly touching the crown of his head. “Anyway, you should be thankful that I’m a well-raised woman, Jaehyun, truly. I’d never cause a scene like that, even though I’d love to fuck you senseless right in front of them.”

He’s not even sure if he’s still breathing, the arousal clouding his mind. His cock is painfully hard now, the weeping head making a mess on his lower abdomen – all that because of your words.

“But you know what’s the worst? I’d have forgiven you without much trouble if she was the only one playing that game but no, you, my love, played along on purpose. All those touches, those words – you did all of that hoping I’d notice, your eyes always searching for me in the crowd to check out my reaction.”

You move away lazily, circling the chair to stand right between his legs once again. Jaehyun gapes at you in silence, his dark eyes still glossy with tears, cheeks flushed deeply, full lips puffy from gnawing on it.

“I thought I was giving you exactly what you wanted, Jaehyun – your beloved space, your precious freedom. I thought that this is what you need, but I was wrong, clearly. All this time, you just wanted to be owned, and I simply didn’t notice.”

“W–well it’s not that I want to be literally owned or something,” he laughs nervously, averting his eyes, long eyelashes brushing his cheekbones.

“So you don’t want people to know that you belong to me?” you ask, tilting your head slightly to the side with a smirk adorning your lips.

“N–no, I–,” he manages to stutter out before he cuts himself off and falls silent.

He doesn’t look up, but the blush adorning his cheeks deepens, the redness slowly starting to creep down his neck to expand onto his chest. From the corner of your eye you can see his cock twitching, and you can’t help but smile, noticing a bead of pre-cum slowly rolling down his shaft, leaving behind a shining trail. You barely started playing with him, and he’s this aroused already – adorable, that bastard of a man.

“If you don’t want to be honest with me, at least be honest with yourself, Jaehyun,” you huff, rolling your eyes as you take a step back and unzip your pants.

You’re aware of his dark eyes following your movements hungrily, but you don’t give a single fuck: you’re not in the mood to give him a show. Instead, you calmly push the fabric down your legs, before neatly folding the pants and putting them to the side. Your pragmatic behaviour must have affected him in a way, however, because Jaehyun is barely breathing before you even reach towards your underwear.

“You would look nice if I gagged you with my panties, you know,” you say with a small smirk. “But, besides the fact that I don’t want to pointlessly ruin my underwear, I’d not be able to hear you begging for mercy.”

“Please,” he breathes out, and you let out a chuckle.

“You’re already warming up, I see. No need to rush, sweetheart, we have plenty of time.”

As you slide your panties down your legs, you immediately notice how damp the fabric in the middle is, which causes you to roll your eyes with an amusement.

“See what you’re doing to me?” you ask, lazily waving your panties right in front of his face.

He’s clearly having trouble focusing, but you can see it when the realization dawns on him: his pupils dilate visibly, and his cock jumps slightly, causing you to grin widely.

“Maybe you should act out more often, Jaehyun,” you muse, leaning towards him. “Showing you your rightful place surely makes my pussy wet as hell.”

He opens his mouth to say something, but a surprised groan escapes instead as your lips land on his, and you swiftly slip your tongue in. Jaehyun immediately starts sucking on it, forgetting about whatever he wanted to say mere seconds before. Your fingers rake through his thick hair, your nails scratching his scalp exactly as he likes it – you can’t help but smirk as he mewls softly in the answer.

“Now, now,” you pant out, swallowing heavily as you move away.

Jaehyun doesn’t want to let you go like that, following after you in hopes of touching your lips with his once again.

“Aren’t you eager, my dear. Worry not, the real fun is just starting,” you chuckle, pecking his swollen lips one last time before straddling his thigh.

You can see his eyes rolling back slightly before he throws his head back, showing off his deliciously thick neck. His voice’s so fucking rough when he says your name, sounding as if intoxicated – there’s a high possibility that you’d be able to get off to his reactions alone. To your absolute delight, Jaehyun seems to be in love in your body nearly as much as he loves your mind, and that says something.

“You seem to like the feeling of my bare pussy pressed against your skin,” you muse, tapping your lips with your index finger, as if you didn’t already know that fact very well.

“You–your lips are so soft and slick, and, fuck, I want to make you come so bad,” he pants out, his impossibly dark eyes boring into yours.

It’s obvious that he’s struggling to control himself: the muscles of his arms are visibly tensed and for a moment you think that he might just free himself out of your ties, but no – Jaehyun wants to prove to you that he’s better than that. After all, you gave him a challenge and there’s not a chance in hell he’s going to lose just like that. With visible difficulty, he calms himself down, forcefully relaxing his muscles and taking a few deep breaths.

“Well, you kind of will,” you shrug, placing your hands on his broad shoulders for the leverage.

With a small grunt, you rise your hips a bit, and start to slowly rock them against his leg. At first the friction isn’t a pleasurable one, but soon tension starts to build in your underbelly. As you steadily move against him, your muscles start to ache and your breath starts to stutter, but you can already tell that it’s gonna be worth it.

“ Jaehyun,” you sigh right into his ear, knowing very well what kind of effect it’s going to have on him.

And indeed, his cock jumps between your bodies, his weeping head brushing the skin of your abdomen ever so slightly. It makes your core clench on its own, just thinking how this situation gets him going. After all, you’re this close to him, yet still too far for him to reach.

“Please,” he breathes simply, his expression pleading.

How he begs so beautifully with that handsome face of his – you’ll never get over it.

“I’ll never do something like that again, I promise. I’ll be good, good just for you,” Jaehyun begs quietly as he moves his head forward, trying to place a kiss somewhere on your face.

You let him do so, leaning towards him so that his soft lips can touch everywhere he can reach. You’re not going to lie: you’re weak for his sweet kisses, for those pouty lips caressing your body lovingly. However, this isn’t time for a reward but for a punishment so, even though it hurts you to do so, you grab him by the hair and forcefully pull him away.

“You’re forgetting yourself, Jaehyun. This is not for you but for me,” you scoff, rolling your eyes as if in irritation.

“I’m not like that woman, babe. I won’t just give you what you want, no, I’ll make you work for it, make you beg for it.”

Your thighs ache more and more as time passes, but you don’t want to give up right now when you’re this close to orgasm. You can’t even tell what makes you feel more aroused: moving against his thigh or treating him in such way. Being this rough with him, speaking such words – there’s something in acting like this that makes you feel deeply excited. You’re now soaking wet and every single flex of his muscles sends jolts of pleasure through your whole body, that’s how excited it makes you feel.

Jaehyun only cries out your name in the answer, and you can’t help but smirk – such pleasure to torment him, indeed. You take a look down to see his angrily red cock all wet from arousal and smirk even wider.

“Rubbing my pussy against you is fun, I’m not going to lie, but you know what would be even better? Your lips closed around my swollen clit as you massage it with your tongue,” you sigh, throwing your head back as the memories of such situations flood your mind. “How good it’d feel to have the head of your cock parting my lips to slowly enter my pussy, as my muscles ache from the stretch before they relax enough for me to move.”

“Fuck, I’m sorry, love, it’ll never happen again,” Jaehyun grunts, his body unbelievably tensed as he tries to control himself.

“Of course it won’t,” you chuckle in the answer, your movements much less regular now as the tingling in your body only gets stronger and stronger.

“If you do that again, there will be no mercy, Jaehyun . No fucking mercy,” you growl, digging your nails hard into his skin.

“You won’t be able to, ah, fucking walk for days I, fuck, I assure you, ah,” you manage to add before your voice cracks, and you finally come.

You can barely keep your body up now, your thighs shaking violently as your muscles clench tightly around nothing. The waves of pleasure wash over your body as you try to catch your breath, desperately gasping for breath as a joyful laugh bubbles in your chest. Everything feels so goddamn good.

In the end, it takes you a few minutes to get both your body and mind to function properly. When you finally get yourself together enough to take a proper look at your partner, you almost laugh out loud happily. Jaehyun looks like you’ve fucked with him for hours already, and to be frank, there’s something in such view that make you feel proud of yourself. You can already tell that when you finally grant him his orgasm, he’s going to lose it completely. What a shame that this is not going to happen in the near future.

“This was so good, my love,” you tell him, placing a chaste kiss on his cheek. “I was on the verge of going crazy here, really.”

“I still am,” Jaehyun answers hoarsely. “Will you touch me, please?”

“Sure, but not right now.”

“Pardon?” Jaehyun chokes out, gaping at you, completely stupefied.

“I’m kinda hungry, you see, and I’m going to get myself something to eat. Some water too would be great,” you hum in the answer, standing up carefully.

You have to rest your hand on his shoulder as the dull ache hits you.

“Damn, my legs are going to kill me later,” you comment with a chuckle as you bend your knee with a quiet moan of pain.

You can basically see the moment the realization downs on him.

“Babe,” he pleads quietly, sending you a begging stare from under his long eyelashes – he knows what he’s doing, clearly.

But it’s not going to work today.

“I should go and rest for now, gonna be back later though. Thankfully, the heating system is great in this building, so you’re not gonna catch a cold,” you inform him instead, already walking towards the door.

“And just so you know, don’t you fucking dare to free yourself and play with that pretty cock of yours. When I’m back, we’ll be picking it up exactly as I leave it.”

Jaehyun only nods obediently, knowing very well that there’s nothing he can do now.

“Gonna be back later,” you send him a last playful grin before you close the door.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Jaehyun sighs, shaking his head as he eyes the weeping head of his cock.

“This is going to be a long day”, he murmurs to himself, knowing very well that he just gets what he deserves.

Bad boys don’t get what they want, after all.

Copyright © 2020-2022 by byzantiumshades. All rights reserved.

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Pairing: Mark Lee (NCT) x fem!readerGenre: SmutContains: Dirty talk, marking, making out, kissing, h

Pairing: Mark Lee (NCT) x fem!reader


Contains: Dirty talk, marking, making out, kissing, hand job, cunnilingus, hair pulling, coming untouched

Word count:2391

A/N:  The Dancing With Fire trilogy: Part 1,Part 2


Getting your well-deserved rest after a long day didn’t seem to be an option for you today, as you heard someone rather aggressively knocking on your door. Quite a few times more than it was necessary at 11PM, in  your opinion.

“What on earth?” you snapped, opening the door with full intend to scold the person responsible for disturbing your peaceful evening.

To be frank, you could’ve expected literally anyone but Mark Lee.

“Hi,” he choked out, breathing heavily as if he had just finished a marathon.

Clearly chilled to the bone, to crown it all. Your irritation melted into a resignation, as you sighed heavily before quickly ushering him inside your apartment. For some reason, his hair seemed to be damp, which caused your irritation to make an appearance once again.

“I always thought that you’re on the smarter side, honey, but it seems that in reality you’re a complete idiot,” you scoffed, already searching for a blanket to help him warm up a little.

Visibly flabbergasted, Mark couldn’t utter a single word, his recent confidence gone the very moment your powerful persona entered the picture. He caught a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror, and he had to admit that you weren’t wrong in the slightest – he looked like a fucking mess.

“Thanks,” he managed to say, rolling his eyes as if offended by your comment.

His words, however, didn’t match his overall bashful behaviour. Deep down, Mark knew that the scolding you were giving him was a well-deserved one.

“You must have been in a hurry. You didn’t even notice that it’s freezing outside, did you?”

Mark looked away, clearly ashamed: he did notice that it was cold, yes, but he didn’t give a single fuck about it – he needed to see you. With another sigh, you handled him the blanket, and sat on the couch, trying to busy yourself with something. In the end, you reached towards the coffee table for a cup of tea you had made for yourself before he appeared on your doorstep, and took a sip of the still warm liquid.

“I had to see you,” he said after a moment of silence, his voice shaking a little.

You didn’t even realize how close he had got to you, but he now stood in front of you, towering over you.

“I can’t take it any more.”

“Take what?” you asked, looking up at him with a raised brow.

It took a lot from you to pretend that you didn’t notice his choice of words. In reality, the memory of his hungry expression mere seconds before he had kissed you broke the surface of your mind almost immediately, causing your pulse to speed up slightly. Suddenly you remembered everything about that moment as if it was barely yesterday that the situation had taken place.

“I–I can’t stop thinking about you, about your, well, your touch. You’re appearing even in my dreams,” Mark said, practically stumbling over his words, his fingers nervously playing with the hem of the blanket.

You calmly placed your cup back on the table, making sure that it wouldn’t get in your way in the near future.

“And what exactly am I doing in them?” you asked, tilting your head to the side with a smile.

He was standing just a touch away from you.

“Do I touch you?”

“Yes,” Mark breathed out quietly, his darkened expression telling you everything you needed to know about those dreams.

That fact, however, didn’t mean that you’d let such a perfect occasion slip away.

“Where?” you hummed, tugging on the blanket strongly enough for it to drop onto the floor.

“It always starts from the moment I’m sitting on your lap,” he answered in a hoarse voice, his eyes glued to your lips hungrily.

A surprised gasp left his lips as you grabbed him by the waist, and drew him towards you – exactly onto your lap. Due to his dumbfoundedness it wasn’t the most graceful move you had ever pulled on someone, but Mark adapted quickly, setting on your lap comfortably just like the last time.

“Like that?” you murmured, your hands slowly caressing his clothed thighs.

“Yeah, but in my dreams, you also undress me.”

You raised a brow, clearly amused by his shameless behaviour, but you’d lie if you said that you didn’t like it. Staring right into his eyes, you grabbed the hem of his, or rather yours, hoodie and started to slowly lift it up. You found that incredibly sexy that not only he was wearing your clothes, but you were also the one who was about to take them off of him.

“It’s starting rather nicely, doesn’t it,” you mused, swiftly pulling the thick fabric over his head.

Mark nodded with a small smile, the flush on his cheeks deepening in shade as you shamelessly stared at his nicely muscled arms and chest, noting the prominent collarbones, and unblemished skin that practically begged to be marked once again.

“Aren’t you gorgeous,” you sighed, your hands moving up and down his sides a few times before they started to wander over his shoulders and biceps.

It occurred to you that all this time you had seen him as just a boy: Mark had a great personality, really, but he was acting like an insecure boy that wanted to please everyone no matter what, which didn’t sit well with you. Now, however, on your lap was sitting a man, not a boy. A man who, even thought visibly flustered, was confident and determined, a little selfish even, a man who was not afraid to go for something he wanted. You weren’t going to lie – you liked that development quite a lot.

“Look who’s talking,” he answered smoothly, taking one of your hands into his bigger one and placing it on his chest.

“You’re literally making my heart race.”

His rapid heartbeat took you by surprise, but it felt strangely pleasing to know how his body reacts to you. As you were thinking about it, a sinful thought suddenly appeared in your mind.

“Seems like your heart’s pumping a lot of blood right now,” you said lazily, a mischievous tone in your voice.

It took him a moment to get what you were referring to, but when he finally did, he hung his head low, clearly flustered by the implication. After all, his sweats did nothing to hide the already prominent bulge, so you were obviously teasing him.

“Well, it’s not like you’re wrong,” he managed to say in an incredibly embarrassed voice.

If asked, Mark wouldn’t be able to explain why exactly he was reacting like that, but he suspected it was because of you: the way you spoke, the way you were touching him, the way you were looking at him. He often pondered over such turn of events in the seclusion of his bedroom, but it didn’t really occur to him how much of an impact your mere presence would have on him if his fantasies became reality.

“As much as I want to see you naked, there’s something I need to do first,” you said with a smile that made a shiver of excitement run down his spine.

When your lips landed on the skin just beneath his jaw, Mark instinctively threw his head back. One of your arms circled his waist, as the other slipped between your bodies to massage his stiffened cock. Your fingers cupped him through the fabric of his sweats, careful not to hurt him as you started to move your hand along his clothed shaft.

“Fuck, oh, fuck,” Mark moaned, feeling your lips moving down his neck, undoubtedly leaving more or less visible marks behind.

The way he choked out your name when the tip of your tongue traced the shape of his Adam’s apple made your core clench deliciously. Those soft noises he was making, his cock getting harder by the second under your ministrations, his soft skin that tasted so sweetly on your lips – your body was on fire, and it was all because of him. Mark Lee was driving you crazy.

“Good god, the sounds you’re making make me even more aroused,” you sighed, peppering his collarbones with open-mouthed kisses.

Mark let out a quiet chuckle, hearing your words.

“Well, that’s because you’re making me feel so damn good, and I can’t control myself around you,” he said, throwing his arms around your neck, his lips connecting with yours mere seconds later.

The kiss wasn’t a gentle one, no, it was hungry, aggressive even, full of desire that both of you tried to contain for the past few months. When you bit on his lower lip, he instinctively opened his mouth, giving you the chance to slip your tongue inside. When you were planning a peaceful evening for yourself a few hours ago, you certainly wouldn’t have guessed that you’ll end up with a half-naked man squirming on your lap.

“Honestly, you have no idea what you’re doing to me,” you chuckled, sucking on his lower lip to earn a sweet moan from him.

“We’re literally just making out, and my pussy’s so fucking wet right now, Jesus.”

“Should I lick it clean then?” he panted out with a smile, placing a sweet peck on your cheek.

His offer took you by surprise, and for a moment you simply couldn’t utter a single word – did he just ask to eat you out, or was it your wishful thinking?

“Oh god, please, forget that I said that,” he mumbled quickly, clearly misinterpreting your momentary silence.

“No,” you shook your head firmly, your voice hoarse to the point where you could barely recognize it.

One of your hands possessively caressed his hipbone through the fabric of his sweats, the other rubbed his thigh in a similar manner. You could feel the shiver that ran through his body, the way his breath speed up slightly when he heard the tone of your voice – he was so deliciously responsive.

“If you think that I’d pass on such an occasion, you’re wrong, Mark.”

“Am I?” he asked, dumbfounded for some reason.

“Surely. I can’t wait to see that handsome face all shiny from my cum, you see.”

Mark swallowed thickly at your answer.

“Now, you’re going to stand up, my love, and kneel in front of me,” you commanded with a soft smile playing on your lips.

There was no doubt that Mark Lee changed a lot during the last few years, but his need to please those he cherished remained all the same. The way he followed your orders, oh, so naturally, made your head spin – it was absolutely delightful.

“Damn, you look so good on your knees, did you know that?” you chuckled, standing up unhurriedly.

You slid down your sweats along with the underwear in one swift motion, and kicked it somewhere to the side. Your fingers quickly found their way into his thick locks: caressing his hair gently at first, only to grab a handful of it and tug harshly a moment later.

“Fuck, harder, please,” he groaned, his mouth slightly ajar, eyes half-closed in pleasure.

“Cute,” you commented, his behaviour making you feel even more impatient than you already were.

He’s looking up at you when his tongue slowly parted your folds, skilfully licking and sucking on them for some time before he started to tease your entrance.

“Don’t tease me,” you murmured in a cautionary tone, your hips bucking into his face instinctively.

Mark let out a soft moan when you rubbed your pussy against his lips and nose, the tip of his tongue finally slipping inside you. His hands massaged your thighs, moving to squeeze your butt from time to time, as he licked your pussy like a starved man.

“I like your taste,” he groaned, the low sound resonating in your body.

“And I like it when you taste me,” you hummed, soft whines escaping your lips here and there as he started to place open-mouthed kisses all over your lower lips.

Maybe that’s why you moaned loudly out of sheer surprise when he sucked strongly on your clit. Thankfully, it was already swollen enough for the stimulation to feel good, but you simply didn’t expect that move from him. You weren’t going to complain, though.

“Honestly, I, fuck, I can’t tell if I’m getting close already because you’re so, so fucking talented with your tongue, or I was long gone, ummm, even before you offered to eat me out,” you panted out with a quiet chuckle, at this point just instinctively rubbing your crotch against his face, especially against the tips of his nose.

“Why not both,” Mark answered in a smug tone of voice, his hands firmly holding the back of your thighs as he happily lapped on your labia.

Your legs started to shake not too long after, the tiredness you felt a couple of hours before finally catching on with your body. You could feel the orgasm approaching: it was coming closer and closer, the tension in your body increasing slowly but surely.

“Fuck,” you sighed softly, your eyes rolling back from the pleasure.

Your skin felt too tight, too hot, but at the same time you felt completely boneless as your legs were close to giving up underneath you. His hands rubbed the skin of your thighs tenderly, making you feel strangely calm: you were glad for his unspoken support, knowing that he won’t move away until you’re ready.

“That was one fucking orgasm,” you finally said, your fingers raking through his tangled locks.

“I can tell,” he answered, looking up at you to show off his cum-covered face.

“Give me a moment, and I’m gonna thank you for it.”

“No need for that,” Mark murmured, bashfully looking away.

Taking a better look at his crotch, you noticed a dark stain on the fabric.

“At this rate, I’m going to be ready for another round in a matter of minutes,” you laughed out loud, bending forward to press a kiss to his sticky lips.

“If you cum like that just from playing with my pussy a little, then I’m curious what would happen if I took interest directly in your cock.”

Mark swallowed, hearing the mischievous note in your voice – he was in for a long ass ride. Not that he complained, of course.

Copyright © 2020-2022 by byzantiumshades. All rights reserved.

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Hello my dear Readers!

Recently I’ve made for myself a “Buy me a coffee” page

I’ll probably post there some of my thoughts on topics I’m interested in, mostly about societal and cultural topic ‘cause we live in a society lol.

If by any chance you’d like to support me, and have some money to spare, I’d be grateful for even a single dollar, really!

Also, for those who’d like to support me by joining my membership, I’d love to offer dedicated stories! The donators could specify such conditions as i.e. the genre of the story, obviously a person they want the story to be written for, specific kinks and activities they want to take place, the literal place and the time that the story will be happening in, and more if they come up with some other conditions.

Thank You for all the support you give me! I’d never be where I’m right now without you

Pairings: Lee Seokmin/DK (Seventeen) x fem!reader, Kim Mingyu (Seventeen) x fem!reader, Lee Seokmin/

Pairings: Lee Seokmin/DK (Seventeen) x fem!reader, Kim Mingyu (Seventeen) x fem!reader, Lee Seokmin/DK (Seventeen) x Kim Mingyu (Seventeen)

Summary: Neither you nor your long-term boyfriend are interested in a comfortable, yet boring routine – you’re always hungry for new experiences. That’s why, when one day Seokmin proposes to you an idea, you decide to give it a try. After all, bringing another man into your bedroom sure sounds like a lot of fun, doesn’t it? Especially if said man is Seokmin’s handsome best friend, Mingyu.

Status: In progress

The Subtlety(Fluff/Smut)

Copyright © 2020-2022 by byzantiumshades. All rights reserved.

Post link
Pairings: Lee Seokmin/DK (Seventeen) x fem!reader, Kim Mingyu (Seventeen) x fem!reader (mentioned), 

Pairings:Lee Seokmin/DK (Seventeen) x fem!reader, Kim Mingyu (Seventeen) x fem!reader (mentioned), Lee Seokmin/DK (Seventeen) x Kim Mingyu (Seventeen) (mentioned)

Genre: Fluff/Smut

Contains: Possessiveness, making out, vaginal sex, cunnilingus, hair pulling, dirty talk, marking, kissing, dry-humping

Word count: 3190

A/N: This is the first part of the The In Between duology!


“Ever thought about having a threesome with two men, babe?” Seokmin asks as he settles comfortably on the sofa right beside you.

“Subtle as always,” you chuckle in the answer, not even looking up from your phone.

From the corner of your eye you can see him rolling his eyes at that remark, but there’s also a smile playing on his lips, so you know it was a good-natured reaction rather than an irritated one.

“So?” he inquires after a moment of silence, staring at you expectantly.

“Yeah, it did cross my mind a couple of times.”


“And what?” you ask, looking up at him innocently.

Sometimes you just can’t help it – you like to tease him way too much to pass on an occasion when it presents itself. Seokmin clicks his tongue, this time slightly irritated, but it’s not exactly the type of reaction you’re used to getting from him. It’s lacking his usual energy.

“So, does it mean that you would like to have one with me and another man?” he asks then, sounding surprisingly unsure as he absent-mindedly plays with the rings adorning his long fingers.

It’s been ages since you heard that kind of tone in his voice, so you put your phone aside and turn towards him.

“Depends. You know that I wouldn’t have sex with just anyone.”

Seokmin nods slowly, his expression earnest as he patiently waits for you to continue.

“I believe that there’s someone you already have in mind, otherwise you wouldn’t have asked me about it. So, who is it?”

He smiles hearing your words, feeling pleased that you know him so well. His soft smile turns into a wistful one as he leans back against the sofa with a sigh.

“Mingyu likes you, I think,” he carefully states, observing your reaction.

“You think,” you repeat, rising a brow at him, not sure how to respond.

“Well, no, I’ve chosen my words wrongly: I don’t just think that, I know that. The way he stares at you, the way he speaks about you – it all betrayed him quite a long time ago,” Seokmin quietly chuckles, ruffling his hair.

“That unsure yet hopeful way of behaving around someone you’re interested in, you know? I used to act like that too, before I learned that you feel the same.”

“But it’s not the case with Mingyu,” you say, knitting your brows slightly.

“Yeah, I know.”

“And you still want me to have sex with him?”

“Well, it’s not exactly that I want you to have sex with him alone. Do you remember that conversation we had a few months ago about the possibility of someone from the outside joining us in the bed?”

It takes you a moment to recall said conversation, but when you do, the realization comes to you immediately.

“Back then, you said that you’d be interested in observing me having sex with another man, right?” you ask to confirm your assumptions.

Seokmin nods as he leans forward, placing his elbows firmly on his knees.

“Yes, I’d like to try that. Of course, your consent is an absolute priority – one word from you, and I’ll never speak about it again. However, if you were to agree, I’d rather see you with someone I know, someone I can put my trust into, rather than some stranger.”

You nod, understanding where he’s coming from.

“Also, I’d prefer to slightly modify my previous request: I don’t want to observe any more. Or rather, I’d prefer to not stay away for a whole time.”

“Thus a threesome,” you muse, resting your chin on the palm of your hand.

You’d have to think it over, of course, but his proposition definitely piqued your interest. There’s, however, one thing that niggles you.

“For the starters, you should know that I’m not opposed to this idea. In fact, I find it highly arousing, however, would that be truly fine if he has feelings for me?”

“It’ll be up to him to decide.”

You turn your head towards him, not even trying to hide the surprise in your voice.

“So you didn’t talk it through with him yet?”

Seokmin shakes his head vigorously.

“Like I said: your consent is my priority. Only if you agree first, I’m going to ask him about it.”

“Sure,” you hum, already going over the proposal.

“You know, I understand what you meant by saying that you’d feel uncomfortable if I were to have sex with a stranger. Even thinking about doing it with Mingyu feels different.”


“I guess I trust him. I can’t even imagine him hurting me, no matter the way. But there’s also something else.”

You turn your body towards him before touching his cheek gently, the tips of your fingers caressing his cleanly shaved skin. He pushes his face into your hand in the answer, staring at you questioningly from under his long eyelashes.

“I’m not going to lie to you: he’s handsome, exactly my type, in fact.”

Both of you always try your best to be honest with each other, so you’re perfectly aware that your boyfriend is not indifferent to his best friend’s charm, however, there was never an occasion for you to tell him about your perspective. Not to mention that Seokmin has some issues with possessiveness and jealousy that he’s working on with your full support – you feel that in this case it’s even more important for him to know your exact thoughts on Mingyu. You don’t want anyone to end up hurt.

“I might not love him in the slightest, but I can’t help but find him insanely attractive, Seokmin. I need you to know that, as I have no doubt that I’ll be highly aroused because of him, and I’d not try to hide it.”

For a moment, he just stares at you in silence, before sighing.

“Well, I’m also not going to lie, that I don’t feel jealousy right now. But I love you. I love you so much it sometimes hurts, and I know that I trust you no matter what,” he says, words spilling out of his mouth as fast as he can pronounce them.

He’s staring up at you with such solemnity in his dark eyes that it takes your breath away for a moment.

“I love you too,” you say without hesitation, and it’s his turn to be taken aback.

You’re not really the type to express yourself with your words. Let alone confess your feelings in such straightforward way.

“You love me?” he asks, as if not sure if he has heard you right.

“Yeah, I’m surprised too.”

Seokmin snickers, rolling his eyes, before turning his face slightly to the side to place a tender kiss on the palm of your hand. His stare drops to your lips mere seconds before you lean forward to connect them with his. He kisses you back eagerly, and for some time there’s nothing in this world beside his soft lips moving against yours. When you finally move away, both of you are slightly out of breath, but there are wide grins adorning your faces. Even without gaping at his beautifully flushed face, it takes you a moment to get a grip on yourself.

“Now that I think about it, wouldn’t two men be too much to handle? How are you supposed to divide your attention between the two of us?” Seokmin asks after a few minutes of peaceful silence, curiosity evident in his voice.

“Last time I checked, I had two hands,” you chuckle nonchalantly, resting your head on his shoulder.

“You’re so cheeky, honestly,” Seokmin answers with a heavy sigh.

“That’s why you love me,” you say, a smug expression appearing on your face.

And then you rise your head to kiss him again.

Opening your relationship, even if it’s only for a brief moment, it’s not a topic one could easily forget about, yet you manage to do so. Or at least manage to push it to the back of your mind – it’s not a burning issue by any means, and you have more important things to take care of in the meantime. It comes back to you one evening when Seokmin places down his cutlery and gives you a serious look.

“I’ve talked with Mingyu a few days ago about that threesome idea, and today he told me that he’d like to join us.”

Hearing that, you reach over the table to gently touch his hand.

“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” you ask, entangling your fingers with his.

“I know that you’ve told me countless times that you’re interested in the idea itself. But are you sure that you want me to have sex with him? Especially when he’s in love with me.”

“You always ask such difficult questions,” Seokmin scoffs, rolling his eyes good-naturedly.

“I don’t know how to explain that, really, I just know that I love you, and apparently this feeling is mutual. Call me an idiot blinded by love, but I highly doubt that he’s gonna come between us.”

“Oh, that’s actually sweet,” you chuckle warmly, squeezing his hand.

“Besides, while it’s not a secret that I too find Mingyu attractive, he simply cannot compete with you,” he says matter-of-factly, nonchalantly leaning back against his chair, but not letting go of your hand even for a moment.

“And what’s better than two gorgeous people having sex in front of you?”

“Tell me about it. Seeing you two, doing god-knows-what with your tongues and hands? I’m not sure if my heart can take it,” you huff out a laugh, shaking your head.

“I can’t even begin to imagine that, I’m afraid I’m going to combust.”

“Yeah, I know I’m insanely hot. But you can repeat that for me a few more times, I don’t mind.”

You scoff at that, before a sinful though appears in your mind. With a smirk adorning your lips, you stand up and unhurriedly round the table.

“I hope I won’t get a nasty burn then,” you say as you straddle his lap.

His arms instinctively circle your waist, bringing you closer until your faces are mere millimetres apart.

“You’re the only one that will be completely fine.”

“I’ll have to take your word for that.”

Later, neither of you will be able to recall who closed the gap first – before you knew it, you were kissing him as if your life depended on it. Not that you were the only one, as Seokmin’s lips moved against yours just as eagerly.

“We should take it to the bedroom,” he murmurs between kisses, one of his hands already caressing your lower back under the jumper you’re wearing.

“I don’t really feel like tidying up the whole kitchen after you tire me out to the limit, you know.”

“Neither do I,” you laugh in the answer, your lips moving alongside his sharp jaw now.

Seokmin stands up slowly, giving you time to firmly wrap your legs around his waist before he places one of his strong arms under your butt for a better support. You throw your arms around his neck, your fingers quickly finding their way into his thick locks.

“Just don’t leave too many marks, I have a meeting tomorrow,” your boyfriend hums as he tries his best to divide his attention between walking towards the bedroom and kissing your neck.

“Well,” you start nonchalantly, your fingers playing with the hair on the nape of his neck.

“It seems that I must leave them in places that others can’t see.”

You can feel his wide grin against your skin.

“So it seems.”

He doesn’t stop kissing you even when he puts you carefully on the bed, supporting himself with his elbows as he hovers above you. You pull him closer, letting him lay on top of you, your bodies pressed tightly against one another.

“Seokmin,” you sigh happily as one of his hands slips under your jumper, the tips of his fingers outlining the shape of your breast before cupping it gently.

His thumb brushes over your nipple a few times, waiting for it to harden, so he can roll it between his finger pads. Seokmin seems to be madly in love with your breast, practically showering them with affection every time he has a chance to see them or touch them.

For a moment he stops kissing you, simply hiding his face in your neck as his hips start to move slowly but surely. Your breath becomes even heavier than before when you feel his hardening length pressing right against your centre, the friction driving you crazy.

“I love to be surrounded by your scent, you know,” he groans lowly, the tip of his nose moving up and down your neck.

“Yeah, I’ve already taken a notice when all my hoodies miraculously moved into your closet,” you choke out a laugh that turns into a whimper when he speeds up the tempo of his movements.

Your legs tighten around his hips in desperate need to bring him closer.

“Don’t tell me you don’t like it when I wear them. I won’t believe you.”

“Of course I do,” you murmur, slipping your hands under his t-shirt.

Your nails teasingly scratch the skin of his back, your hips moving along with his as you feel the pressure steadily building within your body. The fabric of your panties pleasantly rubs against your clit, causing you to buck your hips in search for friction.

“In fact, my favourite outfit of yours consist of just my hoodie.”

You push him away delicately, causing him to sit up. You follow right after him, your hands wandering over his thighs, brushing over his crotch as you kiss him.

“So you can slap my naked ass whenever you want to?” Seokmin asks between kisses, the amusement clear in his voice.

“I’d lie if I denied that fact.”

You take of your pants swiftly, impatiently throwing them on the floor, and the panties follow soon after.

“However, I also like to have your cock close at hand.”

There’s a faint blush on his cheeks as he takes off his sweats, pulling them down his long legs along with the underwear. The dick in question presents itself proudly, the swollen head shiny from pre-cum that slowly rolls down his shaft all the way to the balls.

“There’s nothing I like more than hearing those desperate noises you make when you’re on my mercy,” you hum as you carefully roll down his cock the condom you’ve taken from the night stand a moment ago.

“We’ve matched perfectly then ‘cause I like being on your mercy,” he rasps, hungrily observing your hands that now wander teasingly close to his balls.

You laugh in the answer, pushing him gently onto his back before you straddle his hips.

“Hard to disagree, love,” you murmur, grabbing his shaft into your hand.

For an agonizingly long moment for the both of you, you rub your pussy against it, coating the condom with your juices while teasing him all the same.

“If you would be that kind, and finally put it in, I’d be grateful. Otherwise, I’m afraid I might simply turn us around, and put it in myself,” Seokmin says, looking up at you as his hands tenderly caress your sides.

You only smile down at him, and take both of his hands into yours to place them firmly on your hips.

“If you would be that kind,” you parrot back, raising a brow at him in amusement.

“Thankfully for you, I like to think that I’m a very kind person.”

With his hands supporting your weight now, you position the tip right in front of your entrance. As you start to slowly slide down his thick cock, Seokmin’s hips don’t move even for an inch, his fingers reassuringly drawing circles on your hipbones. From the countless conversations you had on this subject he knows very well that, because of the stretch, you need to take him in carefully, little by little, to not hurt yourself.

“Everything fine?” he asks when you bottom out, his breath’s coming out short and fast.

“Just a moment,” you answer, taking a few deep breaths yourself as you soothingly caress one of his hands.

When you feel that you’re ready, you start to move: your hips rising slowly until only the head is still inside you, then fully taking him in once again. The tempo you set is slow at first, but with time you speed up, finding the rhythm that doesn’t weight your muscles too much.

“You can move too, Seokmin,” you smile, leaning forward to press a kiss to his lips.

He kisses you back, his hips starting to move as he tries to match the speed of your movements. You move together a little clumsily, but neither of you cares – your skin tingles from pleasure, from the affectionate touch of your lover, from the noises he makes. That’s what matters.

It doesn’t take much time for your body to start shaking: it was a tiring day for you, and it’s clear that your muscles are finally losing their strength. You hide your face in his neck, quiet noises escaping your lips from time to time as you make love to your boyfriend. Sensing your fatigue, Seokmin turns you around so that now he’s the one on top.

“You know, no matter the position, you always look gorgeous,” he chuckles, placing his weight on his forearms.

“That goes without saying,” you answer cheekily as you pull his face closer and kiss him.

As your legs embrace his hips, you can’t help but marvel over how cute he looks right now: his tangled locks plastered to his sweaty forehead, cheeks and neck deeply flushed, and a boyish smile adorning his handsome face. Not to mention the quiet grunts and sighs that sound suspiciously close to your name as his cock swiftly moves in and out of you, your muscles clenching deliciously.

“I’m close,” he chokes out, hiding his face in your neck.

His hips stutter slightly, movement losing its previous speed as he gets closer and closer to his orgasm. One of his hands slips between your sweaty bodies to rub your clit, causing you to moan softly right into his ear. He knows your body well, and he never hesitates to use that knowledge to make you see stars.

“I love it when you tighten around me, Jesus,” Seokmin pants out mere moments before your orgasm hits you.

Your nails rake down his back as the violent wave of pleasure crushes through your tired body, surely leaving marks on his unblemished skin. Seokmin seems to like it a lot, as he grunts out your name in surprise, clearly coming earlier than he expected it to happen. You can still feel his cock pulsating inside you, as you try to catch your breath, one of your hands finding its way into his tangled hair.

“Honestly, I could’ve just fucked you on that kitchen table,” he murmurs sleepily into your ear.

You caress his head with a quiet laugh.

“Next time, love, next time.”

Copyright © 2020-2022 by byzantiumshades. All rights reserved.

Post link
Pairing: Choi Seungcheol/S.Coups (Seventeen) x fem!readerGenre: SmutContains: Exhibitionism, possess

Pairing:Choi Seungcheol/S.Coups (Seventeen) x fem!reader

Genre: Smut

Contains: Exhibitionism, possessiveness, making out, hand job, creampie, vaginal sex, cunnilingus, hair pulling, dirty talk, cum eating, marking

Word count:3439


“She’s really nice, isn’t she?” Seungcheol muses with a small smile playing on his lips as you two head towards the exit of the shop.

Before you can stop yourself, you roll your eyes hard at that remark.

“Then go shopping with her if you like her that much,” you scoff, waving carelessly in the direction of the sales clerk.

“Are you mad?” Seungcheol asks, genuinely confused by your words.

Yes, you’re mad. Not at him, of course, you’re mad at yourself. Recently, you can’t help but feel angry every time someone flirts with him, and he flirts back. No matter how many times you try to get yourself together, boringly repeating time after time that he’s not your man to begin with, it hurts even more.

“Yeah, but don’t worry. It’s me, not you,” you sigh, rubbing your forehead with one of your hands.

“Damn, I can’t believe you just sold me that line,” he laughs out loud, shaking his head in disbelief.

You scoff, hearing that remark, but his joyful laugh’s infectious, and you can’t keep a straight face for long. Soon both of you are practically wheezing, holding onto each other for dear life while bend double from laughing.

“See? It’s all better now that we shared some laughs,” he pants out with a wide smile adorning his face, elbowing you teasingly.

“Yeah, sure, if you say so,” you chuckle, still out of breath as you rise your hands in defeat.

The smile never leaves your lips.

“So, where did you say we’re supposed to go now?” Seungcheol asks, throwing his arm over your shoulders.

That’s when it gets you: you’re utterly fucked.

“Lingerie shop,” you inform him calmly, but inside you’re screaming.

To be frank, the jealousy wasn’t the only problem that recently appeared in your relationship with Seungcheol. Even though you two were normally very comfortable around each other, not too long ago you started to feel that going around half-naked when he’s with you isn’t the best idea. Mostly because you simply cannot trust yourself at this point.

“There it is, the lion’s den,” the man in question announces proudly, gesturing towards the shop.

Once again, you can’t help but smile at his silly antics as you gently smack his arm.

“Honestly, why did I even take you with me,” you sigh, shaking your head with a fake disappointed.

“’Cause you like me,” he shrugs with that sweet smile that makes his eyes disappear in an adorable manner.

Does he even know how close to home he has hit? Probably not.

“Whatever you say,” you manage to say as you try your best to fight back the blush that threatens to blossom on your cheeks.

As you stroll between rails filled with racy nightgowns, corsets, and garter belts, you start to absolutely lose your mind. To say that the thoughts that currently flood your brain are dirty would be an understatement of a century. It takes quite a lot of your self-control to not steal glances at him every five seconds as Seungcheol follows a step behind you, looking around totally unbothered.

“It’s good that there’s such a variety of choices but at the same time I’m afraid it might be too many of them to find the one that screams “me”, you know,” you murmur, raking fingers through your hair.

“What about this one?” Seungcheol asks, showing you a set he just took from the shelf.

It’s made solely from a delicate lace, its design elegant yet sensual, while the colour contrasts with your skin tone perfectly. You can already imagine how good you’d look wearing that.

“Damn, you have a good eye, don’t you,” you say, touching the fabric absent-mindedly.

You have to admit: you’re impressed. You can’t even tell for sure if you yourself would find something that matches your vibe better than the set he just handed you.

“Wanna try it out? I took your size already.”

If you weren’t dumbfounded, then definitely you’re now: he knows your size. Such small piece of information, and yet he remembers that about you.

“Thanks,” you manage to say as you take it from him and walk towards the changing rooms.

Only after closing the door behind you, you can sit for a moment and process all this information you’ve just learned.

“Fuck,” you mutter, rubbing your forehead with your hand.

Not to be that person, but your crush really isn’t getting easier to bear the more unexpected things you learn about him. You decide to quickly check if the set fits and end that disaster of a trip before you manage to embarrass yourself more.

Thankfully, its simple design doesn’t force you to take time with putting it on, so you’re done practically in seconds. You can’t help but smirk slightly as you realize that the lace’s definitely see-through: you can clearly see everything that’s supposed to be covered by the fabric.

“Well damn,” you mutter, looking at your reflection.

Not only you look even better than you thought, you also feel good wearing that set. It hugs your body perfectly, emphasizing your silhouette, the contrast between your skin and the colour of the lace brings more attention to those not-exactly-covered parts of your body.

Suddenly, your mind gets flowed with thoughts concerning a man that accompanies you today.

“How is it?” Seungcheol asks from behind the door – speak of the devil.

Even though you prefer to not acknowledge it on a daily basis, you can’t deny that there’s a lot of sexual tension in your friendship, and it’s not only your fault. In fact, it lingered between you two for years now, but neither of you decided to address that. Today, however, for some reason you can’t bring yourself to act like you usually do. Maybe that’s why you say without a second thought:

“Come in and see yourself.”

For a moment nothing happens, and you’re about to take your words back, feeling regretful, when the door suddenly opens and Seungcheol enters the changing room. To your surprise, he doesn’t look as confident as he usually does: his posture’s a little awkward, cheeks visibly flushed, hands shoved deeply into pockets. Not to mention that he doesn’t really look at you, preferring to burn holes in the floor with his stare instead.

“So? What do you think?” you ask, curiosity evident in your voice.

There’s a part of you that’s greedy for his compliments, the one that wants him to rise his stare and see, truly see how you look right now. The same one that wants to see him begging.

“Well, there isn’t much for me to say. You look beautiful as always,” he says with a nervous chuckle as he rubs the back of his neck awkwardly.

You didn’t see him acting like that for quite some time, and you have to admit: you like it. In fact, you want to see more of that bashful Seungcheol who doesn’t know what to do with himself. It’s such a contrast to his usual laid-back self.

“You didn’t even take a proper look at me,” you say teasingly, gesturing towards your chest with one of your hands.

It’s only natural for eyes to follow the movement, and it’s exactly what happens right now as he involuntarily looks up. The pretty blush on his cheeks only deepens as he immediately looks away, clearly mad at himself.

“Believe me, I did. You really do look great,” he answers curtly in a hoarse voice.

“I’ll take my leave, so you can change now.”

It takes only two big steps for you to reach him: using the element of surprise, you cage him against the wall, his back hitting the firm surface with a soft thud. Even though you leave some space between your bodies, that proximity is enough for the fabric of his clothes to brush against your uncovered skin. A shiver runs down your spine.

“What–what are you doing?” he stammers out in a strangled voice, placing both of his big hands on your naked shoulders.

For a moment you think that he’s going to push you away, but he doesn’t – he’s just gaping at you wordlessly. His chest’s moving rapidly as he takes quick and shallow breaths, his muscles are visibly tensed: he’s nervous. You quickly ponder over moving away, but then you look into his eyes, and his hungry gaze simply takes your breath away. He looks like he wants to devour you.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained, they say.

“Seungcheol,” you say softly as you take his hands off your shoulders and press them against the wall on his sides.

When you take a step forward and press your body into his teasingly, you feel his unmistakably hard cock pressing against your thigh. A shaky breath leaves your lips as you feel a sudden wave of raw desire flow through your body.

“And what do we have here?” you ask in a slightly hoarse voice as you tilt your head to the side.

A choked groan escapes his puffy lips when you gently rub his crotch with your thigh. You don’t have to wait long for his response, as he quickly starts to roll his hips against your leg on his own.

“I–I don’t know,” he murmurs bashfully, looking away but not stopping nor slowing his movements in the slightest.

This contrast between his ashamed tone of voice and his absolutely shameless behaviour absolutely delights you.

“It must be difficult to endure, being trapped in those tight pants like that,” you sigh as if sympathizing with him in this difficult situation.

You place one of your hands on his hip, while the other one lands on his waist. The rhythm of his movements becomes more regular as you steadily guide him with your hands.

“Maybe I should help you out, hmm?” you ask with a smug as your thumb slowly massages his hipbone.

Even though he’s definitely stronger than you and wouldn’t have any problems with turning the situation to his favour, he doesn’t even try. He simply continues to rub his hardening cock against your thigh while you admire the view in front of you: his cheeks are flushed prettily, eyes unfocused, broad chest rising and falling as he takes irregular breaths.

“Is it because of me, honey?” you muse, pressing your lips against his neck, feeling his galloping pulse.

“Yes,” he simply breathes out in the answer.

Your lips move along his skin higher and higher, you reach his jaw and pepper it with kisses before reaching his lips and stopping mere millimetres away from them.

“Do you want me to kiss you, Seungcheol?” you ask lowly, your lips brushing against his as you speak.

“Yes, please,” he simply murmurs in the answer.

Your head is spinning right now as you try to process the situation. It looks almost exactly like one of the fantasies that you like to ponder over when you’re alone in your bedroom.

“How can I say no when you beg so nicely,” you chuckle softly just before pressing your lips against his.

The kiss is gentle at first, but soon your tongue slips into his hot mouth and starts to curiously explore the unknown territory. Seungcheol doesn’t even try to fight with you: he simply enjoys the attention you’re giving him as if he was waiting for it for a long time.

“Fuck, this is so hot,” you pant out between the kisses, feeling his cock growing harder and harder as he rubs himself against your thigh.

When your lips leave his only to come back to his neck, Seungcheol throws his head back to give you a better access. It’s absolutely thrilling to know that this very minute you’re leaving an evidence of your desire for him on his skin for everyone to see.

“You want me to play with you a little, don’t you?” you ask once again, your body’s practically shaking in desire, but you have to be sure that this is what he wants.

Seungcheol looks you straight in the eyes as he takes one of your hands and presses it against his crotch. You’ve never seen his eyes looking as dark as they do right now.

“There’s nothing I want more right now,” he rasps, grinding against your palm.

“Stop moving then,” you command, releasing your hand from his grasp.

Your fingers are shaking slightly as you undo his pants, and slowly push them down his hips along with the underwear. His cock springs out: clearly more than half-hard already, swollen head shining with pre-cum.

“It wouldn’t be fair to let you have all the fun, you know,” you muse, caressing his flushed length with your fingertips before loosely curling your fingers around it.

“I’d rather have you put that pretty cock inside my pussy as fast as possible.”

You can practically feel his dick hardening in your palm.

“You–you should take the panties off then,” Seungcheol rasps, gaping at you with hungry expression.

A shiver of excitement runs down your spine.

“They’re already ruined, love.”

“What I meant is that it’d be better for you to take them off if you still want to have them in one piece.”

A shaky breath leaves your lips as you realize the meaning behind his words.

“Then you should take care of that yourself,” you shrug with a smirk that disappears almost instantly when Seungcheol’s big hands land on your hips.

The fabric slides down your thighs slowly until it reaches your knees, and he lets it fall down by itself. Before you know it, he’s lifting you up and pressing your back flat against the wall. Your legs instinctively wrap around his waist, while your hands land on his broad shoulders.

“Excited, aren’t we,” you chuckle, rising a brow as if amused by his impatient behaviour.

In reality, you’re just as impatient as he is, and Seungcheol realizes that the very moment he touches your folds with the tips of his fingers and finds them dripping with arousal. However, it doesn’t seem to be enough for him: his fingers go straight for your clit.

“Fuck, Seungcheol,” you cry out when he starts to massage the swollen bud in tight circles.

You dig your nails into his clothed shoulders as the pleasurable pressure in your body steadily rises. He touches you delicately, without any rush, knowing that it’s crucial for you to be aroused as much as possible. After all, you don’t have any lube to help yourself with. Knowing that, however, doesn’t make you less impatient.

“Seungcheol, honey, I really appreciate what you’re doing right now, but I need your dick,” you rasp, grabbing his chin, so he has to look you in the eyes.

“Right now.”

He gapes at you in silence for a moment before a soft laugh erupts from his throat.

“Do you even have any idea what you’re doing to me,” he says, moving his hand away from your clit.

“I can barely think when I look at you, and then you say such words like it’s nothing. I don’t think I have ever been this horny.”

“Can relate,” you answer with a wink that makes him chuckle once again.

Seungcheol carefully lines the tip of his cock with your entrance and looks up, seeking you permission to continue. When you nod, he starts to slowly slide in, not stopping before he bottoms out. You take a few shaky breaths as you give your body time to get used to the hard dick that just entered it. It’s definitely on the thicker side, stretching your vagina in that specific painful yet pleasurable way. You already know that combined with the clit stimulation, the penetration will feel like heaven.

“You can move,” you say when you feel that you’re ready.

Seungcheol smiles sweetly, his long eyelashes flutter as he gently retreats and enters you again, trying to find a rhythm to satisfy the both of you. It’s obvious that he enjoys it highly: his face all flushed, eyes closed in pleasure, soft whimpers leaving his puffy lips. Even though he gradually speeds up the tempo of thrusts, it doesn’t take long for you to start demanding from him to speed up.

“Good god,” he groans quietly, snapping his hips into yours faster and faster until the only thing that can be heard in the small room is the slapping of your sweaty skin combined with breathy moans and curses.

Your lips travel down his thick neck, leaving both kisses and hickeys as he fucks you hard and fast, filling your pussy seemingly to its limit. His free hand slips between your bodies, and starts to rub your clit, causing you to throw your head back, in the process hitting the wall behind.

“Shit, are you okay?” he asks immediately, clearly worried about you, even though his eyes are visibly clouded by desire.

You, on the other hand, can’t feel absolutely anything besides the overwhelming pleasure that builds in your body, so you can only nod wordlessly and press a kiss to his lips. He must have prepared you a little too good before because you can already feel your high approaching.

“I’m close,” you pant out, feeling your muscles tightening around his cock.

His grip around your waist tightens, and he hides his face in your hair as he continues to mercilessly pound your pussy. His nimble fingers massage your clit in a fast rhythm that causes your hips to move on their own accord.

“Can I come inside you?” Seungcheol whispers into your ear.

“Yes, fuck, yes,” you answer, grabbing a fistful of his locks.

Your muscles tighten around his length impossibly hard as your eyes roll into your head. You were right: it does feel like heaven when your orgasm hits you, leaving you shuddering from pleasure and barely able to think. Seungcheol follows soon: you can feel his dick throbbing and pulsing inside you as he comes. There are tears in his eyes, and he makes such sweet sounds that you want to fuck him again and again until you can’t move a single muscle in your body.

“That was–,“ he starts but doesn’t finish, seemingly lost for words.

You understand him completely – your legs are still shaking when he carefully puts you back on the ground. Since he already retreated, there’s nothing that could stop his seed from seeping out of you.

“Would you look at that mess,” you sigh, shaking your head as his cum slowly drips down your thighs.

Seungcheol’s on his knees in the blink of an eye, looking up at you for a split second before his tongue starts to lap on the skin of your inner thighs. Just when you’re about to tell him that he doesn’t need to, he throws one of your legs over his shoulder and buries his face between your legs.

“Fuck, Seungcheol,” you gasp, grabbing a handful of his hair as he licks your folds like a starved man.

You’re still not over the orgasm you had barely a moment ago, and you can feel another one approaching already. Your legs are shaking from the overstimulation, but you can’t bring yourself to care – it feels way too good.

“Honestly, you and your bloody talented tongue,” you cry out, clinging your fingers into his hair so hard that he lets out a painful moan.

It takes a lot of self-control to release his locks from your grasp, but you manage to do so somehow. Your legs start to shake once again, and you can feel the wave of pleasure approaching: it hits you even stronger than the previous orgasm, as you’re obviously more sensitive than before.

“Seungcheol,” you practically sob as you come right onto his face.

Clearly he’d like to lick your folds some more, but you’re having none of it: you push his face away almost immediately, trying to recover from the second high of the day. You can’t take any more of that, you’re sure of that.

“Thanks,” you say in a shaky voice as you lean against the wall to regain your balance.

The lower half of his face shines from your juices, and you’re not even surprised when he licks his lips before looking up at you.

“I really like you in this set, you know,” he says with an adorable smile adorning him face.

“Yeah, I can see that,” you chuckle, caressing his tangled hair.

“We should go shopping for some more underwear. If you want to, of course.”

You can’t help but laugh out loud at his not-so-subtle suggestion.

“It’ll be my pleasure.”

Copyright © 2020-2022 by byzantiumshades. All rights reserved.

Post link
Pairing: Lee Donghyuck/Haechan (NCT) x fem!readerGenre: Fluff/SmutContains: Mentions of abuse, scars

Pairing:Lee Donghyuck/Haechan (NCT) x fem!reader

Genre: Fluff/Smut

Contains: Mentions of abuse, scars, body worship, making out, hand job, marking, blow-job, dirty talk, nipple play, dry-humping

Word count: 2581


Losing yourself in Donghyuck isn’t difficult at all, really. He always stands out from the crowd, no matter what he does or how he looks like – you’re drawn to him like a moth’s drawn to the light. There’s no point in pretending that you’re not already gone over him.

“Donghyuck,” you giggle, caressing his face gently as he hovers above you, sweet smile adorning his face.

And he’s gone too, you know that already from the way he talks about you, the way he looks at you – like you’re the only one he needs. When he’s kissing you, it’s almost like you’re his oxygen, and he’s desperate to breathe. His dark eyes shine like starts in the night sky when he holds your hand, and it’s one of the most adorable things you’ve ever witnessed.

“Donghyuck,” you murmur softly, his lips slowly travelling down your neck.

His hands sweep along your skin frantically, as if afraid you’re going to push him away any moment. It doesn’t matter how many times you told him you’d never do such a thing – he always has that look on his face that tells you he thinks you’re too good to be true.

“Donghyuck,” you moan, your hands already tangled into his thick curls as his eager hands explore your body.

Even all the layers of fabric that separate your bodies can’t hide how hard he is at this point, and it delights you to know that it’s because of you.

“Let me touch you, please,” you pant out, already slipping one hand underneath his t-shirt.

His reaction’s fast yet predictable after so many attempts: he playfully pushes your hands away, almost like it’s an element of foreplay, but no, it’s not. And it’s not the first time it happened either, but usually you simply let it go because as long as he’s happy you’re happy. However, you can’t always control the hurt that overcomes your senses when his body tenses next to yours from the mere touch of your fingers.

“Donghyuck,” you say, pushing him away when he tries to kiss you again.

For some reason, he loves touching you, yet he never lets you touch him.

“Did I do something wrong?” he asks immediately with a worried expression on his face.

“Funny, I was about to ask the same thing,” you chuckle bitterly, looking up at him.

“I don’t understand,” he says, sitting up, his brows furrowed in confusion.

“Do you not like it when I touch you? Every time I try to do so, you push me away,” you sigh, rubbing your forehead with your hand.

“Of course not,” Donghyuck answers without hesitation.

“Quite the opposite, I’d say,” he adds quieter, averting his eyes bashfully as pretty blush blossoms on his cheeks.

For someone so outspoken, blunt even, he becomes adorably shy when he has to put his feelings into words. It makes them even more precious in your eyes.

“In fact, the mere brush of your fingers makes me feel like I’m a teenager again,” he chuckles hesitantly taking one of your hands into his.

“Then why won’t you let me touch you?” you repeat, a little confused by his answer.

“I want to, I really do, I just–,” he trails off, lowering his head in defeat with a sigh.

“I don’t want to force you to do something you don’t want to do, Hyuck. I’m just asking for an explanation because your silent rejection hurts me.”

“No, no, I don’t–,” he starts but cuts himself off almost immediately shaking his head.

He’s visibly conflicted: his eyes glued to the floor, teeth gnawing at his lower lip anxiously as he absent-mindedly caresses the back of your hand with his thumb. Finally, he takes a shaky breath and looks up at you with a determined stare.

“My body’s not an attractive one,” he starts hesitantly, long eyelashes brushing his cheekbones as he lowers his eyes bashfully.

“I never got a proper treatment, so my skin’s covered with scars. They’re everywhere, really, those jagged thick lines that make me look unsightly, and I–,” he cuts himself off again, biting on his lower lip harshly before continuing.

“You probably noticed that I don’t like to show off my skin, that I prefer to cover myself as much as possible. It’s because I don’t want people to gape at me because of them, and, well, I don’t want you to see them either.”

All those long slaved t-shirts, jackets, and oversized hoodies – all this time you thought that it’s just his style. It never crossed your mind that there’s something behind it, and it makes you feel ashamed that it never occurred to you. But now, now it all makes sense: the fact that he prefers to take a shower when none’s around, the fact that he never undressed in front of you no matter how many times you subtly hinted that you definitely wouldn’t mind that.

“Tell me Hyuck, do you really think I wouldn’t find you attractive because of that?” you ask in a serious tone, gently grabbing his chin to make him look at you.

“I–I don’t know,” he stutters out, suddenly not sure.

“But I like everything about your appearance, love,” you say matter-of-factly, causing him to make a rather dumbfounded face.

“What?” he mutters in disbelief.

“You heard me, Donghyuck. I like your pretty smile, I like how your eyes shine when you’re happy, I like to see you getting all hot and bothered around me,” you chuckle tenderly caressing his cheek with your fingertips.

“I really like you because it’s you, Hyuck. I swear to god, I like you so fucking much you probably can’t even imagine.”

“I–I really like you too,” he stutters out bashfully with the softest of smiles playing on his lips as he rubs his face into your hand.

“Besides, it doesn’t really matter how you look, I’m still going to like you in the end. I fell for your personally in the first place, your handsome face’s more like a pleasant addition,” you say jokingly, hoping to make him feel more at ease.

When you kiss him, it’s tender and careful, and it’s your turn to be afraid that you’re going to be pushed away. What a crazy feeling it is, really, when you wear your heart on your sleeve, and anxiously wait for it to be crashed.

“May I?” you ask, gently tugging at the hem of his t-shirt.

He nods slowly, more vulnerable than you’ve ever seen him being.

Slowly, oh so slowly, you pull the fabric up his chest, not looking away from his eyes even for a moment. When it reaches his shoulders, he rises his arms wordlessly, letting you take it off completely. He’s still nervous, you can tell.

“Hyuck,” you murmur carefully pressing your lips against his.

The world could have ended here and now, and neither of you’d give a single fuck.

“May I?” you ask once again, the tone of your voice even softer this time.

“Yeah,” he answers just as softly.

You move away then to take a proper look at him, and for the love of god, you have to swallow hard seeing his upper body for the first time: his neck thick yet somehow still graceful, sharp collarbones nicely emphasizing the broadness of his shoulders, muscled chest that melts into a slim waist.

The biggest scar is placed on his left breast just above the nipple, another one similar in length adorns the skin on his ribs while a few smaller ones are scattered over his lower abdomen. You can also see some jagged lines on his biceps and forearms, but not as much as on his chest. When he takes a shaky breath, the muscles of his abdomen tense, and you want to scream, really. All this time he was truly worried about your reaction, hiding his body from you in fear of being pushed away, yet here you’re being more turned on than you’ve ever been in your life. You want to touch him, you want to kiss him, you want to embrace him – you want him.

“Donghyuck,” you say in a trembling voice, desperately trying to get yourself together.

“You don’t like it, do you,” he murmurs, lowering his head in shame.

You can’t help but chuckle as you shake your head firmly.

“Oh, love, you can’t even imagine how hard it’s for me to keep my hands to myself right now. You’re so fucking gorgeous, it’s not even funny,” you sigh, raking your fingers through your hair.

He opens his mouth as if to say something, but nothing comes out. For a moment you’re just sitting there quietly, not looking at each other.

“What,” he finally croaks out, completely stupefied.

“I know how worried you were about my reaction, Hyuck, but, fuck, you look so good I can barely process it.”

He’s shocked by your words, but then you look up at him, and he’s taken aback even more by the pure desire that swirls in your suddenly darkened eyes – you look at him like you want to eat him up, and this time it’s him who can barely process it.

“Your body’s just so fine. If I add that fact on top of your personality, I don’t think I’ll be able to cope with how perfect you’re,” you groan rubbing your face with one of your hands.

“You think I’m perfect?”

Maybe it’s the way he says it; soft and a little unsure, maybe it’s the way he looks at you with those dark eyes of his – either way, you can’t help yourself. A surprised gasp leaves his lips when you push him onto his back and straddle his thighs. You make sure to hold an eye contact with him as you lean forward and press a kiss to that big scar on his breast, not missing the opportunity to lick his nipple oh-so-accidentally. The way he bites his lower lip trying to not make any more sounds causes you to smirk.

“Hyuck, love, you know that I like to hear you.”

He knows that very well. When you rub yourself against him teasingly, curses mixed soft moans start to fall from his swollen lips. Lovely.

“You sound like an angel,” you murmur before placing another kiss on his warm skin.

His hands move towards your hips, but you have none of it –you grab his wrists swiftly and place his arms above his head. One stare from you is enough for him to know that it’s better for him to stay this way until you say otherwise.

“Please, fucking hell, please,” he groans when you start to move your hips in a circular motion, the friction making him giddy with pleasure.

His body’s hot all over, and he’s not even sure what exactly made him feel that way. Is it because of your words? Because of your body pressed tightly into his? Because of your hungry stare? He doesn’t know. He only knows that he’s losing his head for you and for you only, and that he absolutely loves it.

“Do you have any other scars that I could kiss?” you whisper into his ear as your fingers caress his sides teasingly.

“Y–yeah,” he murmurs shyly in the answer, causing you to move away slightly and rise your brow at him with a suggestive smirk playing on your lips.

His face’s on fire when he motions you to get off him, so he can stand up. Your eyes follow his movements greedily as he unzips his pants with shaky hands and pushes them down his thighs, uncovering another collection of scars. There’s more of them than on his chest, but they’re smaller and less jagged, however, they cover his whole expanse of his legs.

“Um, well, now you’ve seen it all,” he says jokingly, but the anxiety in his expression betrays him.

You stand up slowly, and look him straight in the eyes as the tips of your fingers move over his chest, his abdomen, and hips, gently exploring the scarred skin. He lowers his head to kiss you, his naked body pressed against your still clothed one. When you motion him onto the bed, and kneel between his legs, he’s barely breathing.

“Honestly, what are you doing to me,” he chuckles, raking fingers through his tangled hair.

“Nothing you don’t want me to,” you answer simply with a smirk just before your lips meet the sensitive skin of his inner thigh.

You make sure to kiss every single scar you spot on his thighs, placing hickeys here and there as your hands teasingly move up his knee and back. Your lips move up without rush even though you know, or rather see, how turned on he already is – you just like to tease him. He knows that too.

“You like to play with me, don’t you? Almost like you want to expand the boundaries of my patience,” he rolls his eyes at you with an adorable pout to which you can’t help but laugh.

“Isn’t it nicer when you have to wait for something rather than to get it immediately?” you ask in the answer, and he rolls his eyes again, not wanting to admit that he agrees with you.

When you finally take the tip of his cock into your mouth, he grabs the sheets, so tightly his knuckles turn white. You take your time even then, slowly taking more and more of his length into your mouth to not strain yourself. Besides, is there something better than a desperate man completely at your mercy? You think not.

“My goodness,” he groans hoarsely as you finally swallow around him, his whole body shaking from the effort as he somehow manages to not thrust into your mouth.

Soon your jaw starts to hurt, but you don’t even think about stopping – his reactions make it all worth it. There’s nothing you love to hear more than your name said in that breathy, desperate tone that he uses when he chants that one word like some kind of prayer. His eyes are closed tightly when you look up at him, thick brows furrowed, deep blush colouring his cheeks – gorgeous.

“What a shame you can’t see yourself right now,” you say breathlessly as your fingers curl around his length.

“You look absolutely magnificent.”

Your hand moves faster and faster until he can’t control himself any more and starts to thrust into your fist. You know that it won’t take long for him to orgasm– he’s far too gone at this point.

“Come, Donghyuck,” you say nonchalantly as you twist your wrist expertly.

And he does: his muscles tensing, eyes rolling back as he falters and falls onto his back, breathing heavily. After helping him ride his orgasm, you sit on the bed next to him, and stroke his head soothingly, leaning forward from time to time to place a kiss to his sweaty skin.

“You did so well, love,” you tell him, caressing the scars on his chest with your free hand.

He takes some time to get down from his high before he manages to get up and clean himself up. You’re already waiting for him in the bed when he comes back and snuggles against you with a content sigh.

“Beautiful,” you murmur, pressing a kiss to his forehead.

Donghyuck smiles softly in the answer as he tangles his fingers with yours.

Copyright © 2020-2022 by byzantiumshades. All rights reserved.

Post link
Pairing: Jeon Jeongguk/Jungkook (BTS) x fem!reader Summary: Love. Jeongguk associates it with lack o

Pairing: Jeon Jeongguk/Jungkook (BTS) x fem!reader

Summary: Love. Jeongguk associates it with lack of freedom, countless problems, and useless sacrifice of oneself. But you, you make him feel things he has never felt before, make him do things he has never done before. One night obviously isn’t enough to change his beliefs, but can it be a turning point for his portrayal of love?

Status: In progress

The Jealousy(Smut)

Copyright © 2020-2022 by byzantiumshades. All rights reserved.

Post link
 Pairing: Jeon Jeongguk/Jungkook (BTS) x fem!reader Genre: SmutContains: Drinking, possessiveness, m

Pairing:Jeon Jeongguk/Jungkook (BTS) x fem!reader

Genre: Smut

Contains: Drinking, possessiveness, making out, hair pulling, marking, dry-humping, name-calling, orgasm denial

Word count:2168

A/N:This is the first part of the The Come And Find Me duology!


“Cheers to that,” laughs one of your friends rising her glass in a toast.

Reaching towards your own drink, you realize with disappointment that you’ve already drank it all.

“Care to pour me a drink, love?” you ask a man sitting on your right side.

He complies with your request with a smile that surely makes women’s knees go weak instantly but, unfortunately for him, you’re not the type to be conquered. You’re the one who conquers.

“Thank you, honey,” you say with a sweet smile as you take the glass from him, letting your fingers touch for a brief second.

“My pleasure,” he nods leaning back against his chair with a smug expression on his handsome face.

Suddenly you feel a light tap on your shoulder – a young woman sitting on your other side is clearly trying to get your attention. Turning towards her, you realize she wants to tell you something, so you lean forward to hear her better.

“You know him?” she almost screams into your ear while pointing in the direction of the most shadowed part of the room.

Your gaze follows her hand only to see that she’s talking about the man sitting on one of the leather couches half-hidden in the shadows – Jeongguk.

“He’s been gaping at you for quite some time now.”

“I know him very well,” you shrug nonchalantly with a smirk causing the woman to laugh as she nudges you with her elbow.

“The night’s still young,” she says, rising her drink with a wink.

You simply laugh in the answer, gently tapping your glass with hers before turning to hungrily observe Jeongguk as you sip your drink. Even though he’s not wearing anything flashy, somehow that tight-fitting black shirt and a pair of dark jeans make him stand out even more from the crowd surrounding him. He doesn’t need anything besides his charisma to turn heads, you know that already.

“Gorgeous,” you murmur into your already empty glass as you drink in the sight of him instead.

The way he licks his lips after downing a shot makes your own mouth go dry, so you ask the man next to you for another drink. As you grab the glass, your eyes involuntary travel in Jeongguk’s direction – how could you not notice it before?

His head’s slightly tilted to the side, dark eyes colder than you’ve ever seen them being boring into the man sitting next to you like he wants to see him dead. He looks away, talking to his friends, laughing at their jokes – all that while smirking under his nose, not even trying to hide his contempt as if trying to play it off. But you know he’s just pretending from the way his jaw clenches, the way he puts his tongue in his cheek – he’s jealous.

“Another one?” asks the man beside you, clearly hoping to receive something in return for his kindness.

What a disappointment awaits him.

“Thanks, love, but I’ve had enough for today,” you say swiftly standing up and straightening your dress.

Before he could say something about your sudden departure, you’ve already walked away, disappearing from his view for good. No need to waste time like that when you know that there’s something much more interesting in store for you tonight.

He’s still sitting where you’ve seen him before, but there’s considerably fewer people around him now. Only partially empted bottles of various alcohols tell you that they certainly didn’t leave for good. You can’t help but click your tongue in irritation seeing that he’s not alone – an attractive young woman boldly flirts with him clearly using everything she has in her arsenal to get his attention. However, she proves herself to not be very assertive as she quickly backs off seeing you approach the table. Good.

“Not so lonely any more, I see,” you chuckle sitting on the couch next to him, your thigh pressed hard against his.

“Must be why you choose such dimly lit place to sit in the first place.”

Jeongguk rolls his eyes before pouring himself a shot and downing it in one go. His Adam’s apple bobs visibly when he swallows and your fingers practically itch to touch it.

“It’s private,” he answers curtly, not even looking at you.

“I know, love,” you chuckle then, your hand brushing his knee as if by accident.

You can feel the muscles of his thigh tensing next to yours before he forces himself to relax. Always trying to appear so laid back and unbothered, that man, pushing you to the edge with his indifference. But for you nothing is impossible – in the end you always get the reaction out of him.

“So why are you here? From what I’ve seen earlier you were clearly having fun with that guy,” he says nonchalantly examining a cocktail stick he just picked from the table.

You’re about to answer when he puts said stick between his lips, his tongue rolling it in his mouth with precision that makes your core clench at the very memory of what this tongue’s capable of. That bastard knows what he’s doing, no doubt.

“Are you jealous?” you ask tilting your head to the side as you reach towards his face and take the cocktail stick from between his soft lips.

“Me? Why would I be?” Jeongguk huffs in return, rolling his eyes as if amused.

He’s good at acting you have to admit – if you didn’t know him so well, maybe you’d believe him. What betrays him is his body: his fists clenching and unclenching in a steady rhythm, shoulders tensed, lips swollen from biting in irritation. All of those tell you all you need to know.

“You know that I don’t like it when you’re acting like that, Jeongguk,” you murmur slowly leaning towards him, giving him plenty of time to move away.

He doesn’t.

Your lips brush his jaw softly, your nose moving alongside his cheek as you pepper his coarse skin with kisses. His breathing gets heavy, long eyelashes brushing his cheekbones as he closes his eyes with a quiet sigh. It’s absolutely delightful how weak he is for your kisses.

“You were the one who stated that you don’t want to feel tied down, love,” you continue, your lips moving against his skin as your hand gently massages his inner thigh.

“I was wrong,” he breathes out leaning back against the couch, baring his neck for you as if begging for you to kiss him there.

“I hate it. I fucking hate it when they touch you, when they flirt with you, I hate it when you flirt back. Good god I hate it so fucking much.”

“I want to be the only one who gets to feel your touch, for your lips to only touch my skin, for your eyes to only see me,” he manages to say before your lips land on his.

Kissing him is always so easy: it’s as if your lips were made for each other, moving together without any care for the outside world. The kiss becomes more and more aggressive as time passes, and it feels like you were both starving for months to finally slake your thirst now.

“Please, I need you so badly,” he pants out between the kisses, his shaking hands caressing your sides tenderly.

“How can I say no when you ask so nicely,” you chuckle before straddling him.

For a moment you just sit on his lap admiring him as there’s a lot to take in. Even the dimness of the room can’t hide the bright flush colouring his cheeks, and it pleases you deeply. He observes you too from under his long eyelashes, his head thrown back on the backrest, swollen lips parted slightly as he tries to catch his breath.

“Like what you see?” he asks with a cheeky grin playing on his lips.

You only smile back in the answer before leaning forward and placing a kiss on his Adam’s apple. A shiver runs down his spine when your fingers slip into his tangled locks and you tilt his head carefully to expose his neck. There’s nothing better than marking that flawless skin of his, forcing him to either hide the hickeys somehow or show them off for everyone to see. You love to create constellations of those on his body: that long neck, strong thighs, muscled chest and abdomen all covered in marks made by you – what a sight to behold. Besides, you like to be sure that every time he looks at himself in the mirror he thinks of you.

“You know that I love to look at you, Jeongguk,” you murmur into his skin as you rub your crotch against his teasingly.

“Fuck,” he murmurs placing his hands on your waist, his thumbs massaging your skin through the thin fabric of your dress.

Somewhere in the back of your mind you’re aware that you’re still in the room full of people, but you can’t bring yourself to care. People were doing worse things than drunkenly making out in such places anyway.

“You’re an asshole, you know that? Constantly telling me to do whatever I want only to act like a petty little bitch when someone pours me a drink,” you scoff pulling hard on his thick hair.

Jeongguk moans softly in the answer but nonetheless smirks under his nose.

“So you noticed.”

You roll your hips angrily causing him to growl out your name as if in warning. It’s a part of the game you both like to play, and you can feel yourself getting excited already. You never get bored with that little push-and-pull dance knowing that the reward’s worth waiting for.

“It’s hard not to when you look like that,” you shrug tenderly caressing his jaw with your hand.

His strong arms circle your waist tightly, pulling your body closer and closer to his until there’s no space left in between. As you feel his hard length rubbing against your clothed crotch, an idea appears in your mind.

“You’re quite an attention seeker, aren’t you?” you chuckle grabbing his jaw and forcing him to look at you.

“So what if I am? I’ve got your attention, haven’t I?” he answers with another smug smirk.

The things you want to do to this man. He’s too attractive for his own good, really.

“You’ve always had my attention, Jeongguk,” you murmur before kissing him hungrily.

He clearly didn’t expect you to do that as he doesn’t respond at first. Just when he starts to do so you on the other hand start to roll your hips against his causing him to moan right into your lips. The kiss turns sloppy as you focus all of your attention on moving as swiftly as you possible can in this position.

“I can’t believe I’m saying this but, fuck, we can’t, not here,” Jeongguk manages to say between the kisses, but you silence him quickly putting a finger on his lips.

“Why not? Don’t you want them to see that I’m already taken?” you ask sharply as your fingers slip down to curl loosely around his neck.

You could feel how irregular his pulse became after this question, the movement of his hips also losing its previous steadiness. Distracted you move away just a little, and he uses that opportunity to hide his face in your shoulder. It’d have been quite adorable if only you weren’t currently dry humping in a room full of people, but it’s not like you’re going to complain anyway.

“Fuck, I’m close,” he cries out as his grip on your waist tightens.

“Is that so?” you ask just before stopping to move altogether.

He huffs out a laugh knowing very well where this is going.

“Should’ve expected that, I guess,” he says in a shaken voice.

“I told you, love, I don’t like it when you act like that,” you say kissing his head lovingly as you caress his locks with your hand.

“You’re going to learn from your mistakes, aren’t you?”

He doesn’t answer at first, but then his grip on your waist starts to loosen slowly.

“Yeah,” he answers in a hoarse voice as he moves away to lean against the backseat.

You have to admit: his level of self-control is something to be admired. The desire’s still swimming in his dark eyes, but you know that he has learned his lesson, at least for now.

“Think about it. About us, Jeongguk,” you say standing up carefully as your legs are shaking a little from the effort.

No matter how hard you try to act unaffected it’s never the truth with him.

“And then what?” he asks softly looking up at you in that way that makes your heart beat faster.

“And when you decide, come and find me.”

It takes everything from you to not turn around and look at him, but you force yourself to look ahead of you as you walk away. It’s his move now.

Copyright © 2020-2022 by byzantiumshades. All rights reserved.

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Pairing: Kim Doyoung (NCT) x fem!readerGenre: Fluff/Smut Contains: Hand job, cum swallowing, marking

Pairing: Kim Doyoung(NCT) x fem!reader


Contains:Hand job, cum swallowing, marking, nipple play, orgasm denial, dirty talk

Word count:1605


“Come here, love,” you wave at him with a warm smile.

Doyoung can feel you stare at him when he slowly undresses and can’t help but blush – his face and ears are on fire. He, who’s always so confident to the point of arrogance sometimes, lose all of his composure in front of you. It doesn’t matter how many times you two shared such intimate moments – he’d still get shy. Now he looks back at you and immediately turns his stare away caught off guard by the hunger in your eyes. Your smile only broadens at that.

“You’re gazing at me like you want to eat me alive,” Doyoung chuckles rolling his eyes and steps into the bathtub to sit between your legs.

He sighs happily savouring the warm water and leans back against your chest. His breath hitches ever so slightly when your stiff nipples brush the skin of his back, but he quickly pulls himself together. He smiles softly to himself when he feels your arms circling his waist and covers your hands with one of his.

“Maybe I do,” you murmur softly before kissing his temple.

“You’re just so sweet, Doyoung.”

“Yeah, I know,” he answers cheekily stretching his long legs.

Doyoung’s head falls back onto your shoulder, and he closes his eyes with another content sigh as his fingers lazily trace random patterns on the skin of your thigh. Being with you always makes him feel giddy inside but today even more so. Wrapped in your embrace he feels safer than ever before, deeply loved and cherished, and he can’t quite wrap his head around all those feelings. Everything is just so soft and warm when you’re with him. Finally, Doyoung  doesn’t need to do or say anything, he just needs to be.

“You want me to soap you?” you ask threading your fingers through his locks, and he has to bite his lip to suppress a broad smile.

He knows very well where this is all going, and he likes that direction. Very much so.

“Sure, do whatever you like, babe,” he answers trying his best to not sound too eager but fails miserably.

You don’t comment on that but Doyoung’s absolutely sure that you’re deeply amused by that – he doesn’t even need to see you to know that. He just knows.

“I like to touch you, you know,” you muse as you pour the gel onto your hand.

“Really? I didn’t notice,” he murmurs sarcastically and then yelps when you bite his earlobe suddenly.

“I also like to bite you,” you say lowly right into his ear and kiss his shoulder to which he shudders slightly.

Doyoung likes when you bite him too, no – he loves it. He loves to see the marks you leave on his skin: all the hickeys on his neck, chest and thighs, the red lines left by your nails, the occasional teeth marks. He likes to show them off oh-so-accidentally to others, so they know that you mark him as yours.

“There is a lot of things I like to do to you, love,” you chuckle and then your wet tongue’s moving up his neck and he can’t think straight.

That one simple movement reminds him about all those things you did to him with that tongue, and he almost groans at the very memory. He’s absolutely helpless as you set his body on fire time after time with full premeditation with the sweetest of smiles. One word from you, and he’s done for.

While his mind wanders freely, your hands are on his chest once again, moving slowly along the wet skin and leaving a bubbly trail behind. Your touch is gentle yet firm, palms slowly sweep along his arms and forearms to finally reach his hands and entwine fingers with his briefly. Then they move to his abdomen, moving lower and lower until he’s panting heavily, but you clearly have none of it as your hands avoid touching him where he needs to be touched the most.

“Up,” you say motioning to his legs, and he not only does bend his legs obediently but also spreads them wide for better access.

A view that unfolds in front of you makes your pussy throb in need. Trying your best to control yourself you pour some more gel on your hands and get to work. Doyoung chokes out a moan when your nails gently scratch his inner thighs.

“You’re going to be the death of me, babe, I don’t think I can take it,” he says in a hoarse voice.

“Nonsense, love, we both know that you’re capable of taking far more than that,” you answer with a smirk massaging his calves.

Soon your hands sweep up his legs once again to gently soap his sensitive balls.

“Oh, fuck, you can’t just start to play with my balls without any warning like that,” he groans grasping the edge of the bathtub fiercely.

You don’t answer instead focusing now on massaging the skin of his groin obviously avoiding touching his cock. Finally, he can’t take any more of your teasing.

“Please,” Doyoung whimpers shakily pressing his back into your chest.

“Please what, love?”

He scoffs in the answer and turns his head to gently press his lips to the skin of your neck. You look down on him and have to swallow seeing him up close. His thick dark locks glued to his temples and forehead, eyes still closed and cheeks flushed – he’s gorgeous, absolutely fucking gorgeous.

“So?” you ask hoarsely trying to get a grip on yourself once again which seems to be an impossible task at the moment.

He moves away slightly and opens his eyes to look at you with such an irritated look that you can’t help but laugh wholeheartedly.

“If you’d be that kind and play with my dick, I’d be grateful,” Doyoung snickers clearly done with you.

“I can’t refuse when you ask so nicely,” you chuckle in the answer before placing a sweet kiss on his lips.

He kisses you back eagerly and so you simply kiss for what seems like forever. When you slowly move away, both of you are panting heavily. Out of the corner of your eye you notice that his cock is fully hard now, almost begging for attention in the way it’s resting against his abdomen.

“The sweetest indeed,” you smirk referring to your previous comment.

“And yours only,” Doyoung adds breathlessly gazing at you with such emotions that your mouth gets dry.

“Yes,” you whisper softly kissing his forehead, feeling a shudder running down your spine.


He closes his eyes with a choked moan when your fingers curl around his swollen shaft. His cock is beautiful you have to admit: all flushed pink, veins bulging on the sides and leaking swollen tip.

“Gorgeous,” you murmur into his ear and his hips buck at your words.

You smile at his reaction and place wet kisses on his neck as Doyoung slowly fucks your slippery hand, grunting, whimpering and moaning your name. You move your hand up and down his swollen shaft to meet his thrusts, teasing the leaking head with your thumb from time to time. His body is trembling from both effort and pleasure, and you’re absolutely mesmerized by this gorgeous man.

“Doyoung,” you moan lowly as he unexpectedly moves to the side and slides lower, just enough to take one of your nipples into his mouth.

He sucks, lick and bites gently – all that while still fucking your hand tightly wrapped around his shaft. You almost laugh reminding yourself that he’s indeed known for his multitasking skills.

“I–I’m close,” he grunts pressing his face in between your breasts and gripping the edge of the bathtub tighter.

You know that already from the way his hips stutter, the way the muscles of his abdomen tense so deliciously. But he can’t just come like that, when you two are sitting in the tub full of water.

“Don’t come yet, love,” you murmur softly, and he immediately stops moving altogether.

You sigh heavily as your pussy throbs in response to his behaviour.

“Honestly Doyoung, do you even know what you’re doing to me when you’re this obedient? I want to fuck you so hard you wouldn’t be able to fucking walk,” you growl kissing his shoulder as your hand lazily pumps his cock.

When his body starts to tense once again, you let go of his dick, letting it rest against his abdomen as you proceed with placing open-mouthed kisses everywhere you can reach. Doyoung’s panting heavily as his cock continues to bob from time to time, but you pretend not to notice.

“You’re good for me, love. Stand up,” you say already licking your lips.

Careful not to slip Doyoung does as told and turns around to face you. His breath hitches audibly when you press your cheek against his hard length with a smirk playing on your lips. He moans hoarsely when you lick the sensitive skin before taking him into your mouth. You look up at him doing so only to find him gaping at you already with utter awe and adoration written across his face.

“Please,” he begs desperately, and you simply nod as your mouth’s currently full of his cock.

He cries out your name while spending down your throat, and you continue to suck him off until he pleads for you to stop. Doyoung slowly sits back between your legs, body still trembling slightly as you hug him tightly from behind.

“Mine,” you softly whisper, and he nods only with a goofy grin on his face.


Copyright © 2020-2022 by byzantiumshades. All rights reserved.

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Pairing: Seo Youngho/Johnny (NCT) x fem!readerGenre: Fluff/SmutContains: Dry humping, hair pulling,

Pairing: Seo Youngho/Johnny(NCT) x fem!reader


Contains:Dry humping, hair pulling, dirty talk, coming in pants/underwear

Word count: 1824


“Can you imagine? She says I deliberately seduced her!” Johnny fumes shifting on the chair in irritation.

“It’s not that difficult to seduce someone, you know. Sometimes it sort of just happens,” you muse swiftly untangling ribbons from his thick locks.

It’s truly a shame that you have to remove those brightly coloured strips from his hair as they create a strikingly beautiful contrast with his dark strands. In the same time you’re almost thankful he asked for your help – you don’t even want to imagine how he could possibly cope with it by himself. You’re sure that with his non-existent patience he’d end up half-bald by the end.

“Does it?” he huffs rolling his eyes as if done with you but in the same time pushes his head into your hands.

For Johnny there is nothing better than your fingers entangled in his hair, no matter the reason. Although he absolutely adores the way you gently play with his locks, sometimes he lets his mind wander and ponders over how it’d feel like if you pulled on them instead. He likes to imagine it, even though he’s too ashamed of those thoughts to voice them in your presence.

“Yeah, it does. You seriously can do it coincidentally.”

“That sounds like something you could do. Accidentally seduce someone,” Johnny snickers clearly amused by the very idea.

“Excuse me, you little shit,” you huff tugging on his hair in irritation.

He bites his lip hard and shifts on the chair uncomfortably as pleasure mixed with pain echoes in his mind. He can’t let it show how that one simple gesture affected him.

“Damn sorry, love, I got carried away,” you sigh apologetically stroking his head.

Johnny wants to tell you that you don’t need to apologize or be worried because he likes that. Instead, he quickly gets a grip on himself and shakes his head with a chuckle.

“No worries. You know what I changed my mind, I just can’t imagine you seducing someone when you apologize for pulling on my hair like that. That’s a ridiculous idea, really,” he shrugs with an amused expression.

“You think so?” you ask tilting your head in a wonder.

His amusement dies as you settle on his lap with a sweet smile on your face. His hands vaguely move to rest on your hips before he stops himself and lets them drop by his sides. Licking his lips nervously Johnny straightens just a little and clears his throat.

“Yes,” he chokes out in a weirdly strained voice.

You can feel the excitement coil in your belly as you observe him. The way he acts when he’s unsure of himself or self-conscious in general always makes your heart-beat speed up a little. It’s adorable how hard he tries to appear confident when you know all too well how far away he’s from that state of mind. In fact, you’re slightly surprised when you notice how stressed he seems to be right now by the unexpected turn of events. It makes you want to tease him some more.

“And why is that?” you ask then gently tucking a stray lock behind his ear.

You let your hand linger there for a brief moment before tenderly caressing his cheek with the tips of your fingers. Johnny’s breath hitches at that and his stare immediately drops to your lips. The idea pops in your mind out of nowhere but for some reason it feels right. It’s not like you never thought about it before anyway.

“I–I don’t…” he manages to stutter out before his words are cut short by your lips gently covering his.

The kiss was supposed to be brief and delicate, but then he’s kissing you back with all his might, and before you know it your tongue explores his pliant mouth. You put his hands on your waist, and he brings you closer until your chest is pressed flush against his. After some time, you move away and rest your forehead against his trying to catch your breath. His eyes are closed as he breathes deeply in and out as if trying to calm himself down.

“I love it when you prove me wrong,” he finally says hoarsely as his shaking hands caress your sides carefully.

Johnny’s smiling but for some reason he sounds miserable. You move away altogether straightening slowly and try to get a grip on yourself. Maybe you shouldn’t have kissed him – tasting his soft lips once makes you want to do that again. And maybe, just maybe, you want to taste more than just his lips.

“Did you want me to seduce you?” you ask in a wonder cupping his cheek.

He opens his eyes and this time it’s your breath that hitches: he looks like the most beautiful mess of a man you have ever seen. Brown irises almost swallowed by dilated pupils, cheeks and ears reddened, lips slightly swollen already. You’re so fucked and you know it.

“There is quite a lot of things that I’d like you to do to me,” Johnny answers in a playful tone, but his dark eyes are boring into yours in a way that isn’t playful at all.

“Is that so?” you hum lowly with a smirk.

When you roll your hips against his unexpectedly, the groan he lets out sounds like it was ripped from his throat. Still smirking you lace your fingers with his thick locks – you only managed to undo half of the ribbons before the situation escalated. Strangely, it makes him even more pleasant to look at: half of his hair neatly braided and the other one untamed, wild curls sticking in every direction. When you tug on them, it’s out of a pure curiosity, but then Johnny moans your name in a way that makes you shiver in pleasure. You want to hear it again, so you repeat the movement, and he doesn’t disappoint – this time he says it louder but just as breathlessly as before.

“You like it when I pull on your hair, love?” you ask moving closer to kiss the tip of his nose – just in time to feel the twitch of his cock underneath you.

Now that you’ve scooted closer you can feel his whole length pressed firmly against your inner thigh, and it turns you on even more. The last time you’ve seen him completely naked was when you two were still kids, so it’s a new territory for you. Thankfully, you’re one curious woman that likes to explore the unknown.

“Oh, and what do we have here?” you muse rolling your hips slowly against his, and he groans softly.

He bites his lip and looks at you from under his long eyelashes – a classic move from him but one you could never resist. His stare is dark and heavy, full of promises that make your core clench in anticipation.

“I don’t know, you tell me,” he answers in a low voice and turns his face slightly to the side to press his lips to your wrist.

You chuckle truly amused this time, but Johnny just stares at you wordlessly with those dark eyes. Those damned beautiful eyes that never fail to sweep you off your feet.

“I have a feeling that it’s something I’d like a lot, love,” you say a little out of breath.

Something is changing between you two at this very moment: the playfulness is gone. It got replaced by a heavy yet comfortable silence that makes your chest ache for some reason.

“I like that,” he hums closing his eyes with a content smile.

“What exactly?” you ask slowly threading your fingers through his hair, this time in a gentle manner.

He opens his eyes, and you just look at each other for a while in that soothing silence until he finally breaks eyes contact, smiles softly and hides his face in your shoulder with a sigh. You’re now the closest you’ve ever been with him: his arms circling your waist loosely, face hidden in your shoulder, your crotch pressed flush against his and the same goes for your chests. You’re going crazy but from the way he’s breathing heavily, arms trembling ever so slightly, you know you’re not the only one affected.

“I like it when you call me “love”,” Johnny murmurs quietly into your shoulder embracing you even tighter than before.

“Good to know, love,” you hum in the answer kissing his neck until his sweet whimpers and sighs are all you can hear.

“Honestly, you just sound too good for your own good.”

Johnny laughs softly at that, but then you rub your crotch against his, and he just chokes out your name urgently digging his fingers into your skin. His hands move down to your hips to support your weigh as you’re now steadily moving atop of him, applying all sorts of pleasure on his hard cock still trapped under the clothes. You change the angles from time to time trying to find the one that’d make him lose it while the friction works just right for you: your clit is throbbing deliciously from the constant stimulation.

“Fuck, I’m close already,” he groans throwing his head back and in the same time giving you unlimited access to the long column of his thick neck and collarbones.

Your fingers curl around his neck as if they have their own will while your lips slowly but surely move alongside his jaw and blushed cheek.

“No pressure, love, cum whenever you feel like it,” you whisper into his ear and bite it playfully.

His deep surprised moan combined with strong buck of his hips makes you come unexpectedly. Your thighs tremble as you rub your crotch against his hard erection enjoying the painful sparks of overstimulation resonating from your sensitive clit. Just as he said it doesn’t take long for him either – Johnny cries out your name before reaching his high, body trembling just as yours was mere minutes ago. His body slumps against yours as he tries to catch his breath.

“So about that seduction,” you say in a mischievous tone after a while of stroking the back of his head soothingly.

He straightens up with a wide grin that makes him look youthful, innocent even. Definitely not the vibe of a person who just came in their pants from dry-humping with their friend for the past hour.

“In my case you succeeded undoubtedly,” Johnny starts with a smirk playing with the stray strand of your hair.

“But?” you ask rolling your eyes knowing already where this is going.

“But you didn’t plan it, so it was, in fact accidental.”

You look at him for a few seconds wordlessly before pulling on his hair quite hard. Using the fact that his lips parted to let out a moan, you kiss him with all your might.

“It sort of happened,” you pant out between the kisses.

Just as you said.

Copyright © 2020-2022 by byzantiumshades. All rights reserved.

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